This week...

An emotional week for everyone as we journey to the stable. The children have been very reflective as we went on our Advent pilgrimage around school. Each station held a piece of the Christmas story which the children were able to describe beautifully.

We also visited the worship area where we discussed the Nativity scene and the Advent wreath. We now have two candles lit, one for ‘hope’ and one for ‘peace’.

Our visit to Clarence House Care Home

On Wednesday along with Reception we visited Clarence House Rest home to deliver cards and gifts to the residents who were so appreciative and touched by such a kind gesture. We also sang the songs from our Christmas Nativity…there was not a dry eye in the house!!

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

This week we have enjoyed a trip to visit the residents at Clarence House, where we sang our nativity songs. We hope they enjoyed it as much as we did 

Our learning has continued as we have met number block number 3

We discovered that ‘3’ is everywhere. The 3 little pigs, 3 Billy Goats Gruff, 3 bears and even 3 sides in a triangle. We watched a story about the 3 bears here and discussed all the bad choices Goldilocks made. Click here to watch.

We then had a space hopper race, 1,2,3, go!

In the garden we went on a number hunt to look for number 3, we found lots!!

Why don't you have a number hunt this weekend 

Have a lovely weekend 


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

I can't believe we only have one week left at nursery before we break up for Christmas. How time flies when we are having so much fun.

 This week, we have been having a go at writing our new letter sounds, i, n, p, g, o. We used the RWI rhymes to help us to write the sounds, using our duck fingers to hold the pen in the correct way. This helps the children to control the pen when forming the letters, as it’s very tricky. All of the children had a really good go. Well done.

We have also been growing our brains learning about shapes. The children have been recognising that there are shapes everywhere around nursery. The children even made shapes using their hands which is very inventive. Here is a shape game for you to play at home. Have a go at feeding the monster the correct shapes. Click here and have fun! 

Lastly, I just wanted to say how proud we were of the all the children on Wednesday. We went to visit Clarence House care home. The children showed such kindness towards the residents, and really enjoyed talking to them. It was lovely to see. 

Have a wonderful weekend. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday for our last week before we break up.


Shapes, shapes everywhere.

This week we started to explore shapes. We discussed what makes them special. Is is their sides, corners or curves. We watched short song to help us remember….it even sang about a dodecagon. We counted twelve sides!!!! Click here and here to find out more at home. Enjoy finding shapes around the house, the garden and even when you are out and about. They are absolutely everywhere!!

Meet number 3 - 3 is one more than 2 click here

Three arrives with a bang- and a song and dance about her favourite number 1,2,3, Everybody look at me.

One two three does magic tricks with apples to show the others who goes first, who’s biggest and how to surprise your number friends. Click here.

We are learning:

To count to 3

To compare numbers 1, 2 and 3- bigger and smaller

To order numbers 1-3

To know that 3 is made of 2 and 1

To write number 3- make a curve just like me, then one more and you’ve got 3

Bake off Day

A big thank you to everyone who sent in cakes for our bake off day. We really enjoyed sampling them. The school was full to the brim with cake!!


We visited the chapel to see the last part of our Advent pilgrimage to the stable. We found an empty manger. We talked about the feeling inside of all of us as we patiently wait for the arrival of Jesus on Christmas Day.

Next week…

KS1 Christmas Party is on Thursday 19th 9.30-11.30, and everyone is invited to join us. If it is not your child’s usual session you can drop them off at 9.30 and collect them at 11.30…exhausted! Dust of those dancing shoes children it is always a noisy but fun couple of hours.

KS2 is holding their Christmas Carol Service on Monday 16th December at church at 2.00pm and 6.00pm. It is always a beautiful service and well worth attending. It fills your heart with the spirit of Christmas. I hope to see you there.

On Friday 20th December school and nursery will close at 2pm for the Christmas holidays.

Keep a look out for your Christmas Taskmaster activity sheet…for those quiet moments!!!!!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

Stay safe and God Bless


Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 19th December

Essential Homework

  • Reading- 20 to 30 minutes a day at home.

  • Times Tables- 5 minutes per day.

  • Spellings- to complete the sheets in their books and 2 trail spelling tests

  1. Christmas

  2. concert

  3. choir

  4. calendar

  5. heart

  6. occasion

  7. judge

  8. charge

  9. bridge

  10. sponge

  11. especially

  12. leisure

  13. parliament

  14. relevant

  15. suggest

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. wrong

  2. snack

  3. trip

  4. Christmas

  5. concert

  6. choir

  7. calendar

  8. heart

  9. occasion

  10. page

KS2 Christmas Carol Concert

We have now begun our concert practices on the altar at church- ready for the big night on the 16th December!

Please have a practice over the week/weekend, especially on the songs you are less familiar with.


Will be on IXL;

R6- Price lists

V7- Draw angles with a protractor

Year 6 Weekly Blog- 'Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day'

As we move towards the third week of advent, it seems unbelievable that we have nearly completed our first full term together in Year 6. As I reflect on how much the children have grown, learnt and enjoyed every experience in Year 6, it seems only fitting that the third candle of advent represents JOY. It reflects the joy that comes through Jesus’ arrival, and through the salvation he has gifted us and as we continue to approach Christmas Day, our joy grows more and more. We had such a beautful time with our Reception buddies at mass on Thursday, celebrating advent.

Thank you to the following children for such a beautiful liturgy on ‘peace’.

This week we have had a wonderful week of learning and practice for our Chrsitmas concert next week. The children are speaking out beautifully in church and singing their hearts out- we can’t wait for you to see it.

This week we have started to look at biographies in English and pull out its features. We have collected biographical language, looked up any unfamiliar words and looked at the importance of using choronogy. In computing we have been looking at networks and looking at how we use the internet. In Science, we have been looking at the circulatory system and the main components that move the blood around the body. We even worked in groups to create a circuit to show this. Here is just a snapshot of our week…

What a fantastic (extra) art lesson we had with Mrs Mather this week. Our stables are starting to take shape and look truly beautiful, the other classes are going to LOVE their new stables!

Christmas Bake Off…

Wow what an amazing selection of cakes, brownies and cookies! So much effort has gone in to each and every one of them and they look FABULOUS, never mind taste FABULOUS!! Thank you to all the effort you have gone to, to make our ‘Bake Off’ extra special! The judges found it incredibly hard to decide on the winner, look how tasty they all look …

Well done to our ‘Bake off’ winner! A BLUE velvet cake, with delicious Lindt chocolates to top it off- yummy!

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Benjamin

Role Model of the week … Rose

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Pippa Ola Rafe Riley


  • We are out and about a lot next week, walking to church. Please could you make sure children have a warm coat and hat each day to keep warm.

  • We have decided as a school not to send individual Christmas cards to each other, but to instead put this money towards a chairty of your choice. Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.

  • Our Christmas performance is in church on Monday 16th December at 2pm and 6pm. Children will need to be at church for 5:45pm in the evening - in full school uniform please- no PE kits this day.

  • We close for Chrsitmas at 2pm on Friday 20th December

  • Wednesday 18th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non-fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.

Have a lovely weekend with your family.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Carter

Year 3 Weekly Blog Friday 13th December - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This week’s Advent Liturgy was led by Eliza, Michael, Ruth, Barnaby and Wren in the Chapel. We spent time thinking of those who are not as fortunate as ourselves and may find this time of year difficult. We spoke about how we could spread love and kindness in our community. Henry proudly told us how his family have been collecting food and gifts to distribute to those in need. We all agreed that this was an amazing act of generosity and kindness.

Read more

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 11th Decmber


This weeks focus is apostrophes to show contractions.

  1. I’ve

  2. won’t

  3. we’ve

  4. she’ll

  5. haven’t

  6. wouldn’t

  7. shouldn’t

  8. can’t

  9. aren’t

  10. hadn’t

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

It’s less than a week until our Christmas Concert, we’ve been to Church this week to rehearse and the children sound amazing. Any extra practise this week would be wonderful. Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a videos of the songs.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 5 Homework due Thursday 12th December

Essential Homework

  • Reading- 20 to 30 minutes a day at home.

  • Times Tables- 5 minutes per day.

  • Spellings- to complete the sheets in their books and 2 trail spelling tests

  1. advent

  2. altar

  3. sing

  4. extreme

  5. ordinary

  6. strength

  7. camel

  8. hazel

  9. physical

  10. tropical

  11. available

  12. desperate

  13. harass

  14. queue

  15. restaurant

Mrs Barker’s group

  1. pet

  2. attend

  3. bitter

  4. advent

  5. altar

  6. sing

  7. camel

  8. hazel

  9. small

  10. skull

KS2 Christmas Carol Concert

We have now begun our concert practices on the altar at church- ready for the big night on the 16th December!

Please have a practice over the week/weekend, especially on the songs you are less familiar with.


Will be on IXL;

  • R3- Add and subtract money amounts

  • V8- Estimate angle measurements

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'During this Advent season, I will keep alert and awake, listening for you.'

The second candle of advent represents Peace. This week our liturgy was centred around Peace, looking at what Peace looks like, how at times we can face storms in our lives but most importantly we can find peace in our lives, and look to God for our own inner peace. It was a beaitful reflection, where each child had a mission going forward of how they can be peacemakers, and they wrote examples on Angel wings which has been displayed in our class prayer corner. Many thanks to Mrs Webster’s artisitc skills …

Thank you also to our wonderful class members, who delivered a beautiful child-led liturgy on Forgiveness …

This week I feel we have well and truly started our nativity journey. On Tuesday, we were blessed to watch our youngest children perform on stage so beautifully- telling the story through song and movement, reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas. Then on Wednesday, the whole of Key Stage 2 ventured down to church to begin our concert rehearsal. As I sat there listening to the children sing their hearts out and say their lines with such confidence, I could not help but smile. Thank you to those that have practised their songs and words so well! Next week, we will be doing our final practises on Monday and Wednesday, so please can we make sure children know their words by then.

We have also met with our Reception buddies this week, where half the class took their partners around the school for the prayer pilgrimage, following a prayer map. The children went to each station, where they focused on each stations key message during advent. It was a beaitful and reflective afternoon, where the children got to listen to prayer and scripture…

 Where has our learning taken us this week?

We have had a lovely week in class. Full of hard work, enthusiasm, laughs - We have completed all the work on our class novel, we can now just sit back, listen and enjoy hearing how the story unfolds- it has been very dramatic! A few gasps were heard in the classroom, as we are learning just what an evil character Vindictus Sharpe really is! This week the children have written their own flashback stories- I can’t wait to read them all! We have been coding in computing, listening to WW2 songs in music and much, much more!

Delving deeper through talk …

How do nutrients enter our bloodstream? How do we get nutrients?

Helpers in the mornings:

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Michael Niamh Ella Archie

Leading Learners

Well done to Erin and Dominic this week.

Erin, you are a delight to teach as you ALWAYS work so hard and do your best in any task we give you- you could get the certificate every week! This week, you have come back from being poorly, and you have been so engaged, offering ideas and thoughts during lessons, showing great enthusiasm in everything you have done!

Dominic, we can't begin to tell you how proud we are of you and how we love having you back in the classroom! We have been in awe of your whole approach to learning this week... You have given everything we have set you a good go, doing your absolute best, no matter how tricky it is, and all with such a positive ‘I CAN’ attitude.


Intentional and Prophetic butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intention in their actions. Children who make conscious decisions for the greater good. We will also be spotting children who are prophetic, who choose the right decisions with integrity and who display them publically. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Pippa for being intentional and prophetic to help others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Arthur

Role Model of the week … Dominic


  • Please see year 6 homework section to learn the songs ready for our Christmas concert.

  • We are out and about a lot next week, walking to church. Please could you make sure children have a warm coat and hat each day to keep warm.

  • We have decided as a school not to send individual Christmas cards to each other, but to instead put this money towards a chairty of your choice. Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.

  • Our Christmas performance is in church on Monday 16th December at 2pm and 6pm. Children will need to be at church for 5:45pm in the evening - in full school uniform please- no PE kits this day.

  • We close for Chrsitmas at 2pm on Friday 20th December

  • Wednesday 18th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non-fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.

  • Christmas Bake Off will take place on Friday 13th December. The day will be all things cake, cake sales and Christmas jumpers!

Have a lovely weekend with your family.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Carter

This week...

Another fabulous week at nursery!

Travelling Nativity

As in previous years our journey to the stable has been aided by our travelling Nativity. Everyone has truly embraced it’s meaning and has contributed wonderfully. Thank you.

I am sure that you will agree when I say how wonderful the Foundation Nativity was this week. I am beyond proud of all our children who sang so beautifully. Our children are a only three and four years old and for them to have the trust in us to perform like professionals…well I have no words. Truly magical.

Advent Prayer Candles

Cut out a candle for each week of Advent.

Christmas Cards

As in previous years, and in our ongoing commitment to look after God’s wonderful earth, we ask that the children do not send cards to everyone on nursery. If they would like to make one at home to send to everyone at nursery that would be fabulous!

Christmas Party

Key Stage 1 and Foundation Christmas party is being held on 19th December 9.30-11.30 am. All the children are invited to join us but if it is not your child’s usual session could you please arrange for them to be collected at 11.30 am. We will be baking a special birthday cake for Baby Jesus to eat at the party!!! Mmmmmmm!

Visit to Clarence House care home

On Wednesday 11th December we will be visiting Clarence House Care Home. We will be joining Reception (in two small groups) to take some cards and decorations we have made to help spread some Christmas cheer. We may even sing a couple of our Christmas songs.

If you do not want your child to take part in this visit could you please let me know a.s.a.p.

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone 

Firstly, I would like to say how proud I am of all the children working so hard to make our Nativity be so special. A big well done and thank for your support.

 Advent has begun and the children have been making preparations for Baby Jesus. We have decorated the Christmas tree. They have been hanging baubles, then (lots) of tinsel. It looks very sparkly.

The children also helped build a Nativity display. They chose where each person should go in relation to the stable. We noticed that we were missing the big star, so the children made a beautiful sparkling star. Our Nativity is now perfect.

We have all been so busy working hard, preparing something that is top secret, but you will find out soon!

The children continue to love dough disco, and we have started to have a go at our Christmas song. Here it is for you to enjoy at home, click here and have fun.

…and to all the children, look out for the cheeky elf in nursery next week!

 Have a fabulous weekend everyone.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have well and truly entered into the Christmas spirit as we have had a week of preparation for Christmas. We have entered the season of Advent and what a wonderful week it has been. We hope you all enjoyed the Nativity performances. We were so proud of all the children, we hope you were too.

Our Advent celebrations continued as we acted out the Nativity story, using the Nativity set in nursery. 

We have had lots of busy elves, making gifts, painting and making sure all our creations are ready to go home.

The children have enjoyed using their imaginations as they have dressed up in the Christmas dressing up clothes!

 There have been lots of Father Christmas's chasing the reindeer and Mrs. Christmas has been caring for everyone.

We are looking forward to next week when we can watch the rest of the school perform their Nativity plays.

Have a lovely weekend 


Such a fabulous week at nursery. I think everyone deserves a rest this weekend…maybe even a treat!

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Stay safe and God bless


Year 6 Home Learning 5.12.24

Homework should be completed and brought back to school for the following Wednesday

Maths- Please keep going on TT Rockstars- 5 minutes every night! In your books please also complete the maths questions that are stuck in.

English- Please complete the jigsaw complex sentences within your books- which subordiating conjunction will you use to start your sentence?

Spelling - Please complete the spellings rules sheet in your books- we will practice these throughout the week in class but you also need to practice them at home ready for our quiz on a Thursday!

Christmas songs

Please go back to all of the previous songs and practice them and make sure you know your lines off by heart for next week. Thank you!