Year 2 Homework Friday 23rd June

 Maths -
Can you draw a picture to represent the equations? How much money is there? Can you write an equation to show how to work it out?


Science -
Material sort - can you identify what they items are made from and stick them in your book by the correct frog.

Can you find some fantastic facts about China?

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

It’s great to see that so many children are logging on and enjoying TT Rockstars.
Click the image below to go staight to the TT Rockstars log in page

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 30th June
would something town small began again been still many three

Year 3 Homework to be handed in 29.6.23

Spelling revision

adding im- to root words beginning with m or p





adding the prefix dis- and in-





IXL - Subtracting

Health and Happiness

This week and next, we are celebrating Health and Happiness fortnight in school. We would love for you to share something you have done this week/weekend that has made you feel happy and healthy. You can complete this in your homework book or on Purple Mash- I have set a 2do if you would like to use this. Remember to write in full sentences. I would love to see some expanded noun phrases and adverbs in these sentences… these two word classes have been our focus recently.

Children, at a glance this looks like a lot of homework. You should already be confident with the spellings, so don’t be put off! Please prioritise the Maths IXL learning if you’ve got a busy week. Thank you!

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Happiness in the highest form of health' Dalai Lama

Another fantastic week was had in Year 6, the weather has been wonderful and we have been making the most of it! The children are working so hard both in the hall, in the classroom and around the school. We couldn’t be prouder of their independence and maturity. The play is coming together beautifully, children haver come much more prepared for each scene, as they have clearly been practicing their words and songs! We can’t wait for you to see it.

Read more

Year 5 Homework


  1. muscle

  2. necessary

  3. neighbour

  4. nuisance

  5. occupy

  6. occur

  7. opportunity

  8. parliament

  9. persuade

  10. physical

  11. prejudice

  12. privilege

    Mrs Mathers group

    1. side

    2. sometimes

    3. state

    4. took

    5. until


Our music concert is in two weeks time so it is vital that we are all practicing the songs for this. They are all on charanga saved under the file ‘Music Concert 2022-23’

The Hungry Caterpillars!

It’s been such an eventful week, everyone is exhausted. We kick started Health and Happiness fortnight with Sports’ Day quickly followed by the Gym Jam Jog on Wednesday. That was such an early and energetic start for the children they were tired by lunch time! Make sure you check out the school webpage for more pictures of these events.

A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has already sent in their sponsor money. If you haven’t managed to do that yet don’t worry, next week will be fine. I think Mrs Nel wants to count up the grand total!

Our caterpillars have grown over the weekend, I think that they had double in size!! They truly are very ‘Hungry Caterpillars’ . By Thursday we noticed that the pupa are now inside their chrysalis! It’s a waiting game now!

Emma’s Blog

Hello, what a wonderful week we have had! The children were fantastic in their Sports’ Day.  They have worked so hard in their teams and have had so much fun doing it.

We have had some new friends in our classroom this week, we would like to welcome 5 young caterpillars and 6 snails. The children are doing a fantastic job looking after them and making sure they are safe. We are going to watch and learn how the caterpillars change though the different stages whilst transforming in to a butterfly. We have learnt what this process is called ‘metamorphosis’. Wow, what a great word.

The children have been drawing their versions of the life cycle as well as the home link activity that we have sent home this week. I hope you all had fun doing it. At this stage, the caterpillars are munching their food and growing bigger every day, it's so exciting to watch.

The children have been practising their numbers this week by creating a caterpillar using their fingertips dipped in paint and making dots to the number from random number cards. They looked brilliant!

The snails are really enjoying their 'hotel' at nursery.  The children have been exploring the snails by letting them move around their hands, which they have loved.  The children have given the snails names, such as George and Coco, and they have numbered them too!. The children and nursery ladies took the snails outside to have a race. We were all cheering (even if most of the snails did go the wrong way!) And they found it so funny and tried to help them along their way. Coco, number 3 was the winner as it made it to the finish line. The children love having the snails.

We continue to be busy. The children have been looking at ‘symmetry’ and what it means.  We drew a butterfly on the Touch TV and the children had to create marks and patterns on the wings. We had to remember to do the same pattern on each side to make it symmetrical.  We also drew a butterfly on the tuff tray and added objects to make a design in a symmetrical shape on both wings. The children have had so much fun doing this.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I can’t wait to see the change in our caterpillars when we are back next week.


Here is a link to a symmetrical game to play at home.

Michelle’s blog

What a brilliant week we have had.

Thank you if you were able to come to Sports Day on Monday, we all worked so hard at our Fundamental Movement Skills but those hurdles were so tricky!

We have continued with our Minibeast explorations and on Wednesday we went on a bug hunt to the Environmental Garden. The weather was so lovely that we had our snack alfresco.

On Thursday we had great fun as we did Yoga outside, based on the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We had to curl up like a tiny egg, crawl like a caterpillar, be still like a cocoon and then flutter like a butterfly.

We have also been practising our ‘duck fingers’  by using pencils to decorate butterflies. Symmetrically, of course, its our new favourite word!

Next week we hope to make rock bugs, so if you have any spare rocks or pebbles in your garden, then feel free to send them in.

Till next week, have a lovely weekend


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone

What another glorious week in the sunshine! We have spent so much time in the garden – the children are good at seeking out the shade when needed! We love playing under the trees at the end of the garden. We also like cooling down with the water, we are so good now at pulling the water into the syringes! This will help the muscles in our hands develop to help our writing ready for Reception.

Another way we have been developing these muscles is practising with the scissors. We cut out pictures of mini beasts and worked hard to arrange them in size order. Some of us chose to start with the small one and some with big. We were so proud once we were finished.

We also enjoyed developing our gross (big) motor skills this week by moving like mini beasts. We had to crawl like a worm, fly like a bee and flap like a butterfly! Here they are if you’d like to have a go at home. Click here

We have been to the school field this week too – for a mini beast hunt, Gym Jam Jog and Sports’ Day! We have had so much fun! We love seeing the older children and our brothers and sisters, but especially being part of the whole school community, including YOU!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and as always a few extra from Justine!

I think you will agree it’s been a full on week! If you think you will have any time this weekend here are couple of activities for everyone! Don’t forget there’s Purple Mash too!

Click here to listen to the story ‘Mad about Minibeasts’

or, why not go on a butterfly spotting expedition! Click on the button below.

The weather looks a bit unpredictable this weekend but I hope in-between showers you will have some lovely family time. Don’t forget it’s Lytham Club Day on Saturday. I will keep a look out for you.

Keep safe and God Bless


Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 23rd June 2023

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 23rd June - ‘Sun is shining, weather is sweet, yeah!’

What a rollercaoster of a week! The children were so excited about sports day but unfortunately the weather had other ideas. The Key Stage 1 Sports Day has been rescheduled to Thursday 6th July.

In Science, the children have been sorting materials into natural or humanly made. We’ve also been thinking about the properties of materials. On Thursday afternoon the children carried out an investigation with lots of materials, testing to see which materials were squishy, could be twisted, rolled, stretched or bent.

This week in our Geography topic ‘Around The World’, Bobby the Bee, visited China. We saw pictures of the Great Wall of China, The Terracotta Army and learnt that China is the home to the endangered Giant Panda .We had a go at writing numbers in Chinese and even tried to solve some maths problems. The children enjoyed making their own Chinese dragons - a legendary creature in Chinese mythology. I wonder where Bobby Bee will take us next week!

In English, we have written, edited and published our own ‘You ain’t never had a friend like me’ poems. It was lovely to hear the children talk about the qualities of their friends and the qualities they have to offer their friends.

Next week ( Wednesday 28th June) in Design Technology, the children will be making wrap with Miss Neves. They have been learning about healthy balanced diets.
Your child will need to bring into school ingredients to fill one wrap. Miss Neves will provide wraps, lettuce and humous. Children should bring in a fruit or vegetable, a dairy product (cheese or yoghurt) and a protein (meat, fish or meat alterative) and a container to bring their wrap home in.

On Wednesday morning, we continued practising our kicking skills on the school field. Three stations were set up and the children worked in small groups supporting and encouraging each other.

On Friday morning the children thought of questions they like to ask or find out about year 3 and the juniors.
Half the class went with their learning partners to bowl at Hope Street Park and the other half of the children teamed up with their Year 4 learning buddies to find some the answers. The children worked together to build concept maps on Purple Map showing their questions and answers. It was a good opportunity for the children to use their computing skills whilst finding out about the juniors.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Albert, we have noticed how hard you are trying with your reading. You are remembering to check your reading level before picking a book and checking with an adult when you are not sure. You got 100% in one of your reading quizzes this week, this is because you took your time and read the questions carefully and really thought about the answers instead of guessing. We’ve also noticed that you’ve been putting your hand up more in class to answer questions even when you’re not sure, you’ve been having a go like Tommy Turtle.


What a Co-operative Roger Robin you have been this week Ellie-Rose! You have work wonderfully with your learning partner. You are always helpful in class not only to your friend but the adults too I can really tell you are getting ready for Year 3, thinking about what you need to do to be the best you can be.

This week’s Star Readers are Anna, Isaac and Hugo

Virtues Butterfly - George C


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - Thursday 6th July 1.30pm - PE kits to be worn please.
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 30th June (2nd Group)
Library visit - Wednesday 5th July
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - please note this has changed

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Swimming Gala Information

Apologies for this coming out a little later than planned, I needed to confirm the logistics with the swimming pool.

So, you will need to bring your child to Palatine Swimming Pool for 8.45am on Friday morning. Some parents combine and share lifts if there is other children that need dropping off at school first. If the children could come ready in their costumes, then it is the quickest change when they get there.

Can the children have in their bags:

Swimming hat, towel, hair brush and lots of water. Please ensure that they have their uniforms in their bags for after the event to change into.

Parents are encouraged and welcomed to stay and support - the more the better.

We are hoping that the gala should be finished around 12pm. At this point the children will get changed and then be needed to be dropped back off at school ready for them to have their lunch there. If another parent is bringing your child back to school, please can you email Mrs Gregan and let her know.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 16.6.23 'The world belongs to those who read.'

‘The world belongs to those who read.’

Rick Holland

Wow, the children have been so resilient this week, it has been very hot and we have had our Phonics screening. I am so proud of everyone they have all worked incredibly hard and stayed focused.

As a treat we enjoyed ice pops and a film this afternoon, thank you again for all of your hard work at home, it has shown this week and I can’t believe how much progress has been made.

Maths: We have revisited teen numbers again and used the rekenreks to make these number remembering 10 and a bit. Our stem sentences we have been practising are 10 needs …… to make…. ….. is made from 10 and ….

English: We have started editing and marking our wonderful work from last half term, we are looking forward to our new topic next week Pets and Trains all will be revealed in the next few weeks :).

 PE: We practised our bouncing skills on Monday and on my duties I brought the balls out so we could practise during playtime, we loved it! Today we practised our Sports Day activities and races, we are excited for our Sports Day on Tuesday.

RE: We loved our lesson with Mrs Hotchkiss, we learnt that Jesus showed his great power when he calmed the wind and waves. We reflected that we can ask Jesus to help us when we are afraid. Here is our re-enactment of Jesus and the storm.

Upcoming Trips:


Our final trip to the library will be on Friday 23rd June, please bring in your library cards, if you would like your child to take a book home.

Ridgeway Farm:

On Tuesday 4th July we will be visiting Ridgeway farm. Please can you fill in this form so we can order packed lunches. The price of the trip and more information will be available next week.

Let’s Celebrate:

As we have all been amazing, we couldn’t pick two children for our certificates so it is for the whole class for all the learning characters:

Well Done Year 1, it has been a very busy week, You have shown enthusiasm and creativity in our Phonics sessions. You were all focused during the screening, we have worked hard together and supported each other. We were determined to remember our ‘special friends’, ‘Fred talk’ and ‘read the word’ and were reflective with our learning to keep improving. I am so proud of each of you and for all of your hard work.

 Keep it up :)

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week, you have been focused this week in all lessons, well done :).

Reading Challenge: Well done to these children who received their certificates, there are so many that are very close, keep up the hard work :).

Sports Day is on Tuesday 20th June Weather permitting at 1:30 we are looking forward to seeing you :).

Gym Jam Jog is on Wednesday 21st June at 8am don’t forget your sponsorship forms and come in your pyjamas.


  • Preparing for the weather: As the weather is improving children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any sun cream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves, roll on sun creams are easier to apply. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  •  Please can you try and bring in healthy snacks for your children to eat at break times, we always have fruit in school that the children can have.

  • Please can you double check that all items of clothing are labelled.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher


Year 5 Weekly Blog 16.06.23 ' There is no such thing as impossible, only inprobable. The thing that limits us are the limits to our imagination'- Cressida Cowell

After a scorching two week break, we had no idea how the children were going to settle back in but they have been fantastic! As soon as they arrived back on Monday morning, they were straight back into the school routine and were eager to get on with the learning.

On Monday, we stepped up our preparation for our end of year music concert as we focused on practicing our chosen songs. The children are becoming really fluent with both the singing and playing side of the songs. The children have begun their next DT topic of food technology- don’t worry, the cooking won’t start for another couple of weeks. The children will be taste testing different foods over the next few weeks so if anyone has any issues regarding this then please email myself or Mrs Mather.

On Wednesday, We began our final RE topic of learning about other faiths around the world and focusing on the ‘Big 5’. This will also tie into our new History topic of Islamic Civilization. We also began our preparation for sports day in the form of athletics in PE. The children gave it their all in what was some very tricky running conditions- luckily we stayed hydrated and had lots of breaks in between.

Thursday saw us take our first trip of the summer and it was to the Winter Gardens for a special reading celebration. We were lucky enough to attend Cressida Cowell’s 20th anniversary of ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. The author and illustrator of the famous series shared her upbringing and journey towards becoming a world renowned writer and gave us some advice and inspiration of how to become a writer. The children all received a signed copy of ‘How to Train Your Dragon’- a limited edition including an unreleased additional story.

Let’s Celebrate

Nicola for being an enthusiastic and focused learner: Nicola, even at this point of the year, you are still super focused throughout all of our lessons and are ready to learn. Your eyes are always fixed on me when I am teaching and your hand is always up ready to share your knowledge. You have really set an example of how to engage in the lessons. Brilliant work!

Max for being an enthusiastic and brave learner: Ever since your performance on Wednesday night, teacher after teacher have come up to me to tell me how impressed they were with you. It takes a lot of bravery to perform on stage in front of lots of people but you did this with such enthusiasm and passion. The audience was blown away of how ‘in the moment’ you were and that resembles your commitment to any activity you are given.

Virtue butterflies: This week it goes to Harvey for being intentional. The class is fully aware that we have been low on stationary supplies recently which has meant that children have had to share equipment- the main one being glue sticks. Over the half term, Harvey went out and bought a full set of glue sticks (with his own money!) so that everyone had one which was such as lovely and thoughtful gesture.


  • Extra Curricular Activities: The schedule for Summer 2 has been posted on the sports page of the website [engage-> sport] . This includes cricket club on Tuesdays after school (3:30-4:15) which you will have to sign up for and athletics which will take place on Wednesdays at lunchtime. These are to prepare for two upcoming competitions which are also on the timetable.

  • Gym Jam Jog: Is on Wednesday 21st June. Children are to come into school earlier in their pyjamas annd jog around the field. The children will then have lunch in the hall. This is a sponsored event and the money raised is going towards the school budget for building and extending the outside playground for the children so it would be great if everyone took part.

  • Sports Day: Will take place on Wednesday 28th June at 1:30pm.

  • Clarinet Concert: Will take place on Monday 10th July and parents are invited into school to watch and will start at 2:00.

  • LSA Open Evening: Lytham St Annes High School are hosting an open evening for Year 5 children on Thursday 22nd June. More information is available here.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in by Thursday 22nd July


  1. harass

  2. hindrance

  3. identify

  4. immediately

  5. individual

  6. interfere

  7. interrupt

  8. language

  9. leisure

  10. lightning

  11. marvellous

  12. mischievous

    Mrs Mather’s group

    1. girl

    2. grow

    3. leave

    4. miss

    5. mountain

    6. real


The date for our music concert has been set which is Monday 10th July. All of the songs have been posted on Charanga under ‘Music Concert 2023’. Children are to practice singing these songs and also playing them on the clarinet.

These are the songs that we will be singing for the end of year play in Year 6’s performance of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The children have all been given a copy of the lyrics for each song as these have been adjusted slightly to fit the theme of our play.

DISCLAIMER- The songs that we are singing will be slightly slower than the original versions of these songs so I would recommend slowing the audio down on the video.

Money, Money, Money

Flash Bang Wallop What a Picture

Design and Technology

Mrs Mather has set you a task to prepare for the next lesson. This needs to be brought in on Tuesday 20th June.

Mama Mia, Spaghetti Bolognaise!

Design and Technology Task.


Dear children,

In readiness for next weeks lesson, I would like you to collect Nutritional 

Value  labels from Spaghetti Bolognaise jars, packs and ready meals.

 You can either:

Have a look in your cupboards, fridges and freezers.


You can search on line for examples.

Please bring these with you on Tuesday, as we will be using them in the


Please feel free to email any photos to me on

It will be wonderful to see how many examples we can collect!

Have fun with it

Mrs Mather


The sun has got his hat on.....

A huge welcome back to the last half term of the year. It is hard to believe that we have been together for a whole year already.

Wow, what a glorious (and hot) week. Although the sun certainly has been shining we have found it too hot at times and decided to stay indoors. The children are very sensible and hunted out the shaded spots in the garden. Luckily we have a lovely canopy of trees!

Barbara and Emma’s blog

Hello and welcome back. I hope you all had a fabulous half term enjoying the sunshine.

 We have been busy this week working our brains and bodies. We have been practicing our sports’ day games, getting ready for next Monday. We have been throwing under and over arm, catching, jumping over mini hurdles and running. We saved the best until last, an obstacle course. We have definitely been working our bodies and have had lots of fun doing it!

 As it is a new term, we are starting to explore ‘mini beasts’ (as per the children's request). The children got their explorers backpacks on packed with all their investigating equipment inside. They had cameras, binoculars, notepads, pens and magnifying glasses. We went outside hunting for bugs under rocks, stones and plants and we found all sorts of mini beasts; slugs, woodlice, a green spider, and a family of snails! We talked about how many legs they had, where they lived, how many eyes and what they ate. We even learnt a new ‘wow’ word - arachnids! We found out that arachnids have eight legs and insects have six legs. The children loved being little bug investigators.


The children have enjoyed playing a ladybird game on the touch tv, counting spots and helping with their counting and number recognition. The link below is for the game should any of you wish to play it at home. Click here to play at home.

 We are really excited to welcome back some of our sunflowers. We were surprised to see how much they had grown! Well done everyone! The children have enjoyed digging large holes ready to plant their flowers.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I am looking forward to finding more bugs with our intrepid bug investigators next week.


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful half term break. We have started our final half term this year with a bang, we can’t believe we only have a few weeks left before the end of the year. This week we have carried on with learning about the sun, and how to keep safe in the sun.

Here is  a song about putting on suncream. Click here.

We then watched a story about the wind and the sun, and how they argued about who was stronger. We predicted who we thought would win the competition. Click here to watch

We have had lots of practice for Sport’s Day this week. We are so excited to take part on Monday afternoon.

This week has been so hot but we have found lots of ways to cool down, our favourite was the foot spa in the garden.

We have begun our new topic of minibeasts this week and we were very excited when one of our friends brought in their butterflies that have just hatched. We are looking forward to hatching our own butterflies.

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a lovely week in the sunshine! We have spent so much time playing with the water in the garden and keeping cool under the big trees at the end. We especially love using the syringes and shooting the water in the air to cool us all down.

We have enjoyed telling our friends and the nursery ladies what we got up to in the holidays. It was lovely to hear about all your adventures and we are so good now at waiting for our turn to speak as we go around the circle. We are definitely getting ready for Reception!

We have started our mini beast topic this week and started with a quiz. The children enjoyed seeing if they could guess the mini beast after one clue, but sometimes we needed two or all three clues! Here is the quiz if you like to have a go at home: Click here

We have been ordering numbers this week to complete our mini beast puzzles. If we get them in the right order then the mini beast picture will appear! We also tried this game ordering numbers on the caterpillar: . We chose sequencing and numbers 1-10. Let me know how you get on!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


…..and just a few from Justine!


Living in the wider world

Living in the Wider World helps the children to extend their understanding of the communities we discussed last term and about the responsibilities we all have to people, places and the planet now and increasingly as we get older.

The children will begin to explore the working world of jobs, focusing on their current strengths and aspirations. Money is also introduced, with both underpinned by the religious understanding that our true value comes from God.

Click here to visit the parent portal.

Sports’ Day

Don’t forget that Foundation Sports’ Day is on Monday afternoon (weather permitting). Everyone is welcome!

If it is not your child’s usual session please ensure they are in nursery no later than 1.00 pm (and if you could collect them promptly when it has finished that would be great). Children are to wear shorts, t shirts, suncream and trainers. We have the children's bespoke sports’ day t-shirts here at nursery, we will change them when they arrive.



Well done and a big thank you for nurturing the sunflower seeds we sent home last term. The children have planted them in the garden and have been watering them daily.

Lastly, have a wonderful weekend, let’s hope the sunshine continues. We will see you all on Monday.

God Bless
