Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 30th June 2021

English - Read chapters 22, 23 and 24 of The Wizard of Oz

The Play - Do you know all of your lines and song lyrics? We film on Tuesday. PRACTISE…PRACTISE…PRACTISE!


Microorganisms - What is Corona Virus?

Corona Virus research questions.PNG

This seems like a really appropriate time to be looking at microorganisms, viruses and medicine. For 18 months, we have been living with Covid but what is it?

I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash.

When you are researching, make sure that you answer these questions.

Detail and quality please.

This week...

We have been continuing our investigation of minibeasts. We completed ‘What am I’ description quiz. Everyone was very good at listening to the clues and then working out which minibeast it could be. Click below to have a go at home (you will need a PowerPoint facility to access this).

We looked in all the places where minibeasts could be hiding. We found worms, slugs, earwigs, spiders and one snail! We even got the explorer bags out! I must admit I think all the creatures ran away as they heard us coming! We had to search for ages!

We decided that we could catch some ants and make a formicary (the ants were extremely fast) and a snail house (we found out that snails have hundreds of teeth and we wanted to watch them eating! ! Click here to watch a video about snails eating!

Also, have a look at our beautiful garden!

Carrying on with our Sports’ Day physical activity challenges the children decided to create obstacle courses form the soft shapes and the large wooden bricks. They were really challenging!

I have also added some more photos from Sports’ day.

Our love of books has grown and grown over the years and the children can be found reading EVERYWHERE!

We listened to a video story with lots of minibeasts in it during the week, because we just love minibeasts. Click here to listen at home.

And now for more Photos of the Week!! They range from making a sand café in the garden, a shiny river for all the animals, designing a water filling machine, making snow (a request from Roo) and making wishes with Aladdin’s lamp! Such great fun!

After another packed week of learning at nursery the children may need a rest! Enjoy your weekend and we will see everyone on Monday, bright eyed and bushy tailed!

The Nursery team