Year 1 Homework 21.6.24


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day. It was great to see lots of certificates today, keep it up.


Keep talking about the time, go on this clock can you make different o’clock times? Where should the minitue hand be? Where should the hour hand be?


Please can you have a go at writing your name in pre-cursive.

Once you log in, you can click on free play to explore at home or Year 1.

To find the letters, click on easy letters, then click on the letter in your name, at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the play button to see how you write the letter, then click on try and the bottom of the screen under the play button so you can practice each letter.

Don’t forget to practise with pencils in your purple books.

Optional Challenges!

It is wonderful that the children are so excited about their learning and to see how keen they are to continue this outside of school. We welcome any opportunity to share these learning experiences with you at home, which is why we have created ‘optional challenges’ across each year group which can be explored over this Summer 2 half term.

These challenges link to the wider area of our curriculum, there are some activities to help with retrival and some with topics that are coming up.

Below you will find the optional challenges linking to the topics and areas of learning that we will be exploring this half term. These fun challenges are designed to cover a range of skills without being stressful or time consuming for you at home. You are welcome to complete them in any order you wish and it would be lovely to see pictures or examples of things that the children have enjoyed at home.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

This week...

What a fabulous week! We were all up bright and early for the Gym Jam Jog on Monday and then it was Sports Day on Tuesday afternoon. The children were so very tired by Wednesday. i believe one of our friends fell asleep in the barbers chair!!

Here are the photos of each event. Such a happy day!

Gym Jam Jog

Sports Day!

Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. It has been such a busy week, as we started it by taking part in our Gym Jam Jog. We walked round and round the school field, in our pyjamas to raise money for two charities in memory of a former pupil, Harrison. It was lovely to see so many of you there.

On Tuesday we had our Sports Day with Reception. We have been practising very hard, and I am sure you will all agree that we were absolutely fantastic. We are all so proud of how well all the children did. Thank you for coming, it was a wonderful afternoon. I hope you all liked the t-shirts the children have decorated. Just a reminder that they need to be ironed for a couple of minutes, to set the colours, otherwise the picture will disappear in the wash.

We were very excited when our tiny baby caterpillars arrived. They have been feeding all week and are not so little now. We keep looking but they haven’t turned into butterflies yet! We really cannot wait.

We have continued to explore symmetry this week, some of us have painted symmetrical pictures on the easel and some of us have been playing this tricky game on the interactive white board. Click here to play.

We are learning all about minibeasts and their life cycles and this made us think about when we were babies. We had a tricky game where we had to guess the nursery lady from their baby photo.

We wondered if we could recognise our friends from their baby photos. Please send in a photo, so we can see if we can do this. It can be an email or a paper copy, we don’t mind, whichever is easier for you.

Have a lovely weekend


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone 

What a fantastic week, we have been so busy on the physical side of our learning with our Gym Jam Jog and Sports Day.

Thank you so much for all of your support and for the donations on both days, it was really appreciated and was lovely to see you all. On Monday, it was wonderful to see the children having a fantastic time running and walking around the field with their friends and family. Best of all we were raising money for a good cause. I bet we had some very tired children that night.

Sports Day was just brilliant, the children had been working so hard getting ready for the big day. They all were amazing and we are so proud of all of them. A big well done to everybody.

The children have been enjoying singing and acting out '5 Little Speckled Frogs' as a group. We also have a book called Frog On The Log, and the children have been acting it out with puppets. It has been lovely to listen to the children re-enact the story in their own way.

Click here is the song to sing at home.

…and here is the story of Frog On a Log. Click here.

Continuing with our learning thread on mini beasts, we have been looking at ladybirds spots. I set the children a tricky challenge; the children had to cut a ladybird picture out (working on our fine motor skills), but the ladybirds didn't have any spots. Everyone had to put 10 spots on their ladybird and they had to be symmetrical. Everyone did really well solving the problem and also showing how their cutting skills had improved.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy Lytham Club Day if you are going.


As you can see we have been extremely busy! We even managed to squeeze in some more learning!!

We are still exploring insects and arachnids (minibeasts) and have learnt that insects have 6 legs and arachnids have 8 legs. We read the story ‘Mad about Minibeasts’ and played a quiz where we had to identify images of minibeasts. Everyone was very good at this.

The children asked for both to be put on the blog, so here they are.

What Am I? Click here.

Mad about Minibeasts. Click here.

I believe this weekend the weather is going to be splendid; make the most of it!

Enjoy your time being together.

God Bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Faith is trusting in God even when you don't understand his plan'

Faith was the main them of our liturgies this week. We read Mark’s gospel of the calming of the storm, and reflected how it was faith and the knowledge of our Lord that saved them. We discussed at length about all the times that we have been scared or worried, and how we had overcome them. The children mentioned many times that it was their family, friends or teachers that helped them overcome or face their fears, which of course is God working within each of us, giving ourslves or others the strength to face these hard times. We thought about our futures fears or worries and how we could use this faith to navigate us through those hard times. We then looked at the poem, ‘footprints in the sand’, and how during these hard times it is God who carries us through them.


Another fantastic week was had in Year 6, the weather has been much improved and we have been making the most of it! The children are working so hard both in the hall, in the classroom and around the school. We couldn’t be prouder of their independence and maturity. The play is coming together beautifully, children have come much more prepared for each scene, as they have clearly been practicing their words and songs! We can’t wait for you to see it.

This week during our Health and Happiness week, it has been all about the importance of keeping our bodies and minds healthy. In science, we have been looking at blood circulation. Sport’s days have continued this week! Groups of children have helped out at each afternoon, and they have been hugely appreciated by all members of staff. When we have watched them, they have spoke and encoruaged all of the younger children and given them such confidence to perfrom their best. What wonderful role models you are being Year 6, thank you- this is when we see this term of ‘service’ really come to life.

Earlier this week we had our annual Gym-Jam Jog Extravaganza and wow what a turn out! It was wonderful to see so many people coming together, having fun and jogging (of course) to help us raise money for a cause that really is so close to our hearts! We had so many parents joining in too, which made it all the more special! Thank you to all of those that joined us …

Delving deeper through talk …

Is there anything that you are worried or fear in the future? What or who do you need to have faith in to help give you strength or overcome this fear?

Well done to Millie and Jay

Thank you Millie- we can always rely upon you to be focused on your learning and for your work to always reflect just what you are capable of. Your work is always handed in to the highest standard and always with a lovely creative flair! Your books are a joy to mark!

Jay, what a ray of sunshine you are! You are working so hard and showing just how you have grown as a learner during this half term. You are using all the skills you have learnt throughout the year and applying it to your work, showing just what an independent learner you have become! Reception have also said how helpful and lovely you are with the children on your job day and what a joy you are to have around- so thank you for being such a role model!

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Max

Role Model of the week … Daisy

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Nicola for always being generous with her own gifts to help others.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Leon Jay Matilda Nicola


St Bede’s induction day is now on Wednesday 3rd July. You will have received the letter about this earlier this week.


Information Evening for new Year 6 parents - 6th July - times to be confirmed but likely to start around 5:30pm and parents will be invited in for a particular time to meet their child's new form tutor.

Moving Up Day is now on Thursday 6th July - times to be confirmed but likely to ask pupils to arrive at LSA around 8:20am. 

Important Notices:

  • Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July- Play performances- tickets to be released soon.

  • 19th July- leaver’s mass and day out- information given out soon.

  • 20th July- break up at 2pm

Year 5 Weekly Blog 21.06.24- ' Everything is better in pyjamas'

What an action packed week it has been! No better way to start the week than in our PJ’s for our annual Jim Jam Jog. Luckily, we were all good in terms of weather and both children and parents came into school in such good spirits. We raised so much money for a charity very close to the Our Lady’s and it was brilliant to have our firefighters with us on the field- joining in with our morning run.

This week also celebrated our much anticipated ‘Italian Day’. All of these preparation over the past few weeks in DT has led to the children cooking their spaghetti bolognese. A task that I had absolutely no impact on- all of the hard work came from Mrs Mather, Miss Neves and the children. However, myself and Mrs Gregan got to taste test their creations and there were truly delicious- very impressive I must say.

In English, we have finished our plan for our newspaper articles and have began to write up our final edition of the newspaper. The children have loved playing the role of a journalist in choosing their own professional title, choosing which newspaper to work for and creating some puntastically creative headlines.

In Maths, we have delved deeper into our fractions topic and looked at the connection between improper fractions and mixed number fractions and how we convert between the two.

Lots of Geography this week as we have looked into Britain’s natural resources and how we use these. This has been a great insight into how these resources affect our environment and how we as the eco class can positively impact this.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Cora for being an enthusiastic learner: It may be the last half term of the year, but you are still just as eager to learn than you were back in September. You have thrown yourself straight into our new fractions topic along with putting in the extra effort so early on into our play practice. You have also represented our school excellently in sports competition- playing with such enthusiasm and respect.

  • Rose and Pippa for being creative learners: Your creativity in our writing lessons always blow me away. All of those reading hours have been paying off. Creating catchy headlines, using puns, was a match made in heaven task for you two. I can’t wait to read the rest of your articles.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are grateful and generous. This weeks butterfly goes to Elsie and Michael. Elsie, you are always so generous towards the adults in our school. You are always offering to assist any member of staff in a task and you never mind doing a job when asked. Michael, you are so generous towards the other children in our class and are there to always offer a hand when someone needs cheering up.

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Luke and Sophia

  • Role Model of the Week- Roseanna and Bella


  • Assessment Week- This week, the children will be completing their end of year assessments. Due to the children being so close to Year 6, the children will be completing 6 SAT style papers but tapered to the Year 5 curriculum. I have emphasised that this is more of a celebration of what the children have learned over the year and these scores do not contribute towards any outcome- so there is no need worry. One of these papers will be a spelling test so there will be no spelling homework this week.

  • Wednesday 10th July Music Concert- This will take place at 2pm of this day to celebrate what the children have learned this year in music.

  • Thursday 11th July- We will be spending the day at St Bedes, along with many other schools in our area for a ‘PE Day’. Children are to come into school in their PE kits so there will be no need for watches and earrings. Plenty of water will be needed.

Year 5/6 Dynamo Cricket Tournament

First of all, apologies for the late notice. We were given the wrong date initially and have only just been made aware of the actual date.

The tournament will take place this Tuesday 18th June at Lytham Cricket Club- starting at 1pm-5pm.

Due to late notice, we will offer transport to the cricket club but we can not offer transport back to school after the event. So if this option is chosen, we will take your child to the cricket club and then parents would take the children home from the cricket club, after the event has finished. You can pick your child up from school at 12:30pm and take them to the cricket club if you would prefer.

Lunches will be as normal, the children will have their lunch in school slightly earlier. Unfortunately, only 10 children could be taken to the event.

The children chosen to take part are:

Stanley, Evan, Owen, Leo, Edi, Archie, Ben B, Cora, Bella, Sophia

Please complete the form below so we know how each child is getting picked up from school.

If your child can not take part in the event then please let me know ASAP

Year 1 Homework 14.6.24

First of all thank you for all the phonics work you have done at home, it has been a very busy week and I am so proud of everyone, they have made made so much progress.

My homework this weekend is to enjoy it together and catch up on some reading. The children will be back to their normal RWI groups on Monday, so books have gone home.


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 14.06.24- 'Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must. Just never give up'

What a way to kick off our final half term of the year than with Sports Day! I’m sure it is not just my favourite day of the school calendar but it will be many of the children also. Luckily, the weather held out for us and even the sunshine was present during the later stages of the afternoon. We could not fault the children’s effort levels and also their attempts to cheer on their houses. Feeling very tired and sore the next day, they were not thrilled to find out that we were running in their PE lesson on Thursday. However, the children got to experience yoga to also celebrate health and happiness week. This relaxation session, along with some vital stretching , I’m sure contributed towards their recovery

In English, we have began planning our newspaper article and keeping with the sports day theme, along with it being the Olympics year, our article will be around the events of ‘Super Saturday London 2012’. The children have read and responded to a celebratory article about this day, to help collect some background knowledge on the events of this day.

In Maths, we have began our final topic of the year- and it’s a big one in fractions. We began by creating a keywords glossary, in which the children can refer to over the next 5 weeks. We then have used pictorial diagrams to compare fractions and using our knowledge of denominators to add and subtract fractions.

Conversation starters…

In Geography, we have been looking at natural resources and some of Britain’s most valuable resources such as coal, petrol, natural gas and oil.

1) Research the current price for petrol in 2024

2) Discuss with your parents how this price has changed over the years

Let’s Celebrate

  • Arthur for being a determined learner: After two last minute pull outs- you were required to step up and swim far more than you were expected. You kept going all of the way and never stopped in the swimming gala (even with your goggles breaking). You showed such a positive attitude through out the whole morning and you cheered your teammates on throughout their races.

  • Faye for being a focused learner: I have notcied a real improvement in your focus with week Faye. You are becoming less tempted to turn around and chat to your friends- knowing when it is/isn’t the right time to do so. Thank you for taking on this advice and for reflecting over half term. This has given you more confidence in lessons in understanding the work and your hand is shooting up ready to answer questions.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are grateful and generous. This weeks butterfly goes to Esther. You are so grateful for your learning and any opportunity that comes your way.

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Niamh

  • Role Model of the Week- Isaac


  • Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- This will start at 8am on the school field. Children to be in their pj’s for the run (parents feel free to also wear your pj’s). The money that you have been raising, can that be brought in as well.

  • Thursday 20th June Year 5 Italian Day- This will be the day that the children are cooking their Spaghetti Bolognese in food technology. All ingredients needed for this will need to be brought in.

  • Tuesday 25th June- The Year 5/6 Dynamo Cricket Tournament will take place at Lytham Cricket Club starting at 1pm-5pm. Please check the sports blog in the upcoming days to see if your child has been chosen to take part.

Year 3 Weekly Blog 14th June - "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James

Our class worship was led by Alana, Louisa and Lucia, they read “A miracle at the temple gate’ Acts 3,4 and we enjoyed singing Shine Jesus Shine. Our word of the week has been Growth, we read about how a tiny mustard seed grows into a huge tree and how this showed us the importance of something so small. We compared it to small acts of kidness that make peoples day, small jobs that add up to something much bigger and small words that often show love and kindness. Next week we will be planting our own tiny seeds and nurturing them to help them grow into something much bigger which we hope will bring you some joy.

Read more

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 20th June

Compulsory Homework


  1. sacrifice

  2. secretary

  3. shoulder

  4. signature

  5. sincere

  6. sincerely

  7. solider

  8. stomach

  9. sufficient

  10. suggest

  11. symbol

  12. system


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


Final reading target of the year! Let’s go out with a bang and reach our target to top off an excellent year of reading. The children will receive their new ZPD codes on Monday to help them pick books when in the library.

This week...

Welcome back to our final half term of the year!

Everyone was eager to get back to nursery and to see their friends and to see what we will be learning this half term.

Click on the button below to find out!

This half term is always very busy so keep a look out for texts and remember to read the blog weekly. We would not like you to miss anything.

Our learning thread ‘all about mini beasts’ kicked off this week by everyone sharing what they already knew. We then watched this short video which asked ‘What is a mini beast?’ Click here to watch at home. Maybe you could go on a mini beast hunt in your garden or at the park?


This week we have discussing ‘growth’ and what small things we can be doing in our lives that have the potential to grow and spread; what can we do more of in nursery?

In the Gospel Jesus tells us the parable of the seed that grows and the parable of the mustard seeb. The readings focus on faith, growth andhumility. The messages show God’s power to nurture and transform lives, encouraging us to trust and follow him.

Number 10

Click here to watch

This episode introduces a big idea that is fundamental to understanding our base 10 system. Ten is both ten ones and also one ten. This introduces the concept of unitising. Ten is both ten ones an done unit of ten. Young children need lots of experience of exchanging ten ones for one ten and recognising their equivalence( they have the same value). Notice the gridlines marking ten sometimes disappear, to mark the fact that she is one ten and plays a special role in other numbers that follow, e.g. 11 is one ten and one more. Wow, who knew we were learning all that!

Sports Day

Mr Cornwell has been busy planning this year’s Sports Days. This morning, for the first time in a long time, we have had a track painted on the school field. Practise is well and truly underway! Please make a note of this year’s Sports Day time and date.

Our hymn of the week is ‘This little light of mine’. Click here to sing and watch at home.

Tuesday 18th June at 1.30pm - Nursery & Reception Sports Day

As with the good old British weather, we cannot rely too much on forecasts. It is looking dry and bright this week; hopefully we will be able to get this week’s event completed. The children are always the priority and we want to ensure that they enjoy the events. If there has been rain or it is forecast, we will look at how safe the ground is for them to compete. If we need to postpone the event because of the weather, we will do so at 11am. This will give all parents the chance to rearrange work or to make plans. It has been deliberate to put the events in quickly when we have returned, just incase there was any rearranged ones needing to take place.

Just a reminder that we are collecting for The Manchester Children’s Hospital in honour of our Dominic. Please bring change with you for our collection buckets!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, and welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful two weeks off.

The children have got right back into their learning and have been having lots of fun with their friends. 

We have been very busy practicing our sporting activities in preparation for sports day; throwing bean bags in the hoop, relay races and much more. The children have worked so hard with listening and understanding the rules of each of the games. It’s going to be very exciting for the children on the day.

We have started a new topic this term; we will be learning about mini beasts. The children are very excited as they already love looking for different mini beasts in the garden. We have started to look at the life cycle of butterflies and frogs. On Wednesday our baby caterpillars arrived. We have to nurture and look after them so they grow in to butterflies. We are so excited to see this happen. I'll keep you all posted. 

Keeping with this thread of learning, we have been looking at how butterflies have symmetrical wings in terms of colour, shapes and patterns. I drew a large butterfly and the children had to work out if my butterfly was symmetrical on both side of the wings. We used pom poms and coloured shaped gems and the children found it a bit tricky as my butterfly wasn't quite right, but working as a team we worked it out.

We also met number 10 this week. The children were over joyed as they have been looking forward to meeting this number. 

We worked out as a group how many 1's were in 10, and that we had 10 fingers and toes. 

Here is a ladybird counting, matching and ordering game. Have fun. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday. I wonder how big our caterpillars will have grown?


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

What a busy first week back we have had! I hope you all had a nice rest over half term as we are going to be busier than ever for the last half term of the school year.

We were very lucky this week to have had a visit from a lovely fluffy puppy, as one of our friends brought in their puppy to show us. We had lots of questions, like what does she eat, why do dogs chase cats and why does she have paws and not hands. We were so excited that we got to give her a stroke. She was so good, I think she really liked it at nursery. We hope she can come back and see us again.

We did have a challenge this week that our Year 6 friends had to help us with. Barbara brought back a kite from her travels and we tried really hard to get it to fly. Turns out it is really tricky to fly a kite but we did get it off the ground a little bit. We hope to keep practising until we are experts.

We also met Numberblock number 10 this week and have been trying to think of lots of different ways to make 10. Watch here.

We have really grown our brains as we work out how many ones are in bigger and bigger numbers, we even got to one billion!

We have started a new topic this half term – we will be learning all about mini beasts and have started by discussing what we know already about different minibeasts. We loved the butterflies and loved the fact that the wings are the same pattern on each side. We painted our own butterflies, making sure they were symmetrical. We then explored symmetry further with the loose parts in the garden.

We have also found time to practise for sports day which is next week, hope to see you all there.

Have a lovely weekend


Jim Jam Jog

Don’t forget to join us for the Jim Jam Jog on Monday at 8.00am! Every Summer, 240 children, staff and parents come dressed in their pjs ready to run as many times around the school field as possible. The funds raised always go towards the development of the school; this year that is our outside area and break time equipment.

In addition, this year we wanted to help another cause. It is very important that our children are aware of their community and causes that are close to them and us. There have been a number of significant events that have really made us stop this year and reflect. We hope that this summer, we can raise money for them both.

On 15th September 2023, we lost a very dear former pupil of ours, Harrison Bretheron. In a couple of week’s time, the family and friends of Harrison will be running his 22nd mile. Harrison never made it to 22 years of age; this is their tribute to him. All money raised from the run will be donated between Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and The Firefighter’s Charity; both of which have supported many of our current and former families. So far, they have raised over £15,000 - it is remarkable. We want to do our bit as well. Please support this event as much as you can - get your pjs ready!

We will be hosting a second charity towards the end of the year which our Year 5 children will tell us all about in a few week’s time.

Finally, have a fabulous weekend and I will see you all bright and early on Monday morning.

God Bless
