Year 2 Home Learning 3rd February

Ooops….We were so busy Friday afternoon that we forgot to send the home learning books home! So, this weeks homework will be online.

Next week, in English we will be looking at joining sentences. Take a look at this website, the videos and activities on the page will give you a head start!

Using conjunctions to join ideas - English - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

In Maths, we’ve looked at subtraction word problems. Please complete IXL I6 and I11


This week’s spelling are ‘ey’ words that sound like ‘ee’

kidney honey money jockey trolley key donkey chimney turkey

and word set 15 above great human walk talk because

Year 1 Homework 3.2.23

This week we continued our computing sessions please continue to practise logging on and off purple mash.

On Wednesday we are going to church for our RE topic to watch an exemplar baptism and learn about the features of a church. We have thought of some questions for Father Peter too.

For your homework, I would love it if you could bring in a picture of you when you were baptised (these can be stuck in homework books or I can photocopy in school to stick in) and a bit of information about what happened during the day. Or find out some information about baptisms what happens? Please could this be done for Monday as this is when our next RE lesson is.

We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

Next weeks spellings are:

other brother would

should mother could

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings, the children will be tested on Friday.


Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February (optional)

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 2 Weekly Blog 3rd February 2023 - 'Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning' William Arthur Ward

We have had an another amazing, productive week in Year 2. As we approach the half way through the year point, I’m really noticing how the children are growing, not only in height but as independent learners.

In English, we have been researching and gathering information about barn owls in preparation for writing our non chronological reports next week. We have been sorting the information we have collected under subheadings and have even found some fascinating facts for our fact boxes!

During indoor PE, we watched a clip about sea creature then spoke about how they moved around their habitat. We then replicated those moves with our dance partners. I wonder if the children could share some of their moves at home.

On Tuesday, World Mental Health Day, we really enjoyed our Yoga session with The Yogi group. The children learnt about breathing techniques and when they might use them, as well as a few tricky yoga poses.

The children have been using their photography skills in science to take picture of micro habitats around the school.

In Geography, we talked about places we have visited around the world and how we got to them. Next week we’ll be putting al the information together in graphs.

After half term we will be visiting St. Anne’s library, the library is such a wonderful place for the children to visit and further enhance their love of books and stories. Please fill in this short form to let me know if your child is a member of the library or not. Please don’t worry if they aren’t, prior to our visit I will make arrangements and send any necessary forms home so your child can become a member too.

Library Membership

Let’s Celebrate

Bea is a wonderful member of our class. She sets a fantastic example to everyone. Her work is always completed to the best of her ability and she is always focused and ready to learn. Bea’s manners are impeccable, you really are a credit to our class and school.

Alice, you’ve been a real Creative Kiki Chameleon in our English lessons. You’ve used superb adjectives to describe the wolf and the characters in your story.  It is wonderful to see your creative flair, not just in your writing but across the whole curriculum. You think outside the box and have some wonderful ideas.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Although the weather is a little brighter, it’s still cold outside - please ensure your child brings coat to school every day.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Have a great weekend,
Mrs Marham , Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

This week....

A different kind of week. We have been trying to think of ways we can look after our minds and bodies. When everything is so busy around us we need to take time to rest. This week we have been doing just that.

The children and nursery ladies have have been taking part in mindfulness exercises. Firstly, we did a mindful breathing exercise called ‘Smell the Flower and Blow the Candle’. Click here to have a go at home.

We have also been practising mindful looking. Click here for this exercise.

Ask your child to show you Hummingbird breathing, hand breathing and some of the yoga poses!!!

This prepared us for our session with the Yogi on Tuesday….more of that (and pictures) later.

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone!  It has been such a calm and relaxing atmosphere at Nursery this week, we have all felt very peaceful. I wonder if your child can remember some of the ways we have found our calm?

The children have been enjoying looking at the numberblocks again this week. On Thursday we looked at numbers 1-5 and how they can be made up of different numbers. Why don’t you take a look at this episode of Numberblocks where they show us what they are made of, all the parts that make a whole! Click here to watch.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a very restful week as we have been practising mindfulness and yoga. We joined in with the rest of the school to take part in a yoga session in the hall, learning lots of poses such as the cobra, the plank and the downward dog. We continued with Caterpillar yoga, pretending to be an egg, a caterpillar, a cocoon and finally a butterfly. For more poses click here.

We have worked very hard learning our new phonic sounds this week, e, l, h, sh and r. We have amazed all the nursery ladies with how many of the phonic sounds we can remember. We cant wait till next week to learn some more sounds.

Have a good weekend


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What a lovely, calm week! We have been practising mindfulness this week with lots of breathing exercises and calming music. Your child may have told you about ‘smelling the flower’ and ‘blowing out the candle’, which we used to practise long, deep breaths to help us to feel calm. On Tuesday we had a visit from the Yogi group. We went into the hall with Reception and we learnt different ways of breathing and moving our bodies to help us to feel calm – some of us nearly fell asleep! The lovely lady ended the session with us telling ourselves some positive affirmations – ‘I am happy’ and ‘I am amazing’.

This week we have been making shape dinosaurs. We have used different shapes in different colours to make our favourite dinosaurs – the children also chose to use the felt tips to draw markings and faces on their creations. I love how each dinosaur turned out differently! I have sent home a dinosaur shape sheet you can look at with your child at home.

We have continued to build and practise climbing in the garden – the children just love it and it is brilliant for developing their confidence and perseverance skills. They are so proud of themselves!

Here is a lovely calming video that you might like to watch over the weekend - click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


…and extras from Justine!

With the help of Smartie the Penguin, next week we will be discussing online safety. We have lots of exciting stories to read and lots to discuss. Watch this space or click on the button be low to look at our planning. So much to do…so little time!

This week we have started to introduce the book the whole school will be studying for World Book Day. It is a magical story without words and it evokes lots of interpretation and discussion. Each child sees different things in the pictures as they try to understand what may has just happened or what may happen next. Click here to join in the conversation at home. It is called The Journey by Aaron Becker.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on Purple Mash and activities which have been sent home in your child’s bag.

Number 7

The children were very excited to meet a new number…lucky number 7! Click here to meet 7. Why not make collections of 7 at home…seven forks, seven spoon, seven teddies, you get the idea!!

Parent drop in session

This terms session is on Wednesday 8th February 3.45-4.45pm. Please pop in and say hello and have a quick chat with your child’s key person.

Lastly, as we approach the last week of the half term I would like to say a huge thank you to all of YOU for everything that you do for your child in support of nursery. We are all so very grateful and never take your hard work for granted.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 03.02.23- ' Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health'

There has been lots of fun-filled lessons this week. Starting off on Monday, we welcomed Mrs Gregan into our classroom, her first time seeing what life in Year 5 is like under her new role. She was full of praise for the children and was blown away by their focus, work ethic and teamwork.

On Tuesday, we celebrated mental health day with a whole class eco trip to Point Dune for the annual year 5 Christmas tree planting day. The children managed to bare the weather and put in a hard shift on a breezy, wet winter morning. I heard brilliant things from the teachers on the trip of the children’s’ behaviour and how they represented the school. Even so, I received a lovely email from Blackpool Transport to say thank you for how lovely the children were on the bus, which just filled us with joy.

In the afternoon, we took part in a wonderful yoga session which focused on breathing/stretching techniques and how we can calm our body and mind whenever we are feeling stressed. We finished the day with an art lesson, focusing on mindfulness and what makes you happy. The children created mood boards to resemble what makes them happy.

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda for being a co-operative learner: For showing your teachers that you are a trusting learner by being able to work alongside your friends whilst still producing high quality work. You have also been a wonderful learning partner in group activities.

Connor Sean for being a determined and enthusiastic learner: For showing such resilience throughout all of our lessons this week. You never give up if you are struggling and you always reach out for help, to make sure you get the most out of your learning.


Online Safety Day- Will take place on Tuesday. We will be discussing the importance of being safe online and look at ways to prevent ourselves coming into any harm/danger when online. Please can all parents share this message with children on how important online safety is and to keep an eye on your child’s online activity at home.

Half herm- Next week will be our last week until we finish for half term, finishing on Friday 10th February. School will finish at normal time on the Friday and we will be back in school on Monday 20th February.

Film Competition- Deadline for the competition is Monday 6th February. More information about this is available on last weeks blog and also Mrs. Gregan’s blog.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 9th February


This weeks spellings have focused on homophones and other words that are easily confused. The children have written some tips to help them remember the difference between some of the similar words. The first 8 spellings are the spellings we have done this week and the other 4 are homophones we have previously done.

  1. affect

  2. effect

  3. accept

  4. except

  5. advise

  6. advice

  7. practise

  8. practice

  9. stationery

  10. serial

  11. aloud

  12. guest


Will be on IXL;

  • G4- Division facts to 12

  • H2- Dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers using arrays


SPAG worksheet. This is already stuck in the children’s books and will include a similar style of questions from last weeks SPAG sheet. A reminder for children to bring in their homework folders before Thursday, so that their work can be marked and handed out.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 3.02.23 - 'For never was there a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.'

I don’t think anybody can say that the Year 6 classroom is not a varied one! From a STEM investigation on the adaptations and involving beaks in Science to tackling long division to designing our 3D model pendant in art, we have certainly had a full and diverse week of learning.


On Tuesday, we looked at and discussed, all the ways we can look after our emotional well-being and looked at some strategies we can use when we feel overwhelmed by certain emotions. We had a very special session in the hall, where we were taught many strategies and the children all participated beautifully sharing their ways and strategies. As part of this theme, throughout the week in our RHE lessons, we have also been discussing and learning about how we can manage some of the pressures we may feel as we grow up, especially those relating to our body image. We hope that through exploring these and other pressures that they may experience, children will develop ideas of how to build resilience through thankfulness. Today, we read a book about ‘tapping your way to a great big smile’ which focuses on a different strategy of tapping to relieve stress or as a way to manage feelings. All great tools to have under our belt as we progress to the end of the year!

Look at our work …

The children worked so hard on their Rosa Parks last week and as I took them home to mark, I could have burst with pride! Usually, I love to mark all over their work, highlighting the effective elements, celebrating their work and giving them areas of development. But this time, as I got my highlighters and green pen out, I found myself not wanting to mark their work it was so beautiful. So instead, I read thoroughly, and provided the children with whole class feedback. The children then took my comments and marked their own work, carefully pin pointing the criteria they included but also seeing the areas they needed to develop. The children loved doing this and it really gave them a sense of ownership of their progress. Here are our wonderful biographies …

Where has our learning taken us this week?

  • English - ‘Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo.’ Older literature is our focus now, in particular Romeo and Juliet. This week we looked at three different interpretations of this play and we have mapped out the whole plot, summarizing each main event. Next week, we will also be comparing the opening of the play via two films. One for 1968 and one from 1996. I will be using the 1996 film occasionally throughout the teaching sequence. This film is a certificate 12, but I can assure you that all of the content that the children will be shown will be suitable and appropriate. We will be recording the prologue next week for you to view, so watch this space!

  • Maths - This week we have finished off our conversion of measures with many challenging problems. Then towards the end of the week we have started DIVISION. One of the last arithmetic strands that we needed to cover was long division. After quite a few puzzled faces, the children have slowly and steadily been getting to grips with it. Slow and steady always win the race…as the hare and the tortoise found out!

  • Science - EVOLUTION AND INHERITANCE - We looked at adaptation and how animals and plants have been adapted to certain habitats.

  • RE- We have looked at the Last Supper and it’s significance to the mass and looked at what the Penitential Act is and why it is crucial to start with this as we prepare to take the sacred eucharist.

Leading Learners

Well done to Jack and Jess this week.

Jack you are such a reflective learner – you listen to the teaching and strive to achieve the learning objectives. It is always a pleasure picking up your book, as the work is always to the best of your ability and you listen to feedback so attentively, which is shown in your work. You know your strengths but also the areas you want to develop, which is a very mature skill to have and enables you learning to fly!

Jess- you are heaven on a plate and we LOVE teaching you! You are such a bundle of energy and enthusiasm, where every lesson you give your all! You hang on to every word and are such an active learner! Thank you!

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Arthur for working for the common good of our classroom this week.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Olivia Grace Arthur Jacob M


  • Water Parks Meeting on 16th March at 4pm in the school hall.

  • Next Tuesday 7th February is our Online Safety Day.

  • Parents’ evenings are being planned for after half term however, in the meantime, please visit Mrs Gregan’s blog to find out about an opportunity to come into school to see your child’s work. We cannot wait to share all of the wonderful things that they have produced. You will need to indicate that you are attending.

  • Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use.

Have a happy weekend.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Barker

Year 3 homework to be handed in by Thursday 9th February

Thank you for your wonderful homework last week! Please know that completing homework well with the support and encouragement of loving parents makes all the difference- it build confidence and self belief.


Reading is always the most important homework - please read with your child every day.


Homophones this week - We have been drawing pictures in schoo, to help us. Can you do the same in your Homework book - a pictures for each word!

meet and meat

where and wear

week and weak

great and grate

bear and bare

MATHS - Daily practice

Please continue with your daily TT Rock Star! Well done to all those children who are completing this daily - I can see your effort and progress.

Passwords in homework books- display somewhere at home to - thank you!

Computing - Coding

Please find the 2Do which has been set called, ‘Jumping monkey’ follow the steps to create the code and make the monkey reach the banana.

Remember to nest the commands correctly. if you want the command to happen after something else has happened it must be nested inside.

For example below: In the first image, the second command is not nested inside the first command, meaning the timer will start straight away and the monkey will move down after 1 second. Whereas, in the second image these commands are nested inside, meaning the commands will follow in sequence.

Optional Competition set by Mrs Gregan - still time to do this by Monday 6th February

Year 6 Home Learning 3.02.23


Spelling - please learn the following words from the statutory spelling list and complete the Purple Mash quiz.


Please revise identifying nouns using the following IXL strands:

FF1 - Identify nouns – with abstract nouns

FF2 - Identify common and proper nouns


Please complete the long division calculations in your homework books. Follow the steps from the example below. Remember to lay it out correctly.

ENGLISH (last week to complete)

On a piece of paper, or typed up, please could you write a biography on an inspirational person of your choice. Please remember all of the tools we need to include in a biography:

Year 1 Weekly Blog 3.2.23

On Tuesday it was Mental Health Day we had a lovely day filled with lots of different activities.

We discussed the importance of looking after our minds and bodies, by finding out how we can stay healthy and we helped Rodd learn about getting enough sleep if we don’t, we can become forgetful and it can affect our mood.

 First we drew something that made us happy, something we were good at and something we enjoyed. Then we loved our yoga session with Little Yogis. We read Ruby’s worries and created our own, thinking about things that made us feel worried and what we can do to help us feel better.

 We thought of things we were grateful for, said what had gone well for us on Tuesday. Went on a mindfulness walk around the playground with a partner, where we had a chat and discussed our surroundings. We made collage rainbows to remind us to stay calm and take a deep breath, drew our happy place, created and coloured in our own colour monster, made feeling faces with playdough and on the computers, listened to music, danced before lunch. Worked together to pass a spoon with water on to each other and finally at home time listened to ‘be the pond’ the fish are our feelings if we remember to be the pond and not the fish they can swim away. The children were told their secret friend, they made sure they were extra kind and we guessed who they were today.

 The second group finally went on our Geography school trip, we had to look for human and physical features around St Annes, and they were brilliant. We even enjoyed a few games on the beach before coming back to school.

We have been busy in Maths and English continuing our more than, equal to and less than symbols and we started to look at what whole meant ready for next week. We have also started to partition numbers up to 7 practically and writing our answers down in a part part whole model. We made up our own actions to retell ‘Where the Wild things are’ and wrote the begining of the story. We also started to mark and edit our own work! Focusing on full stops, finger spaces and capital letters, we did this in pairs and decided if we had met the objectives and what our next steps would be when we finish our story next week.

We loved sharing our Purple Mash homework in class and have enjoyed our computing lessons, please practise logging on and off independently as much as possible so we can spend more time on our lesson and learn new skills.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees for super sentence writing in English and for remembering their chatty friends in phonics.

Henry is going home with this person for a super week well done :).


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Don’t forget Mrs Gregan’s online safety competition, look on the homework blog for more information.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Home Learning 27th January

This week we have been learning about consecutive number in maths, please complete the activity in your home learning book on number before and after.

In the next couple of weeks, we’re really going to focus on sentences and how we can improve them to make our writing even better. This week in your home learning book there is a piece of text with no punctuation! Please read this text out loud this will help you ‘hear’ where the punctuation should go, before editing adding capital letters an full stops.

There’s also a little spelling activity in your books to help you with this weeks spelling rule - doubling the consonant before adding ‘er’ or ‘est’

Our spellings this week are :

hotter wettest bigger sadder fittest slimmer hottest fatter maddest

Set 14: two their through many water someone

Thank you

Year 1 Weekly Blog 27.1.23

We have started our computing topic this week, please can you practise to log on and off at home and complete the homework I have set on purple mash. This will ensure we can teach the skills and have more time to complete the activities. Look at our amazing ginger bread men pictures we have created.

To help us think of some adjectives for our writing we went outside and pretended we were in the deep dark woods. Every time the tambourine rang we froze then someone would tell me what they could see, hear or feel. This gave us lots of great ideas and was reflected in our writing.

We have continued looking at the less than, equal to and more than symbols in Maths and we are all working hard on this. We have subitised the numbers 5–9 and represented them on a rekenrek and identified different ways of seeing parts within a whole. Using the stem sentence_____ is the whole; _____ is a part and _____ is a part and _____ can split into _____ and _____ ; _____ and _____ combine to make _____ . I was very impressed!

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our awardees for super sentence writing in English and self assessing their work and using a purple pencil to fix it.

Henry is going home with this person for a super week well done :).


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework, It is really important that you are reading reguarly at home so your child can make good progress with their reading especially as they will have their Phonics screening in June.

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • School Trip, our second half of the children will be going on their Geography school trip on Friday 3rd Feburary. Please wear school uniform and make sure you bring appropriate clothes and shoes for our walk to the beach.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 27.1.23

This week we have started our computing sessions please continue to practise logging on and off purple mash and complete the 2do. This is to paint a picture of something you have done over the weekend. It would be lovely to share this in class. The children have loved seeing their work on the board and have enjoyed using purple mash. This is due on Thursday

We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

Next weeks spellings are:

school house call

now I’m I’ve

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings, the children will be tested on Friday.


Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February (optional)

Thank you

Miss Drummond