Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 17th March 2021

Here is your home learning for this week.

Don’t forget to use Time Table Rockstars, AR reading (you can quiz at home) and IXL to support your learning.

Maths - IXL Year 6 CC.4

Can you find the area of a triangle? We have worked really hard at this in class this week and you have all mastered this skill. Now it is time to consolidate this using IXL.

Area of a triangle = (base x height) ÷ 2

Spelling - can you learn these words ending in ial? Don’t forget to complete your dictation task on Purple Mash too

Spelling 17th March.PNG

Science - What are the effects of exercise on the human body?


We have looked carefully at our bodies and how each system within our body works but how do we keep it healthy?

Next week we will be completing a few investigations that look at the effect of diet and drink on our body, and exercise.

There are 3 links below that will take you to websites and videos. Watch them carefully then complete the piece of work set that explains to me the effects of exercise on our body.

I have set you a piece of work on Purple Mash. Think carefully about the detail that is needed to show me exactly what you can do.

'We can't heal the world today but we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, an act of kindness' Mary Davis

What a wonderful and eventful week we have had in Year 5… we have welcomed brand new members, we have been reunited with our friends and we have sadly said goodbye to members of our class family. But throughout it all, the children have been truly amazing, showing great love and compassion- we are all very proud of them. This week it has been so lovely to have all of the children back in class together and to NEARLY complete our class family once again. Of course we have dearly missed Mrs Nel and Mrs Hotckiss, although they have been popping in to sessions at different times, so they have been with us, albeit virtually

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Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love"

It has been truly wonderful to have all of our class team back together! We have been busy getting used to our school routines again and most importantly, have been enjoying spending time with each other. The excitement on the children’s faces as they walked through the doors on Monday morning was delightful to see; I was definitely just as excited to see them!

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This week.... sinking and floating

The children have loved working scientifically and finding out through first hand experiences; the nursery ladies have too! It has been VERY exciting.

This week we have been exploring sinking and floating. Click on the button to look at our plans for the week.

We began our experiments by watching and listening to a song.. Click here to listen. We even learnt a new word buoyant! We like finding new words. Everyone then set off around nursery to find an object that we could put in a large water trough. Before we could test out object we had to predict what we thought would happen. Needless to say there were some surprises. Look at our photos; we loved experimenting!

As you can see some of the children went on to build boats from boxes others used a boat building construction set to test if their boats would be able to carry people and not sink! That was tricky!

Towards the end of the week we watched another video to see if we would be able to predict what would happen; we had learnt so much! Click here to watch!

Here’s another video to watch in case it’s raining at the weekend, we haven’t had time to watch it at nursery; we’ve been so busy! Click here.

Later in the week we had a visitor come to nursery. Can you guess who it was? Yes, it was the Gruffalo! Of course we had to read the story!

The children over the past couple of weeks have been making special surprises for Mothering Sunday. I’m not sure if they have kept the surprise secret, but here just a few photos anyway. I do hope all our mums have the most wonderful restful day.

Next week we will be having a number a phonics week so watch out for things to do on Purple Mash! I’ve pinned lots of things on the Mini Mash site.

Finally, I have a huge favour to ask. If anyone has any nursery clothing at home, especially underwear could you please return them. Also, if you have any clothing that you no longer use donations would be gratefully received. Our stocks of clothing are very much depleted.

I’m not sure about the weather forecast for the weekend but I hope everyone manages to have some time together as a family, and…..