Attention Year 2, 4 & 5

You will need an old, named t-shirt to go over your school uniform, to keep you clean during our ART lessons this half term. These will be kept in your tray’s in class and brought with you to each ART lesson.

Remember the Create room is a little chilly with the doors open so an extra layer on Art days is advisable. Thank you for your co-operation.

Mrs Curtis

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Welcoming our New Councillors

What excitement this week for our new class councillors when they had a surprise visit during their lessons from Miss Hornby and Mrs Webster (who were wearing masks) to present them with their smart councillor badges. Everyone looked proud and confident as they received the badges, together with a huge round of congratulatory applause from their classmates.
Despite these extraordinary times, councillors are putting their heads together with their classes and thinking of a project they can achieve within their classes, to help enrich our school family with generosity and gratefulness - there are so many possibilities.

Although our meetings may now have to take place remotely we have great hope for the year ahead.

Here are some of the things our councillors said they were looking forward to:

‘ I want to make the school an even happier place.’
‘ I am looking forward to helping my classmates.’
‘ I am looking forward to asking lots of questions.’
‘ I want to help guide people to make the right choices.’
‘ I hope to keep the school community full of friendship.’
‘I just want to look after everyone.’

 We are all looking forward to working together.