"Stand and Deliver!"

We have spent the last too week exploring our history topic “Crime and Punishment”. We have met smugglers, highwaymen, outlaws, Robin Hood and crusaders. The children have come to realize that all was not just and fair especially when it came to witches!!!

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Gustav Holst- The Planets- Mars

This week we have continued finding out about the planets in our solar system. To help our thinking we listened to Gustav Holst’s differing movements of ‘The Planets’. We also watched the CBeebies character ‘Melody’ on her trip to the planet mars. The children have asked if could share the link with you to enjoy at home. Click here to listen and watch.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 22nd January

There were a lot of children that hadn’t completed the IXL strands or completed the sentences in their homework books this week. These IXL strands would help them greatly, as they really reflect what we are doing in class. I know for some children it took them a little longer than most weeks to complete some of this, therefore I will give children another week to complete all homework areas, but if it could be completed by next Wednesday it would be greatly appreciated. There will be a couple of extra bits or slight changes so please make sure you check all areas for any of these changes:

MATHS- Please complete the following IXL Maths strands G1 and G2 in ‘addition of two digit numbers’ and H1 and H2 in ‘subtraction of two digits’.

READING - Keep reading EVERY night at home. It is important to read alongside an adult, where they can ask questions about the text and you can discuss events that happen in the book.

SPELLING- We have another week to practice our year 3 tricky spellings:

Strange peculiar describe sentence grammar straight

Well done to those children who took the time to make up mnemonics for the spellings, some of them were very impressive! How about this week you ask a parent to quiz you on the spellings in your homework book or even make up some silly sentences using the words?


If you haven’t already please complete the IXL strands Q1 and Q2 on prepositions and remember to complete the sentences in your homework books, using the following prepositional phrases:

Behind the shelves …

Before school starts

At home …

In the garden …

Along the lane …


Can you please complete the research sheet in your homework books finding out who the inventors of electricity were and any information you can find out about them.

Home Learning 17.1.20


The children have been given a maths worksheet to do, all about tens and ones. The children have completed a similar challenge in class. In order to master our learning I like the children to be able to teach what they have learned. Please ask the children to explain this learning to you. You can help them to consolidate this learning by prompting them: ‘How many ones are there in 13?’, ‘How do you know?’, ‘How many ones are there in 10?’.

Ongoing learning challenge - IXL maths ‘Numbers and Counting to 10’.


Please ensure children are reading every night.

Flash Cards

A few children have now learned ALL of the flash cards. This is a HUGE achievement and I am incredibly proud of their hard work and determination. For these children their new challenge is to spell these words. They will be tested on the spellings of these words once a week and moved onto the next set when they can confidently spell them.

Homework -Wednesday 15th January

Spelling -ant, ance, ancy words

distant, assistance, tolerant, defiant, elegant, relevance, hesitant, observance, instance, vacancy, pregnancy, substance, reliance, redundancy, infancy

Maths - Reasoning

Complete the 6 reasoning questions that are in your homework book.

Maths - IXL

Strands D1 - D3

Engligh/Geography - The UK

Next week, we will be starting a small topic on the UK and places within it. Where is your favourite place in the UK? Produce a descriptive piece of writing about this place thinking about:

  • Where it is?

  • What it is like there?

  • Any special landmarks

  • Key memories for you because of that place.

Clockwork Book Review

This is a To Do on Purple Mash. Can you complete a detailed book review on Purple Mash all about Clockwork. Use the Think about box on the side of the page to structure and detail your review.

Year 2 Home Learning - 10/01/20


Please complete the multiplication maths challenges attached below


Please complete the cursive handwriting sheet attached below


The ‘o’ sounds spelt ‘a’ after ‘w’ and ‘qu’ - was watch want squash wand squat

Set 9 from the spelling pack - I’ve I’m now call house school

Maths IXL

A.1   A.2   A.3   A.4   A.5   A.6   A.7   A.8   A.9    A.10    A.11   A.20    A.21    A.22   A.24   A.25   A.26   A.27

B.1   B.2    B.3    B.4 

D.1   D.2   D.3   D.4   D.5   D.6   D.7   D.8    D.9    D.10    D.11    D.12

E.1    E.2    E.3    E.4    E.5

H.1    H.2    H.3    H.4   H.5    H.6    H.7    H.8

X.1 X.2 X.3 X.4

English IXL

A.1   A.2  

B.1   B.2   B.3   B.4

C.1   C.2   C.3

E.1    E.2    E.3  E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7  

K.1   K.2   K.3

L.1    L.2    L.3    L.4

M.1    M.2    M.3    M.4

O.1    O.2    O.3    O.4    O.9   O.10   O.11   O.12

Q.1   Q.2   Q.3   Q.4   Q.5   Q.6

S.1    S.2    S.3

Home Learning 10.1.20


The children have been given an addition within 10 worksheet to do. Please could this be stuck into their home learning books.

I have also challenged the children to have a go on IXL. There are LOTS of questions under the unit ‘Numbers and Counting to 10’, so this home learning is an ongoing challenge for the next few weeks. I would love the children to have a go at the questions under this section and answer as many as they can. As always, thank you for supporting the children using the computer/ipad to do this. Their ICT skills are definitely improving!


Please ensure children are reading every night.

'Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God'

Happy New Year! It was so lovely to welcome back all the children on Monday, after what felt like a long holiday! The children have come back refreshed, refocused and ready to learn. In fact, this week has been my favourite week with Year 3 so far… they have all come back so eager and excited to learn that every lesson has been exciting and I feel like we have fit in so much learning. We are all so proud of them.

This week we have begun our class novel, a little later than we had hoped as we got carried away with our dragon learning, however after Christmas, ‘The Ice Cat’ novel seems a perfect way to start the new year. The children have embraced this novel as we have explored all the beautiful descriptive phrases and vocabulary in the first chapter, they have raised such deep questions about what they wonder about the plot and discussed the answers to some key questions. It is at this point where you can really see how much progress the children have made in their reading! Please continue with how much you are reading at home, as all the hard work IS paying off, not only are they making progress, you can see how much more they are enjoying their reading, which is such a joy to see.

In grammar we have continued to collect and use prepositions, which you will see on the homework, but we have also started to look at main clauses, and spotting them in complex sentences. In Maths were are continuing with our addition and subtractions, reasoning and playing with number continuously. RE this week, we have started to look at the sacrament of Reconciliation, in preparation for Our First Holy Communion.

Mass today was beautiful, the children prayed so reverently and it was lovely to celebrate as a whole school the start of a new year.

Most children have come back to school smartly, as you saw in my last blog and Miss Hornby’s before Christmas, that we would like to see the children dressed according to our school uniform policy. Specifically, it is so important that children please where the correct school jumpers to school (no hoodies or other such jumpers), the correct type of trousers and FULL school tracksuit on PE days please. As a refresher, please read the following guidelines to help you, found on our discover page, under ‘things to remember’.

On behalf of the year 3 team thank you so much for the thoughtful Christmas gifts. They were all incredibly heart warming and kind.

Thank you to everyone who signed up for Parents Day on 29th January. If you haven’t already please make sure you do, as this is the only time I will get to meet with parents. Many thanks.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless,

The awards this week go to …

Jacob thank you for being such a focused Cooper Crab, concentrating in class,participating in lessons much better and developing your resilience.

Hollie Rose what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are! You have become such a Maths Monster, developing your resilience, focus and even doing extra maths at playtime- we are very proud of you!

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday January 16th

Welcome back- keep working hard! Hard work always pays off!!


Reading is the key to success. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to meet with individuals this week and set a clear new target in their books- I have set targets on the ACR system so a number of children have already quizzed on the books they received/read for Christmas. Well done great start. Please read every night.


We have been exploring some great word problems this week working through different steps to find the answer. We also explored addition pyramids- these were fun. I have set on for homework. I have attached a PDF here. Take care the two on the right are adding the two on the left are take away- I’ve got the answers so I know it works. Be resilient!


We have started our new “crime and punishment” topic in history this week and we have some new words to master. Please learn the following spellings:







death penalty


Spelling challenge: Write a 100 word paragraph about a band of outlaws who get into trouble. I will put the funniest one on the blog next week- good luck!!!

Purple Mash Task

I have set a “to do” task on your Purple Mash account. Please complete the “Highwayman” picture- taking a picture of yourself!!! In the speech bubble make the text smaller and write an account of a robbery you committed last night- make it boastful!!!

Homework to be handed in on Thursday 16th January


Please practice your 4x tables using our usual process:

  1. Learn to count in 4’s first until you are confident

  2. Learn to say your times tables in order

  3. Learn to recall them out of order.

Below is the link to ‘Percy Parker’ a fun way of learning your times tables through song!


Please Practise hot cross buns and ‘nee-naw’ like a police siren!


Please learn the following and make sure you know their meanings:

autograph automatic autopilot autocue certain century notice circle medicine recent


We have learned all about the Egyptians in one week! We especially enjoyed learning about the discovery of Tutenkhamun’s tomb. Please complete the Purple Mash 2do about this. If you want to find out more to help you write it, here is a good site: