Year 5 homework week 1 to be handed in Thursday 10th September

Hello Parents,

It has been a joy to have the children back in school this week! We have launched ourselves into our History Topic and our maths curriculum! I will be setting homework every week. I will be sending the homework books home on alternate weeks and then setting the next week online to complete on Purple Mash or another digital platform.

This week I have sent their new homework book home and below are this weeks tasks:


Please decorate your new homework book so it reflects your personality and celebrates your hobbies!!


We have solved a couple of fun puzzles this week. I have set another one here - in fact I have set two. If you enjoyed the first, have ago at the second one. If it took a while to solve the first you can leave the second for class. If you love maths then make sure you are a focused Kuba Crab and do both!!


Reading is always the most important set homework of the week! Reading is not work - it is a joy and a hobby, which opens up every world!! The children have all selected their reading books and I am conferencing each child and sharing their reading level and new ZPD code.

Greek vase.jpg


We are loving the Ancient Greeks! We already had a little look at them and their Gods in lockdown, this week we have investigated modern Greece compared Ancient Greece and discovered that it was very different to Ancient Eygpt. The Greek city states were very separate! We have also explored the Agora (market Place) through drama and discovered that Greek vases tell us so much about the history of this time. I would like you to investigate Ancient Greek Vases on the internet! Then thinking carefully about the “Agora Drama”. Pick a scene from the Agora to draw on a vases of your own! No more that four figures - make sure you include details- so we can interpret the scene. Make sure your vases looks old and would fit beautifully in a museum.

Welcome to Year 6 - Day 5 of Induction Week

Good morning Year 5 - welcome to Friday’s learning! This is our final day of induction into Year 6, you are all more than ready to hit the ground running in September and I excited to get going. Today you have some IXL maths to complete and a piece of writing to complete. I love teaching writing and seeing what standard my class can write…show me exactly what you can do today. I have given you some hints as to the type of things I would like to see. Your writing will take time and patience. Please devote time to it today - this is your focus!

Keep your learning photos coming through.

Have a wonderful day of learning!

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