Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Evolution is the secret for the next step.'

Evolution and Inheritance is one of my favourite units of work to teach because it is packed with questions. Throughout history, humans have been required to adapt and change in order to not only survive - but to thrive! Quite often, change can be seen as a scary prospect, one that makes us feel vulnerable and uneasy. However, it is during these times that we grow and see just how much strength we have.

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This week.....the aliens are coming!

A fun week making pet aliens and using alien speak. Colette and Michelle are in the process of creating an alien wall based on the the story ‘Aliens love underpants’. The children even designed their own underpants to hang on our washing line.

Click here to listen to the story.

Have you got any stories at home about aliens? If you have bring them in next week and we will read them! We love a good story!!

We have also been redesigning our outdoor area. Everyone has been thinking about what they would like to see and do in the garden. We have already started by creating a big building site using a mixture of BIG waffle bricks, house bricks and boulders ( rubber of course), large tins and buckets, wooden discs and large chopping boards. We have even put up work site sigs in the builders yard.

Some children wanted to make a cosy reading den. We cleaned out the small shed and put lots of squishy mats inside along with some of our favourtie stories! We have ordered a new storage shed for all our baskets of enhancement resources.

I have even ordered some surprise for the children, shhhhh!

We will continue our revamp next week.

Key Person Blog

Once again the children have amazed us with their learning! This week aliens have landed in nursery! The children used their prior shape knowledge to create aliens and some of us have painted them too! Some alien pets may have made their way home already, if yours has – please take good care of them! I wonder if you will hear any alien speak whilst they settle in? Have you read Aliens Love Underpants?

We have worked on our fundamental movement skills in the hall and can see lots of ’concentrate’ Cooper Crabs with our hopping, jumping and throwing! We are working in smaller groups and taking turns in the hall to really hone our skills. The alternative activity was a wellbeing and relaxation session – we did slow and controlled rainbow breathing above our heads and then led down where we focused on large breaths to move our bodies. Why don’t you have a go at home, click here.

We also had tried BREATHING BUDDIES

Purpose: Calm, Relaxation, Mindfulness of Body

Best for: Ages 4+, groups or one-on-one

What you need: Comfortable clothes, ample floor space (or another place to lie down), a favorite stuffed toy.

1. To practice tummy-breathing, ask your child to lie comfortably and place his hands on their tummy (if they use a stuffed animal, they can hold it on top of their tummy when they lie down).

2. As you count to three, ask the child to inhale deeply through their nose.

Tell them to fill their tummy with air as they inhale; they should feel it get bigger and bigger and bigger throughout the count to three. If the stuffed toy sits atop the tummy, they might see it rise as the tummy “fills with air”.

3. Ask them to exhale to a slow count to four. They might see the teddy fall as the feels the tummy shrinks and shrinks throughout the count to four.

Do five to ten rounds of tummy-breathing to get started.

When ready, ask your child how it felt.

Is there a difference in how they feels now?

What did they notice about the stuffed animal as they inhaled and exhaled?

How did it feel when they released the breath?

Repeat the process as many times as you want.


The den building has been fantastic this week.  We have also been strengthening our finger muscles by manipulating the clay. This helps us develop the muscles needed to be confident writers. We have had so much fun with mixed resources and our creations have been built on a good bout of teamwork!

Don’t forget we have been thinking about things that begin with ‘p’. We could name loads of words! See what you can find at home?

Colette, Michelle, Hannah, Justine and Frances.


This weeks session required the children to move around and explore the movements their bodies can make by taking part in a story where Freddy Teddy and Mollie the Cat take a morning walk. It helped us realise how wonderful our unique, God-given bodies are.

Click on the button below to read the story and join in the actions.

As always it has been an extremely busy week at nursery and we have noticed that everyone is getting tired. Only two more weeks then we can have a big rest!

Have the most splendid weekend and we will see you all on Monday. I hope you enjoy doing the home challenges we have sent home this week…don’t forget to send us some photos, we love to share the children’s learning.


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 2nd February 2022

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”
— H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


This week is all about consolidating what you have learnt this year (and from Year 3), practising those skills that you know you need to and celebrating what you can do well.

Tomorrow, you will be able to take home your GPS, Reading and Maths revision folders, as well as your spelling book. Use these resources carefully to identify areas that you know you can pick up marks next week.

GPS - what spellings are you getting incorrect? Is there a common theme? Could you use a different strategy to embed them? Which grammar areas are you struggling with? If these areas haven’t been taught yet, don’t worry, if they have, what do you now need to do to understand them further?

Use IXL to search for key areas that you need to practise further.

READING - You have another reading paper to have a go at, this time it is poetry. Have a go alongside looking at where you need to pick up marks on previous papers. Is it a case of not using evidence? Do you need to look closer at vocabulary?

MATHS - We have covered a lot of maths this year. Consolidate those areas that you need to practise further. Remember not to worry about something that hasn’t been taught yet. Look over the shape information that is in your folders too.

Maths is Fun is a great website where you can search for topics and it will provide teaching and questions for you to practise. Use it to work on areas that you are not so sure of.

Year 3 Home Learning 21.1.22


Our spelling strategy this week is, ‘Curly Words’

Practise each spelling by writing the word again and again to create a spiral

Our spelling rule this week is focusing on words containing ‘c’ sound spelt ‘ch’

  1. chaos

  2. character

  3. ache

  4. school

  5. anchor

  6. chemical

  7. stomach

  8. charisma


We have spent time this week reading the book, Ice Cat. Today we have have finished reading the final chapter. In your homework books please find the sheet (PDF version below) and complete the book review. Remember to use your grammar skills!


Please complete IXL K1 - Understand multiplication: Count equal groups and IXL K.2: Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

"Saying thank you costs nothing but gives everything!"

What a wonderful week we have had here in Year 2! The children finished writing their own versions of ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’ and I am so proud of what they have all achieved! I don’t think even the children can believe how much they have written! The class are now all incredibly eager to find out what our new topic will be next … I think they’re going to love it.

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