The start of something new brings the hope of something great… Anything is possible.

Well, what a wonderful couple of days we have had settling into our new class! We had a classroom full of smiles, as well as some nerves, as we welcomed our friends back on Thursday! The children settled in straight away and any of those nerves had soon disappeared! We have been SO impressed with our lovely new class family and the focus and enthusiasm they have already shown. One of our first activities has been practising our class mantra which we will be thinking about throughout our year, helping our classroom to be a happy place to learn together!

This morning, we were able to join together as a whole school family which was such a lovely way to kick start the new school year and has inspired us all to reach for those goals! We have also been looking at our two virtues that we will reflect on throughout the term. These are ‘Learned’ and ‘Wise’. I wonder what the children can remember about these two virtues?


· Please remember PE kits on Tuesday and Thursday.

· All forms MUST be completed. Please see the previous blog for the forms if you have not yet done so.

· If your child has asthma please make sure we have an inhaler in school (labelled).

· Homework will begin Thursday next to be completed for the following Friday.

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday,

Mrs Harrison, Miss Bassett, Miss Russell, Mrs Carr and Miss Woodrow


"Let today be the start of something new!"

We have had such a beautiful start to our Year 2 journey together over the past two days! It has been wonderful getting to know each and every one of your delightful children and I can’t wait to get to know them more as the year unfolds. The children have fit seamlessly into their new classroom; it somehow feels like they’ve always been here.

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Welcome to Nursery!

A HUGE welcome to all our children and their families. It has been wonderful to finally meet you all in person.

The children who started nursery this week have really coped well with starting nursery under unusual circumstances. It is such a big ask to expect a small child to come unaccompanied into a new building with nursery ladies they haven’t met in person. I’ve been so impressed with how the children (and grown ups) have dealt with the circumstances. I would not be being honest if I said there hadn’t been the odd tear from one or two of our friends, but they have been short lived and within minutes they were having fun!

As is customary at the being of the year our learning thread will be ‘All about Me’. We will explore families, healthy eating and practices and how our body works. If you click on the button below you will be able to look at the next few weeks planning so you can support learning from home.

As is usual in September are some ‘housekeeping’ reminders, sorry!

  • Could all children’s clothing and belongings be clearly labelled. Also, a spare set of clothing would be useful, just in case of accidents.

  • Everyone should bring with them one piece of fresh fruit or vegetable for each session attended, for example, a full time time should have two pieces. Milk and water are available at nursery.

  • Each child should have an Our Lady’s book bag. These can be purchased from Top Marque on Park St St. Annes. Large back packs make storage tricky.

  • Please remember to send your child to nursery in clothing suitable for the days weather. It is also worth mentioning that the nursery is always well ventilated and therefore an extra layer during cold spells would be a good idea.

    That’s all the reminders for this week but I’m sure I will think of more for next week!

If you click on the buttons below they will display the attachments I emailed home earlier this week.

Finally, from next week we would like to start sharing our learning at nursery by using photos of the children at work and play. I will only be able to upload images of your child if you have sent me a consent email. Don’t worry if you have not had time to reply to my email yet, as long as I receive permission by Wednesday that will be fine.

I hope everyone has a lovely week end and that the sun shines on us all! The nursery ladies look forward to seeing you all on Monday bright eyed and busy tailed, ready for fun and learning.

The Nursery Team

Our Lovely Classroom!

As promised Year 3, here is a sneak preview in to your new classroom. All that’s missing now is our new Year 3 class and all of your beautiful work on the walls!

We hope you are all having a wonderful summer and we can’t wait to welcome you back next Thursday 2nd September.

Here are some things that you need to remember before you come back …

  • PE days are Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)

  • Harcourt and Marsden – begin at 8.40am and finish at 3.10pm

  • Plessington and Bamber start at 8.50am and finish at 3.20pm

  • Don’t forget to bring a water bottle and healthy snack

  • label all your clothing items

  • Don’t forget to fill in the forms from the previous post.

Welcome to Reception!

Hello and welcome to Reception! We cannot wait to meet all the children and welcome them to their new classroom to start their Reception journey.

Thank you for all your engagement and responses to Miss Hornby’s missions so far. After watching this video please click on the buttons below to find out more about ‘Mission 4’.

We hope you have the most wonderful summer and we will see you in September!

Miss Lavelle and the Reception team

Your Year 2 journey begins!

HELLO and a big big welcome to Year 2! September is just around the corner and before we know it, Tuesday and the beginning of the new school year will be here! I CANNOT wait to see all of those smiling faces back in the classroom and to have us all back as a class and whole school community!

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Welcome to Year 6...the journey begins

HELLO and a big welcome to Year 6 for 2021 and 2022. I bet you cannot believe that your child has journeyed all the way through school and are now in their final year here. I promise that this year will be one to remember and one that is full of opportunities and experiences for them to grasp with both hands.

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