Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.03.23 ' Lent is about becoming, doing and changing'

As our Lenten journey continues, we have continued to contribute to to our Lent goals. On Thursday, we braved the tricky weather conditions and took a trip to church for mass, as we prepared ourselves for Easter. We went along side Year 1 and Year 2 and the children yet again showed us teachers how responsible they can be by helping our younger children walk down and sit alongside them throughout mass.

The following day saw us carry out our CAFOD fundraiser, where we decided to give something back to the community by completing a street clean along the Inner Prom. We could of not picked a better day for this as the weather was gorgoeous out on the sea front. It was great for the whole class to contribute to this activity, in which our eco-councilors used their experience to help guide the rest of the children.

We have also begun our Easter assembly preparations, with all roles being handed out and we have carried out our first script read and stage set up. Rehearsing our lines and knowing when to come in will take focus for homework for the remainder of the half term, in which some children have already begun learning their lines.

In Maths, we are coming to the end of our multiplication and division unit by finishing off mastering 3 digit x 2 digit numbers. This has been our biggest unit so far this year and the children's have worked incredibly hard.

In English, we begun writing our sci-fi stories and the children have been fully engaged in putting their plans into action and running away with their stories.

In PE, we have continued with our OAA teambuilding activities, with the children being poised with a challenge and are having to work in teams to solve problems.

Lunch choices for the trip to Liverpool

Please fill in the form below ASAP to allow our kitchen staff enough time to organise the lunches for the trip.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Max for being a creative learner: Max, your work has really come to life throughout our story writing in English. You have been so keen to share your work and have really been focused on writing the most creative story. I can’t wait to read yours when you have finished!

  • Iris for being a determined learner: As your journey continues as an independent learner, you have attempted and tackled each challenge you face. Whether it is responding to feedback in writing or solving a tricky maths problem, you always have a go and give your best, which has allowed you to progress all the way throughout Year 5.As your journey continues as an independent learner, you have attempted and tackled each challenge you face. Whether it is responding to feedback in writing or solving a tricky maths problem, you always have a go and give your best, which has allowed you to progress all the way throughout Year 5.


  • Year 5 trip to Liverpool- Will take place on Thursday 30th April. For anyone that hasn’t yet filled in the permission slip and payed for the trip, this needs to be done ASAP.

  • Easter Assembly- The Crucifixion Assembly will take place on Wednesday 5th April.

  • Egg Decorating Competition- Will take place on Wednesday 5th April.

  • Finish for half term- School will close at 2pm on Thursday 6th April.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in Thursday 30th April


We were focusing on tricky words again this week. This time with a focus on words including letters that are not silent but are quiet, meaning you can’t hear them but they can often be misspelt. The first 6 words are our new words for the week, with the other 6 words being other tricky words that we have done previously.

  1. average

  2. desperate

  3. temperature

  4. vegetable

  5. frequently

  6. equipment

  7. disastrous

  8. neighbour

  9. convenience

  10. necessary

  11. persuade

  12. system

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. laughed

    2. morning

    3. mother

    4. narrator

    5. night

    6. only


Will be on IXL;

  • F9- Multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.

Assembly practice

All children have been given their roles for the assembly so the priority is for children to rehearse their lines and to make a note of when they are speaking.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in 30.3.23


History words




root word + suffix -ian








TT Rockstars

Please continue to spend time on TT Rockstars to practise those all important time tables.

Assembly parts

If you have been given any words to practise please make sure these have been learnt by Monday 27.3 when we begin our rehearsals.

English - Verbs

To get ready for our reading next week we have been looking at verbs and there meanings. See if you can complete the sheet below. Remember that using a dictionary or Word Hippo can be a great help.

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Listen to Jesus and follow Him. That is the true message of the Transfiguration.'

Lent is the perfect time to think about all of the things that we are grateful for and to be generous with our time, love and almsgiving. Our RE unit of work this half term focuses on the lessons that we can learn from Jesus from His experiences during Holy Week that ultimately led to his death. We all attended mass this week with our Reception partners as part of our Lenten journey. This was such a beautiful time: seeing how all of your children cared and looked after the younger children but also role modelled how to be reverent and prayerful during mass.

This week’s cake sale was a HUGE success, so thank you so much for all of the time, effort and money you spent on making these beautiful cakes, biscuits and delights! I have to say I have eaten far too much, being around all of these beautiful creations was just too much! We are thrilled to share with you that we raised a fantastic £179 for CAFOD and this could not have been possible without you all. The children loved sharing these with the rest of the school!

What have we been learning this week?

English - This week we have revisited pronouns during our grammar sessions and continued with our learning of Romeo and Juliet. We explored the use of Oxymoron’s in Juliet’s monologue, once she finds out about the death of her cousin, Tybalt. Then we have gathered arguments as to whether Juliet should take the potion and whether Friar Lawrence was responsible for both Romeo and Juliet’s death. We even has a bit of a debate in class!

Maths - This week we have looked at percentages and the children are doing great at this! They are now able to convert between decimals, fractions and percentages! Good work year 6!

Art- Wow they are doing great with their sewing in Art, there is some real precision and some great steady hands! Just look at our wonderful sewing bees…

We will be completing our next formal set of papers next week which will give the children an indication of the progress that they have made. Homework is live and all areas are a crucial tool to help your child revisit or practice skills.

Monday - Reading

Tuesday - GPS

Wednesday - Maths

Thursday - Maths


I am very sorry, the kit list did not work last week, so I have amended it and I will leave it up here for another week! It WILL work now!

Leading Learners

Well done to Holly and Arthur this week.

Holly you have been so resilient in your learning this week and have kept going even when things have been tricky! You have persevered with that deep maths learning of new methods and you have been so determined to complete all your work independently, but asking if you need extra help. We are so proud of your ‘I CAN’ attitude!

Arthur, you have come back to school ready and raring to go, determined to catch up on what you have missed and learn as much as possible,.You work so co-operatively with your learning partners, listening to others and sharing your ideas. On a daily basis you show us how to celebrate and care for others and we thank you for this. You bring our school virtues to life!

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Evie for always being generous with your time to help others.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Christian Grace Amber


  • Date for diaries- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly- Thursday 6th April

  • Wednesday 5th April- Lenten boxes to be returned.

  • We break up at 2pm on Thursday 6th April.

Have a lovely weekend.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster

Year 6 Home Learning 24.3.23


  1. Have a go at the arithmetic SAT’s booklet. You can either work independently at this and then go over the questions with an adult at home or perhaps one of your peers during your playtime. Or you could work through this with your parent and discuss how you would approach each of the questions.

  2. This week we have looked at percentages. Please have a go at the following IXL strand to revisit your learning.

    T1 What percentage is illustrated?

  3. I am leaving the video up as a reminder of this strategy, should you need this during the arithmetic paper.


This week your focus is words ending in ent, ence and ency. There is also a spelling quiz to complete on Purple Mash.


  1. Please complete the guided read carefully and answer the questions. I think it would be lovely to work through this with an adult or discuss the text and any unfamiliar words before completing the comprehension.

Optional revision:

Why don’t use look at the pronouns sections in IXL English GG PRONOUNS. We have been doing this in class so it would be great to reinforce!

This week...

Spring has definitely arrived in the nursery garden. The daffodils are in full bloom and this week we have seen the arrival of hyacinths and our hydrangea’s are budding. On Wednesday we planted some grass. First, we made a cosy bed for the seeds to live in, then we sprinkled the grass seeds… “there are hundreds” the children said. Next we gave the seeds a drink of water, we have to remember to do this every day! They children are very good at reminding me!

Everyone is now watching carefully for the seeds to geminate. I fear it may take a while!

Michelle’s blog

This week has been a very active week. We have had so much fun in our PE lessons in the hall. We have been practising our jumping and landing. Take a look at the photos to see the progress w have made. We have PE every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. We have got so good at putting our shoes and socks back on. Developing independence in dressing will help us when we start in Reception, so any practice we can get now is crucial in developing the skills needed for independent dressing.

Our number work continues as we have used our brains and solved tricky number problems, growing our brains as we added numbers together.

Our new sounds this week include x, z, qu, and ch. The children all thought we had a fit of sneezing when we made the ‘ch’ sound!

Although the weather has not been the best this week, we have still manged to get lots of outside play. We made a bus and a train and made sure everyone had tickets for their journey.

Thank you to everyone who managed to make it to parent’s evening this week, it was a pleasure to see you all. As always, I am always available to discuss and issues or concerns. Please feel free to email any photos you have as the children love sharing these on the interactive white board.

Have a lovely weekend.

Steph’s blog

I’ve missed you being off for two days this week – I’m glad to be back with you all!

We have been busy this week decorating Easter crosses for an Easter card to bring home. They look great. The children are really good at remembering the Easter story – ask them at home and see if they can tell you!

We have also loved playing with the Numberblock cubes – the children have been amazing finding different ways to make the numbers and using the correct colours for the different numbers. They are noticing so many connections between the numbers and have worked really hard. I love seeing their happy, proud faces when they have achieved something. Here is a Numberblocks game you can try at home – see how many numbers your child can tell you! Click here.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

You will not be surprised to hear that although this week has been extremely busy, for us Nursery Ladies it has been very rewarding. Sometimes we just stop and look at your wonderful children and we appreciate how much they have achieved since the year began. They are amazing!

On a personal note I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and very kind words during this last week. I am leaving Our Lady’s Star of the Sea with a heavy heart but I have many years of such wonderful memories and happy times.

I know that the other Nursery Ladies will continue to love and nurture your precious children and help them on their journey towards their next chapter. As for me, it is time for my next adventure.

Thank you all so much.

God Bless.


…and a few extras from Justine!

This weeks sounds

Geraldine Giraffe ‘z’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘ch’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘qu’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘x’ Click here

Geraldine Giraffe ‘ng’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘nk’ Click here

The children are amazed at how many sound they know!!!! We are spotting them everywhere! The children have even noticed them hiding in their name.


DESCRIPTION Meet the Alphablocks, get to know the alphabet and letter sounds and sing along to the Alphablocks song.

HOW TO PLAY It couldn’t be simpler: tap to bring each Alphablock to life and hear them sing their letter sound and a line from the Alphablocks song. Every Alphablock is designed to help the children remember the letter sounds, so A says a! when an apple falls on her head, and so on.

LETTER SOUNDS AND NAMES Listen to the Alphablocks singing their letter sounds, then change to Letter Name mode and have fun learning all the letter names too.

Click here and enjoy! We loved playing this game at nursery this week!

Easter Maths Challenge!

We played this tricky game at nursery this week using our special decorative eggs. Try and have ago at home (please don’t use real eggs!).

As you are aware today was Colette’s last day at nursery. I am chatted quite openly to all the children explaining that it is our turn to share Colette. It’s only fair because we have had here with us for a long time. We have had a lovely special week with Colette, spoiling here with lots of treats and hugs. She has promised to keep in touch, the children want a picture of her new uniform!

A big thank you goes to Colette with lots of love. She has been a key member of our nursery community for over ten years and we will miss her enormously. Good luck in your new venture, I know you are excited to take on this new challenge.

I’m not sure what the weather will do this weekend but nonetheless enjoy the time being together. I will see you all bright and breezy on Monday. I have great things planned!!!!

God Bless


Year 2 Home Learning 24th March 2023

This week’s home learning is in the children’s home learning books.

English - planning sheet and postcard. Can the children plan, then write a postcard to their friend telling them all about their weekend.

In maths, we have been bridging across multiples of 10. Please complete the sheet in the home learning book.

Please complete the SPAG task in your home learning book.

Please continue reading for 20 minute daily. and logging on and playing Numbots - here’s the link

It would be great if you could help your child practise their lines for our Palm Sunday Worship - their lines are stuck in their home learning books. Thank you


This week’s spelling are words ending in suffix ful

thankful cheerful painful hopeful wonderful colourful thoughtful
joyful beautiful

and word set 21

sugar hour sure whole bought busy

Year 2 weekly Blog 24th March 2023

Year 2 weekly Blog 24th March 2023 - Spring adds new life and beauty to all that is.

What a busy week we’ve had in Year 2!

Preparation is in full swing for our Palm Sunday Worship, the children have been working really hard practising their lines and the songs. They really are amazing.
We hope you can join our worship on Friday 31st March at 9am.

The children have worked so hard in maths this week, we’ve built on our knowledge of number bonds, revisiting bridging to 10 then extending our learning with bridging across greater multiples of 10. We’ve also continued our work on sharing into equal groups. It been a challenging week but the children have impressed me with their resilience and determination.

Our music lessons have immersed us in reggae music across the decades - this week the children have enjoyed singing our Zootime song and improvising musical accompaniments on the glockenspiels.

Lenten Mass - On Thursday morning, we visited church with Year 1 and Year 5, for Lenten Mass. It feel like a long time since we visited church as a class, but not too long since we’ve seen Father Peter as he was in school on Ash Wednesday. The rain cleared up for our walk to church, but we got soaked on the way back to school.

As a class we voted to have an arts and crafts day at school, this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our art work at our Art Exhibition in school, the following week - children will designing invitations next week, look out for yours! The children are very excited. If you would like to suggest a local care home or residential home to receive an Easter card from our class please email me -

On the 19th April, as part of our local history topic, we will be visiting the Lifeboat station in St Annes. Over the last couple of week the children have been gathering information about the RNLI ready to write their non chronological reports.

EGG DECORATING COMPETITON - Wednesday 5th April. For £1 entry fee, the children need to bring in a boiled, decorated egg for the competition. Let your imagination go wild. Could the egg be a character in a scene? Or have a specific pattern? Think creatively. The student council will be judging the winners from their paired class. There may even be a large chocolatey prize for the winners.

Jackie, and her bunnies, will be preparing a lovely Easter Lunch for the whole school community to enjoy on Wednesday 5th April. If your child usually has a school dinner on a Wednesday, they will automatically receive the Easter Lunch.

If your child does not have a dinner and would like one, please ensure you order a lunch by clicking the link on the Easter Lunch page here. Each dinner is £2.40. Mrs Hodges will update Parent Pay once the orders are in.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


You have been such a focused Cooper Crab this week Lena! You have been ready to learn in every lesson and have managed any distractions around you brilliantly.This has shown greatly in your understanding and in the work you have produced.  It has been wonderful to see you putting your hand up and answering questions so enthusiastically, and your proud smile has lit up the room after doing so. Keep it up Lena! 


What a Co-operative Roger Robin you have been this week Louisa! Your politeness and lovely manners certainly don’t go unnoticed and it is lovely to see you spread so much joy in our class.  You work so wonderfully with your learning partner and are always there to lend a quiet helping hand without disturbing the rest of the class. Well done Louisa!

This week’s Star Readers are Isaac, Rodnie and Rosa.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Palm Sunday Worship - Friday 31st March
Easter Egg Competition - Wednesday 5th April
Easter Lunch - Wednesday 5th April
Last day of spring term - Thursday 6th April 2pm close
Lifeboat Station Visit - Wednesday 19th April

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 17.3.23

‘There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they will take you’

Beatrix Potter

It has been lovely to come back to school this week and find out everything the children have been up to whilst I have been away. I really missed them and it was nice to hear about how excited they were when they knew I was coming back. A big thank you to Miss Lavelle, Miss Johnson, Mrs Carragher, Mrs Davis and Miss Forster who have been very busy helping the children with their work.

We have had such a busy week again with lots going on. It was great to chat to some of our parents at parents evening and share how much progress everyone is making and how hard they are working and how proud we are of them.

This week we have been practising our assembly, I have been very impressed with them, they have remembered their lines, songs and worked hard. We are very excited to share our hard work with you on Tuesday.

English: we have continued our wonderful work on Beatrix Potter, we read Peter Rabbit and hot seated him, the children loved thinking of questions to ask him.

Maths: We have continued looking at wholes and parts in maths and represented them by using a part-part-whole cherry diagram. We manipulated 6 multilink from whole to parts, to find all the different ways we could make 6 with two parts. We even drew our own cherry diagrams!

Music: We used the xylophones to play the name song, we had so much fun, we love our music lessons.

We loved our trip to the library, we met Stefan and he read Pirate Pete’s Talk like a Pirate, Miss Forster, Mrs Davis, Mrs Carragher and I had our own lines! Unfortunately the children decided we had to walk the plank, they thought this was hilarious. They had some brilliant pirate voices so we decided they could stay on the ship :). Although a few children wanted to walk the plank so they did at home time. We also had time to listen to the Snail and the Whale. The children were a credit to the school and so well behaved we have been invited back to the library. I am sending home a slip for you to fill in and attaching a copy on the blog for you to complete so your child can have their own library card. So next time we go they can choose a book to take home. If you already have a library card you can bring it in to school.

I have attached two versions, a PDF and word document, you can only open the word document on a computer or laptop.

D&T: the children loved their design and technology lesson today, Miss Neves has sent home an envelope for the children to do at home, cut out the person and attach the arms with the split pins enjoy.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate holders this week:

Lizzie Ladybird for working hard in Maths and listening well on the carpet.

Sadie Spider for being focused during our practise and using lovely expression when speaking.

Well done to these two children, Henry went home with this person last week for a super week in school, he is thinking about how he can make good choices and this is being demonstrated in class.

Henry is going home with this person this week, for a brilliant week! I have been really impressed with your independent work and your organisation during our assembly practise you know your lines and when you need to be on the stage and have been supportive to your friends.

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart.

I can’t believe we already have bronze certificate awardees well done .

Lenten Promise:

As a class we voted to have a craft day at school this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our exhitbition in school. I will let you know the date of the exhibtion ASAP.

Cake Sale:

On Monday Year 6 are having a cake sale for their Lenten promise to help raise money for CAFOD, All cakes will be sold for 50p. If your child would like to buy a cake please bring money in. Thank you.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  • Don’t forget it’s the second parents evening on Wednesday 22nd March.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Homework 17.3.23

I would just like to say a huge thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm with the reading challenge. The children are really engaged and excited to tell us all about their reading.

Please can you continue practise the assembly lines, they have been brilliant, we have been practising using a loud clear voice. We have been learning how to sign the Hail Mary, the children have picked it up very quickly. Please click on the link for the video to help them practise.

Hail Mary

This is our big spelling test with all the words we have learnt so far as there are 22 spellings the test will be on Friday 31st March this gives you a few weeks to practise at home:

a do  I is has no so go by the was

she of he to his we full me some they you

Please continue to use IXL:

These activites will help develop their flunecy, these are ongoing tasks I am also happy for you to try other actvities.

Numbers and counting up to 10

Identify numbers - up to 10

Learn to count to 10

Count to 10

Count using stickers - up to 10

Count cubes - up to 10

Show numbers with cubes - up to 10

Count on ten frames - up to 10

Show numbers on ten frames - up to 10

Represent numbers - up to 10

One more with pictures - up to 10

One more on frames - up to 10

One more - up to 10

One less with pictures - up to 10

One less on frames - up to 10

One more and one less with pictures - up to 10

One more and one less on frames - up to 10

Count up and down - up to 10

Count to fill a ten frame

Tally marks - up to 10

Number lines - up to 10

Before, after and between - up to 10

Count forward and backward - up to 10

Convert from words to digits - up to 10

Convert from digits to words - up to 10

Write digits given words - up to 10

Write words given digits - up to 10

Complete a sequence - up to 10

Ordinal numbers - up to tenth

 Thank you

Miss Drummond

Year 2 Home Learning 17th March 2023

This week’s home learning is in the children’s home learning books.

In History, we have started our new local history topic - please completed the reading and questions on the RNLI.

In maths we have been looking at halves and doubles - please complete the halves and doubles activity in your book.

Please complete the SPAG task in your home learning book.

Please continue reading for 20 minute daily.


This week’s spelling are words ending in al

animal equal magical hospital metal royal pedal signal capital

and word set 20

Mr Mrs half prove move improve

Year 5 Weekly Blog 17.03.23 'To be the best, you must be able handle the worst’

A fairly quiet week in Year 5 this week, which is good because we have a very hectic last few weeks of the half term. It has been a very busy week for our English and Maths lessons as we have begun to plan our sci-fi story, based on E.T. We have also watched segments of the film so that the children can draw on this to really bring their stories to life next week. In Maths, we have carried on with multiplication but have moved onto to 2 digit x 2 digit and with lots of fluency this week, the children have started to really understand the method. The children also finished their angles topic with Mrs Hotchkiss and have started on negative numbers.

In RE, we have started learning about the Stations of the Cross, in preparation for our Easter assembly ‘The Crucifixion’. Just after one lesson of learning these, the children have been able to order the stations correctly and also retrieve the majority of these completly from scratch, which has been very impressive.

In Science, we have used our knowledge of the solar system to delve deeply into how planets move and how we experience day and night. The children will then write up their knowledge via an explanatory text.

Let’s Celebrate

Molly-Ann and Stanley for being resilient and creative learners: You have both had a super week. You have been so resilient with your maths work and have really worked on your times tables, which is allowing you to progress through our topic. As the work has been getting harder, you have not given up and also worked well alongside your classmates. You have also shone brighlty in our writing lessons, where you have run away with your imagination and produced some excellent pieces of writing.

Millie for being a co-operative and focused learner: Yet again Millie, you are constantly showing how good of a team player you are and why you are such a valued member of our class. No matter the learning environment, whether it is partner work in class or group work in PE, you always work with others to the best of your ability. Combined with your focus and concentration, this allows you to achieve the most of out each and every lesson


CAFOD Fundraiser: As a class, we are doing a street clean on the Inner Promenade on Friday 24th March. The children have been given their sponsor forms in order to raise money for this event. Please fill out the information on the sheet and any money that is brought into school, has to be brought in with the form.

Egg Decorating Competition: This will be a whole school competition in order to raise money for charity. Children will have to boil an egg and decorate it in any way they would like. It will cost £1 to enter the competition with a prize up for grabs. The deadline for this is…

Trip to Liverpool: Is taking place on Thursday 30th March. If you haven’t already paid for this trip and completed the permission slip then please do so. Information regarding the trip is available on the trip blog on the Year 5 page. This week, information will go out about the children’s lunch choices for the trip.

Year 5 Easter Assembly: Will take place on Wednesday 5th April. All parents are welcome to come and the assembly will start at 9:15am.