Year 5 Weekly Blog 27.01.23 ' Kindness is something anyone can give without losing anything themselves''

This week has yet again been a productive and reflective week of learning. In RE, we have been focusing on the ‘Beatitudes’ and how Jesus wants us to live our lives on Earth. The children used these to compare to their own inspirational people in their lives and how they can acquire their values. The children also created their own beatitudes and used this task to really reflect on how they would like us to live our lives.

As we finished our Kidsafe lessons in HRE, we began to discuss our religious understanding of different stories in the bible. This week we looked at the ‘Calming of the Storm’ and reflected on what ‘faith’ is and how this relates to the story.

In Science, we are coming to the end of our forces topic as we dip into the world of space next week. We have now covered all of Newton’s 3 laws of motion and how they relate to everyday movements.

In Maths, we have finished our unit of factors, multiples, prime and square numbers, in which the children have retrieved and applied their knowledge to lots of reasoning and problem solving questions.

In English, we have begun our studies of space and have read and respond to our book ‘The Universe’. The children have been eagar to begin this topic and have dived straight into it by sharing what they already know and asking lots of curious questions.

Let’s Celebrate

Christian for being a determined learner: For always giving it a go in every subject we do. You have been working really well with Mrs Webster this week in maths and are becoming a more confident and independent learner.

Rosa for being a reflective learner: For staying focused and wanting to challenge yourself during problem solving activities. You are always open to feedback from adults which allows you to reach your academic potential.


  • Verruca’s and foot sores- When we are in the hall for PE, all children are to take their shoes and socks off for health and safety reasons. If your child has any foot sores, such as verrucas, then please can they bring their own grip socks in for them to wear. The same applies for jewelry and watches, which also need to be removed before PE lessons.

  • Whole class eco trip- We will be out of class on the morning of Tuesday 31st January. Children will come into school at normal time and will have to wear their PE kits, as we have a yoga session in the afternoon for mental health day. Reminder that a £4 fee will be required to cover the cost of the bus. This is live on parent pay and needs to be paid ASAP.

  • Film Competition- This is optional for children to participate in, which has been set by Mrs Gregan. The deadline for this is Monday 6th February.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 2nd February


Spellings this week are focusing on a different way the ‘ee’ sound is spelt in particular words. These spellings focus on the sound ‘ei’. The first 9 words are the spellings with the ‘ei’ sound and the other 3 spellings are words we have previously done.

  1. receive

  2. deceive

  3. ceiling

  4. receipt

  5. conceit

  6. conceive

  7. seize

  8. protein

  9. caffeine

  10. whistle

  11. breakable

  12. visible


SPAG worksheet. Some of the pieces of grammar on the sheet, have not been covered yet this year. We have breifly discussed how we may go about answering these questions without fully learning that piece of grammar, however children are to still attempt each question and we will discuss the answers in class.


Will be on IXL;

  • J1- Square and cube numbers

  • K4- Factor pairs

This week.....

A ‘melange’ of a week this week. We are still enjoying finding about about dinosaurs but our gaze was hijacked when some of our friends told us they had celebrated Chinese New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy- ‘wishing you great happiness and prosperity’

The children went in to the hall to celebrate by doing a dragon dance. We used large tins to make the drumming music! Fabulous! Take a look.

We also decided to make a Dino world in our dark dark den! Ooooooooh it’s so dark. We had to use torches to see which dinosaurs were in there! Arghhhhhh!

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone! It has been another week of hard work, no wonder we are all tired!

We have been lucky enough to spend some time out in the garden and Thursday afternoon even brought us some much needed sunshine! The children decided to make a ‘Dino Den’ in the garden out of the large wooden triangle. There was room for lots of dinosaurs, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children wanted to camouflage the den so they covered it with some branches from the bush. Some children even had a go at camouflaging themselves (see photos for details!)

We love to experience lots of different music and sounds at Nursery and we found a story where two dinosaurs have a race!  We loved it! Click here to watch.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

This week has been full of music and dancing. We learnt about Chinese New Year by listening to a story about Nian the monster and how people chased him away with loud noises and fireworks. We couldn’t quite manage the fireworks but we wanted to make the loud music. (of course!)  We performed our very own dragon dance accompanied by our very own Chinese drummers.

Click here for a lovely short story about Chinese New Year. Click here to watch.

We also had lots of fun making our own dinosaur music, slow and loud for a Stegosaurus and fast and quiet for a velociraptor. Maybe you could practise making dinosaur music at home.

We have also continued  practising our Fundamental Movement Skills of throwing, jumping and hopping by building a huuuge obstacle course in the garden. We felt quite brave as we learnt how to step up and step down on to the planks.

Then in the garden we explored how tyres can move because they are round and that they can move faster if they are higher up on the planks. We had a contest to see who could roll the tyres quickest or furthest.

We continued our Maths mastery by estimating how many snakes were in the box. Then we had to guess how many could fit in the box. We were so surprised when we found out we could fit 21 in the box! We had to put the lid on quick as we know those sneaky snakes might just slither everywhere when we are not here. We will have to watch out for them!

Have a really good weekend and we will see you next week,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What another busy week! We have spent a lot of time in the garden, it has been lovely watching the children play together and continue to practise negotiation and turn taking skills. We made obstacle courses that were tricky – the children helped each other and tried again and again like Sadie Spider.

Playing with the skittles meant we could practise our counting – we were determined to keep practising to knock down all 10! The children helped each other to put the skittles back up each time.

We have been practising our sounds this week – we used sound cards and matched objects to them if they began with that sound. You could write the sounds on some paper and go on a sound hunt around your house to find objects that begin with that sound. So far we have learnt s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, u, f, b.

We have enjoyed moving like dinosaurs this week – here is a link to the video we used.

This meant we could practise our gross motor skills (big movements) and keep our bodies moving!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.


Throughout the week we have been making cold colour collage pictures, brrrrrrrrr! First we looked at lots of different pictures of cold environments to see if we could spot which colours we could see, we then mixed the paints to the same colours and cut up bits and bobs we could find which complemented the paint.

The children’s challenge was to use all of the paper and to find a space for each colour paint without mixing them all together! That was a bit tricky but we were like Sadies Spider and try, try, tried….and we did it!

The pictures looked great when we had finished them. We have made a display in nursery and the school hall. Have a look!


You’ve Got A Friend in Me!

This week we discussed friendships with our friends and the different qualities of a positive/negative relationships. We learned to look to Jesus as a role model for being a good friend.

We continue to work hard on our numbers, shape space and measure and of course our sounds. We may even start a new number and some more sounds next week! Watch this space!!

Keep an eye out for this weeks home learning challenge. Enjoy!

Have the most fabulous weekend and enjoy being together with loved ones.

See you on Monday

God Bless


Year 2 Weekly Blog 27th January - A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself.

A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself.

We got stuck into our new English topic this week - Non Chronological Reports. The children have enjoying researching birds and in particular owls. We’ve identified features of non chronological reports and talked about the language we will use in our own reports.
Our new class book is The owl who was afraid of the dark.

In maths, we’ve looked at consecutive numbers and the difference between them. We’ve also been thinking about how we can tell if an number is odd and even.

In RHE we have learned about how feeling and actions are different but are linked. Our feelings can lead to actions, and our actions can cause feelings. In groups, the children thought about how we show our feelings and we discussed how sometimes it can be confusing for others to know how we’re feeling.

We enjoyed hearing about Jesus feeding the 5000 in RE, we put the story in order and recapped the main point of the story on our own fishes and loaves.

Let’s Celebrate!

This week, Rosa. received a Sadie Spider certificate for being such a determined learner. Mrs Carragher has really enjoyed listening to Rosa read. Keep it up Rosa!

Lena received a certificate for her determination in lessons, even when our learning tasks are a little tricky, Lena never gives up. Well done Lena!


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Verrucas- Indoor PE takes place in our school hall, all children are to take their shoes and socks off for health and safety reasons. If your child has any foot sores, such as verrucas, please ensure that they bring a pair of ‘grippy’ socks (the type you get at the trampoline park) to school with them to wear. Please ensure jewelry and watches are removed on PE days.

Next Tuesday is World Mental Health Day - the whole will be taking part in activities during the day including Yoga - as this is on our normal PE day there is nothing extra that children will need to remember.

Tuesday 7th February is Safer Internet day, Mrs Gregan has set a challenge for the children, please see the poster below.

This week’s homework can be found in the children’s Home Learning books.

Year 3 weekly blog - "Kindness is doing what you can, where you can, with what you have."

Our learning this week has been full of excitement and interest. We have been introduced to our science topic… electricity. The children could not wait to share their current knowledge about this topic. They also asked lots of great, curious questions which we hope to be able to answer over the coming lessons! We have already started to gain a greater awareness on energy sources, how some electrical items must be plugged into their power source, and others use a battery that stores the energy.

We have also had so much success in our computing lessons… we have certainly become much more confident when coding. This week we looked at how we could use timers when commanding an object to move. It was great fun!

We have taken to bridging over 100 in multiples of 10 this week, and learnt a fantastic method to make this super easy! The children were amazing each one was so focused to really make sure they grasped the method before setting off to use it with such confidence and enjoyment! I wonder: ask your child how they could answer 80 + 50, using the new bridging method. On Thursday and Friday we explored the relationship between multiplication and division - plus some really tricky word problems - good paired talk here!

In English we have really been developing our reading skills, using the punctuation to help us to read with understanding and expression. We have now read up to chapter 3 of Ice Cat, and we are once again, left desperate to read on! Along with our reading skills, we have also taken time to understand how we can use prepositions when writing, and each child has completed a lovely piece of writing, including lots of prepositions to explain how Tom built his ice cat. In geography we wrote our very own non-chronological report all about our a favourite artic animal. We challenged ourselves to use conjunctions to join up clauses!Well done everybody!

Finally, we started our class council with a beautiful worship based on the Beatitudes. We reflected on what makes us happy - then we listened to the words of Jesus and we could see that our happiness is connected to our relationships with one another and our God.

Have a blessed weekend.


Well done to Joseph who keeps on trying and trying again- just like Sadie Spider. It is not what we do sometimes that matters it is how we tackle it the next time. Every small improvement leads to greater success

Well done Rory - we could give you every character Rory, you are focused, creative, determined and resilient. I just loved the way you explained how you had used a rhetorical question in your non-chronological report. Just great!


Oline Safety day is coming up on Tuesday 7th February. Get ready by joining in the competition Mrs Gregan has set for the school.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 27.01.23 'To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try' Rosa Parks

It has been such a reflective week in Year 6. In our RE we delved deeper in to the scripture ‘I am the bread of life’, at how we can nourish ourselves spirituality as well as physically through our daily interactions with others, as well as prayer and different ways we can connect or talk to God. We have looked closely at the miracle of the loaves and Jesus’ message to us, of our need to nourish ourselves spiritually in order to continue to be the work of His hands and to have a relationship with God.

We have been doing lots of work, building on our strategies in order to retrieve information, Year 6 went on the hunt around the classroom to find the retrieval questions and even made their own conversion quiz…

Where has our learning taken us this week?

We have had a lovely week in class. Full of hard work, enthusiasm and deep reflection- and we even managed to watch the Dr Who episode where the doctor met Rosa Parks, which was such a great tool to use before we wrote our wonderful Biographies. The children were so gripped and great conversations led on from this about the injustice of the time.

  • English - This week the children have finished their Outcome 2 biographies on Rosa Parks. Because of the excellent homework produced, the children had such a wealth of knowledge and could write with great confidence. I am looking forward to marking them over the weekend.

  • Maths- we have continued to master our conversion of measures, focusing heavily on our place value of decimals and applying these to some tricky problem solving and ratios.

  • Science- We have been retrieving our prior learning of how plants and animals have adapted to their environment.

  • PE- we have continued with building on our hockey skills, practicing the skill of passing and dribbling. Then in gymnastics the children have been exploring part-weight bearing balances

  • History - Learning about the legacy Henry VIII left behind

  • Art - we have started to create out piece of art for the exhibition.

Leading Learners

Well done to Jacob M, Jayden and Jacob O this week.

Jacob M, We are so proud of your positive attitude towards your work. You are so focused in class ands when you come across an area that is challenging you approach it calmly and with great determination but you have now learnt that mistakes are a tool to learn from, you listen to feedback and make active choices to improve your work. We are loving your I CAN attitude and your independence.

Jayden- Wow Jayden, you are being so focused on your learning and we love your positive attitude towards the work and wanting to complete all of your learning for the day. You are trying so hard and we can see the progress you are making- we are very proud of you.

Jacob O, Wow, your learning and the progress you are making is reaching new heights! You know exactly the areas you want to improve on and have sought out how you can take your own learning to the next level, which is reflected in your work. We have been so impressed how you have listen to feedback on your writing and reflected improvements in your next piece. We also love the way you focus in grammar and apply your learning to your writing- keep it up!

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Max for working for the common good of our classroom this week.

Special Headteachers butterfly has been awarded to Hollie-Rose this week.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

India Jack Isabella Stephanie


  • Next Tuesday 31st January is our Mental Health Awareness day, where we will discuss the importance of looking after our mind, looking at breathing techniques, meditation and on mindful movement by the Yogi Group. Please wear PE kits on the this day.

  • No PE on Monday, so no PE kits needed on this day next week.

  • Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use.

Have a happy weekend. The snowdrops are out

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Barker

Year 3 homework to be handed in by 2.2.23


Continue to read every night! Please listen to your child’s fluency. It is good to let them read a page twice or even three times- building up their word recognition and really focusing on reading the punctuation - pausing is all the correct places

MATHS - Daily practice

Dear parents we need you help- last week the children were asked to complete 5-10 minutes of TT Rockstars everyday. They need to log on and play in the garage. I have shown them in class. 9 children haven’t been on their account this week. I have had a quiet word with them to explain how important it is to learn these facts and to know that I am able to track their progress. Thank you to everyone who started to make this part of their routine.

Passwords in homework books- display somewhere at home to.


This week we have read chapter 3 of Ice Cat. Below is a copy of this chapter. I would like you to read this chapter to an adult. When reading please make sure you focus on using the punctuation and pausing when you see a comma or full stop. Start a new sentence with a new tone - its a new mini story. Use commas for a mini pause too.

Parent grade: (are we improving the following…)

1. reading each word correctly and accurately

2. reading in an interesting voice

3. reading at a decent pace - not too fast or slow.

4. Ability to use punctuation

Once you have done this, just like last week, can you summaries what happened in this chapter in 1 or 2 sentences. We will share these next week.


Find out who was the inventor(s) of electricity. Tell me a little bit about their early life. Can you find out as much information as you can about how their invention came about. How did their invention effect or change our world? We will share our findings next week.


Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February (optional)

Year 6 Home Learning 27.01.23


Spelling - Homophones- words that are easily confused. Please check the meaning of each of the words. You may also want to use these word in sentences so that you fully understand the words meaning and when the correct spelling would be used. There is a quiz for you to complete on PURPLE MASH.


Please read the biography on Barack Obama and complete the questions ready to go over this in class on Thursday.


Please complete the conversion problems that are in your Maths book.

ENGLISH (two week homework)

On a piece of paper, or typed up, please could you write a biography on an inspirational person of your choice. Please remember all of the tools we need to include in a biography:

Optional Competition set by Mrs Gregan - to be in on Monday 6th February

Year 1 Weekly Blog 20.1.23

We have had another super science week, this week! We continued discussing different materials and their properties and groups some objects together by their properties. Then the Three Little Pigs left us a letter asking for our help! They needed to go to the shops but it was raining so we decided they needed an umbrella. We had to test different materials to see which would be the most suitable then we designed an umbrella for them. To make it a fair test we used a pipette to drop 6 drops of water on each material to see what would happen. The plastic bag was the most suitable because it is waterproof and strong. We have started our Winter Weather Chart and discussed signs of Winter and observed our class tree we discovered our tree is a deciduous tree because it loses its leaves.

We created our own Monster and made a poster in English writing descriptive sentences. We started to look at the book Where the Wild Things are, before we started reading we looked at one page and thought of different questions we could ask. We learnt a new saying to help us remember to use capital letters, finger spaces, stay on the line and use a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. Ask your child to show you.

We have continued looking at the less than, equal to and more than symbols in Maths and we are all working hard on this. We discovered that you can make even numbers with two even numbers or two odd numbers, but to make a odd number they could only be made with one even number and one odd number!

In RE we discussed the special occasion of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the temple as a baby and we learnt about Simeon and how he knew that this baby was God’s special gift to everyone. We acted out the story. We have also been thinking about how we can show the Light of Jesus’ Love in our class and why Jesus is the Light of the World.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to Ruth for being such a good role model in class and Patrick for supporting his partner during RWI by using his story voice and encouraging his partner to do the same.

We all learnt a gymnastics routine, we walked to the mat, did a pencil roll, then a star jump and caterpillar walked back. These PE superstars worked well with their partners and listened to the instructions well done.

Henry is going home with this person for working hard on their reading they have not given up even when they have found it challenging, well done.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework, It is really important that you are reading reguarly at home so your child can make good progress with their reading especially as they will have their Phonics screening in June.

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • School Trip, our second half of the children will be going on their Geography school trip on Friday 3rd Feburary.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 20.1.23

This week we have been learning about materials in science, please can you log on to Purple Mash and complete the 2Do Describing Everyday Materials.

We have listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, please can you continue reading at home, thank you.

I am very sorry it has been a busy week this week, so we didn’t get chance to have our spelling test today.

Please continue to practise these spellings:

where when why

how who here

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings.

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 5 Weekly Blog 20.01.23- 'Focus on being productive instead of busy'

This week has definitely been a week filled with lots of hard work and learning opportunities. Whether it’s been starting new topics, continuing with big units or end of unit assessments, the children have applied themselves really well into all of our pieces of work. It has been brilliant to see the children take on the advice given from the Year 5 staff about becoming independent learners and preparing them not just for Year 6 but even for high school!

In English, we have been finishing our explanatory texts, which are all about elastic band rockets! The children have been retrieving and applying their scientific knowledge of forces to explain how the rockets work, using all of their new vocabulary.

In Maths, we have continued with our factors and multiples unit and have been doing lots of deep thinking this week, with the children using their multiplication knowledge to apply these to problem solving and reasoning questions.

In RE, we have finished our topic of covenants and have started our new topic ‘Inspirational People’. We started by discussing what the word inspire means and how different people portray it. The children loved sharing who their inspirations were and how they inspire them (and yes mums and dads were mentioned in this). We then linked this to how Jesus was inspirational and what qualities/characteristics he has.

In PE, now the athletics competition is over, our focus turned to our new topics. We started hockey in our outdoor PE lessons, with the children understanding the safety and technic of using proper hockey equipment. The children then applied these skills into some passing and controlling drills. In our indoor PE lessons, we have continued with our dance topic of ‘heroes and villains’, in which we linked our new RE topic to relate our inspirational and heroic icons.


Today, we continued with our Kidsafe programme in HRE. Here is what we learned today.

Let’s Celebrate

All Girls Lancashire County Finals- A huge congratulations to our girls football team, just to make it to the Lancashire County Finals is a huge achievement in itself and to represent Fylde is such a big competition. After a tough start to the tournament, the girls won 3 games in a row to reach the shield final, where we sadly fell short. Myself and Mr. Nay were super proud of the commitment, resilience and teamwork of the girls throughout both tournaments.

Indoor Athletics Competition- Another huge sporting competition this week and it was the Indoor Athletics Competition at Stanley Park. Mnay children from Year 5/6 got the chance to represent the school in sports with lots of different events taking place. For our Year 5 children, this was the first time partaking in an event as big as this, with lots of schools competing, parents watching in the stands and judges/officials orgainsing the event. Naturally, the children were nervous but they gave their all and they all should be really proud of themselves, as are myself and Mrs Gregan.

Evan and Alex for being focused learners: Throughout all of our maths lessons this week, you two boys have been so focused and eager to get on with your work. You have listened thoroughly to instructions and have both got your head down and straight into each task. You have been so productive in the amount of work you have completed and you should feel proud.


  • Football and Netball training- Will be returning next week with the times being the same. Football training will be on Monday at 8am and netball starting at 3:30pm on Thursday. This information is also available on the sports timetable on the website (engage-> sport).

  • Whole class Eco trip- The whole class will be going down to the beach for our annual Christmas tree planting which will be on Tuesday 31st January. More details are to follow

  • Accelerated Reader- All children were given letters regarding accelerated reader. These letters are for parents in order for you to access your childs reading progress.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in 26th January


This weeks spellings have been our orange words (tricky words) so these will need practicing over the next week. The first 6 spellings are brand new words that we have learned this week, with the rest being other tricky words that have previously come up in spelling tests.

  1. develop

  2. determined

  3. familiar

  4. definite

  5. awkward

  6. persuade

  7. enough

  8. cough

  9. interrupt

  10. especially

  11. rhythm

  12. curiosity


To read for a minimum of 20 minutes at home every day. Children need to make sure to bring their reading book into school every day and also take it home to maximise the amount of reading they can do and to get them quizzing!


Will be on IXL;

  • PP2- Capitalisation (Capital Letters)

  • T2- Vocabulary - defining words with prefixes pre-, re-, mis-


Will be on IXL;

  • D9- Multiples

Whoever wants to understand much must play much.” -Gottfried Benn

Another fun packed week has passed and the delight of having time to just be has been ever present on the playground. Imaginations have run wild, sporting skills finely tuned and the collaboration of ideas to invent new games. We have had a flock of seagulls swooping and calling out, as the Year 4 children reenact The Tempest. Spiderman has been swinging through the tower blocks and T-rex’s on the loose! What ever the children have played, they have done so with love in their hearts and a smile on their face. Year 6, have started clubs again for this half term and are providing an array of opportunities for the lower Keystage 2 children. Thank you Year 6 for giving up your lunchtimes to do this, the children are loving the activities you provide!

Let’s Celebrate!



First Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 3

Role Model of the Week:  Beth, Year 3 and Rafe, Year 4

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Lorenzo, Year 3 and Esther, Year 4


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 5

Role Model of the Week: Lily-Mae, Year 5 and Olivia, Year 6

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Jay, Year 5 and Asher, Year 6


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year Reception

Role Model of the Week: Toby, Reception, Rutht Year 1 and Liam, Year 2

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Emelia, Reception, Xander, Year 1 and Lena, Year 2



Well done and thank you so much children for making lunchtimes such a lovely time of the day.

 Have a lovely weekend

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team

This week...

This week we have been palaeontologists! Great another wow word to add to our list!

We have been digging for dinosaur bones and fossils in the sand! When we found a bone we matched it to the bone chart! Take a look!

The children have been so engaged in finding out facts about dinosaurs, even though some of the dinosaur name are extremely tricky to pronounce! We got there in the end!

If you want to go on some dinosaur adventures check out Andy’s dinosaur adventures and games by clicking here.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had such a busy week this week. On Tuesday we were greeted by a winter wonderland when we arrived at nursery. Even though it was cold, this didn't stop us going in the garden and making the most of the snowy weather.  We had such fun making patterns in the snow with shovels and brushes.  This helps to develop our large muscles, and our smaller muscles too ready for starting school and holding a pencil for writing. Other activities to develop these muscles can be found here.

We have loved being palaeontologists this wee, and have explored and examined the dinosaur bones and fossils. We have also painted lots of pictures of dinosaurs.

We have really enjoyed PE as well, we are getting really good at hopping and jumping, and this week we have started to jump over the hurdles. Its so tricky to do this with both feet together, but we are practising. Maybe you could practise jumping over objects at home, with both feet together.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a great week we have had! We began the week being palaeontologists - we had fun putting on our special jackets and digging for dinosaur bones and fossils. We used magnifying glasses to help us and matched the bones to the pictures to work out which dinosaurs they belonged to. 

We also finished our fossils - adding some shimmer really made the imprints stand out! Hopefully you’ve all found your child’s fossil in their bag this week. 

We’ve enjoyed making dinosaur footprints in the playdough and some of us even made dinosaur cakes - they looked great!

We’ve worked hard this week to put our numbers in order. We are up to number 6 now (check out Numberblock 6 here!) so we stuck numbers 1-6 on the spikes on our dinosaur. We are all so good at recognising numbers! Try asking your child to show you 6, 5, 4 etc on their fingers. I bet they can show you lots of different ways!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone! What a wonderful week we have had but my goodness we have worked hard!

We have continued to look at our numbers and the children have been enjoying looking at the Number 6 Numberblock. We enjoyed watching the number six try and get some cheeky sheep to sleep and discovered that two (or three) heads are better than one! Click here to watch. If that wasn’t enough we have even had a go at writing some numbers although it was a bit tricky it didn’t put us off!

Although it has been a freezing cold week we have wanted to go out in the garden and explore the beautiful white trails that Jack Frost had left for us. We definitely needed our hats and gloves on.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Sounds with Geraldine Giraffe!

Click here for ‘b’

Click here for ‘u’

Click here for ‘f’


Maths Mastery

This week we have been trying to recognise the spot patterns on a dice without counting (this is known as subitising). We are getting very good. Why not have a try at home! You could even make your own dice out of a cuboid tissue box and use sticky dots to make the dice patterns…alternatively, you could just play a boards game with a dice…. good luck and remember to have fun!

Keep a look out for a game coming home too!

Worship- Created to Love Others

Religious Understanding firstly helps children to understand why the Bible is so special to Christians, and secondly helps children to act out the Gospel account of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, showing that He loves us and is a role model for us to copy in loving one another.

We will also be exploring our relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love We will explore how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe.

I hope you all manage to have a restful weekend, I believe it is going to be sunny tomorrow! Enjoy it whilst you can.

God Bless


Year 2 Weekly Blog 20.1.23 ‘Develop a passion for learning. If you do you will never cease to grow.’

Year 2 have been real Creative Kiki Chameleons during our English sessions this week. We have been writing our own ‘Great Fairy Tale Disaster’ stories by choosing our own fairy tale characters, settings and magic objects that cause the wolf to get in all sorts of trouble. We’ve learnt about how to use adjectives, exclamation marks and time words correctly in our sentences before then using all of these skills to write our stories. The children have worked so hard on their stories, we might even see if we can read some of them to children in Year 1 and Reception.

In maths we’ve continued to work on difference - identifying pairs of numbers that have the same difference. We’ve also looked at how we can describe where number sit on a number line using language like mid -point, middle, before, after and between.

During indoor PE, we thought about how the sea moved and how we replicate these movements with our bodies. We had some fantastic rolling and crashing waves.

The children enjoyed hearing the story of Jairus’ daughter in RE, then put put the story in order and retold in their own words.

Our ICT lesson saw us producing some fantastic binary trees to sort living things, I was really impressed with the questions the children came up with. This has also linked in with our Science work on ‘Living things and their habitats’ - in this weeks lesson we thought about how we knew a living thing was alive and talked about the 7 characteristics all living things have. Ask your children about MRS GREN!

Let’s Celebrate

Liam - You have worked so hard this week Liam. You have tried really hard to push yourself in all aspects of your learning particularly writing. It has been wonderful to see you putting your hand up lots sharing so many wonderful ideas with the class.  Keep this up!

Anna - Anna has been amazing learning partner this week. It has been a pleasure to watch her be so encouraging with her peers, Anna is such a good friend and a valued member of our class. Thank you Anna!


Please check the children’s home learning books and home learning section for this week’s homework.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham and the Year 2 team