Year 3 Home Learning 10.09.21

Welcome to the Year Three Weekly Home Learning Page.

On this page you will find details of learning for your child to complete as independently as possible or with a little bit of help at home , to consolidate the learning they have done in class. Home Learning will be a combination of online and in their home learning books, depending on the nature of the learning I would like them to practise.

Home learning is set every Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday - apart from this week!

Please decorate your Home Learning Books…

homework books.jpg

Please could you decorate your books that show your interests and likes. As these books are to be taken to and from school all year, we kindly ask that you cover them in a material that will keep them strong. Children have used sticky back plastic or wrapping paper, to do this in the past.

Class Councilor (optional)

Do you want to be our councilor this year? Have you never done it before? Is this your year?

Prepare a short speech and maybe poster to the class ready for next Tuesday. You can be as creative as you want. Why should we vote for you to be our next councilor?


Now that we have got our reading books in place, please could the children make sure that they read every night. Although they are now in the juniors and we encourage them to read independently, they should also read alongside an adult every day where possible. This may also include, you sharing a book together, where they are listening to an adult reading to them. At this point, they are learning HOW stories should be read, how punctuation helps to show us how a story should be ready and how to develop their fluency and expression. Modelling reading stories is a crucial part to their learning journey.

With their reading books children will also have received their own bookmark with all of their passwords for IXL, Purple Mash and other tools we use for their home learning. Like with their book, please make sure it comes to and from school everyday, as they will need their books for class reading.


Spellings of the half term …

spelling column 1.PNG

At the front of the children’s Home Learning books you will find a table of spellings that children across Year 3 and 4 use frequently within their writing, therefore are encouraged to practise and learn to spell. Every half term we will take a column to focus on in class, where we have them on display, we will practise them in our handwriting lessons and we will use them within our writing as much as possible. At the end of the half term, we will quiz the children on the spellings to see which ones we have mastered and which need a little more practice. It would be great if at home you could also play about and practise these spellings over the coming weeks to better reinforce. You will find some ideas below of how you can practise these at home and the first column of spellings.

Spellings of the week …

Children will have spellings sessions every week and to help reinforce the spelling rules, they will also be given 6 spellings to practise at home. This week our rule is “drop the ‘e’ before adding the ‘y’” Therefore this weeks spellings :

1. shine

2. wave

3. breeze

4. simple

5. craze

6. curve

Please practise spelling these words with the suffix ‘y’ ready for our spelling quiz next week. Don’t forget the spelling rule!

These spellings will all have the same spelling rules, so be great if you could discuss this rule and maybe even collect others words that have the same sounds or rule. Again, the ideas below will help you keep their learning fun and engaging. Be great if you could send pictures also, if you have any new and exciting ways of learning their spellings!

Year 3 10.09.21 "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

Wow, what a lovely first full week we have had in Year 3! The children have all shown what Bobby Bee’s they are, showing great enthusiasm for all of their learning and have already settled in to their new junior routines. This week we have spent time getting used to our new classroom, learning about their new expectations and despite the heatwave have all shown what excellent learners they are- we can’t wait to see all of their achievements thus year!

Year 3 Learning this week …

In English this week, we have started our wonderful reading of fables. We began watching a very humorous video of an ostrich and a penguin in a running race - can you guess who won? Ask the children and they will tell you and then hopefully you can discuss the moral. We have also read the fable of ‘the Lion and the Mouse’, and even acted out the scene where they first met, we definitely had some very convincing lions and mice!

We have got in to the full flow in Maths this week, where children are now looking at numbers up to 1,000 and they have blown us away with their place value of these numbers and how they are able to use materials to represent some quite big numbers!

We have also had a brilliant time with Mrs Curtis during our first Art lesson of the term. Those of you who have forgotten, please remember to bring in an old shirt that can be worn and left in school to protect their uniforms during any of the messier Art lessons.

Our Year 6 friends have been busy creating their house captain speeches which we fully enjoyed watching! They made it a difficult decision to make and we are now eagerly awaiting the results!

In RE we have been thinking all about the creation of our beautiful world the children were very reflective when we began to think about who is responsible for God’s world. I wonder if they could tell you their thoughts on this?

Finally, we ended the week with some computing and with great success! We all managed to complete our first bit of coding and the children are very excited to progress these skills further over the coming weeks.

Let’s Celebrate!

Pippa you are an Enthusiastic Bobby bee!

Pippa you are an absolute joy! Your enthusiasm to learn alongside your supportive nature makes you such a special learner … and a wonderful learning partner! Thank you for sharing your happiness and smile each day and helping our classroom to be such a positive place. We cannot wait to see what you achieve this year!

Benjamin you are a Concentrating Cooper crab!

What can we say Ben… you have been thoroughly involved in every class discussion and task that has been set this week. We absolutely love seeing your hand up to share your thoughts and experiences and we are sure this will only continue. You are wonderful at managing distractions and always make sure you complete your work with 100% effort. Well done Ben, what a brilliant start!


  • Please make sure all medical and home agreement forms are completed, we have took some lovely pictures of the children this week, but we can not put them on until we have consent from every parent. Many thanks.

  • This year we will be teaching RHE to your children, following certain schemes. Please read the following letter to keep informed as to HOW and WHEN we will be teaching certain areas.

  • Please see the Home Learning section of the Year 3 page to see your child’s home learning this week

  • TOILETS- Please could you speak to your child/ children about when is the best time to go to the toilet. We, of course, have spoken to the children and reminding them to go at playtimes which are frequent enough, but we are still finding it very difficult to manage the amount of toilet visits during lessons. We understand that children this week are getting used to their new routines and there will sometimes be matters of urgencies, however, some children are missing vital learning. If your child has special toilet needs and needs to go more frequently or urgently, please could you send a quick email, as we will need to be a little more strict next week.

This week...

What a fabulous week. The children are so confident and are accessing all the areas of the continuous provision independently, that’s great!

We have started to introduce the Number 1 . A great resource that you can access at home is Numberblocks. Click here to watch Number 1. At nursery we use the Maths Mastery approach. Maths mastery is a teaching and learning approach that aims for children to develop deep understanding of maths rather than being able to memorise key procedures or resort to rote learning. At this point they are ready to move confidently on to their next stage of maths. So we will be taking our exploration of number slow and steady.

We have also started to discuss and explore healthy practices, starting with healthy foods. Click here to find the NHS Eatwell guide.

This year we are starting a weekly Key Person blog, we hope that you like it.

Clare’s Blog

What an extremely happy start to nursery we have had this year!

The children have been excitedly exploring the nursery environment, keen to play with everything.

Already in the first week at nursery we have been cutting, sticking, painting, lots of painting! Reading so many of our wonderful selection of books, planted sunflower seeds from the flower head. We have made a fairy garden, built ‘Pride Rock’ and have pretended to be firemen, trolls and the Billy Goats Gruff and so much more. The children have had the opportunity to play both inside and out and are already feeling comfortable, confident and secure in the nursery.

The manners and the kind way the children are talking to each other is beautiful, you must all feel so very proud of them all!


Hannah’s Blog

What a super start to nursery life the children have all made; I cannot believe how well everyone has settled in! There has been so much lovely playing in the garden whilst we enjoy the sunshine and we have all made such an effort to be kind friends to one another. There has been lots of whizzing round on the bikes, splashing in the water and plenty of digging in the sand pit.

I have loved seeing castles and robots being made from building blocks, so many amazing pictures being painted and have particularly been wowed by how many children like to sit attentively and listen to stories! When we have played inside I have seen lots of dinosaur enthusiasts amongst our friends and some fabulous creations with playdough!

Well done everyone on such a super start.


Colette’s Blog

The children are beginning to settle in beautifully in to Nursery and are starting to make some lovely friendships.

So far this week we have built a road but then some roadworks appeared…we even had to make our own temporary traffic lights to ease the congestion!

We have read many stories, completed lots of number puzzles (inside and out) and the lovely hot sunshine meant that we could have the big water play out (we did wear our aprons and wellies!)

Have a lovely weekend.


As you can see the children are all having a splendid time at nursery!

Please note: this week we have emailed everyone to book either a face to face meeting or a telephone meeting with your child’s key person next week. It’s not to late to book an appointment.

Also, a few reminders

  • I will require written consent (an email is fine) giving nursery consent to use images on our webpage, I am still waiting to hear from a few of our families.

  • Please could you put your child’s fruit time snack in their blue book bag not lunch boxes. Please remember that your child will need one piece of fruit for each session they attend (two pieces for a full day).

  • Any items which are likely to be removed during the day should be clearly labelled. The nursery ladies are getting very confused!

Some of our families have been enquiring how to pay for lunches and fees. My apologies it is going to get to next week before the invoices are ready to be sent out. There are not enough hours in the day! Keep checking your emails!

In the meanwhile, if you have any queries please drop me an email or catch me at the end of the day.

I’m not sure if summer has made its final appearance of the year (I hope not) but nonetheless have a fabulous weekend with your loved ones.


"What we learn with pleasure we never forget"

It has been a pleasure to have all of the children in class for their first full week in Year 2. They have all worked unbelievably hard, despite the hot and humid weather, and most definitely deserve a well earned rest this weekend! I am so lucky to be the teacher of such an enthusiastic, focused, and most importantly, kind and compassionate group of children. It has been a pleasure watching the class grow in confidence this week and seeing all of their little personalities flourish as they have become more comfortable in their new classroom.

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Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 8th September 2021

This is your home learning tasks for this week. It is due in next Tuesday.

Decorate your homework book.

I like to learn more about you. Make your homework book interesting. Please ensure that your name is clearly visible.


This week in class, we started to have a look at Barnam. He was a big clue as to what our new novel is about. But what can you find out about him?

I have set you a TO DO on Purple Mash. What can you find out about him, especially his link to the circus?

Think about the standard and content of your work - I can’t wait to see what you produce.

Class Councilor

Do you want to be our councilor this year? Have you never done it before? Is this your year?

Prepare a presentation to the class ready for next Monday. You can be as creative as you want. Why should we vote for you to be our next councilor?