'The hardest thing in life is having the patience to wait for the right moment.'

I was so unbelievably happy to hear that we can now open the school to more pupils. A school’s heartbeat is definitely the laughter of the children and the smiles that we see everyday. The past 12 weeks was not how I intended the children to finish their primary school journey but I am so grateful that we get to spend the last week together. It will be a little different and we will be in two learning bubbles, but I am busy being creative and trying to plan ways that we can celebrate the last week together - but afar! The children have been putting their own ideas on the class blog. I am really excited!

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Hear from your sports and house captains as they lead the school with our annual sports day. It may be a little different to how we usually do things but we can all get involved and submit our entries.


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'The service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.'

It seemed really appropriate that we started our final half term ‘Service with a Smile,’ that we focused on saying thank you and looking at our ‘everyday heroes’ who are currently serving our communities during the pandemic. It is so important to often stop in our tracks and just reflect on what this period of time at home has brought us. Over the next few weeks I will be asking the children to reflect on this time and to think about the positives that have come from it.

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PART 3 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK - June 5th Learning together

Good morning everyone and welcome to our final set of tasks for Health and Happiness week. Today is all about STAYING ACTIVE! There are so many studies that link regular exercise to emotional well being as well as a healthy body. Moving helps our minds too! Discover inside and outside challenges and one last community challenge as Lancashire County Council collect archive material about this unusual time in history- when we all stayed home.

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PART 2 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 3rd-4th Learning together

Welcome to Part 2 of our Health and Happiness week. The following tasks and challenges help us to reflect on our feelings. It is so important to acknowledge our feelings and to learn how to manage them. Our emotions really do drive us each day, looking after them and understanding them helps us to become emotionally resilient.

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PART 1 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 1st-2nd Learning together

Hello everyone. This week the teachers have put together a selection of learning tasks that help us to reflect on our own well being. Usually we would complete these tasks in class with our friends. This year you can complete them with your siblings and family.

We have divided the tasks into three:

PART 1 - Mon and Tues complete the Healthy Hands - learning all about germs

PART 2 - Wed and Thurs complete the Healthy Feelings - exploring our feelings and managing them

PART 3 - Friday get creatively active! - looking after our bodies

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'Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.'

Each week, I am trying to create virtual experiences of the things that you may be missing from your final term at Our Ladys. You are a wonderfully talented class and at the end of this week, you should have been sharing your talents with each other at Water Parks. I am really proud that I can share your talents, not only with our class mates, but with our whole school community. For those children who didn’t manage to send me anything, you are all talented. Listen carefully…your voice is there for all to hear!

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