Samlesbury Hall Visit

This half term in History we are learning all about the Tudors and even writing our own biographies of Henry VIII! To aid this learning, we have arranged to take the children for a visit to the historic stately home ‘Samlesbury Hall’ on Wednesday 2nd October where we will spend the day there and be took on a tour around the grounds. We have added the cost of this trip to parentpay, the cost of the visit in total is £18.50. We will be leaving school at 9:30am so children need to arrive at usual time and will arrive back in time for normal collection. Full school uniform need to be worn please, and there may be an opportunity to have a play in the park if it stays dry, so please make sure they bring a coat.

As the trip is only next week Jacqui needs to know those who need a school packed lunch ASAP. Please fill out the form below whether you do or do not wish for a school packed lunch.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 20.09.24- ' A calm mind brings inner strength and self confidence to succeed in life’

Another week has flown by in Year 5 with plenty of hard work, interesting discussions and learning adventures taking place. It was lovely for you parents to come in and see what your child’s new learning environment is like and I hope you found the evening informative and enjoyable. Here are the slides from the induction evening.

In English, we have began reading the first two chapters of ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ and discussed some of the characteristics of the characters. We have worked really hard on expanding our vocabulary to add more description to our creative writing.

In Maths, we have now gone above and beyond one million! the children have had a really good understanding of 6 and 7 digit numbers by ordering and comparing these types of numbers, along with some addition and subtraction calculations.

In Science, the focus was all things ‘solubility’ with us looking in detail the properties of a soluble material with some named examples. We then put this to the test by playing the very popular ‘Sugar or Salt’ game.


In this weeks lesson, we looked at how to stay safe on the internet and what we should/shouldn’t do. We discussed what to look out for when we sense something yukky has appeared online and how we can check if our sites are safe. Can you remember the two signs to look for in a search bar?

Conversation starters

On Monday, we have continued with ‘My Happy Mind’, with the focus being on how we can calm our amyglada down when we are in a state of fear/shock. Lots of scenarios that we discussed were situations that carried lots of fear but resulted in low level danger. We used a technique called ‘Happy Breathing’ to help calm ourselves down whenever we are in a state of fight, flight or freeze.

This week’s question, “What other techniques do you use to calm your emotions?”

Subject question of the week- In History, we looked at the rise of Athens in Ancient Greece with the creation of democracy being a key factor.

How democratic are we as a country? Could we be better at this?

Let’s Celebrate

Logan for being enthusiastic: I love your attitude towards learning Logan. The same heart and passion you show out on the football pitch is matched when you’re in the classroom. Your hand is always up as you want to contribute to the lesson and your super focused has allowed you to get through all of your independent tasks- Keep this up!

Poppy for being focused: The first week of a new year can be hard as you find your feet and get to grips with the new work. This week, your teachers have seen a big shift in your focus, especially during your independent tasks. With this attitude, you will only grow stronger Poppy.

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to Rose. You have really stood out this week both in and outside the classroom. The way you have been helping the younger children during break and lunch times, looking after them on the playground with the scooters and also helping them with their lunch in the dinner hall. You really are a role model to our younger children.

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Matilda

Marvelous Manners- Sean


  • Asthma Forms-If your child has asthma, you would have received a separate medical form to complete. Please complete this and bring it back into school

  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • House Badges- All of the children have been given a coloured badge to represent their house. I hope the children enjoy wearing these with pride throughout school. Please take good care of these and make sure it is still attached to any jumpers or hoodies if these are taken off.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

This week...

Another fabulous week. As I watch the children I see them forming lovely friendships. There are lots of giggles and exciting things to learn! We have been blessed with sunshine this week and as such we have spent a lot of time outside in the garden…it has been wonderful!

We have continued our exploration of the brain and Gods Wonderful world…more about that in a moment.

I would like to remind everyone that nursery are having our parent meetings a bit earlier than school. I am sure you are keen to come along and have a chat, to hear how they are getting on. Each collection time we will ensure the forms are available for you to book a time with your childs key person. I will also be available if you need to have a chat!

The dates are: Tuesday 24th September 3.45-4.45 pm and Tuesday 1st October September 3.45-4.45 pm. These sessions are for you to come long and have a quick catch up, therefore, we kindly ask that you do not bring your child along unless absolutely necessary. Thank you.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

I have been so pleased with how well all the children have continued to settle in.

It is so nice to see them coming in with big smiley faces, ready to start their day of learning and exploring.

We continue our theme of getting to know everyone and learning all about me. We have continued finding out about our families by exploring the idea of being in a bigger family, such as nursery, school, and God's family.

We have had a go at drawing this week as we drew ourselves and attempted to write our names. Activities that help with developing a good pencil grip can be found here.

I will be sending home a little activity to practice and develop a good pincer grip. Look out for it in your child's book bag.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone, 

 We have had a fantastic week of learning.

 We have continued learning about the colour monster and our feelings. The children have been so busy making their own colour monster out of kitchen roll and googlie eyes. We talked about how they were feeling at that precise moment; they matched their feeling to the appropriate colour then painted their colour monster to represent their emotion. We had some I can't wait for you to see them when you come for your.parent meeting

My key group have also been drawing colour monsters in our floor book. We have some wonderful artists. I am looking forward to showing you the floor book too. 

The children are enjoying dough disco. They are all really focused, listening and following the instructions. Here is another new song to have a go at home. Click here. The more the children ‘have a go’, the stronger their hands, fingers and wrist muscles will be ready for writing and it’s great fun…for everyone!

We have been looking at similarities and differences and asking the children what is different about each other and what is the same, which was a bit tricky. Here is a spot the difference game to do at home, enjoy. This will start to improve their observational skills! Enjoy! Click here.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and I can't for more fun next week.


My Happy Mind

This week saw the introduction of a new character and also two weekly Happiness Heroes! Firstly let me introduce Team H A P. H A P reminds us how our brain works together

H is for Hippocampus (it helps us store memories)

A is for Amygdala (responsible for our emotions)

P is for Prefrontal cortex (regulates our thoughts)

Team H A P works the best when it works together. That’s why Team H A P has three heads. This week we have been drawing Bertie, Betty and Team H A P. Take a look.

Question of the week is: What is your biggest dream? Mmmm let me think?


This weeks Gospel talked about serving each other and that is exactly what we have been trying to do all week. I must admit it is very tricky, but we have done very well. Everyone has been thinking of others before themselves and thinking about the needs of our friends, I am beyond proud! We will be continuing this next week and FOREVER!

We continue to be grateful for our Wonderful World and we have discussed how we should all do our bit should take care of it…by

Reducing the amount of waste we create.

Reusing items more than once.

Recycling a product to a new use instead of throwing it away.

Rethinking how our actions affect Gods Wonderful World

Click here to listen to Wonderful Earth by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen.

Fundamental Movement Skills

Physical literacy is when children have developed the skills, confidence, and love of movement to be physically active for life. You may often often hear talk of “fundamental movement skills.” But what exactly are they? And what are the fundamental movement skills that children need to develop to become physically literate?    

Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are the basic movements traditionally associated with human physical activity. The most common FMS include skills such as running, jumping, throwing, catching, skipping, and hopping. 

Here are a few tips to help your child:

  • Encourage your child in her running by making frequent trips to parks and other places where there are open spaces. When presented with an open field, most toddlers want to run and explore. Play games that promote running such as chasing a soccer ball or take turns chasing each other.

  • Help your child to develop throwing by playing catch with soft foam or fabric balls, or place simple paper targets on the wall for her to throw at. You should use balls that are small enough for your child to easily grasp.

  • Show your child how to form as “basket” with her two arms in front of her stomach. Gently toss the ball into her basket from a close distance of one to two metres. As her confidence grows and her fine motor skills improve, she will eventually start to use her hands more than her arms.

  • Help your child to develop her kicking skills by having soft, lightweight balls available. You can even play one-versus-one soccer at this age. Use your imagination: create goals using patio furniture, trees, shrubs, and other objects. Let her score lots of goals to encourage her, and make sure you cheer and celebrate.

  • Investigate swimming lessons at your local recreation centre by age three or four. Many programs encourage parents to be in the water alongside their child at the early ages.

Finally, we have started our family wall but we are still a few friends mission. If you haven’t managed to send in a picture yet don’t panic next week is fine. Email it to me if your like and I will print it for you.

I am really proud of all our wonderful children they are embracing lots of new experiences and most of are having lots of fun! Have the most splendid weekend and will see everyone on Monday.

Remember to stay safe and God Bless.


Year 5 Homework- Due 26th September

Compulsory Homework


A fantastic week of reading with the class reading over 600,000 just this week, taking our total to just under a million. With many children still needing to quiz- we can definitely hit our target.

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our spellings have changed slightly in that we are aiming to achieve more retrieval across our spellings. The children have been given a spellings practice sheet, which is to be completed as evidence of practice. Each child has also been given two spelling test sheets to practice over the week in order to identify which words require more focus.

  1. one

  2. look

  3. build

  4. earth

  5. circle

  6. witches

  7. foxes

  8. bushes

  9. passes

  10. buzzes

  11. achieve

  12. category

  13. dictionary

  14. excellent

  15. nuisance

    Mrs Barker’s group

    1. play

    2. seek

    3. high

    4. all

    5. look

    6. one

    7. build

    8. earth

    9. circle

    10. witches

Optional Homework

Music- The Blues

Ask your parents if they are interested in any blues songs?

Play with ‘Expressions Test’ with them and see how similar/different your thoughts are with your family (starter activity in lessons)

Listen to some of the biggest/best blues songs to be made– can you choose a favourite and tell me why.

 History- Ancient Greeks

There are so many Ancient Greek Gods/Goddesses. All with amazing abilities and qualities.

Create a set of Top Trumps Cards– Ancient Gods Edition.

Choose your own stats and battle against your friends.

Science- Materials

Pick a material in your house and analyse its properties (ticks and crosses)

 examples of properties:

-Hard or Soft?

-Rough or Smooth?

- Transparent, Translucent or Opaque?



 My Happy Mind

Do your parents know about the different parts of the brain (HAP)? Can you teach them this so they can learn something new?

Happy Breathing is a technique used to calm us down when were stressed or scared. Teach your family how to do this and write down when you have used this technique



Year 6 Weekly Blog 20.09.24 - "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

This week’s liturgy and reflection has been focused around the word ‘servant’. On Wednesday, through the Wednesday Word, we first heard this weeks gospel, Mark 9:30-37, where we hear the disciples arguing over who is the greatest. We then reflected further in our liturgy on Thursday, on Jesus’ response: “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” We reflected on how we can serve others in our roles around school and how we can put others before ourselves.


Collaboration is key - especially in Year 6! This week we have collaborated and shared in every lesson - this has helped us to learn from each other. We have collaborated in our PE playing games of cricket, putting together freeze frames for the prologue of our class novel (see photos below), in our practicing of the assembly and most importantly getting to grips with our new roles around school . Alongside this, we are striving to be attentive and discerning, questioning the world around us and actively making changes where needed. Here is a snapshot of our week…

This whole notion of collaboration will stand us in good stead as we move forward as a class. Earlier this week they each received their positions of responsibility and what a great start to the year they have made! They came back to school on Wednesday ready and raring to go and they have worked together beautifully, what a team they make. It was so wonderful to see how they each celebrated one another! You will see this in full force on Tuesday 24th September 9am for our class assembly. Please make sure they are practicing their lines and song for next week- thank you.

It was lovely to see so many of you there for the Year 6 induction evening on Wednesday. This is such a crucial year for your children and we must work together to ensure each of them reach their full potential and have a real sense of achievement this year. If you would like to refer back to the induction presentation at all, then please feel free to access on the button below:

This week, we have done our second kidsafe lesson. This week it was all about the nature of bullying. We learned the acronym STOP Several Times on Purpose. We thought about how bullying can make us feel and what to do about it. Please read the following letter to find out more information:

My Happy Mind this week’s focus on what we can do to relax our brain and keep it healthy! We looked at many different strategies and discussed how this helps our brain to be healthy. This week our 3 goals were to 1) do happy breathing as we come in from play times 2) drink more water 3) gratitudes. Our Happiness Hero : Elsie has helped to remind us to do all these things this week! I wonder who our Happiness Hero will be next week …

Science with Miss Drummond:

Today we revisited electricity, we discussed that static electricity is produced when electrical insulators rub together. Opposite electrical charges(positive and negative) will attract whilst similar electrical charges (e.g. positive and positive) will repel. We rubbed balloons on our clothes and hair then drew and labelled a scientific diagram to explain our findings: there is an excess negative charge on the balloon and an excess positive charge on our hair. Opposites attract so our hair moves to the balloon. Can you remember what are the features are of a correctly drawn scientific diagram?

Delving deeper through talk …

How are you going to serve others as part of your role and responsibility around school?

My Happy Mind…

What strategy are you going to focus on to keep your brain healthy and mind relaxed?

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Rafe Sophia Rex Millie

Leading Learners

Well done to Luke and Esther this week.

Luke- Focused Cooper Crab- Thank you Luke for being so focused, doing your best and being ready to learn! Your effort with your presentation is a delight to see!

Esther- Enthusiastic Bobby Bee and cooperative Roger Robin- Esther you are always full engaged in every lesson and you approach all tasks, no matter how difficult with a smile and positive attitude!

Attentive and Discerning butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are attentive in the way we look at the world and in others, taking the time to notice the big and the small things each day. We will also be spotting children who are discerning, who choose the right decisions with integrity. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Ruby for being attentive and discerning to help others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Michael

Role Model of the week … Roseanna


·   ·     Please return St Bede’s admissions forms from last week if you have not already.

·         It is our class assembly on Tuesday 24h September.

·         Please encourage children to complete homework on time and handed in on Wednesdays- it is great preparation for High School

Have a lovely weekend with your family.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Carter

Year 6 Home Learning 19.09.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

History- Please could the children watch the following video about the Tudors and see what answers they can find within the video to answer the questions on their sheet in homework books.

Assembly- Please practice your lines for our assembly and the song off by heart!

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! Please complete the following long multiplications in your homework book- setting it out as we have been doing in class.

Spelling - will be practiced throughout the week and the children will be quizzed on the Thursday. There will also be a quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash, once you have spent a good amount of time practicing these spellings throughout the week.


Football and Netball Teams

A massive thank you for all of your hard work and commitment in coming down to the training sessions (very early) to show us that you are passionate about your sports and representing Our Lady’s.

Please see the list below to see which team your child will be playing in. The timetable for fixtures, including dates and location are available on the sports page.

Netball Teams

All of the girls who trained last week will represent the school teams this year. Following the training session on Friday, squads will be decided, but all girls will play in the fixtures.

Beth, Isioma, Layla, Lily, Bella, Daisy, Cora, Rose, Charlotte, Gabriella, Tilly, Millie, Sophia, Poppy, Faye, Matilda, Rose

Full PE kit and appropriate trainers required

Football Teams

A Team Boys Girls Team

Archie Connor Elsie Burrough

Rex Barrow Cora Hughes

Rafe Barker Bella Swann

Liam Fallows Layla Little

Ben Bonixo Millie Kidd

Benjamin Ellis Faye Whelen

Lorenzo Izzo Charlotte Reid

Logan Donegan- Fearn Beth Cassidy

Daisy Uttley

B Team Boys

With there being so many trailists, all whom showed excellent attitude, behaviour and ability, we have created two B teams so that everyone has the chance to represent the school football team. These teams will rotate weekly with B1 playing the first week and then B2 playing the next. There are 6 league fixtures in total so both teams will get 3 fixtures each.

B1 B2

Gus Bonixo William Davies

John-Paul Leyden Tommy Sale

Jacob Barrow Teddy Couch

Toby Cosgrove Sean Donnelly

Hugo McKenzie Hudson Earnshaw

Ciaran McGow Seth Hoddy

Rory Cuffe Louis Senior


There will be three fixtures this half term, and then three in the Spring term. For this half term, the fixtures and venues are as follows:

Tuesday 24th September - Our Lady v St Peters at LSA High School

Netball A & B Squad, Football A Squad and B1

Thursday 26th September - Our Lady v St Peters - Our Lady to host

Girls Football

Tuesday 8th October - Our Lady v AKS at LSA High School

Netball A & B Squad, Football A Squad and B2

Thursday 10th October - Our Lady v AKS - venue to be confirmed

Girls Football

Tuesday 15th October - Our Lady v Hall Park at LSA High School

Netball A & B Squad, Football A Squad and B1

Thursday 26th September - Our Lady v Hall Park - venue to be confirmed

Girls Football

All children playing will need to be collected from school at 3.30pm and taken to the games. For games at LSA, parking will be available at the old sixth form college, you can then walk to the school from there. Football will be played on grass and netball on the hard courts. LSA young leaders will be officiating the event in order to develop them as leaders. We will respect them and support them in their decisions.