Year 2 Home Learning 20th January


Please complete the number lines activity in your home learning book.


Please complete the ‘Warm Oceans’ questions in your home learning book.


Please complete the spelling activity in your home learning book.

This weeks spelling are happier funniest jollier spikiest tidier silliest slimiest prettier tastiest

and spelling set 13 today does love son watch over

Year 3 weekly blog 18.1.23 - "Be the reason someone smiles today."

It’s been another great week in class with lots of fantastic learning! On Monday many of the children couldn’t wait to share how they have been practicing their 8 times tables, we must say, you have been very creative in finding fun and effective ways to help remember these number facts!

This week in RE we have been focusing on understanding the Hail Mary. We have had a great discussion about the meaning of this prayer, and how we are able to say this prayer whenever we find ourselves wanting help from our Mother Mary. We have been very enthusiastic to create our own acts of prayer and liturgy in small groups. Each group needed to decide on what theme their worship would be about, what piece of scripture they could read to highlight their theme and a reflection for their friends to take part in. They will invite the rest of their class friends into their worships over the coming weeks. We are sure these will be such special moments to look forward to each week.

In our English learning we have discovered our ‘reading brains’. This is a reading strategy that allows us to make connections in what we have read, and remember the key points and the order of the story. We created a big spider diagram to share what has happened in chapter 1 of our book, ‘Ice Cat’. We discussed how it is always important when reading to create our own reading brain, to help us remember and fully understand what we are reading. We have also moved on to chapter 2, which we read on Tuesday. This Chapter taught us a lot about the main character Tom and his Dad, who we read is very poorly. Together, we thought carefully about how Tom was feeling from what the author tells us, we used the text for our evidence. We cannot wait to read the next chapter next week!

Mrs Hotchkiss swooped in on Thursday and Friday and the children are really rocking those 8 timestable facts. They have also explored 10 different artic animals researching them ready to write a non chronological report on them next week!! In dance, we completed phrase one of our Stone Age performance - hunting down two woolly mammoths! In Music we learnt a new upbeat song - we now need to perfect our recorder playing to go with it!


Jiana you have been  a super focused Kuba Crab - both Miss Bassett and Mrs Hotchkiss could see how hard you have worked. It is great to see you thinking deeply and expressing your ideas on your wipeboard for the teachers to see. Keep up the good work!

Daisy- what enthusiasm! You brim with a love of learning, you’re quick to make links and find the solution to a problem. You have really controlled your desire to shout out - you have been just brilliant ! Well done for using your super neat handwriting too - all the time!


Lip Balms and creams for chapped skin are considered medical in school and need to be in the care of the class teacher. Please ask your child to hand the item to the teacher and the teacher will allow them to administer. It is very important that children do not share these items - thank you for your help in this matter.

Homework Must be handed in by/on Thursday ready to go back out on Friday.

PE remains Monday and Friday. It is cold at the moment so a beanie/bobble hat for PE Monday would be great.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Barker, Mrs Carter and Mrs Connelly.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 20.01.23 ' A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies' George R R Martin

It has been another great week in class, with so much focused learning. The week goes by so fast, I can hardly keep up!

This week our focus has been heavily on our writing, where each day we have written a paragraph on our class biography of Henry VIII. Over the last few weeks we have collected lots of biographical vocabulary, ideas and cohesive devices, so it was great using them in our own writing. We each had our own marking key to work off to, which we used to ensure we had all the necessary elements within each paragraph. Each day the children have come back to their feedback, so therefore know what they have to work on. We just have one, final paragraph to write on Monday. This writing stage has been very much guided and modelled to them, we have worked together to bounce off ideas and help one another. Next week, they will write their own biographies where they have the opportunity to use these skills independently. They have a research task as part of their homework that they will need to help them with this next week- please check the homework as this is to be handed in slightly earlier.

Homework is such a crucial part of Year 6, where children reinforce their learning, revisit new concepts and retrieve information from their class learning, which in turn has more chance sticking in their long term memory, finding it easier and quicker to retrieve pieces of information when needed in the future. Also, children who reinforce their learning, do find it easier to make links to other areas and apply the same strategies they have learnt to unfamiliar areas. Every week, there are children, often the same children, who do not complete all areas of their homework or do not bring back their book. In Year 6 our mission is to prepare them for their next stage in life, and organising their home learning and ensuring they have completed work on time is a crucial part of this. Please help your child and make sure they have completed all the necessary homework on time.

Sporting News

The Athletics team had a great afternoon on Tuesday at Stanley Park. Although we didn’t come first place (this time), we were so proud of the way they all worked as one big team and celebrated one another beautifully!

Where has our learning taken us this week?

Wow the learning in Year 6 has really started to pick up pace and Year 6 are rising to all of the challenges- we are all so proud of them. We are managing to fit in so much learning and they are even becoming much more organised in the mornings, getting all of their equipment and books ready for the lessons ahead.

  • English - As well as biography writing each day, we have have revised our knowledge of main and subordinate clauses and making compound and complex sentences.

  • Maths - This week we have been converting metric measures, we found this quite challenging at the start of the week, but we are starting to master this now! With more practice and revisiting, both in class and this week’s homework, we will nail it!

  • RE- We have been discussing what happens when we go to church and collecting some of the vocabulary that we hear when we go to mass that we are not familiar with.

  • PE - in Hockey we have been dribbling the ball, making sure we keep good control!

Leading Learners

Well done to Steph and Lena this week.

Steph, thank you for reflecting so deeply on your writing targets and responding to any feedback given. You take advice and comments on board and apply this to your writing, I love picking up your book and seeing just how much progress you have made! 

Lena, I have been so impressed with your resilience this week in Maths. You have found conversion challenging, made mistakes, however you have embraced this, by reflecting, editing and never losing focus, which has led to great success! Well done- keep that steely determination!

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Olivia for always working for the common good of our classroom.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jacob M Amber Jess Mason


  • Homework is due to be returned on Thursday. However, this week one aspect of it needs to be in on Tuesday. Please check the homework page for more information.

  • Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use.

  • Football and Netball training- Will be returning next week with the times being the same. Football training will be on Monday at 8am and netball starting at 3:30pm on Thursday. This information is also available on the sports timetable on the website (engage-> sport).

  • Accelerated Reader- All children were given letters regarding accelerated reader. These letters are for parents in order for you to access your childs reading progress.

Year 3 homework to be handed in on 26.1.23


Readig take priority - as always. Please read daily with your child.


This week we have continued our learning of coding. We have set you the 2Do, ‘Magician’. To complete this activity you must follow each step, carefully listening to the short videos at the start of each task. Remember that if you are still stuck you can use the HINT button to give you more help.

One of our new words in computing this week was, NESTED. We soon realised how important it is to make sure we nested our commands together so that they ran in the correct order. You will need to be mindful of this when you complete this challenge at home:


Along with discovering our reading brains, we also looked at how to summerise and did this after reading Chapter 1. In your homework book we would like you to have a go at summarising Chapter 2. Remember to do this correctly, your summery must only be one or two sentences long. It must include only the key information about this chapter.

What was the point to this chapter? What did we find out? Can you make your sentence/s into complex a sentence/s by adding: when, if, because, although, while, since, until, before, after, so?


TT Rock stars!!!

I would like the children to complete TT Rock Stars everyday for 5 - 10 minutes. Could you please organise a time in the day when they have to complete their “TT - time”. It could be after breakfast - great for getting your brain going. TT Rockstars systematically and intuitively interacts with the user as they learn their multiplication and division facts off by heart!! I am able to see how much daily time was spent on the program and each child has a heat map in the teacher’s dashboard. This heat map displays each fact in a different colour- red for the facts they don’t know yet - then it turns orange then yellow then green the quicker they become. Eventually they become a Rock Legend!!


More words ending with the chuh sound spelt - ture










Thank you!!!!

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 19.01.23


Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

knowledge, psychology, psalm, receipt, aisle, island, castle, chimney, disguise.


Please complete the IXL strand LL 3 Identify Prepositional phrases


Please complete the IXL strands on converting measures.

BB4- Compare and convert metric units of length

BB5 - Compare and convert metric units of mass


This needs to be in school on Tuesday, as the research you do will be used in class to aid your writing in class. I have set a Purple Mash to do for you and we can print this at school to go in your book.

Please research Rosa Parks ready to write a biography on her in English lessons next week. Think about the following titles:

  • Early life and family

  • Education and working life

  • Experiencing Injustice

  • Fight against persecution

  • Later life and legacy

Year 1 Homework 13.1.23

Please can you continue focusing on reading and spelling this week. We are starting our ICT next week so if you could practise logging on and off Purple Mash that would be really helpful.

We listened to everyone read in school this week and all books have been changed, thank you for those who read reguarly at home we are seeing a huge difference.

So we know you have read with your child please sign in their reading record if they have read a few pages write where you read to so we can continue at school. Thank you.

The spellings this week are:

where when why

how who here

You can use your homework book to practise these spellings.

Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 13.1.22

We had a super science week, this week! On Tuesday we started by reading and acting out the Three Little Pigs. Then we had the challenge of making our own houses in groups, each table had a different material: straws, paper, hay, lolly sticks and bricks. We predicted that the bricks would be the most suitable for the house because they are ‘strong and can stand up on each other’. We thought that they hay would be the most difficult because it is hard to stand up. After we made our houses the big bad wolf tried to blow them down and we helped too! The bricks were very strong, but they hay group managed to compact their hay and put lots of tape around it, although at the start they found it very difficult to stand up. We thought that if they hay went outside it would blow everywhere.

Then we went on a material hunt to find objects made from: glass, metal, wood and plastic, we discussed their properties and used the labels to help us decide.

In English we have started writing our sentences independently, Miss Drummond was very impressed. We are applying our phonics knowledge and remembering how to spell our tricky words. We answered questions about Owl or Snake and started to make our wanted poster for the Gruffalo.

We have started to look at the more than, equal to and less than symbols practically making two towers and using our lolly sticks to make the symbols. We have continued comparing different amounts and looking at the number 9. Ask your child if they can tell you all the different ways to make 9.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees for foucing on their letter formations and not giving up when they find it difficult and for super writing in English.

We had five PE superstars today, we focused on our bear walk and crab walk, all the children worked really hard with their partners, well done.

Henry is going home with this person for working hard on their reading they have not given up even when they have found it challenging, well done.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child, especially now the weather is wet. So they can get changed if they fall over and have wet clothes.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework, It is really important that you are reading reguarly at home so your child can make good progress with their reading especially as they will have their Phonics screening in June.

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Medical cream/lip balm: some children have been sharing lip barm at playtime and lunchtime, so lots of germs are being spread around the class. Please remind your child that their lipbarm is only for them and they are considered medical in school. So they need to hand them in to me and they can applied when needed. They can either stay in school or be handed back at the end of the day.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog 13.1.23 'For those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge' Matthew 13:12

I can’t quite believe it is Friday already! This week, I have seen lots of wonderful work from lots of focused children.

Maths lessons started this week with our plasticine tortoise models - weighing and comparing using mathematical language like lightest, heaviest, more than, less than etc. We’ve continued comparing in the rest of our maths lesson and thought about how we can find the difference between number practically using beads and tiles, in bar models and on number lines.I’ve been really impressed with the children’s focus in maths this week.

We’re coming to the end of our Fairy Tales focus in English, this week we have recapped the story, The Great Fairy Tale Disaster and have started to think about how we can wrtite our own Fairy Tale Disaster stories. The children have had some great ideas about fairy tales the Big Bad Wolf could visit, characters he could meet and magical objects he could come across. Next week we will be putting together all our ideas, Im really looking forward to reading the children’s stories.

In geography, this half term we will be looking at Seas and Coasts. We’ve thought about what we already know and what we would like to find out. The children enjoyed singing the continents song to me that they learnt in year 1.

The children enjoyed playing a ‘Guess who’ style game in computing. We were thinking about questions that could only be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’, in preparation for making our own binary tress next lesson to sort objects.

Our new topic in science is ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ after a brief introduction this week, thinking about what we already know and what we’d like to learn we’re really looking forward to getting stuck into this next week.

Finally, in RE we have discussed this half term virtues - Learned and Wise. We’ve talked about what they mean and how we can be learned and wise in and around school. The children have also enjoyed some drama and role play, thinking about how they can turn situations of sadness into joy.

Let’s Celebrate

Jackson – Thank you for being such a Focused Cooper Crab in our classroom this week!  You have stayed focused and on task in lessons which has meant that you have been able to keep of up with the pace of our learning.  You have answered questions with great understanding and have completed some amazing independent work.  Keep this up Jackson!

What a Co-Operative Roger Robin you are Louisa!  You can always be seen making the right choices. You speak so politely to others and treat them with great respect and compassion. You take care and pride in your work and it is always presented beautifully. Thank you for being such a valued member of our class team. 


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Lip balm/Chap sticks - with the cold weather some children have been bringing to school lip balm and chap sticks to prevent their lips getting sore. This is fine, however children often like to ‘share’ and as a result are sharing germs. It is fine for children to continue bringing these into class, however can we ask that they are clearly named and handed to me at the start of the day, I will keep them safe for the children to use as they need them. Thank you for your understanding.

AR Reader - letters will be coming home next week to enable and explain to you how you can access this resource at home.

Gosh, what a busy week! Thank you so much as always for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Marham and the Year 2 Team

Please check the home learning section for this week’s online homework.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 13.01.23- 'Independence of choosing their own life decisions is the biggest gift we can give our children'

As we come to the end of our first full week of 2023, the children have jumped straight back into the full school work swing and have been very productive. It has been clear to see from all of the Year 5 staff that the children are developing into independent learners and are really taking control/care of their work.

There has been lots of writing this week in English, as we have been planning and writing explanatory texts. We have combined this with our forces work in science and children have been writing how to build an elastic band rocket and the science behind it all. In Maths, we started our new unit of factors and multiples, in which our times tables knowledge comes in really handy so the children have been excited to apply this knowledge to direct maths questions. Our focus in PE has been on preparing for the indoor athletics competition. The children have attempted and recorded scores for various different events and really pushed themselves physically in the track events. In RE, we have been finishing our topic of covenants and have been using the bible to research scripture, in order to investigate the different covenants that God had with his disciples and followers. As we have just passed the day of Epiphany, we have learned about the ‘mystery of incarnation’ and how both God has mulitple forms and how Jesus was seen as many different people.

Let’s Celebrate

Dominic for being a enthusiastic and focused learner: For always engaging in our lessons, asking curious questions and showing a real passion for all of our subjects. You are always switched on during lessons and it is clear to see that you want to learn. You are very considerate of others and can work alongside anyone in our class, making you an excellent classmate.

Nicola for being a determined and co-operative: For competing and winning the All Girls Fylde Football Tournament this week. To be the only Year 5 girl in a team full of older children may put some people off but you strived in this situation. You worked brilliantly with your team mates and even when the weather conditions got tough, you persevered and battled through to the end, resulting in us winning the competition.


  • Homework- Is due every Thursday and all homework is up on the homework blog.

  • Judo- Due to popular demand, Judo will be available for Year 3/4 this half term and then Year 5/6 will be able do Judo after half term. More information is available on the sports page of the school website (engage).

  • Medical cream/lip balm- Due to the cold weather, some children are bringing in lip balm but some children have been sharing lip balms and passing them around, this meaning that lots of germs are also being passed around. Any lip balms or creams will be classed as medical usage and if needed, are to be given to the teacher and then applied when asked.

  • Indoor Athletics Competition- Will be on Tuesday 17th January at Stanley Park, Blackpool. Information regarding this is on the sports page of the school website (engage).

Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, can you hear their fearsome roars?

What a great start to our new learning thread! Finding our about dinosaurs is so very interesting, although we have found trying to say some of their names rather challenging. We are determined not to give in though. We have have been amazed at how many fact the children already know.

This week we have been fining out how we know dinosaurs roamed our planet. What clues did they leave behind? Fossils and bones. We decided to make our fossils using clay and making imprints of ammonites and bones (not real dinosaurs bones!). When they have dried our we will be sending them home.

We learnt some new and exciting ‘wow’ words such as extinct, carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. We categorised all our dinosaurs into meat eaters. plant eaters, flyers runners or swimmers. T-Rex was the definite favourite!

Click on the button below to print some dinosaurs pictures to find out about at home.

If you fancy making a dinosaurs pairs game at home click on the button. You will be able to practise your cutting too!

If you think you can move like a dinosaur click here! Enjoy!

This week we have been learning five new sounds c,k,b,u,f.

Click here for ‘c’ with Geraldine Giraffe

Click here for ‘k’ with Geraldine Giraffe

More from Geraldine next week!

Maths Mastery

We introduced numberblock 6 this week. Click here to meet 6.

We have also been measuring dinosaurs using small blocks. Click on the button to have a go at home. If you haven’t got any small block you could use pasta or buttons.

Purple Mash

If you have time take a look at I have pinned some work for you to explore in the mini mash classroom, also, if you click on the sounds cards in the virtual indoor classroom you will be able to find all the initial sounds quiz games and much more!!!!

Colette’s blog

Welcome back everyone! The Christmas holiday seems like it was such a long time ago now doesn’t it!!!

 What a wonderful beginning it has been to the spring term at Nursery. The children continue to amaze the Nursery staff with how well they can remembered all their learning. Our new thread on dinosaurs has been so exciting and the children have learned such facts as a Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut. We had a good look at a walnut and thought it was so tiny!! Thankfully we will never have walnut brains at Nursery because we are so good at listening!

We have continued to work on our sounds and have looked at ‘c’ ‘k’ ‘u’ ‘b’ and ‘f’ …we are getting good at these and the children are even helping each other to remember them.

We have had so much wet and windy weather lately but we have still been managing to get out in the garden for parts of the day. The children invented a game using the plastic spindles and the guttering! We had a competition to see who could make their spindle go the furthest…I have to say the wind did help us cheat a bit some of the time!!!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s Blog

What a deliciously dinosaur week we have had!

The children have learnt lots of new words, such as herbivore and omnivore  as well as teaching the nursery ladies all the names of the dinosaurs.

We have made our very own fossils and painted pictures of dinosaurs.

We were also palaeontologists as we explored and examined our very own dinosaur bones. They were all different sizes and we had to sort them according to size. This took lots of concentration but we get there in the end.

Here are some fun facts about dinosaurs and some activities to try.

We found out that dinosaurs laid eggs, so we have made our own frozen eggs. Look out for some homework to do at home, designing a dinosaur egg.

Next week we are going to find out about different sized dinosaurs.

Have a lovely weekend


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome back! It has been lovely to see you all after the Christmas break. The children have been so excited to tell us what they got up to at home and they have come back eager to learn about dinosaurs!

We have had a wonderful week – we have been learning how to say the names of some of the dinosaurs (something I need to learn too!), what they looked like and what they ate. We have been looking at their teeth to work out if they may be a herbivore, carnivore or even an omnivore. Our wow word sheet is getting very full already! It has been great to see the children so animated telling us what they already know.

The children have been amazing remembering the learning we did before the holidays and we have moved onto learning about number 6 and adding 5 more sounds to our sound wall! (c, k, u, b, f ). Click here to access Alphablocks A-Z and see how many sounds your child recognises. You will be very impressed!

This week we have made dinosaur fossils – we used clay and moulded it in our hands before making it flat and imprinting a fossil into it. The children used lots of describing words to talk about how the clay felt in their hands and we are looking forward to taking them home once they are dry. We left some clay out and used the dinosaurs to make and compare their footprints – we love getting messy!

We also enjoyed working together in the garden to make sure the bikes had enough petrol to go. The children took it in turns to come to the ‘petrol man’ or ‘petrol lady’ and ask how much petrol they needed - some of us counted to 20!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and just a few extras from Justine! Just look at the fabulous Spikey Stegosaurus and T-Rex the children have make from reclaimed materials!

I think you will agree we have been very busy.

Library starts again this week. I think lots of dinosaur stories will be coming home!

Could I also tell everyone that we will be having another drop session on Wednesday 8th February 3.45 pm - 4.45 pm. All the team will be available to discuss your child’s learning and to answer and questions that you may have. Try and pop in to see us.

I’m not sure what the weather will do this weekend (probably more rain!) but either way have some lovely family time together and I will see you on Monday.

God bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog 'The Word was God ... and the Word became flesh' (John 1:14)

God came to Earth to deliver a very important message of love to us all and the children have been reflecting on the meaning of the mystery of the Incarnation during RE lessons. We looked closely at the meaning of the scripture, how God came in the human form and then we questioned the significance of this and why he did this. The children also looked at evidence in the Gospels that Jesus was homeless, persecuted and displaced. This has enhanced our virtues Learned and Wise even further, as we look for God in all things and use his teachings wisely in our every day life.

Where has our learning taken us this week?

Wow the learning in Year 6 has really started to pick up pace and Year 6 are rising to all of the challenges- we are all so proud of them. We are managing to fit in so much learning and they are even becoming much more organised in the mornings, getting all of their equipment and books ready for the lessons ahead.

  • English - This week we have peer marked and given feedback on our Pixar formal letter writing and have looked at numerous biographies, collecting and looking up unfamiliar language, collecting transferable language that we can use within our own writing and learnt how cohesive devices can link and give clarity to the reader. We can’t wait to start our class biography on Henry VIII next week. In grammar, we have been identifying prepositions and the object of prepositions, using them within our phrases and practicing our relative clauses, using them as embedded clauses and at the end of our sentences.

  • Maths - This week we have been looking at decimals, the value of all of the digits, comparing and ordering. We are now multiplying and dividing them by 10, 100 and 1000.

  • Art- We have finished our tye dye topic and the end product SHOULD be coming home shortly. They have concentrated so hard on this new skill, and we are so proud of the results! Take a look at our photographs below.

  • PE - This week in indoor PE we have been practicing and developing our athletics events and trying to beat our personal best in speed bounce, standing long jump and triple jump. In outdoor PE we started our hockey strand, where we looked at how we could develop our accuracy in our passing and receiving.

Leading Learners

Well done to John Joseph and Holly this week.

John Joseph you have thoroughly got involved in learning this week and pushed yourself to be better each day. You have listened carefully in lessons, applied this to your work and managed those distractions really well this week- keep this up!

Holly, you have been so resilient and focused this week on your learning. You are trying your hardest and even when you have come across challenges this week, you haven’t given up. Keep up with your positive approach!


Well done to our wonderful girl’s football team who won the finals and got through to the Lancashire finals today! They played so well and worked beautifully as a team- we are all so proud of them.

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Jess for always working for the common good of our classroom.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Christian James Olivia Stephanie


  • Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use.

  • Just a reminder that lip balms or any type of creams, are classed as a type of medication and therefore (if needed) need to be handed in to the teacher- thank you for your support.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in Thursday 19th January


Children to learn these spellings for their weekly spelling test on Wednesday. The children also have a copy of these spellings in their homework books. For practicing at home, the children can look up the meaning of the word and create sentences to help them practice and remember these words.

  1. silence

  2. absence

  3. magnificence

  4. intelligence

  5. obedience

  6. dependence

  7. innocence

  8. patience

  9. confidence

  10. evidence

  11. sentence

  12. experience


The children have completed their star reader tests, therefore their ZPD scores may have altered. Some children will have access to more books , in which they will take them home to read for at least 20 minutes a day at home.


Will be done on IXL, to practice using punctuation correctly.

OO1- Commas


Will be done in their homework books. There will be 3 worksheets to complete;

2 x factors sheets

1 x multiples sheets