Welcome Back!

It was brilliant to see the children looking refreshed and revitalised after their week off school - it was most definitely needed! The class have sprung straight back into action with a week filled with fantastic learning and concentration. We have been busy rehearsing for our class assembly next week by projecting our lines clearly and speaking with confidence and expression. The children can’t wait to perform for you all next week! Please don’t forget to practise these over the holidays.

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'Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase' Martin Luther King

Welcome back to the second Autumn half term- I can’t believe how fast the first half term went and this half term will go even quicker I am sure! It was lovely meeting you all before the holidays to celebrate your children and I think the key message was mostly, please keep reading with your children every night. I have to say, it is lovely coming back and seeing the children so enthusiastic about the books they are reading and they are much more eager to take quizzes and get on to their next book- their is a real buzz about reading so thank you!

You can see the children have come back back well rested, full of what they have been up to over half term and most importantly ready to grow our brains and learn as much as we can! The focus has been heavily on our History ‘Stone age to Iron age’, which the children have loved learning about Skara Brae and Stone Henge. They have had to think extremely deeply, as historians do, looking at evidence and interpreting what this tells us about the way they live. We have had very exciting Maths lessons this week, where the children have been focusing on comparing numbers and using the greater than or less than sign for various representations of the number. In RE this week we are looking at Mary Our Mother, focusing firstly on when Mary found out she was to have a baby, which links in beautifully with the introduction to our Christian virtues of the half term- ‘Faith-filled and Hopeful’. Next week we will be exploring Mary’s act of faith even further and discussing how we too have faith in our daily lives.

Danceathon on Tuesday was a huge success, thank you for all of your support. The atmosphere on the playground for our Wake up, Shake up was magical, which set the mood for the rest of the day. The bell rang throughout the day, which paused our learning briefly while we danced, then we had a lesson to learn the cha cha- the children were wonderful! Finally at the end of the day, the whole school met on the playground to perform the whole dance from start to finish, it was all very exciting!

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Abi Cassidy for being such a focused Cooper Crab for working so hard and always being ready to learn.

James Barrow what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are! We have loved seeing your desire and enjoyment of learning this week, your hand is forever up.

Important Information…

Our class assembly is on Tuesday 19th November 9:10

Curriculum Evening is Thursday 21st October 6pm - 8pm

Welcome back!

We have launched straight back into our lessons this week. We have completed our work on negative numbers- as you can see from the photograph we enjoyed having ice in our maths lesson on Monday. Alongside this learning, we collected content for our story writing. We have learnt how to write an effective character description, to do this we explored the work of real authors. We realized when reading these examples of exciting characters that the writer makes the reader work hard to get to know the person and they cleverly reveal important details as they go. In RE Mrs Gawthrope introduced us to three inspiring saints who showed through their example how to love our world and the people and creatures who inhabit it. This lesson led beautifully into Mass on Friday- All Saints Day. It is always lovely to be together in the church praising God alongside our parish community. On Monday we had all the apparatus out in the hall and I must apologize for our very late exit out to you. We got carried away in the hall - the bell went and we had only just started to put the apparatus away! I will make sure I watch the clock next week- sorry. Finally we completed work on the Greeks. We made vases in art (collage), finished our work on the Battle of Marathon and we researched the differences and similarities between Athens and Sparta. This topic is coming to an end - but it continues to pop up throughout the year as the Greeks and their influence spread beyond history and into art, science and politics.

Thank you for all your support at the Dancethon- I sadly missed it but Miss Brisco had a ball!

The grow your brain certificates this week went to: Ethan and Lila

Reminders for next week

Choir Monday

Please see the sports page on the Engage page to keep up to date with the Autumn 2 sports timetable


Year 6 blog - 'There are no true stories in the world except biographies.'

Welcome back to our second half term together and this week has certainly gone with a bang! We have completed so much work in every single lesson, I really feel like we are flying! Thank you to all those parents who came and saw me on parents’ day. I always enjoy the first meeting and getting to know you all and to just make sure that the children have settled in and are happy.

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Indoor Athletics Competition 2019

Wow, what a job we had selecting the team for this years competition. Across Year 5 & 6, there are so many talented sportsmen and women; we are constantly looking at ways to give more opportunities to everyone who trains. We ranked the entire two groups of children across both classes and then went with the fastest and those who jumped the furthest. There are some specialists of their field!. I am excited to see what this team can produce!

As the standard was so high, we are looking to arrange another athletics competition for this children who trained with Mr Nay from Year 5. This will give all of the children a chance to compete against other another school and gain experience for competitions in Year 6.

Indoor Athletics Competition Information

Thursday 7th November at AKS from 1.30pm - 4.00pm. The children will have their lunch before they leave for the competition and will be then taken to the event by coach.

Parents and family members are more than welcome to meet us there and support us during the afternoon. Please ensure that your child is in full PE kit and has enough fluid and a few healthy snacks for during the competition.

Please ensure that your child is collected from AKS after the event.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday November 7th


So many children have made a fantastic start to their reading sessions this half term. I have set them all new targets. Because they have read a lot over the holidays they have begun to romp up our reading target board! Keep it up every one.


We have complete the negative number unit on IXL so why not have a go on this mission game. It is not tablet friendly so you will need a computer. If you need to complete it in school just ask!


This week the children created extended noun phrases. These are descriptive sentences that fully describe the noun. The are fun to make. I have downloaded my PowerPoint for the children. I would like them to be the teacher and one of their parents (or sibling) to be the pupil. Please teach.

Once you have taught it write extended noun phrases for the following nouns:





Topic work- Purple Mash

We are moving onto our new Geography topic North America. We will be investigating the countries tat make up North America over the next few weeks. Before we move across the Atlantic. Can you complete the two purple mash map work challenges I have set you? You will need an atlas our online map of Europe!

Nessy homework

The children involved in the Nessy program, are able to continue working through the tasks at home. Please see the letter they received it has all the information you need for logging on. The children have been assessed and had an independent session too in school. Three fifteen minute sessions would be great but you can do more - it’s up to you!

Have fun

Have fun

Year 4 homework to be in for Thursday 7th November


Please log into charanga below. Practise your songs Strictly B and B Blues

Spelling investigation

We have been learning about the meaning of different prefixes. Please use the sheet given out and a dictionary. Look up the meaning of the prefixes. Then find some examples of words with this prefix meaning. If your child for any reason does not have the sheet, there is a copy below!

Maths IXL units A12 A13 A14. Each unit goes beyond 10,000 when you get to about 80 points. You do not need to complete these parts if you are too confused - as we have only gone up to 10,000 in class.

Reading: Please continue to read for 20 minutes each day. This will help you to get really into what you are reading and enjoy your story.

Happy to be back!

Everyone was excited to be back at nursery this week. It was lovely to catch up with all our friends and find out what we have been doing during the holidays.

We have had an extremely busy week!

On Monday we began to explore the number 4 in all its entirety!

On Tuesday the children wrote their own story! It’s all about a wellie getting stuck on a foot! Ask your children to tell it to you! It was also ‘Danceathon’ day…..it was very exhausting! Well done to everyone who managed to get to nursery for 8.15 am!!

On Wednesday we made pumpkin pie for snack, and found some fun facts all about pumpkins. We also read a story about building resilience. It is called ‘The most magnificent thing’. Afterwards we all decided to make our own ‘magnificent things’. Click here to listen to the story!!

On Thursday the children have been practicing their fundamental movement skills in the hall. We focused on over arm throwing…they are getting very good!

On Friday…maybe a restful day? That rarely happens in nursery!

The rest of the term is equally frantic. Keep checking the dates on your September newsletter. I will update you on the Nativity on a later blog.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 30th October

Thank you so much for all of your effort with Walt Disney…they are fabulous!

Spelling - words ending ent

frequent, patient, ancient, innocent, dependent, intelligent, obedient, magnificent, absent, silent, efficient, different, parliament, decent, urgent

Maths - Over the next two weeks, can you finish strand B of IXL maths. These are all on addition and subtraction. Use your homework book to jot into.

History - The Battle of Bosworth is one of the most important battles in English history. It led to the War of the Roses, and planted the Tudor house on the throne of England. Henry Tudor, (Henry VII) became King of England.

What can you find out about this important battle? Complete some research in your homework book.

English - This week we have started to look at biographies as part of our writing phase. Can you find a biography online, of someone who interests you? Think about the ones we have looked at in class. It doesn’t need to be long - just informative.

Year 3 homework to be handed in Wednesday 6th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?SPELLING- This weeks spelling list is from Year 2’s key spelling list. They seem to be ones that a lot of us get mixed up over and need consistent practice- make sure you know when you would use these words by putting them in to different sentences out loud with an adult or in your books. We will be quizzing on them as part of our spelling lesson next week:

Where What Were When Went Which

There will be some of you that feel quite confident with these spellings and can apply these to your writing. Therefore if you want more of a challenge then please feel free to practice some of our Year 3 key spellings on the following website. You could start on the Year 2 spellings and build up to the Year 3 and 4 spellings which are more challenging?


HISTORY - In your homework books can you research Stone Henge and write up some facts or information to share with the class. What information can you find?

MATHS- Complete the ‘compare and order numbers up to 1,000’ on purple mash- you will find this under 2do. Don’t forget to make sure you focus on the quiz as it could time out.

OPTIONAL SCIENCE - Create an information text on the human skeleton on Purple Mash under the 2Do section.



Tuesday 29th October 2019

We had super fun today raising money for our school playground. From a whole class lesson in the hall, learning the Cha Cha Cha, to dropping everything and jumping into song and dance at a moments notice.

Science Investigation - Insta Snow

As an introduction to our new science topic ‘materials’, the children were presented with a strange white material which they had to investigate. They first predicted what they thought it was by looking at it and touching it. They then observed what happened when they added small drops of water to the powder. There were lots of ‘ooohs and aaaaaahs’ as the powder grew bigger and bigger into a snow like substance. The class were amazed - I think it may even appear on some of the children’s Christmas lists!

"God who is present in our beginnings knows and loves each one"

In Year 2 we have been thinking about our gifts and what different qualities we bring to our class team. We wrote the different qualities we feel we have on a piece of paper and joined them together to make a paper chain. During our prayer and liturgy in the chapel, we then thought carefully about who may have written each quality and discussed that although we are all different, we are all precious in God’s eyes. We celebrated by saying ‘thank you’ to God.

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Half Term Homework for Year 6

Just a few tasks to keep you ticking over the half term so that you are ready to dive straight back into learning when you get back.

Spelling - go over all of the spellings that you have had this half term. Which ones did you find tricky? Which ones did you struggle to remember. Make sure you have mastered these.

Maths - after half term we will be focusing on addition and subtraction before moving onto multiplication and division. Which times tables are you struggling with? Practise these to get yourselves to the point where you can recall them really quickly.

Reading - The Fantastic Book Awards

Kat Wolfe - read up to page 46

Golden Horseman - read up to page 36

Embassy of the Dead - read up to page 34

Armistice Runner - Read up to page 38

Riddle of the Runes - Read up to page 40

The Dodo Made Me Do It - Read up to page 40

Please can you have read this section of the book before the first Friday back in school. You will meet in your groups again. Remember, do not read beyond this point!

Computing - Complete you comic book around your Online Safety message.

English - Please complete some research on Walt Disney. Who was he? What did he achieve? What else can you find out about him? You can present your research in any way that you want.

"Rest and be thankful"

Well done children - you have all worked incredibly hard this term and I can’t quite believe how far you have all already come in such a short space of time. It was clear from today’s end of term reflection that many of you found the first couple of weeks in Year 2 difficult and tiring, but you now relish in the learning and challenges that get thrown your way each day.

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