Home Learning 31.1.20


The children have a copy of the story map they have been learning. I would like the children to practise this, with actions. The aim is for them to be able to retell the story, off by heart, using the story map.


Ongoing learning challenge - IXL maths ‘Numbers and Counting up to 20’. There are lots of questions on here, I would like the children to do as many as they can over the next couple of weeks.


Please ensure children are reading every night.

Flash Cards

A few children have now learned ALL of the flash cards. This is a HUGE achievement and I am incredibly proud of their hard work and determination. For these children their new challenge is to spell these words. They will be tested on the spellings of these words once a week and moved onto the next set when they can confidently spell them.

Year 2 Home Learning - 31/1/20


Please complete the equal sharing sheet attached below


Please complete the reading comprehension below


Adding the suffix ‘ed’ - waved liked smiled battled phoned hiked

Set 12 from the spelling pack - after again any anyone ask old

Maths IXL

A.1   A.2   A.3   A.4   A.5   A.6   A.7   A.8   A.9    A.10    A.11   A.20    A.21    A.22   A.24   A.25   A.26   A.27

B.1   B.2    B.3    B.4 

D.1   D.2   D.3   D.4   D.5   D.6   D.7   D.8    D.9    D.10    D.11    D.12

E.1    E.2    E.3    E.4    E.5

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4   H.5    H.6    H.7    H.8

X.1    X.2    X.3    X.4  X.5    X.6    X.7    X.8

Y.1    Y.2    Y.3    Y.4

Z.1 Z.2

English IXL

A.1   A.2  

B.1   B.2   B.3   B.4

C.1   C.2   C.3

E.1    E.2    E.3  E.4   E.5    E.6    E.7  

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4

I.1 I.2

K.1   K.2   K.3

L.1    L.2    L.3    L.4

M.1    M.2    M.3    M.4

O.1    O.2    O.3    O.4    O.9   O.10   O.11   O.12

Q.1   Q.2   Q.3   Q.4   Q.5   Q.6

S.1    S.2    S.3

U.1    U.2    U.3

Homework given out 31.1.2020 to be handed in by 6.2.2020

Flute— Please learn ‘Mamma Mia’ and continue to practise ‘We will rock you’ this week on your flute.

Maths—Please revisit the 2 and 4 times tables, can you find a link between the calculations in the 2s and the 4s? How are the answers related? Ask someone to quiz you on them and write a comment on how you are getting on. Perhaps children you could quiz a grown up or even get the whole family involved, why not set a prize? Breakfast in bed for the winner or they get to choose a film for film night!

Spellings—Please continue to practise the spellings given on Monday ready for the spelling quiz on 3.2.2020.


Homework to be handed in Wednesday 5th February

READING - How often is your child quizzing? Do they bring their books home every night? Are they reading every night? It is the responsibility of children to make sure they quiz if they finish their book in school as they get reading time to do this every day. Please keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING-One more week to practice these tricky spellings:

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


In class we are starting to learn about how we can change our sentence structures and how we can make complex sentences. We are looking at what a subordinate clauses? Subordinate clauses are different to main clauses as they do not make sense of their own- usually because they have a subordinating conjunction within them, such as ‘although’ ‘before’ ‘which’. Please can the children complete the worksheets in their books, adding a main clause to each of the subordinate clauses. Can they spot the subordinate conjunction? Can they circle it on the sheet if they can find it?


MATHS - The children have been working hard on crossing boundaries when adding and subtracting. Please can the children use the partitioning method (Method B from last week) to calculate the following calculations in their books:

maths calculations 2.PNG

Home Learning Wednesday 29th January

Spelling - all of our words end in cious.

conscious, delicious, malicious, ferocious, vicious, precious, spacious, gracious, unconscious, luscious

For each word, can you include it in a complex sentence that is made up of a subordinate and main clause?Write 10 sentences in your book.

Maths - complete the Rapid Reasoning questions in your book.

Science/English - In the Wizard of Oz, we have seen that Dorothy’s house is destroyed by a cyclone. But what is a cyclone? Produce a piece of research as a poster, PowerPoint or in your book that answers these questions.

What is a cyclone?

When and where do cyclones form?

What are the types of cyclones?

Features of a cyclone.

Cyclone safety

Spellings given out 27.1.2020 to be tested on 3.2.2020

Spellings - we tried giving out spellings on slips of paper last week in the hope they were then ready to stick on fridges, memo boards or on walls ready for practising them however this plan failed when several were lost or eaten by the tray monsters in our classroom! So spellings will be listed on here and the homework page each Monday, these will then be tested the following Monday.

This week our spellings are











height (same letters eigh but different sound so be careful)


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Edmondson

'Everything is possible...even the impossible,' Mary Poppins

We have been totally captivated by Mary Poppins and classic fiction this week. The magic of the story and the way it makes us feel has really contributed to such exciting lessons this week. The children started off by looking at what makes a classic text - there was definitely opinions on this topic. For homework, the children have been asked to look at whether Harry Potter is a classic, they will be writing a balanced discussion text on Monday. The majority of the week has been spent looking at the differences between the text and the film. The children have loved watching the film and the setting of Cherry Tree Lane, they have explored language and have written some exciting setting descriptions. Next week, we will be continuing to read Mary Poppins and also starting to explore The Wizard of Oz. Amongst all of the English, we have continued to: look at decimals, started work on shape and angles, been taxonomists in science (classifying food and animals) creating databases, learning more about the UK in geography and creating a beautiful storyboard about The Last Supper for our Year 3 Holy Communion children.

We finished off Thursday afternoon combining geography and OAA skills with some maths. I set the children an orienteering course around the grounds of the school, answering maths questions at each point. It was so much fun seeing the children run around and absolutely nail the math questions as well.

Learning Awards

This week, there has been so much exciting learning and a lot of children have been really active; pushing themselves above and beyond!

Sophie has loved our Mary Poppins unit of work. When creating a setting description, Sophie really thought deeply about the reader and produced some great descriptive sentences.

Ryan is a shape king. He fired up in maths this week when discussing angles. Ryan really drew on previous knowledge which is so important in Year 6.

Reuben another focused mathematician this week. He is really paying close attention to detail to be the best that he can be.

For the next two weeks, we will be joined in class by Mr Lyons. I had the pleasure of teaching him a good few years ago and Mr Lyons will be joining us for some work experience. We look forward to welcoming him into our class family.


  • Water Parks meeting on the 11th February at 6pm.

Have a wonderful weekend!

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster

Year 2 Home Learning - 24.01.20


Please complete the multiplication activity attached below.


Please read your book every night for at least 10 minutes.

Please complete the quick reading comprehension attached below.


Adding the suffix -ed - cried replied copied tried hurried dried

Set 11 from the spelling pack - ever everyone everybody every another father

Maths IXL

A.1   A.2   A.3   A.4   A.5   A.6   A.7   A.8   A.9    A.10    A.11   A.20    A.21    A.22   A.24   A.25   A.26   A.27

B.1   B.2    B.3    B.4 

D.1   D.2   D.3   D.4   D.5   D.6   D.7   D.8    D.9    D.10    D.11    D.12

E.1    E.2    E.3    E.4    E.5

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4   H.5    H.6    H.7    H.8

X.1    X.2    X.3    X.4  X.5    X.6    X.7    X.8

Y.1 Y.2 Y.3 Y.4

English IXL

A.1   A.2  

B.1   B.2   B.3   B.4

C.1   C.2   C.3

E.1    E.2    E.3  E.4   E.5    E.6    E.7  

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4

K.1   K.2   K.3

L.1    L.2    L.3    L.4

M.1    M.2    M.3    M.4

O.1    O.2    O.3    O.4    O.9   O.10   O.11   O.12

Q.1   Q.2   Q.3   Q.4   Q.5   Q.6

S.1    S.2    S.3

U.1 U.2 U.3

"Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"

We have once again reached the end of another busy week in Year 2 where the children have amazed all members of staff with their curiosity and enthusiasm.  With this term’s focus virtues being ‘curious and active’, the children are continually being challenged to ask deep questions in their learning and to play active roles in the world in which God gave to us.

Read more