Home Learning 7.2.20


 The children have got a worksheet to  complete and stick in. The children need to find the missing  number bond to 20. For an extra challenge, the   children can write out their bar model as a part-part-whole model! This can be done in their home learning books. The children may want to use physical objects to help with their counting -  mini-marshmallows are great fun.

Show and Tell (last day of term)

As we have been learning about Baptism, I would love the children to bring in a photo of their own baptism, to share with the class. You are more than welcome to email these to me.


Please ensure children are reading every night.

Flash Cards

A few children have now learned ALL of the flash cards. This is a HUGE achievement and I am incredibly proud of their hard work and determination. For these children their new challenge is to spell these words. They will be tested on the spellings of these words once a week and moved onto the next set when they can confidently spell them.

"The world of reality has its limits, the world of imagination is boundless"-Jean-JaquesRoussceau

Imaginations have been running wild this week at lunch time. With glimpses of witches flying high in the sky and their echoing cackles ringing out across the school, the children discovered that with a little imagination, anything is possible. In fact, I do believe that one was spotted today running amok in the playground. Apparently, she has long, red, curly hair, a rather large nose, black dress, pointy hat and of course a broomstick. If you should see her flying around, then please do let us know!

Meanwhile across the rest of the playground, we have had games of Sardines, Disney character charades and a persuasive letter being written to Boris Johnson with an urgent appeal to tackle global warming.

Mr Nay, with the assistance of Mr Lyons, a past pupil, has delivered fun filled sporting activities such as bean bag target throwing and catch, cricket and general ball skills. The children have such a wonderful time with him and are always eager to share their sporting experiences with us.

Table of the Week: Keystage 1 table of the week goes to Bamber and for Keystage 2, Marsden. Thank you and well done children for making the dining room a delightful place to be.

Role Models of the Week: Role Models of the week for both Keystages are; Chloe Reception, Max Y2, India Y3, Reuben Y6. Thank you and well done to you all. You all have such wonderful qualities that shine through on a daily basis.

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: This week, Jaqui has been serving up a variety of delicious meals from a mid week roast to cheese whirls, followed by mouth watering desserts. The children have been leaving the hall looking very full, replenished, bursting with energy and ready to take on the afternoons learning and challenges. Marvelous Manners goes to: Rex and Sofia Y1 and Isabella and Jack Y3. Well done to you all and thank you for having marvelous manners.

Have a lovely weekend, let’s hope the sun keeps shining so that you can all enjoy some outdoor fun.

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team

Year 2 Home Learning - 7.2.20


Please complete the multiplication and division word problems attached below:


I have attached a blank sheet for the children to practise their cursive handwriting on this week. They could focus on any letters they find particularly difficult or could use the sheet for writing out this week’s spellings.


The ‘r’ sound spelt ‘wr’ - wrong wrist write wrote wrap wreck

Set 13 from the spelling pack - today watch over does love son

English IXL

A.1   A.2  

B.1   B.2   B.3   B.4

C.1   C.2   C.3

E.1    E.2    E.3  E.4   E.5    E.6    E.7  

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4

I.1    I.2   

K.1   K.2   K.3

L.1    L.2    L.3    L.4 L.5 L.6 L.7 L.8

M.1    M.2    M.3    M.4

O.1    O.2    O.3    O.4    O.9   O.10   O.11   O.12

Q.1   Q.2   Q.3   Q.4   Q.5   Q.6

S.1    S.2    S.3

U.1    U.2    U.3

Maths IXL

A.1   A.2   A.3   A.4   A.5   A.6   A.7   A.8   A.9    A.10    A.11   A.20    A.21    A.22   A.24   A.25   A.26   A.27

B.1   B.2    B.3    B.4 

D.1   D.2   D.3   D.4   D.5   D.6   D.7   D.8    D.9    D.10    D.11    D.12

E.1    E.2    E.3    E.4    E.5

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4   H.5    H.6    H.7    H.8

X.1    X.2    X.3    X.4  X.5    X.6    X.7    X.8

Y.1    Y.2    Y.3    Y.4

Z.1    Z.2 Z.3 Z.4 Z.5 

"I have not failed,I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"

With only one week of this half term left (I can’t believe it either!), the children have continued to work as hard as ever to reach those targets they set at the beginning of the year.  The children have fully immersed themselves into the adventures of Frog and Toad, and Mrs Gawthrope has been amazed by the children’s writing and the range of sentences they use.  I know the class are very excited to get creative with their stories next week and to show Mrs Gawthrope what ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ they can be.

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Homework to be handed in Wednesday 12th February

READING - How often is your child quizzing? Do they bring their books home every night? Are they reading every night? It is the responsibility of children to make sure they quiz if they finish their book in school as they get reading time to do this every day. Please keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING Keep going with these spellings, make sure you can spell them independently:

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


On Purple Mash, under the 2 Do list, please complete the ‘Roman Soldier’ activity. Describe how a Roman soldier's Armour and clothing aided him in battle. This will be printed off and put on display so don't forget to include your name.


This week we have been adding multiples of ten- please have a go at the additions in your homework book.



Have a go at the’ Roman Soldier Code Quiz’ or put yourself in to the role of a Roman Soldier. Both tasks are under the 2Do list.

Home Learning - Wednesday 5th February 2020

Spelling - words ending tious and cial and tial

cautious, infectious, ambitious, superstitious, nutritious, scrumptious, fictitious, official, special, artificial, financial, partial, essential, initial, social

Maths - Complete the two pages of reasoning questions.

English - ~To write a letter of complaint in role as PL Travers to Walt Disney. Click on the task below to find the toolkit and planning information that we discussed in class.

Think about how PL Travers would speak and what she would say in her letter to Walt Disney. What was she unhappy with? Remember to be respectful of Walt but firm in your complaint. This is a formal piece of writing, therefore the language that you use should demonstrate that. Think about the requirements of a Year 6 writer and your previous targets. How can you ensure that you are including and evidencing them in this piece?

Spellings given out on 3.2.2020 to be quizzed on 10.2.2020

The children thought of loads of great, fun ways to learn their spellings on Friday. Please ask them which way they would like to try (the nerf gun spelling quiz where you get blasted if you are too slow was not my idea! Mine were more sedate like flour on a baking tray and water and a paintbrush outside on garden flags, so please don’t hold me accountable for any Nerf gun related injuries! )

Spellings this week













While we teach children all about life, children teach us what life is all about.

Wow this week has just flown by, it has been a busy week of lots of history and delving into the tales of the slightly mischievous Brer Rabbit. We are beginning to plan for some short writing opportunities in English which I will share with you next week, I am looking forward to reading the children’s work as I have been very impressed with the sentence work we have completed so far.

Read more

'Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless' Mother Teresa

Another week that has flown by as the children have been so immersed in their learning. When I look through their books, I can’t quite believe how much work we are getting through! Mathematics has been very exciting this week, look at crossing over to the tens boundary within a 3 digit number, the children have loved problem solving with this and discussing which strategy is best to use. The children have worked hard on their sentence structure within English lessons, practicing their use of coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences and have now started to create more complex sentences.

We have continued our learning in electricity in Science this week, making circuits, exploring ways to add switches, buzzers and motors. The children have absolutely thrived during these hands on sessions. Our History kick started with a visit from emperor Claudius and they made excellent decisions when they acted as his advisers, asking the question why did the Romans invade?

It was lovely to meet with you all on Wednesday and celebrate the wonderful progress all your children have made, I am sure you are as proud of them as we are.


‘Meet the Romans’ school trip on Wednesday 12th February- please could all payments be made before 31st January.

Blue group on Thursdays 8am with Mr Nay

The awards this week go to …

James thank you for being such a Curious Clara Clown Fish, you have wowed us this week with how deep you have took your learning in Science asking all of the right questions!

Jacob O you are such a Bobby Bee in your enthusiasm and desire to learn which makes you very exciting to teach- you always show positive body language and always have a smile on your face!

Have a lovely weekend and God bless`