Invitation to class and fun tasks to complete over the holidays ……
Read moreYear 1 Weekly Blog 22.3.24 ' I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'
Welcome to our weekly Year 1 blog. Please read on….
Read moreYear 1 Homework 22.3.24
Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.
Don’t forget you have the QR codes for the RWI videos these are great to practise their sounds at home, let me know if you need another copy.
It will be our big spelling test after the Easter break with a mix of the spellings from this half term and last. It will be on Friday 12th April.
The spellings are:
my were are said here our house pull
love come put do was by some they full they
of you we
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Drummond
Year 5 Weekly Blog 22.03.24- ' Give me your strength when I am discouraged and not to stay crushed by my sadness'
As we approach holy week, we have been balancing our in classroom workload along with our Easter preparations. The children have been brilliant in transition by constantly needing to switching their focus based on the busy schedule.
We have spent the last two science lessons experimenting with shadows by using different types of objects to create different shades of shadows. We were then able to change the size of shadows depending on the distance from the light source to our object.
In Maths, we have began our big topic of multiplication. We have been looking at larger multiplication calculations that are much harder to do mentally- in which we have been partioning our biggest number. We then applied these skills into our new tidy method called ‘Long Multiplication’ or ‘Column Multiplication’.
In English, we have been touching over lots of SPAG skills that we have learnt this year and applying these to grammatically correct examples of work and to break sentences down into different clauses.
In PE, Mr Murray and Mr Holford took the class on an orenteering session, where the class hid objects around the school grounds and the children used maps to locate the hidden objects.
Let’s Celebrate
Isaac for being a co-operative learner: You really do make mine and Mrs Mather’s life easier when it comes to group activities. You are so adaptive in working alongside anyone and your calming mature approach really makes you a good teammate. Whether it is a classroom activity or a PE task, you always treat your group in the right manner.
Cora for being an enthusiastic learner: Your focus and attention to detail throughout our assembly practices have been excellent Cora. This is clearly evident by your characterisation and the commitment to your role- you are always staying in character. Great work!
Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Pippa for being loving and compassionate. You are not just loving and compassionate towards your friends, which is seen by the teachers everyday on the playground, you are also so kind and respectful towards our members of staff. This really doesn’t go unnoticed.
Lunchtime Certificates
Role Model of the Week- Esther
Marvelous Manners- Rafe
Easter Assembly- Our focus in the lead up to Easter will be the Crucifixion, which will take place on Wednesday 27th March at 9:15am.
Easter Holidays- School will close for Easter on Thursday 28th March at 2pm
'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.' John 12:13
Reception Blog - Friday 22nd March 2024
Read moreThis week...
What a week! You may have noticed that our garden is nearing completion. The children have been thrilled to be able to access our new builders yard. They have been laying pipes, hoisting brick and mixing cement! On Wednesday we had a had a beach delivered! We are now in the process of cleaning our sand area and trundling the new sand into situe…it is really exhausting. The only thing that we are waiting for is our new flooring for the house, then we can move in! We can’t wait!
On Friday our compost arrives. We have started to prepare the planting boxes by removing all the weeds and turning the earth. We have also managed to plant some potatoes, a buddleia, an apple tree and some strawberries. Can I say a big thank you to everyone who has donated seeds and plants to make our garden BEAUTIFUL!
As we continue our exploration of the solar system we happened across a new planet song. The children thought to was wonderful, although we were a bit sad about Pluto! Click here to listen at home
As we have been spotting daffodils everywhere around school we decided to paint pictures of them. Take a look.
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone,
I hope you've all been enjoying the bit of spring sunshine we have been having this week.
We have been so busy this week working hard as always and we have all enjoyed being challenged in Mr Nays PE class. Mr Nay had us working hard with a tricky game, we had to really listen and follow his instructions. We had four teams; our challenge was to run around cones, find a ball, then pass it onto a friend. Whichever team had the most balls at the end were the winners. The children did so well in understanding what they had to do, it was complicated!
We have also been working hard in the garden, weeding, sweeping, planting, tidying up, and helping put the new sand in the sand pit, getting ready for Spring. The children have really enjoyed finding insects in the garden, and looking at all their different shapes and sizes. The children used magnifying glasses and pots to observe how they moved. Now all of the weeds have gone, we will be ready for even more planting after the Easter break. Thank you for all the wonderful garden donations.
The children have enjoyed being back in the garden which is now finished. The garden looks brilliant and the children have been busy playing and leaning in all of the new areas.
We met number 8 this week or should I say 'Octoblock'. We worked out that by adding one more to 7, this made 8, and that we could find different ways to make 8 with our fingers. The children also have also been practicing how to write the number. The rhyme helps us to remember how to write Octoblock 8, here it is:
S to start looking great, and loop back up and there's your eight.' Here is a rap all about the number 8, enjoy. Click here
Thank you to the parents I have have seen and spoken to earlier this week. It was nice to chat and catch up on your child's development.
Have a fabulous weekend, see you all on Monday.
Michelle’s Blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have continued this week in our worship learning about the Easter story. We have thought really hard about how the individuals felt. How did Jesus feel and how did Mary feel? We watched a film about how people celebrate Easter. Click here to watch at home. We also completed a quiz to find out what we know about the festival of Easter, click here and then watched a film about an artist who works with sand. The children thought it was wonderful click here.
This week we have also met Numberblock number 8, Octoblock and have been growing our brains working out how we can make number bonds to 8. There are lots of different ways. Maybe you can think of some ways to make 8 at home.
In PE we were excited to play team games with Mr Nay and Mr Murray. We also practised hopping and jumping.
We have been very lucky to have had some sunshine this week and this has allowed us to do some gardening, to weed and to plant some new plants. We are very excited to wait and see if they grow.
We also had an opportunity to eat the moon this week, as we made our very own moon biscuits, complete with moon craters. They were delicious!
See you all next week
Meet Octoblock!
We have been saying and counting numbers up to 8. Our aim for the children to recognise the cardinal principle of counting that the last number counted represents the entire set of objects counted.
We have also been partitioning and counting to 8. We have learnt that Eight is formed from combining One and Seven and then partitioned again. Tricky stuff!
With this in mind now watch the episode. Click here
Story Time
We read two fabulous new stories this week. I promised that i would put the on the blog, so here goes:
Billy’s Bucket: Click here
Stone Soup: Click here
We have visited the Chapel this week, to see the prayer area that Mrs Gregan has made. The children reconised the crown of thrns which was resting on the cross. We discussed how it made us feel. We recalled the Easter story in detail, the children even remembered the role of Simon of Cyrene and Veronica. The children offered a prayer for someone. They spoke with such compassion and understanding it was hard to believe they are only three and four years old. We we so moved.
On Friday we start the our Holy week in school with Jesus riding into Jerusalem. We will continue to follow Jesus’ journey throughout next week.
Lenten boxes
From Monday we will start collecting in the Lenten boxes.
Year 5 Homework Due Thursday 28th March
Tricky words again for this week with the first 4 words being our new spellings and the rest are previous tricky words that we have done this year.
Will be on IXL;
T1- Identify base words, prefixes and suffixes.
Y3- Use the correct homophone
Art- Poetry
Mrs Mather has set everyone the task of finding/writing your favourite poem in your homework books. You can either select a pre-written poem and stick/write this in your books or you can create your own.
Year 4 Weekly blog Friday 22nd March "Reconciliation is more beautiful than victory."
We are so proud of all the Year 4 children this week! They have learned a lot about who they are this week and how hard work, passion and effort can help them overcome barriers and achieve greatly. They were absolute stars at the Shakespeare Playmaking Festival at Hodgson High School. They spoke out so clearly and all their hard work paid off in their excellent delivery of their 6 scenes. They were so respectful of other schools when they were rehearsing and were so thankful towards members of staff there. At the end, the Montague and Capulet family are reconciled, teaching all children the power of forgiveness.
A real change of tempo and atmosphere on Thursday night came in their Sacrament of Reconciliation. Now it was their turn to be reconciled with God and others. They showed such reflection and maturity through all sessions and this really showed on Thursday evening. What beautiful voices they all have too!
Also on Thursday, they had their last swimming lesson! Another great achievement - children had a fun week doing relays and playing water polo. Again they are to be commended on their excellent sportsmanship and kindness to each other in these games.
In other news, they have also written their own version of a Brer Rabbit story this week and learned about weathering and erosion in Science. Eagerly, they are practising their assembly for next week.
Conversation starters
As it has been a big week for Year 4, I have asked the children to reflect upon themselves. Now your sins have been forgiven, what does your relationship with God feel like? How have you grown this week? What have you achieved? How have you managed to do all of these great things. How do you overcome nerves? Who are you as a person and how do you want to change and grow next?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, it is impossible to single any of you out so I have one learning certificate with all the learning characters for the whole class. You have outdone yourselves in so many ways and worked as a great class team. What a class you are becoming! Keep this enthusiasm and resilience up Year 4.
Loving and Compassionate butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Loving and Compassionate.’ This week our butterflies go to Logan for showing such loving care for people and William for being such a respectful, grateful and peaceful person.
Lunchtime role model of the week was: John-Paul
Marvellous Manners in the hall - Louis
Music Stars: Josh and
GOING GREEN! This week, these children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Lorenzo and Sean
Well done!
Soil! Please could children bring a small sandwich bag of soil from their garden or nearby park for our Science lesson on Thursday morning.
TUESDAY 26th March Year 4 online Parent appointments.
Tuesday 26th March 9:15am Year 4 class Easter assembly on The Garden of Gethsemane
Thursday 28th March - we break up for Easter at 2pm
Wednesday 10th April 9:10am Children will do another performance of their Romeo and Juliet in our school hall for anyone to come and see.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Lyons, , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter
Year 2 weekly Blog 22nd March "I am the way, the truth and the life."
What a magical week - please find out more about the new life that hatched in class …..
Read moreYear 3 Weekly Blog 22.3.24 - “This is the best swimming lesson ever!”
We’ve had a super busy week in year 3! As always the children have worked hard and really impressed the adults in class. On Thursday morning I went on a course and so the children were able to impress Mrs Gregan with their knowledge of Romans.
Read moreYear 6 Weekly Blog - 'For God so loved the World.'
And so, we approach Holy Week in school. As we have continued to learn in class, the whole school has been busy putting together their depictions of the passion. The hall has been filled with song, emotion and wonderful drama. This morning, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 2 rehearsal of Palm Sunday. It was such a beautiful start to our school Holy Week.
Next Thursday, we will be performing our interpretation of the resurrection. I am excited for you to see it and for you to share it with us. The children need to bring into school on Monday a pair of black leggings/trousers/joggers for the assembly and some of them need to bring a black t-shirt- they know who they are, we call them our masked people. Thank you. Throughout next week, we will be discussing and writing about these events in our RE lessons. I would love to show the children clips from the film ‘Jesus of Nazareth’, as this is a fantastic resource to fully comprehend the feelings and emotions involved which will impact their writing. This film is a PG however, we will start next Monday, so if you have any objections with this then please do get in touch. If I do not hear from you, I will assume you have given consent. Many thanks.
What have we been learning this week?
Learning has been full on and fast paced this week. I am so impressed by the attitude of the children and their desire to make progress.
English - The children have been busy analysing and collecting vocabulary and cohesive devices from our discussion around the last supper and garden of Gethsemane. We have really worked on our grammar this week and boxed off identifying determiners, prepositions and revision work on prepositional phrases.
Maths - We have enjoyed maths this week, coming to end of our fraction work and answering some tricky multi step fraction problems- what reslience we have had!
RE - What are the events of Good Friday? How did this impact on us and what did the disciples feel? We have been looking closely at the events that took place on Holy Thursday, and analysing how Jesus and his disciples may have felt.
You will see from the homework this week that we are really gearing up to the final weeks of teaching. Please continue to keep asking questions and I will help you wherever I can. Over Easter we will be sending a number of practice papers home to have a go at over the holidays, all of these will be due back the first day back after the Easter holidays. Support your child the best way you see fit, these will not be assessed by me, so whatever level input you feel is necessary then please feel free. If you click on the button below, it will take you to the section on the Year 6 web page ‘How to Help Your Child.’ I have updated the page with lots of useful sites for the children to access. If you see there is an area that children need more practice, then these sites should help, but remember one of the most crucial ways is through books. So please make sure you set aside time of Easter to read together. Below also is the timetable and just so information about SAT’s week.
Leading Learners
Well done to Dominic and Jay this week.
Dominic, you are being such a reflective and curious learner. Your determination to succeed and desire to do the best you can has not got unnoticed! We love how engaged you are in lessons, how you always ask if you need something clarifying and your focus- keep it up Dominic!
Jay You are working so hard and are extremely focused during lessons. We love how you are getting lost in tasks, showing great resilience and listened to advice. Keep up with your passion for reading, as this unlocks so many learning opportunities!
Love and Compassionate butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do. Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Evan, Connor-Sean and Nicola for always being compassionate and loving with others.
Lunch Time Awards …
Marvelous Manners awards … Nicola
Role Model of the week … Christian
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Nicola Jay Georgia Rosa
Year 6 Resurrection Assembly- Thursday 28th March at 9:15, please arrive a little earlier to be seated.
Next Monday 25th March- Lenten boxes to be returned.
The information regarding leaver’s hoodies will be released over the coming week. You will be able to order via the school office.
We break up at 2pm on Thursday 28th March.
Have a lovely weekend.
I will see you on Monday.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker
Year 4 home learning to be completed by Thursday 28th March
Rest and Reflection
You have had a big week! Performing Shakespeare on stage, your last swimming lesson and also your Reconciliation on Thursday. Can you reflect on what you have learned about yourself in these last few days? What is your relationship with God? What are you like as a person? What can you do now that you couldn’t before? How have you managed to achieve this? You can just discuss this with your adults OR you can make a little page about it in your homework book.
Dedicate 15 - 30 minutes on reading. Have you met your reading target?
TTROCKSTARS 10 minutes per day in Garage - see if you can improve your heatmap
Group 1: First practise the spellings below and complete quiz in purple mash
special, strange, possible, probably, strength, surprise, remember, although, notice, recent
Group 2 Practise these spellings below.
have, do, little, out, our, saw, when, who, where, here, how, why
Now everyone read the words below with the s sound spelt sc. Can you spell any of these? Do you know what they mean?
scent, science descend, scene, scenery, conscience, ascend,
Year 6 Home Learning 21.03.24
Homework is now due back on Wednesdays
This week it has been all about the fractions- please complete the multiplying fractions sheet to reinforce what we have been doing in class.
2. Complete the following IXL strands:
This week’s spelling focus are words that we have already learnt this half term, so let’s see whether we have remembered them! Remember to pratise these throughout the week and to complete the quiz on Purple Mash.
Mrs Barker’s Group
Begin below between both city close country
This week we have been learning about prepositions and determiners! Please complete the example SAT questions on prepositions and complete the following IXL strands:
LL 1. Identify prepositions
LL 2. Identify prepositions and their objects
Have a go at the following determiners game:
Year 2 Home Learning to be handed in in the last week - Monday 26th March
Watch our hatching video!!!
Read moreYear 3 Homework- Tuesday 19th March
This weeks focus is double consonants
Please continue reading at home for 20 minutes each night. Not long left until half term - how far can you gets towards your target?
Easter Worship - The Last Supper
Please practise your lines and the Hymn below at home - our Easter Worship is on Monday 25th March at 9.15am, please join us.
Year 5 Weekly Blog 15.03.24' Help me carry the weight of the great and small sufferings in my life'
What an exciting week it has been! It’s not often that the first thing on a Monday morning is full of excitement and something new but this week it was as we carried out our fourth enrichment session. This time, the children were in Year 1 with Miss Drummond where they took part in some science experiments involving food. I’m not too sure what they were creating but it looked delicious.
The focus of the week was starting our Easter assembly preparations, in which we handed out scripts and also completed our first stage practice. With less than two weeks until the assembly, it is vital that all children learn their lines and when they come in.
In Maths, the children started their new topic with Mrs Gregan and focused on volume- looking at how we use this in everyday practices and the relationships it has with other units of maths. In my maths topic, we have come to the end of division as we look to start multiplication next week. I have never taught a class that enjoys the bus stop method so much and I think that comes from their confidence in understanding the method.
In English, we have discussed, researched and independently written up our first discussion text from scratch which is ‘Should all children learn how to swim?’. The children have loved sharing their points of view and also look at ways to counter argue points previously made.
Let’s Celebrate
Pippa for being a co-operative learner: Such a friendly and caring member of the class. This makes you a brilliant learning partner as you are not concerned with who you are sat with- you still give it 100%. You treat all of your classmates the same, making them feel valued and apart of the team.
Sophia for being an enthusiastic learner: I really could not tell what your favourite or least favourite subject is because you have the same high level of enthusiasm throughout every lesson. You give everything a go and your sole focus is to learn and to tackle any learning task in front of you. A real mature and positive way of approaching the entire curriculum- Keep it up!
Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Millie for being loving and compassionate. Your manners are impeccable- you always say please and thank you towards all members of staff and children.
Lunchtime Certificates
Role Model of the Week- Ella
Marvelous Manners- Cora
Parents Evening Appointments- Next week will be the second half of the appointments, 2:00pm-5:30pm Wednesday 20th March.
Please book your appointments on Mrs Gregan’s blog.
Easter Assembly- Our focus in the lead up to Easter will be the Crucifixion, which will take place on Wednesday 27th March at 9:15am.
Year 1 Homework 15.3.24
Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day.
Don’t forget you have the QR codes for the RWI videos these are great to practise their sounds at home, let me know if you need another copy.
It will be our big spelling test after the Easter break with a mix of the spellings from this half term and last. It will be on Friday 12th April.
The spellings are:
my were are said here our house pull
love come put do was by some they full they
of you we
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Drummond
'Determination leads to great things. Just ask the butterfly...'
Reception Blog - Friday 15th March 2024
Read moreYear 1 Weekly Blog 8.3.24 'It's time to add a pinch of adventure, a sprinkle of sunshine and a big handful of outdoor play.'
Welcome to our weekly Year 1 blog. Please read on….
Read moreYear 4 Weekly blog Friday 15th March "Only by being both deity and humanity, could Jesus Christ bridge the gap between where God is."
What an exciting week we have had in Year 4! In our RE this week, we have been spending time thinking about Jesus, Our Saviour. We have looked at the evidence that Jesus is both truly human, feeling human emotions and truly God, being all powerful. This has helped us reflect on events of Holy Week, especially the story of the Garden of Gethsemane which our class assembly is based on. We have been practising this story and examining the deep emotions felt by those in the story.
In maths we have been working on understanding the 3x, 6x and 9x tables and how these are linked. Children have been solving two step problems involving 2 operations and have been making the link between multiplication and division. In our English lessons, children have been learning how to write some tricky grammatical sentences and they have invented their own character for their Brer Rabbit story which they will be writing next week. We have learned this week about the structure of the earth. We made it out of a Malteser core, icing sugar mantle and ginger nut crust! Children then wrote an explanation text about the earth’s structure and how volcanoes erupt. This led nicely onto our Science lesson about types of rock and how many rocks come from volcanoes. Not to forget German with Miss Hartley on Monday and an exciting water safety lesson in swimming too.
Conversation starters
This week in Geography, we learned about the structure of the Earth. Why not chat about the ground you walk on. What are the continents? What is underneath the solid rock of land? We have also been learning about rock types. What are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, three double whammy Lizzie Ladybird/Sadie Spider certificates went to Teddy and Gus. Teddy I am so proud of how hard you are working to improve on things. Your handwriting is beautiful! Gus, you are striving to improve and your Geography work was superb this week. Hudson, you are impressing me with your kindness, your effort with handwriting and your listening skills. Well done!
Loving and Compassionate butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Loving and Compassionate.’ This week our butterfly went to Ciaran for always noticing when others need a kind word or a helping hand
Lunchtime role model of the week was: Rory
Marvellous Manners in the hall - Poppy
Swimming stars were Josh, Teddy and Matilda for great listening and participation in water safety.
Music Stars: Finley and Isioma
GOING GREEN! These children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Charlotte, Ciaran, John-Paul, Louis, Rose, Teddy and Matilda
Well done!
Wednesday 20th March. Shakespeare performance at Hodgson High School - children have worked so hard for this! They will need a packed lunch, snack and water bottle. They can bring a bag with their reading book, drawing or colouring books or puzzle books, felt tips. No devices or electronics and nothing breakable. Please could you ensure children are wearing full school uniform (not PE) except for Romeo and Juliet who can come dressed in black.
Please make sure you are prompt to pick up at 3:00 and drop off at 5:00 at Hodgson High School.
Thursday, 21st March, the children will celebrate their First Reconciliation at 6pm in church. Please wear school uniform (not PE). Children will sit at the front of church and will need to be there at 5:45pm
TUESDAY 26th March Year 4 online Parent appointments.
Tuesday 26th March 9:15am Year 4 class Easter assembly on The Garden of Gethsemane
Wednesday 10th April 9:10am Children will do another performance of their Romeo and Juliet in our school hall for anyone to come and see. We hope lots of you can attend as tickets are so limited for the Hodgson performance.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Lyons, , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter