Homework 24.1.2020 to be handed in 30.1.2020


Flute— Please practise ‘We will rock you’ and ‘Prince of Belair’ this week on your flute.

Maths—Please practise the 6 times table this week, can you do it while being active maybe? Could you skip before every answer or jump as you think?

RE— Our new RE topic is Judaism, please do some research and in your own words write down the 3 most interesting facts you learn.

Spellings—The children have all been given their spellings to learn, my apologies they were sent home on Tuesday instead of Monday. Many new routines for me to get into!

What we learn with pleasure we never forget. Alfred Mercier.

It’s a mystery!

One lunch time this week a visitor must have crept into our classroom without being spotted and left us a letter and a Roman helmet, the letter has helped us learn about how the Romans returned home from Britain and how the Saxons invaded our shores. It was very interesting to hear all of the children’s ‘I wonder’ questions and we have started to find out more about the Saxons as part of our History. After realising it wasn’t Mrs Lyons (nice idea Emmanuel) who had planted it here the mystery is yet to be solved! Photos are now added, please see below.

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'Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths' Walt Disney

Today we looked at one of our new virtues for this half term… curiosity. We explored various quotes about the importance of curiosity and being active in our learning as well as our faith and how it is our curiosity and desire to ask questions that brings us closer to God. We explored and discussed how the disciples were curious to follow Jesus, how we are all curious as we listen to His teachings and of course we are always asking questions about God’s beautiful creation.

The children have been showing great curiosity in their learning all week, and we have been most impressed with their desire to learn and their active participation. We have now finished our class novel ‘The Ice Cat’, the children have loved this book, exploring all of its themes and have responded so deeply. Once we finished we then had the most amazing conversation of how ‘the ice cat’ was actually a representation of the main characters feelings. I can’t wait to see how they put all of this depth in to their writing next week!

In Maths the children our showing great curiosity at looking at the different methods involved when adding numbers that bridge, deciding on the strategies that work best for them! Science yesterday, was a whole morning of the children experimenting and exploring their curiosity through making circuits and electricity- they loved experimenting on which circuits would light the bulb and when it wouldn’t asking the vital question of why not?


A letter went out today about our school trip on Wednesday 12th February- can we please make sure payment is made by 31st January

Parents day on Wednesday- I am most looking forward to celebrating your child’s achievements!

Blue group starts next Thursday 8am with Mr Nay!

The awards this week go to …

Jess thank you for being such a Curious Clara Clown Fish, you have wowed us this week with how deep you have took your learning and that is because you ask all the right questions and actively search to find our more or think deeper- well done Jess, we are very proud of you.

Max you are such a Bobby Bee in your enthusiasm and desire to learn and are now channeling this enthusiasm the right way- well done Max keep it up!

Have a lovely weekend and God bless

Home Learning 24.1.20


To finish the sentences with the correct punctuation. ? ! .


Ongoing learning challenge - IXL maths ‘Numbers and Counting up to 20’. There are lots of questions on here, I would like the children to do as many as they can over the next couple of weeks.


Please ensure children are reading every night.

Flash Cards

A few children have now learned ALL of the flash cards. This is a HUGE achievement and I am incredibly proud of their hard work and determination. For these children their new challenge is to spell these words. They will be tested on the spellings of these words once a week and moved onto the next set when they can confidently spell them.

The fire service came to visit!!

On Wednesday afternoon we had a visit from the fire service. It was great fun, everyone got to go inside the engine and find out what equipment is kept in all the compartments. We even had a turn of squirting the hoses, it was so exciting!

The children continue their passion of learning about the planets and the solar system. This week we have designed our own rocket and using computer technology to make ourselves into astronauts and visit our favourite planet.

Sarah has started a display using recycled materials. She is creating planet earth to emphasis how single use plastics are damaging our world. We all watched a short video about how plastics find their way into the seas and hurt the animals and creatures who live there and it was sad to see. After a short discussion we decided to do something about it! The children throughout the week have become more aware of wasting resources such as paper and now notice how much plastic we throw away each day. To help us in our quest to take care of planet earth we are asking you to join us by not using single use plastics in lunch boxes etc and instead use reusable pots. Together we can make a difference.

Finally, could I please ask, if your child brings show and tell to nursery could you ensure that it is named, not too large and only one item. At the moment we are struggling to accommodate some of the life size toys that are arriving. As always we are grateful for your support.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 29th January

MATHS- Please complete the calculations on below in your homework books, by following the methods we have been doing in class shown below. The children have been working hard on these in class, so therefore should know what to do in each method. You can decide which one works best, but try and show it in your working out.

maths calculations.PNG
help sheet of methods.PNG

Could you also please practice your numbers bonds to 100 to make sure you have that instant recall it is so important and will help you with ALL of your adding and subtracting in the future…

Make it a game …here is a brilliant game to help you practice- you could even have a go at beating your mum, dad or brother/ sister!

READING - Keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING- Please practice your NEW Year 3 tricky spellings (I have added some in there that we are forever getting wrong also to mix it up a little)

Might Doesn’t Probably Maybe Library Circle

Think about the different ways I have given you to learn these spellings- which one do you like best? Which one works best for you?


In class we have been revising compound sentences from our Year 2, the children are doing really well with this but do need lots of practice in order for them to use different sentence structures in their own writing. Please complete the compound sentence sheet in their books.

Compound sentences are when two main clauses are linked together using a coordinating conjunction. Have a look at the picture below to help:



Can you please complete the research sheet in your homework books finding out who the inventors of electricity were and any information you can find out about them.

Homework - Wednesday 22nd January

Spelling - next week will be a random test covering all of the spelling rules that we have looked at this year:

Silent letters, -ible ending, -able ending, -ibly and -ably ending, -ent ending, -ence ending, ei words, -ant, -ance and -ancy ending

Maths - Complete the two reasoning sheets with questions on for homework. Think carefully about what the question is asking you and how you are going to jot and annotate to get to your answer.

English - is Harry Potter a classic text? Complete the sheet in your book with 4 different reasons for it being a classic text and 4 different reasons against it being a classic text. Think about the criteria for something being a classic? This needs to be in school on Monday please.

Science - Who Was Carl Linnaeus? Next week, as part of our classification unit, we will be looking at the scientist Carl Linnaeus - but who was he? Complete some research about his scientific work. Can you collect some cohesive devices as you are researching? Record in your homework book.

‘If we all did the things that we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves …’ Thomas Edison

Wow another exciting week of learning in the year 3 classroom ,with lots of focused Cooper Crabs! There is such a difference when we look at the children that started in September to now- they seemed to have matured and grown so much, especially in their learning- we are so proud of them all! We have LOVED our class novel this week, the children have been collected vocabulary, predicting what happens next, deducing information from the text and thinking deeply about what the author is showing us. In fact, the year 3 team have been blown away by the children’s depth of thought, which showed in their writing this week, where they all wrote a diary entry as the main character Tom. During this the children used what they found out from the text, but also added personal details to give more of an insight to the characters feelings. In Maths this week we have been looking at adding and subtracting larger numbers and started to bridge over the hundreds, which can be a tricky task, but the children are managing really well! In RE, we are continuing to look at the sacrament of Reconciliation, acting out situations that we may come across and how we can problem solve and resolve through asking forgiveness. In Science the children wowed Mrs Nel with how enthusiastic they were when they created a ‘human’ circuit! We love learning about electricity!

Next week we look forward to finishing our class novel and then using what we have learnt and the vocabulary we have gathered to begin writing our own stories. We will also be starting our Celts to Romans History topic next week, which we know the children will love.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless,

The awards this week go to …

Evie thank you for being such a focused Cooper Crab, concentrating in class,participating in lessons and producing much more work- well done Evie!

Isabella you have been such a creative Kiki Chameleon this week, with your wonderful diary entry, using all of your knowledge of the book, great characterization and using all of our grammar skills- what progress you have made!

Homework to be handed in on Thursday 23rd January 2020

Maths - please practise your three times tables, there are lots of great songs and rhymes on the internet or maybe make your own?

Spellings - As explained on my blog today spellings will now be tested on Mondays within the children’s spelling lesson, please recap on the same spellings given last week ready for Monday 20th January.

autograph automatic autopilot autocue certain century notice circle medicine recent

History - please visit https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z39j2hv/resources/1 and watch the video called ‘The story of China. How the Shang invented writing.’ There are plenty more videos on there if you want to discover more (this is optional).


Please practise Fresh Prince and the new note C.

Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.

What a lovely welcome back to our wonderful school your children have given me, I have thoroughly enjoyed our first few days together. Thank you for your patience at the door at home time, I am slowly (very slowly) learning a few faces. Year 4 have been working really hard and have hit the ground running, Mrs Lyons will be really pleased with how they have adapted. The children have also shown kindness and a warm welcome to Miss Walker who will be working as a teaching assistant in our class in the mornings.

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'Learning is not a spectator sport - we must remain active to move forward.'

If there was a sport in how much learning could be completed in one week, Year 6 would definitely win the award. We are rocketing though the Year 6 curriculum at some pace! We have continued to explore what it means to be active as learners. How are we working hard for ourselves and being present in lessons rather than just allowing learning to happen around us. We have certainly had to be present in maths lessons this week as we have learnt how to tackle long division. This is such a tricky concept and something that we will need to continue to work at and consolidate in the coming months.

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"Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen"

The children have truly blown me away by how focused and enthusiastic they have been this week.  The class has been buzzing with ‘Bobby Bees’ and everyone has completed so much superb learning because of this!  In maths lessons we continued to look at equal groups and repeated addition for multiplication and then the children were introduced to the multiplication sign on Thursday.  I can’t quite believe just how much learning is taking place during our maths sessions and the fantastic mathematical conversations we are having within them.

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Year 2 Home Learning - 17.01.20


Please complete the multiplication activity below


Please read your reading books EVERY night for at least 10 minutes.

Please complete the reading comprehension below


Adding the suffix -ed - hugged dropped clapped patted chopped painted

Set 10 from the spelling pack - could would should other brother mother

English IXL

A.1   A.2  

B.1   B.2   B.3   B.4

C.1   C.2   C.3

E.1    E.2    E.3  E.4   E.5    E.6    E.7  

H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4

K.1   K.2   K.3

L.1    L.2    L.3    L.4

M.1    M.2    M.3    M.4

O.1    O.2    O.3    O.4    O.9   O.10   O.11   O.12

Q.1   Q.2   Q.3   Q.4   Q.5   Q.6

S.1    S.2    S.3

Maths IXL

A.1   A.2   A.3   A.4   A.5   A.6   A.7   A.8   A.9    A.10    A.11   A.20    A.21    A.22   A.24   A.25   A.26   A.27

B.1   B.2    B.3    B.4 

D.1   D.2   D.3   D.4   D.5   D.6   D.7   D.8    D.9    D.10    D.11    D.12

E.1    E.2    E.3    E.4    E.5

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4   H.5    H.6    H.7    H.8

X.1    X.2    X.3    X.4 X.5 X.6 X.7 X.8