This week....

A mixed bag weather-wise this week. Nonetheless, we kicked off the week with Messy Monday and oh my goodness did we make a mess!

In the morning we mixed colours (the children’s request) using paint and shaving foam. We made handprints and drew pictures and letter sounds in the foam. Sorry only two photos would upload.

The afternoon got even messier. We mixed our own dough using flour, water and our hands. It was very sticky.


The children have been spotting crosses everywhere. On Tuesday the children (and Frances) made a huge collage cross which is now proudly hanging on the nursery door. It is so beautiful, take a look.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a very busy and happy week at nursery. We have had a discussion about our feelings using our feelings jars. The children had to choose a colour which corresponds with a feeling, e.g. pink is loved and yellow is happy. We discussed how its ok to feel sad or scared and we thought of ways to cheer up our friends if they were sad “Give them a cuddle”.

We have explored the Easter Story and have learnt lots of new words, such as disciple, Gethsemane, hosanna and Judas. We have continued our work making and decorating crosses and have made a ginormous collaged cross. We will have to find a ginormous space on the wall to display it.

We have spent some time this week playing games together. We have enjoyed playing the shopping game and this led to a discussion about healthy eating and our favourite foods. Sausages are very popular!

We ended the week with great teamwork. The children were very keen to help at tidy up time and worked as a team to carry the black builders tray but we couldn’t fit it through the door. The children had a good think and worked out that they had to tip it on its side to fit through the door. Great work team!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

We started the week with Messy Monday! The children have been asking to do our shaving foam colouring mixing activity again and they loved it! We used our fingers to mix the paint around to make new colours. We also made sticky dough with flour and water. It was so fun getting messy!

The children have continued to enjoy singing our ‘Walk in the Light’ song this week as we have continued reading the Easter story. We decided to make a stage and the children loved performing for their friends. It is so lovely to see how their confidence has grown since coming to nursery and how they all support each other and cheer each other on.

The children have been asking every day if we can learn new sounds and numbers – they love it! We watched Numberblock 9 this week, click here to watch. The children have found so many ways to make 9 with our cubes – 5 and 4, 6 and 3. Someone even said 2, 2, 3 and 2! We have realised that the bigger the number the more ways we can find. We can even make more shapes and arrangements with the cubes – we made the 9 look like steps.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

It was great to catch up with some of you on Wednesday for our parents evening and I look forward to seeing the rest of you next Wednesday.

It has been a bit of a messy week at Nursery! We have been dabbling in a bit of messy play which you may have noticed by just looking at your children’s clothes when they came home (sorry about that!) but it was a lot of fun! We mixed colours using shaving foam and paint and our ‘mixing finger’ and we made some fantastic colours…some I had never seen before!! Later in the day we made our own playdough. There was a lot of discussions about measuring and mixing and rolling and we were really careful to make sure that we shared out the dough equally!

We have been a bit giddy about Numberblocks again, we just can’t help it! Some of us know how to make numbers beyond 10 with the Number link cubes, the children’s learning seems to be going from strength to strength!

Not only have numbers continued to excite us but our phonic knowledge appears to be picking up momentum too. We are spotting sounds everywhere and we are starting to write some sounds as well. There is no stopping these wonderful children.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend together.


…and as always a few more from Justine!

The 100 board!

On Friday the children wanted to find out how many gems we had. We thought using the 100 board may help us find out.

We did find out…181 gems. It took us ages to find our the answer to our question but we didn’t give up.

We found out that number go on, and on, and on, and on…………

Click on the button below for number 9 activity! Can you help frog hop on to the number 9 or sets of 9!

Sponsor money and Lenten boxes

As you are aware we completed our sponsored walk last week. If you have already collected your sponsor money you are welcome to send it in now, or, you can send it back when you return the Lenten Boxes. The last day for returns will be Wednesday 5th April.

As always we are so grateful for your support. You are all wonderful!

In addition to the sponsored events, the student council have decided to bring back an old, Our Lady tradition - THE EGG DECORATING COMPETITON. For £1 entry fee, the children need to bring in a boiled, decorated egg for the competition. Let your imagination go wild. Could the egg be a character in a scene? Or have a specific pattern? Think creatively. The student council will be judging the winners from their paired class. There may even be a large chocolatey prize for the winners.

Play, Explore and Learn

Click here for lots of ideas to help little minds learn! There are lots of activities to keep you busy! Enjoy!

Finally, as I write this blog the sun is shining and it it getting warmer. At last! I can hear all the children having fun in the garden…I’m jealous, so I am going to sign off and go and join them. Have a fabulous weekend and see you on Monday.

God Bless


Year 3 Homework set on 17.3.23


Maths vocabulary





adding the suffix -ion








The children’s times table fluency is getting better and better. Keep going Year 3!


Continue with your Geography homework from last week.

CAFOD Fundraising

WE NEED PEBBLES! (1 per child - large enough to write a short message)

Next week we are going for a walk to Ashton Gardens to raise money for Cafod. Whilst there, each child will need a pebble that is big enough to write a small message of kindness on. The children will decorate these in school, write their message whilst there, and then leave their pebbles in the community for the public to read, take and share.

Easter assembly

Year 3 will be sharing the Last Supper to our school community on Monday 3rd April. Some of you came home with speaking parts. These need to be prioritised and learnt ready for our rehearsals. Those of you without speaking parts, you have certainly not been left out, our assembly doesn’t have many speaking parts for a reason. We will be sharing this part of the Easter story through more dance, mime and movement…

Year 6 Home Learning 17.3.23


  1. Please complete the following IXL strands:

    M10 Add fractions with different denominators using models

    M11 Add fractions with different denominators

    M12 Subtract fractions with different denominators using models

    M13Subtract fractions with different denominators

  2. Long division- Please complete the division questions using our long division strategy. This week our focus is just on 4 digits divided by 2 digits. Thanks to some more of our wonderful helpers who have prepared a short video to help you remember the strategy …


This week our focus has been on plural noun endings. Can you complete the following IXL strands and you will be quizzed at random on Friday, so make sure you understand the different rules.

FF3 Form plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y

FF4 Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y


  1. Please have a go at completing the SAT’s style grammar questions.


SAT’s folders have now come home, this is your chance to go through each of these with your parents. Celebrate your achievements, share your targets and practice those areas you found tricky!

Year 5 Homework to be handed in by Thursday 23rd March


Our spelling focus this week has been words ending in -tious. The first 7 spellings are words we have learned this week and the other 5 are tricky words that we have previously done this year.

  1. cautious

  2. infectious

  3. ambitious

  4. superstitious

  5. nutritious

  6. scrumptious

  7. fictitious

  8. glisten

  9. hustle

  10. stationery

  11. farther

  12. curiosity

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. friends

    2. going

    3. everyone

    4. laugh

    5. lived

    6. jumped


A weekly SPAG sheet which has already been stuck in the children’s books.


Will be on IXL. The children have finished angles with Mrs Hotchkiss and have moved onto their new topic of negative numbers. Children are to complete these angle tasks as a part of their retrieval.

  • V6- Measure angles with a protractor

  • V7- Draw angles with protractor.


Reminder for children to finish their solar system fact fans. Details about this are on last weeks blog. Please take a picture of your child with their completed fact fans and then email this picture to me or print it out and bring it into school. This picture can then be put into their science books as evidence.


To keep practising our song ‘Lean on Me’ on your clarinets which is available on Charanga.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 17th March 2023 - What we learn becomes part of who we are

Year 2 Weekly Blog 17th March 2023

In English, were looked at the features of postcards and planned our own postcards from Flat Stanley to his younger brother Arthur. We have written our first draft and will be editing these with our purple pencil next week before writing our final drafts.

In PE we continued with our gymnastics module, putting together the jumps and rolls we have
We planned a sequence putting together what we had learnt and performed them to the class.

In Maths, we’ve been using our knowledge number bonds to 10 to add and subtract 2 digit and 1 digit numbers.
Our stem sentences are:
We know that 6 + 4 equal 10, so we know that 16 +4 =20We know that 10 minus 4 equals 6, so we know that 20 minus 4 equals 16”.
We’ve also be practicing doubling and halving numbers.

On Thursday, Heath, Emilia and Albert led our class worship, the focus feeling loved. We talked about what and who made us feel loved and how we can show others love. The children enjoyed singing the hymn 'Love is something if you give it away’ complete with actions!

In History we’ve started our new local history project - we spent Thursday afternoon using our computer skills to research the RNLI. I wonder if the children could tell you what they know already. We also thought about questions we’d like to find the answers to during our topic. The children were excited to hear that we will be visiting the Lifeboat Station - more information will follow.

In RE, the children have continued to learn about parts of The Mass - this week they focused on The Offertory and The Eucharist.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


You have had an amazing week! You have been focused and ready every lesson and it make a real difference to your learning. You are making wise decisions to avoid potential distracting and this shows me that you are taking responsibility for your learning. You really impressed me in our PE lesson.

Keep it up Louie!


You have been so focus and determined in maths and this is lovey to see. You keep up with the learning and always answer questions to show that you have understood what has been taught.
Well done Lucia!

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Parent’s Evening (online) Wednesday 22rd March

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 10.3.23

 Thank you for all the reading you have done this week, it has been lovely to see how excited the children are.

Please can you continue practise the assembly lines, we have been learning how to sign the Hail Mary, the children have picked it up very quickly. Please click on the link for the video to help them practise. If you haven’t already please can you email me a picture of you (mum) and your child. Thank you for those who have :).

Hail Mary

This is our big spelling test with all the words we have learnt so far as there are 22 spellings the test will be on Friday 31st March this gives you a few weeks to practise at home:

a do  I is has no so go by the was

she of he to his we full me some they you

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 1 Weekly Blog 10.3.23

What another busy week! The children have worked very hard and have adapted well to the changes this week. I am looking forward to coming back next week, I have missed them :).

In science we were looking for signs of Spring, however we have had very strange weather this week as it normally snows in Winter not Spring! Look at Mrs Gregan’s newsletter to see the video of the children playing in the snow today during break, they had so much fun. We learnt about deciduous and evergreen trees and discovered our class tree is a deciduous tree because it loses it leaves in Autumn and Winter. We drew and labelled our own trees in our books.

English: We researched Beatrix Potter in groups, using the iPads and we had to read some information about her. We then used this information to make a fact file about her. We are starting to read her the tale of Peter Rabbit books and are excited to retell and rewrite them.

Maths: We have continued looking at wholes and parts in maths and represented them by using a part-part-whole cherry diagram. We have manipulated different objects from whole to parts, to help the children recognise that the whole and the two parts are the same quantity.

The children loved the origami workshop on Wednesday.

Trip to the Library:

On Thursday 16th March, we are going to visit St Annes library, we are very excited. We will be walking there so please ensure your children comes into school with a suitable coat.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to Patrick for being focused in Phonics and Blythe for her enthusiasm with her reading. Keep up the hard work.


Unfortunately due myself being ill this week, we have postponed our assembly to Tuesday 21st March. There will be two showings of the assembly: 9.10am and 9.35am. This gives myself and the children chance to enjoy putting it together and takes the pressure off. We will be practising next week and are excited to be performing to everyone again :). Thank you for your understanding.


  • Please book your parents evening slots, if you haven’t already (online) Wednesday 15th March and Wednesday 22rd March, from 2.00pm-5.30pm - book here

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 5 Weekly Blog 10.03.23 ' Live the life you love, love the life you live'

Another busy week in Year 5, as we began our week with our parent book looks. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to show their parents some of the work they have completed this year. It was lovely for myself to step back and watch the engagement of both child and parent while they shared their favourite pieces of work. We finished our week with some rather unusual weather conditions. The school grounds covered in snow which kept the children in an exhilarating mood all day

Mrs.Gregan set out our rules and responsibilities for playing in conditions like these. However, she did propose the idea of a snowman building competition. Not to cause any bias but I think we may have won…

In English, we have continued with our sci-fi writing and the children have been producing some excellent pieces of writing! The children’s ability to draw upon their own imagination from nothing but a picture and to produce such a detailed and descriptive pieces. The children have really focused in our skills/grammar lessons and have been able to apply these to their writing.

In Maths, we have continued with multiplication but have learned the ‘short multiplication’ method, a quicker and more efficient method of calculating bigger multiplication questions.

In Science, the children have been doing lots of research into the planets of our solar system and creating a ‘fact fan model’ to display their research. We have also began to learn how planets move via orbiting, rotation and revolution.

In RE, we have continued with our topic of Reconciliation and have been learning and discussing about different types of sins and how our conscience indicates our decision making around sins. The children’s retrieval skills throughout RE have been outstanding, such as being able to retrieve all 8 beatitudes, a topic which was last taught 3 weeks ago.

In PE, the children continued their teamwork skills througout both our indoor and outdoor PE units. Their ability to work well as a team has aloud them to make huge progressions throughout activities and games.

In Music, we had a computer based lesson, where the children were working in groups to write their own music and creating their own rhythm to our song ‘ Lean on Me’. The children then practiced our song on the clarinets and have been making huge improvements.

Let’s Celebrate

Betsy for being a reflective learner: You have worked super hard this week and have really focused during independent tasks. You are always wanting to improve your writing and also ask for help in tricky Maths calculations which has allowed you to produce lots of fantastic work.

Owen for being an enthusiastic learner: For showing a real passion and desire in our Eand Maths topics this week. You get your head down and are away getting your work done to the best of your ability.


  • Parent’s evening: The first round of parents evening begin next Wednesday on 15th March, with the next round being on Wednesday 22nd March. If you have not done already, please book your slot on School Portal. This is the same website and format as the last parents evening, back in October.

  • Trip to Liverpool: Please fill out permission slip forms for our trip to Liverpool on Thursday 30th March. All information regarding travel and pay are also on the trip blog on the year 5 page.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in by 16th March 2023


This weeks spellings are our orange words(tricky words). The first 5 words are new tricky words that we have learned this week. The following 7 words are previous tricky words we have done before.

  1. convenience

  2. muscle

  3. disastrous

  4. neighbour

  5. interfere

  6. rhythm

  7. curiosity

  8. embarrass

  9. persuade

  10. familiar

  11. thought

  12. cough

    Mrs Mathers group

    1. because

    2. began

    3. better

    4. cried

    5. different

    6. door


Weekly SPAG sheet which has been stuck in their books.


Will be on IXL. Children are instructed to use the short multiplication method, rather than the long method. Here is a picture of both methods side by side, to see how they are presented differently. Children can also use the long method to double check if they have the right answers.

  • E10- Multiply 1 digit numbers by 2 digit or 3 digit numbers.

    Here is a picture of how we have been modelling to the children of the different between the long and short method of muliplication.


To finish their solar system fact files. The children have been working these for 2 weeks so they all know exactly what they are doing. The steps for completing the fact file are;

  1. All information/research to be filled in.

  2. Colour all of the planets.

  3. Carefully cut out each planet, including its information box.

  4. Cut out the small circle at the bottom of each of the boxes.

  5. Place your split pin through all of your planet sheets to create a fan (cover sheet ‘The Planets, the Sun and the Moon’ should be at the front).

  6. Take a picture of your child holding their fact fan, which is to be stuck into their book.

    Children will have 2 weeks to complete this, so it will be due on Thursday 23rd March. Here is what a finished fact fan would look like.

    Here is a picture of what a finished fact fan will look like.


To keep practicing our new song ‘Lean on me’ on the clarinets. This is available on Charanga. The children have been doing really well with this so it is important that we keep practising these skills.

Walk in the Light....

This week we have been completing our sponsored walk around the school field (on very wet days we have walked around the netball courts)! As we walked we sang ‘Walk in the Light of the Lord’ hymn. Friday was great fun, we walked in the snow!!!!!

We began to read the Easter story in readiness for Holy Week. We read one part of the story each day but the children were so eager to read on to see what happened next. We discussed how Jesus died on the cross and the children then made crosses out of any object or toy they could find. They have been very inventive, take a look!

Painting Spring Flowers

As we are noticing signs of Spring (before the snow!) we decided to paint pictures of a selection of Spring flowers. We painted tulips, daffodils, iris’s and hyacinths. Have a look.

Michelle’s blog

This week we have started each morning with our sponsored walk round the field. On Thursday we were amazed to walk in the snow as we wrapped up warm and braved the elements. We had lots of fun making patterns in the snow with the brooms and brushes but we were a little disappointed that we didn’t have enough to make a snowman.

We have continued to work hard at practising our mark making, writing in the sand and as a very special top secret project- I’m sure you will find out all about this in a couple of weeks time.

We have learnt some new letter sounds this week, some of these are tricky sounds but we are getting really good at recognising the sounds now. This week we have learnt j, v, th ,y and w.

This week we have also learnt about number 8 and have practised how to make 8 in lots of different ways.  We were excited this week to have a delivery of sand and had to work out how to move it to the sand pit. With lots of team work and working together we worked it out!

Hope you all have a good weekend.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone. Hope you have all had a lovely week. It has been a very cold week but we didn’t mind so much because at least we got to see a little bit of snow! Sadly, on Thursday it disappeared as quickly as it came! But on Friday……..there was lots and lots of snow. We even made a snowman! See photos for details!!

Last week we started giving the garden a little tidy up and we moved a few of our resources which means that the children can get things out more ‘independently’ and because everything has a place we are able to tidy it all away too (we are trying very hard!)

We already love books at Nursery but there has been lots of discussions about our favourite stories….it turns out lots of our favourite stories are about animals. Last Thursday, because it was World Book Day we decided to do a quiz….we did really well. Click here to play at home!

Finally, as you already know we just love Numberblocks and we enjoyed watching the episode where the ‘Fluffies’ arrive in Numberland. We know some different ways of making a number 7 (number bonds!)  6 +1=7  5+2=7  3+=7. Click here to watch.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Steph’s blog

What a fun week we have had! We have started each morning with our sponsored walk around the field or the playground depending on the weather! We are getting so good at singing ‘Walk in the light of the Lord’ – we have got louder and louder each day.

We have been busy making cards for our special Mummies this week – it has been lovely hearing their thoughts about you all. I won’t put the photos on the blog just yet to keep it a surprise for you!

We have continued our work on Shape, Space and Measure this week. We used the bricks to make churches and castles. The children independently chose the bricks they needed to make the structures balance so they wouldn’t fall over. ‘This is a pointy one’, ‘I can add another brick to make it bigger’. We also had a delivery of a big bag of sand and had to work together to get it all in to the sandpit. We’ve added the photos to our display in the classroom with our tower building from last week.

It was fun to end the week with a snow day! The children were so excited to complete our sponsored walk in the snow – we had to wrap up warm! It was great fun playing in the garden but unfortunately there wasn’t enough to make a snowman!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and a few extra from Justine!


We have learnt some new sounds this week j, v, y, w, th. Click below to learn with Geraldine Giraffe.

Click here for j

Click here for v

Click here for y

Click here for w

Click here for th (special friends)

How many things can you find at home beginning with these sounds? Enjoy your sound hunt!

Wish list

Our collection of underwear and socks has become perilously depleted. If anyone has any unwanted items to replenish our stock we would be very grateful!

Similarly, we are looking for any old pans and kitchen utensils to restock our outside sand kitchen. We had a delivery of one tone of sand this week and the children have been asking for real pans etc! Please can anyone help out!

Thank you in anticipation.

We are loving number eight still. Eight is great! Click here to watch. Next week we are thinking about meeting number 9! Can’t wait! Look out for a number eight ‘search’ game coming home this week.


How exciting, on Friday it had snowed during the night! Everyone was so excited! We took full advantage and made a snowman and had a jolly good play! Take a look at the photos below and check out Mrs Gregan’s blog on the schools main page. She has compiled all the photos from around school and made a lovely video!

I have to finish this week with some sad news. I am still trying to digest it myself. After ten long and happy years at Our Lady’s our lovely Colette has decided to hang up her early years boots and seek new challenges away from education. Over the past 10 years Colette has loved and nurtured so many children, it will be a great loss to both early years, education as well as our nursery and wider school community.

I am sure that each and every one of you will feel as upset as we are at losing such a fabulous and valued member of the team, but as Colette says “now is her time” to try something new. I am in awe of her bravery and would like to wish her every success and happiness as she opens a new chapter. Sadly, Colette’s last day at nursery will be Friday 24th March. We must treasure her for the next couple of weeks.

Wrap up warm and have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Home Learning 10th March

This week’s home learning is in the children’s home learning books.

In science we have been looking at food chains - please complete the 3 food chains in your home learning book. I wonder if you can remember what the words herbivore, carnivore and omnivore mean?

In maths we have been using a website called numbots - you will find your log in and a letter at the from of your home learning book.

Can you split a page in your book and sort the maths problems into true and false?

Please complete the SPAG task in your home learning book.

Please continue reading for 20 minute daily.


This week’s spelling are words ending in el

barrel level tinsel shrivel travel towel funnel tunnel camel

and word set 19

you’re we’ll I’d I’ll he’s couldn’t