As you know, after Christmas we will be starting our Classical Fiction unit of work, followed by Romeo and Juliet. For these units we will be combining books, films and imagery as a stimulus for writing. Films are a great to respond to as they are so visual for the children.
Read more'Only in the darkness, can you see the stars.' Martin Luther King
Another week in Year 6 and another week full of magical moments. We have continued to look at the injustices in the world through the eyes of the people who tried to overcome them. Martin Luther King was the focus this week as we looked at his civil right movement.
Read more'Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem, let us be drawn by the light of Christ.
Christmas is fast approaching and like every Advent, it is a time to just stop and reflect. During Wednesday Word this week, we discussed the stresses of Christmas and how we could just make a little time for ourselves during this busy time.
Read moreYear 6 Blog - 'Adaptation is a profound process. It means that you figure out how best to thrive in the world.'
I think that Tuesday was one of my most favourite days that I have ever had as a teacher…ever! An hour and a half science lesson turned into a full day lesson that combined so many elements of the curriculum. The children were tasked with making a beak, using just tweezers, some paper, a paper clip and some tape. This beak had to be able to pick up worms and then adapt to pick up seeds and then fish. It was a great lesson in evolution and adaptation. When the environment around you changes, it is essential to adapt in order to survive - just like Charles Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest.
Read moreYear 6 Blog - 'It Is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most adaptable to change.' Charles Darwin
Learning really is so much fun in Year 6 at the moment…everything has a purpose and the children are completing every task with determination and pride. They want to do the best that they can do!
This week in class we have continued our Tudor Topic, ready for our trip to Samlesbury Hall next Thursday. The children have been looking at the highs and lows of Catherine of Aragon’s life and graphing it. It is a powerful task, the children really see the impact of her marriage to Henry. We have been using photo manipulation software on the iPads to turn ourselves into Tudor kings and queens. The children looked at the detail in the images and then used the iPad pens to transfer that detail onto the iPads. Why not pop into class and come and have a look at all of our artwork?
The children have really enjoyed the biography unit that we have been completing in class and this week we have completed Outcome 2 - a biography all about Charles Darwin. The children have kept their homework books in class this week so that they can use the facts that they researched within their biography. I think they may need to write an autobiography! Science has continued to explore Darwin’s theories of evolution, fitting in beautifully with our biography unit. This week we have explored vocabulary linked to the topic to get a real handle on it.
In the run up to Christmas, it is so important for the children and ourselves to think beyond what we have and what we want. We have thought about all the times that we have said, “That is not fair!” this week. Mrs Webster segregated the children randomly using lollisticks in class. One group went on the computers and had lots of fun, whilst the other group had to sit their in silence. Whilst this of course, “Is not fair!” it illustrated beautifully the issue that lots of people in the world are segregated, vulnerable or oppressed through no fault of their own. It really made the children think deeply about our world. Next week, the children will be having a visit from Amnesty International to talk to them about their work. Definitely a time to stop and think.
Learning Awards - another great week of learning in Year 6…for everyone. The sense of determination and focus is spine-tingling good!
Our focused learner this week is Baxter. A really focused and consistent half term! Baxter has been focused and consistent in every single lesson and he is really determined to do his best. This focus is resulting in some beautifully presented work. Baxter asks questions in class to really take his learning forward. Your sense of pride this half term has been fantastic and we are so very proud of you too!
Our reflective learner this week is Evie C. Again, another really positive and consistent half term! Because of this, the standard of Evie’s work is fantastic - I love marking her work! Evie is making conscious decisions about her work, she knows that the effort that she puts in will only improve her work. Well done Evie - what a great half term you are having.
Have a really lovely weekend together. We have been learning a Tudor dance ready for the trip and hope to perform it in the grand hall.
Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster.
'Love one another as I have loved you.' John 13:34-35
‘Love one another as I have loved you.’ John 13:34-35
Read moreYear 6 blog - 'Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.'
This half term, we are exploring all things faith-filled and hopeful. This week, we have been able to discuss faith and look at the fallen soldiers on Remembrance Day. On Monday, the children reverently observed the 2 minutes silence in school as we looked at a poem ‘We Shall Keep the Faith.’ It is so thought provoking to teach a class who respond so deeply in moments of reflection.
Read moreYear 6 blog - 'Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.'
And in the blink of an eye…another week in Year 6 has passed. From the minute that the children walk into class in the morning to the moment that they walk out of the door, they are constantly learning and challenging themselves to be the best that they can be. It really astounds me just how much work that the children have completed. As we approach Christmas, and the birth of Jesus Christ, we are filled with hope and faith. These are our two new virtues this half term and ones that we will be continuing to explore in class. Faith, hope and love are known to the Christian tradition as the three theological virtues. They underpin our whole understanding of what it is to be human and the nature of our relationship with God.
Read moreYear 6 blog - 'There are no true stories in the world except biographies.'
Welcome back to our second half term together and this week has certainly gone with a bang! We have completed so much work in every single lesson, I really feel like we are flying! Thank you to all those parents who came and saw me on parents’ day. I always enjoy the first meeting and getting to know you all and to just make sure that the children have settled in and are happy.
Read moreYear 6 blog - 'I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book!'
It is so lovely to get lost in a good book and that is exactly what we have done this half term. As we approach the end of Skellig, we are looking back at the vast amount of work we have completed around this book. Discussion texts, poetry and setting descriptions have all been completed and I am excited for you all to read them on Thursday at parents’s day. Thank you to all of the parent’s who have made an appointment or who have contacted me. If you are still to make an appointment, please book on using parent pay.
Read moreYear 6 Weekly Blog - 'What we learn with pleasure, we never forget.'
Thinking about this week, I cannot believe just how much learning we have got through. It really has been jam packed! The pace of a Year 6 classroom is so fast-paced but so very exciting, our heads are bursting with learning and excitement.
Read moreThe Merchant of Venice
As part of our back stage experience Leo and Casey Hornby , who are in charge of marketing, would like to invite you to see the Royal Shakespeare Company’s performance of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The show will be performed at Our Lady of the Assumption on Tuesday 8th October at 7pm. Tickets on sale at Our Lady of the Assumption reception. Or you could come along to the Grand in Blackpool. On Saturday at 1:30pm 20 children from our school will be part of the production both backstage and front of house. Casey and Leo will be there to greet you!
Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.'
There are so many moments I have in my job where I can sit back and just beam with pride and happiness. This morning was one of those moments. 160 pupils from our catholic cluster of schools all celebrated mass this morning with a common mission of being the light of Christ in the world.
Read moreYear 6 blog - 'If you can dream it, you can do it.'
This week we have finally fully got going with our learning. After two weeks of leadership applications, house captain speeches and class councillor speeches, we have a full week of uninterrupted learning - it has been a delight.
Read moreYear 6 weekly blog - 'If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something new - it is now!'
After two weeks of application writing, house captain speeches and class council speeches, we have arrived at the point where all children know their positions of responsibility. Yet again, the children spoke with such passion and sincerity in the hall when they addressed their houses in a bid for their votes. We could not be more proud of all of the children who gave it a go and faced their fears. We discussed what we had all learnt by the process and I think the children were shocked at just how brave they all were! Positions have now been filled and clubs and leadership responsibilities will be starting on Monday. I cannot wait to see how the children get on this year and what legacy they leave on our school community.
Read moreCopy of Year 6 Blog - 'Be brave, take risks and allow the unexpected.'
Welcome to Year 6!
Mrs Webster and I have absolutely loved getting to know your children this week, and my, what a start to Year 6 have they made. Mrs Webster has had the pleasure of working with your children before and she keeps on telling me just how much they have grown into the children we now have. The first two weeks in Year 6 are always a whirl wind but I am looking forward to meeting you all on Wednesday night at induction Evening. Please make it a priority to come as Year 6 is such an important year with lots of new experiences for the children.
‘Feel the fear, and do it anyway.’
This has been a bit of a slogan in our classroom this week! On Tuesday, a group of nervous children entered the classroom all eager to ask lots of questions about the year ahead. After a lovely liturgy, we all discussed our worries for the year and also the things that we were looking forward to. No surprise that The Pleasure Beach and Water Parks were mentioned.
I told the children the story about, ‘The Jesus Nut,’ a nut that was used in the Vietnam War to hold the blades in place. If the nut ever came loose, the blades would fall off and the helicopter would crash to the ground. This small, hexagonal nut was referred to as the Jesus Nut - something that holds everything together. I have made all of the children in class a key ring with a Jesus Nut on. When things get challenging this year and the children find things hard, they need to just remember the story and that no matter what, everything will be OK if Christ is with us. He holds us together! Ask your children to see the key ring and see if they can tell you the story.
Bravery is so important this year. The children will be given lots of opportunities and I really want to challenge them to overcome any worries that they have. So many children have already done this exact thing this week - we are in for an exciting year!
Diving straight into learning
Year 6 is such a busy year, it was important that we dived straight into learning this week. One of the first jobs that the children had to do was to write their letter of application for a position of responsibility. Listening to what the children have written has brought a tear to my eye. They really care about Our Ladys and see their final year as an opportunity to give something back and provide real service to their community. Once house captain speeches have been completed on Monday, the final decisions and positions will be awarded in assembly on Thursday afternoon.
We started to dip our feet into maths this week. The children completed an arithmetic challenge and we started to look at place value and numbers up to 10 million! Place Value underpins all mathematical concepts - it is such an important skill.
On Thursday we started to read our novel - Skellig. We spent 50 minutes predicting what the book was about before reading the first chapter. We were all on the edge of our seats and wanted to read on. Mrs Webster has continued to read the book with the children today. We also started our science topic, electricity. It is fascinating to discuss electricity usage in our world today.
Homework will be set on a Wednesday next week and then due in on a Tuesday. The children have access to the computers in school for support.
New Year Mass
On Thursday we shared a lovely welcome mass with our school community to pray for our year ahead. We also gave thanks for all mothers as it is Our Lady’s birthday this Sunday. Well done to all of the children who read and carried the gifts in the offertory. You acted with such reverence and spoke so beautifully.
Welcome the the new members of our class
We have got two new members of our class who will be joining us for the final year. Marwa has joined us this week from Syria, along with her sisters lower down the school. The children have been so supportive, helping her to develop her English and to get to know our class routines. On Monday we will be welcoming Hirumi from Yorkshire. We look forward to having a full cohort of 30 ready to continue our year together.
Induction Night - Wednesday 11th September at 6pm
Netball and football starts next week and dance the week after. Please check the sport page on the website to see the timetable for this half term.
Our Assembly is coming up on Tuesday 24th September - date for your diary.
Apologies for the really long blog. I think it is nice to know what has happened this week when it is such a special year for your children.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Gregan & Mrs Webster
Welcome to Year 6 - 'Be the change that you want to see in the world.'
I hope that you have all had a wonderful Summer holiday and a chance to relax with family and friends. With only one week until we are back in school, I wanted to give you a few things to think about ready to start Year 6. Year 6 is an exciting year, jam packed with challenge and opportunity; it really will be up to the children how they want to lead and what they want to get involved in and set up for the children within in the school.
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