Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change’.

In our liturgy this week we read Mark’s gospel, when Jesus went back to his home town, he wasn’t accepted - he was despised and people questioned why he had come. We reflected on how Jesus may have felt and tried to put ourselves in his shoes, if we came back to our school and was treated this way. We talked about the importance of making everyone feeling welcomed and valued. This links beautifully to our school project- all classes have been asked to reflect on what a star in our school looks like and how they will behave. The children have done some beautiful work to show this, take a look at our board …

What a busy week we have had in Year 6. We’ve managed to keep all of our learning going whilst finally finishing our play! Next week we will be running all the way through, making small changes and improving what we have done- maybe even adding a dance in! There are still some children not fully familiar with their lines, please spend time this weekend going over their parts, making sure they know all their lines off by heart with the right expression. They have had their scripts for 6 weeks now and there is only one week to go! Most have booked tickets now, so these will also be sent out later next week.

Not all costumes are put together yet and we are having a big try on early next week, could I please ask that anything they need to bring from home is brought in to school for Monday? Thank you.

This week we have continued our learning in Geography and History. Our transition learning continues and on top of this transition preparation, all children have now been for a visit to their new high school and all have come back positive, looking forward to their new chapter, with of course some nerves. We have spoken in class about these feelings and how we need to share them with the people around us. We will of course, be discussing this in more detail over the next two weeks…

Leavers Day

As we approach the final two weeks of the school year, the celebration of our Year 6 children is at the forefront of our minds. Over the past 7 years, the children have grown into young people who are ready to fly. Young people who know how to be the change that they want to see in the world. They could not have achieved this without the love and support that they received from their school community, and more importantly, their family. For this we thank you.

On Wednesday 17th July, the whole school community will come together at the Leavers Mass to celebrate the class and their journey through primary school. This will take place at 9.30am in church.

The following day, we will be going out for the day for part two of the celebrations! They will be walking down, along the beach, to Fairhaven Adventure Golf and Adventure Playground, where we will stay and have lunch and games for the afternoon. We will then head back to school for the end of the day.

Details and payments for this day out will be given out to you next week and we will finalise arrangements-what your children needs to wear and bring with them on the day.

Delving deeper through talk …

What are you most looking forward to as you move on to high school?

How do you feel about moving on to high school?

Well done to Dominic and Molly-Ann

Dominic, you are such a calming influence on our class. You get on with your work independently, quietly and calmly. Thank you Dominic for being a great role model within the classroom and always doing what is asked of you.

Molly-Ann- This week your positive attitude towards your learning has really shone though. You are working hard independently in class and we loved seeing how enthusiasticc you were about your transition day at St Bede’s.

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Rosa for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Matilda

Role Model of the week … Ruby-Lily

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Matilda Iris Tabby Nicola

Final Notices:

Blackpool Showtown School trip to please be paid on ParentPay.

Have you filled out the following form about lunch for our school trip?

THE GREATEST SHOW PERFORMANCE: Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th July at 6:00pm. Tickets now are on sale!

Friday 12th July Dominic’s Fundraiser Sports Afternoon- sponsor forms have now been sent out to help raise money for Royal Manchester’s Children’s Hospital. The whole school will be out for the afternoon, taking part in numerous sporting activities, all led by year 5. There will also be a cake sale in the morning and tombola!

Leavers Mass Wednesday 17th July 9:30-10:30am

Thursday 18th July- The leavers day out

Friday 19th July- Break up at 2pm.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.

This week...

An odd sort of week, blink and you have missed Summer! Everyone has been focused on transitions this week. On Wednesday some of our friends visited Reception for a play and meet the Reception team, and what a fabulous time they all had. i don’t think they wanted to come back to nursey!!

We are all excited for Monday as we will be welcoming Steph back to nursery, after her maternity leave. Please take a minute to introduce yourself.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone!

I can't believe we are in July and it's still raining! Come on sunshine, where are you?  

At the time of writing this blog, our caterpillar pupa are still in their cocoons, but I will keep you posted. The children have really enjoyed studying them...and waiting…

We have also have been looking at the life cycle of bees. We noted how similar it is to a butterfly (although bees don't lays eggs on leaves like a butterfly). Bees use honeycomb as a nursery, honey factory and food store. The queen lays eggs, which then hatch into white grub-like larvae. The larvae pupate and emerge as bees.

Here are some facts about the life cycle of a bee enjoy. Click here.

The children have been busy helping to make bee hotels for the nursery garden. They have decorated tin cans with yellow and black stripes and by cutting smoothie straws to size to fit inside the can, which was a little tricky. As the bees have lost a lot of their natural habitat due to urban development, and changes in the land and faming, we want to help. Our bee hotels are going to hopefully help towards increasing the availability of nesting resources for solitary bees.

Here is a video of how to make a bee hotel at home for your garden. Enjoy! Click here.

Have a wonderful weekend, especially if you are going to Lytham festival.  

See you all next week,


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

The weather hasn’t been so good this week, but that hasn’t stopped us at all. We are still very busy investigating all the changes that are happening in the garden. New flowers are blooming, the strawberries are getting ripe enough to eat, and very tasty they were too. The bees have been so busy pollinating all the wild flowers, and the sunflowers are getting taller, but no flowers yet. We have been eagerly awaiting the emergence of the butterflies, but they are still in their chrysalis,  going through their metamorphosis from caterpillars. We did discover we have lots of ladybird larvae in the garden, so we are expecting to have lots of adult ladybirds this year. Here is a short film about the lifecycle of a ladybird. Click here.

PE was lots of fun this week, as we played team games, we had to work together as a team. We also had a go at scoring goals with the footballs and had a penalty shootout.

We have also been thinking about transitions this week as some of our friends will be moving onto Reception, some at Our Lady and some at other local schools. To celebrate our time together we will be having a party, your child should have brought home an invite this week. The children have requested a Pirate Party, so we are busy planning lots of pirate themed games and activities. The next two weeks are going to be busy!

We know that starting school can be daunting for some children (and parents), here is some useful info for you on starting school. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week


Sticky Kids

This week we have started to learn some new songs about being together and what makes a good friend. The children loved them. Here they are to sing along at home.

We’re all together again. Click here.

Who wants a friend like Snorty Bull? Click here.

It’s good to be me!. Click here.

Pirate Party

This week I have sent home our Leavers Pirate Party invitation, Wednesday 17th July 2024 9.30 am -11.30 am. We invite all the children to attend but if it not your child’s usual session they must be collected at 11.30 am. You do not have to send in any food as we are hoping for a sunny day and we will have ice lollies!! Fingers crossed!

Everyone must come dress as a pirate even the nursery ladies!!! Arrrrrr!

Sports Fest

On Friday 12th July, Year 5 are organising a Sports Fest. This will be a sponsored event so that you do not need to worry. You can bring 20p to £20 - there is no minimum to get involved. Sponsor forms will be going out on Monday. On the afternoon, all children in school will be out at the same time taking part in a range of activities designed by Year 5; from dancing to racing, to football and everything in between. For the event, they would like the children to come in a kit or uniform that they belong to. For example: St Annes Football Kit, NW1 Academy t-shirt, Clifton Academy, CN Sports, Rainbows, Scouts, Sea Cadets - whatever you belong to, that is your uniform for the day. Please keep it appropriate, especially with gymnastics wear.

The class are also planning a cake sale in the morning and a tombola too!

Join in the fun!

The next couple of weeks are going to be busy so keep your eye on the blog and group text messages, don’t miss out!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone and I will see you on Monday!

God Bless




Year 2 home learning - to be completed for Monday 8th July

Firstly, I need to apologise. Last week I accidently placed the wrong spellings on the homework!!! The suffix “less” had not been covered in class yet.! We have quizzed on them - despite my mistake!! Sorry!


Despite only having two weeks left of Year 2 we continue to read and enjoy books everyday. Please keep loving time with a cracking book. Mrs Naylor has been looking at where we are up to as we move to Year 3 - let’s get a few more quizzes done!


Please continue with your numbot levels. We have two children at the very end now! What a fantastic feat!


The correct spellings this week! We have been looking at the spelling of words ending in le and el. This is a tricky one!!!










Challenge - write them out and mix them up - can you sort and spell -


Please log into your letter join - click on fun and then word bank. Here you will find words ending in le. practice on your i-pad and then in your homework book with a pen or pen.

Roll up! Roll up! Year 5 & 6 Play Tickets on sale this week

The hall is alive with singing, dancing and acting as our Year 5 & 6 children are busy preparing for their end of year performance.

They will be performing across 3 different days and times:

Monday 15th July - 6pm

Tuesday 16th July - 9.30am

Tuesday 16th July - 6pm

Each family will initially be allocated 3 tickets across all three performances; with additional tickets going on a waiting list. Once we know all children across the two year groups have the tickets they are allocated to, we can then release the remainders to the waiting list. Tickets are £3 each.

From Wednesday, Mrs Nel will be selling tickets from the school office. Please come knowing what tickets you require and with the correct money in cash.

You are in for such a treat!

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 4th July

Compulsory Homework


  1. temperature

  2. thorough

  3. twelfth

  4. variety

  5. vegetable

  6. vehicle

  7. yacht

  8. yoghurt

  9. independence

  10. determined

  11. soldier

  12. restaurant


The children’s weekly punctuation and grammar sheet has gone home with them and should be stuck in their homework books.


All children who have not ‘Gone Green’ yet, last few weeks of practice before the end of school. It is crucial that we ae going into Year 6 in September full of confidence with our times tables.


Have a check of how many words you have read this year? Are you happy with this? Can you set yourself one final target for the end of the year?

This week...

What a fabulous week! The sun has been shining, which can only mean one thing…lots of water! We have made waterfalls form umbrella’s, hosed and squirted each other down when we got too hot and generally got soaking wet. It was such great fun and we dried in minutes.

The warm weather has made everyone feel exhilarated and perhaps a little sleepy, but we are not complaining.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

I hope your all enjoying this lovely weather as much as we are in nursery. 

Mr. Nay has had us working hard with different racing activities this week. We have been running, galloping, and walking. There was one race that he children found very tricky as it wasn't about who came first, it was about who came last by balancing a bean bag on their head for the whole race without it falling off; they had to move slowly! The children showed lots of determination, trying to keep the bean bag on their heads. The children had so much fun.

To continue learning about mini beasts, we've been finding out about bees and how hard they work, just like us. We watched a video about how bees pollinate and how they collect and carry the pollen. I then demonstrated how bees carry pollen from plant to plant using pretend bees on sticks and we then crushed up puffed crisps to represent the pollen. The children used the bees legs to carry the pollen from flower to flower, and the activity also helped to strengthen their fine motor skills.

Here is a short video all about facts about bees. Enjoy. Click here. 

The children have also become mini beast detectives. We went exploring around the school gardens looking under pots, in the flowers and bushes and we also looked in the school woods. The children found all sorts of bugs, worms, slugs, woodlice and even a black beetle. The children were very excited with their findings. Have a look around your garden to see what bugs you can find, and let me know. 

We have some great news about our caterpillars as all 5 of them are now inside their chrysalis , which is very exciting. We have moved them into their bigger enclosure and it's now a waiting game to see what is going to happen next, we can't wait.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy St Annes Club day if you are going.


Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog.

We have had a really busy week in nursery. We were excited to discover that our caterpillars have started to change into a chrysalis and are on their way to becoming butterflies. This can take up to 2 weeks, so we still have some time to wait until we can release them.

We watched this video and then tried to answer the quiz questions. Click here for the video.

Click here for the quiz.

We have continued to explore number 10, and this week we have been investigating how to make number bonds to 10. This is really tricky but we watched Numberblocks ten again and it helped us to work it out. Click here to watch.

We have been practising our yoga this week, pretending we were an egg, a caterpillar, then a pupa inside the chrysalis metamorphosing into a butterfly. Have a go at home, it’s very relaxing.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


More about minibeasts

Here are a few activities to do at home.

Click here ‘What are Minibeasts’

Click here ‘Characteristics of Minibeasts

Let’s hope the weather stays fine for St. Annes Club Day on Saturday, i will keep a look out for everyone. Have a lovely weekend.

God Bless


Year 6 Weekly Blog 'If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other'.

This week in our class liturgy, our word of the week has been GLOBAL. We reflected on what it means to be named the Son of Man and we talked about how many names Jesus has and how he reaches out to everyone all over the world. In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope', 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. Each child has recieved their own bookmark, with a very special prayer on it, that we shared during our liturgy.

Dancing, singing and laughing has most definitely been the theme for the week this week in Year 6! You are in for such a treat with their end of year play. When I watch them on stage now, I can’t believe some of them are the same children that started the play 3 weeks ago. Their confidence has grown so much and are now so much more comfortable on stage that they are bringing their characters fully to life! This week we have got over half way through the play, with just the final two scenes to go, so later next week we will be running from the top all the way through each day, to tweak any changes we may need to. Please make sure Year 6 spend some time this weekend going back over all of their lines, thank you. This week we have been trying to sort costumes. We always try to source the outfits as much as we can ourselves, with little effort or cost from yourselves. If you have not heard about costumes as yet, then you will on Monday! This is a long process, so bear with us.

Year 6 have been so busy in class too, during play rehearsals, they have continued to work hard on their class novel ‘Skellig’, looking deeper in to the text by answering some tricky comprehension questions. In Maths this week, we have been looking at symmetry, designing stars that have symmetrical paterns. The children have started their transition lessons, where we talked about how we choose our own attitudes and reflected on what we need to do to be a ‘kid awesome’ and become successful learners! We have started to read extracts from the book, ‘You are awesome’, and the children are really enjoying it. This helps children to see practical ways to become successful learners, how to be reslient and much more- it’s a really fun book to read. Below are two books that could really help your children as they transition to high school…

Year 6 have excelled in their jobs around the school this week and the teachers have been praising them on their support within the classroom, in fact I think they wished they were in there permanently. They have sat with the children in their class at lunchtimes to help keep the noise levels down, they have been supporting them in their work, reading with children and even building towers in Reception…

Delving deeper through talk …

What does a star look like at Our Lady’s?

How can you be ‘kid awesome’ at high school?

Well done to Charlie and Evan

Charlie, you are so pro-active and hands on, always ready to help when needed and see what needs doing! We absolutely love the way you always have a positive outlook on any situation and make it your mission to praise people when you see others deserve this. What emotional intelligence you have! You are such a caring learning partner, thank you for always having patience and showing love to your classmates- you make our class a happy place to be!

Wow Evan, you are such an independent learner. You are working so hard on the learning you are given and what we are really impressed with, is the care, consideration and focus you put in to your task. You have put so much detail in to your work and your star research was so creative and cleverly written- thank you Evan for being a focused and trustworthy learner, who strives to do their best!

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Georgia for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Lily-Mae

Role Model of the week … Tabby

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jay Tabby Owen Evan

St Bede’s Transition

Children are being picked up at 9:15am by members of staff from St Bede’s and will be dropped off back at school just before pick up time. Children all need to bring £2.50 (in the correct change) for their school dinner and their water bottle- please don’t forget.

Blackpool Showtime Museum

On Wednesday 10th July, we will be taking Year 6 children by bus to blackpool to visit the Blackpool Showtime museum, to enhance our local History study of Blackpool. Here they will have a workshop where they will meet a 1950s Walkies photographer who will help the class explore Blackpool’s history. Learn how Blackpool became a popular seaside resort from the Victorian era and discover more about a day at the seaside through the years. The cost of the trip is just £10, made cheaper by getting public transport. This will be on PARENT PAY early next week. We will be leaving at 10:30am, so will be having a packed lunch in Blackpool. Please could you fill in the form below, to tell us whether your child is bringing their own packed lunch from home or made by Jacqui.

Final Notices:

St Bede’s Transition Day: Wednesday 3rd July

THE GREATEST SHOW PERFORMANCE: Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th July at 6:00pm.

Leavers Mass Wednesday 17th July 9:30-10:30am

Thursday 18th July- The leavers day out

Friday 19th July- Break up at 2pm.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.

Year 3 Weekly Blog 28th June - Work hard and stay focused to achieve your goals and dreams in life. That is the path to true happiness.

Our class worship was led by Bea, Albert and Nathan, they will be our Prayer Leaders for a week. They read Brave Stephen Acts 6-7 and shared their personal prayer to the class. There has been a theme of reflection in the children’s prayers this half term, it has been lovely to hear how thankful and grateful they feel about the opportunities they have had this year, in school and at home.

Read more

Year 1 Homework 26.6.24


Please continue to read regularly at home and sign the challenge boxes, just a reminder it is one box per day. It was great to see lots of certificates today, keep it up.


Keep talking about the time, go on this interactive clock below, can you make different o’clock times and half past times? Where should the minitue hand be? Where should the hour hand be? These games on top marks are great. Keep working on counting in 2s,5s and 10s and use hit the button to practise addition, subtraction and number bonds. Click on number bonds then choose 1-10, 1-20 and up to 100, this will help with fluency.


Please keep up with handwriting practise at home, this week we have been practising ‘n’ and ‘m’ and ‘h’ we appreciate all you are doing at home, thank you.

Once you log in, you can click on free play to explore at home or Year 1.

To find the letters ‘n’ ‘m’ and ‘h’, click on easy letters, then click on the ‘n’ ‘m’ and ‘h’ at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the play button to see how you write the letter, then click on try and the bottom of the screen under the play button so you can practice each letter.

Don’t forget to practise with pencils in your purple books

Optional Challenges!

It is wonderful that the children are so excited about their learning and to see how keen they are to continue this outside of school. We welcome any opportunity to share these learning experiences with you at home, which is why we have created ‘optional challenges’ across each year group which can be explored over this Summer 2 half term.

These challenges link to the wider area of our curriculum, there are some activities to help with retrival and some with topics that are coming up.

Below you will find the optional challenges linking to the topics and areas of learning that we will be exploring this half term. These fun challenges are designed to cover a range of skills without being stressful or time consuming for you at home. You are welcome to complete them in any order you wish and it would be lovely to see pictures or examples of things that the children have enjoyed at home.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond