Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 15th April 2020

Happy Wednesday! I hope that you all managed to get into the swing of things yesterday and found your learning feet again.

Those children who have acted as digital leaders this year, I have sent you an email via Purple Mash. I would like to put something together about children keeping safe online whilst they are at home. Have a look at the email and see what you think! There is a little video here to explain how 2email can be used by all of you.

Maths - White Rose Home Learning Week 2 - Lesson 2 Ratio and Proportion Problems

Click on the button below to access the website. Please complete Week 2 Lesson 2 - Ratio and Proportion Problems.

Fluency and Sumdog - Have a go at the fluency board below and the Sumdog multiplication challenge that I have set.

English Romeo and Juliet - Today you are going to write the first two paragraphs of either Romeo or Juliet’s diary - The Balcony Scene - Introductory paragraph summarising the evening and the second paragraph where Juliet appears at her balcony, unaware that Romeo is in the Capulet orchard below.  Romeo is in awe. These are the first two boxes from your planning sheet yesterday. You can choose whether to write as Romeo or as Juliet. Think about the language you will use.

I have found an example that you can use to base your writing on. My example is from Romeo’s perspective. I have left the links below so that you can watch the film again and read the texts again. These will help you to capture the moment.

The PowerPoint below gives an example of my diary and the success criteria for this piece of writing. By the end of the week you will have a completed piece of writing, writing different paragraphs each day, You will then be submitting this piece of writing via Purple Mash at the end of the week. I look forward to reading your writing.

Science - Living things and their habitats. LIFE CYCLES.

Today we are going to start our science topic on Life Cycles. It is quite a big topic as it covers a lot of areas. Today we are going to start with a general introduction and then plants and their life cycles. Have a look at the lesson below and follow the instructions for the tasks.

Photography - In addition to the lesson, I want you to have a go at some photography. This is a really creative skill from our computing curriculum. Have you got any plants or flowers in your garden? What about when you go out on your daily walk? What can you spot? Take some interesting photographs and make them into a photo collage. Email them to me at n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea, or via Purple Mash 2email. Let’s see what a beautiful world we live in. Be creative with your photographs. I have been planting with Alfie over the last few weeks. Have a look at our photographs (we have even managed to grow some vegetables and sunflowers).

IMG_20200411_151749_957 (1).jpg

Have a fun day of learning!
Don’t forget to join the school community at 7pm in prayer - 3 Hail Marys.

Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 14th April 2020

I hope that you have all had a wonderful Easter with your families and that you have enjoyed the sunshine. It certainly has been a nice break to our home learning and given us all time to just be. I am excited about our learning for this half term. I want to continue with Romeo and Juliet, complete our work on Coastlines and start some science - life cycles. As always, I will be really clear with what learning I want to see, that is usually submitted via Purple Mash so that I can give you some feedback.

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Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 30th March


I am so proud of you for how you went about last week and your learning…keep it up! We have to be ready to head of to high school in September with all of your learning in place so please keep tackling everything with determination and focus. You know where I am if you need me. I have loved receiving emails from you and seeing comments on the blog. Keep in touch!

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