This week....

Another fabulous week at nursery. We are learning more and more each week…our brains are getting full of knowledge!

A story that has quickly become a firm favourite this week is Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. We read the story (lots of times) then acted it out in the garden, it was great fun! If you would like to listen to Michael Rosen telling the story click here.

Perhaps you could go on a bear hunt this weekend…or even a tiger hunt! The children love to introduce new (and scary) animals!

It has come to my attention that there is some confusion as to when we break for the half term holiday. If you click on the button below you will find the holiday dates for the whole year.

Key persons blog

After great thought we have decided to compile a collaborative blog from all the nursery key persons. Clare, Colette and Hannah have all contributed and added photos of their groups children. We hope you enjoy it. Here goes….

Wow Nursery...what another fun and busy week we’ve all had!

We introduced our new friend ‘Number 2’ this week. Click here to Meet Two, 2 is one more than 1. In the video One discovers it’s tricky to play tennis when you’re the only block in the world. She bumps into a magic mirror and meets Another One and they join force to make Two. Enjoy!

After watching the number 2 video we each went to find one object in nursery and then paired up with a friend to make two objects!

We have also revisited the sound ‘m’. Can you go on a sound hunt and perhaps find two things starting with ‘m’?!

In the hall for PE we have loved doing the ‘Funky Monkey’. Click here for the Funky Monkey music

‘Lets Go Walking’. Click here for the Let’s go Walking music

…and our favourite ‘Stir Up The Porridge’ Click here for Stir up the Porridge

Why not see if your child can remember any actions and have a go together!

There was some fabulous role play when we got the hairdressing box out on Thursday, such lovely turn taking. We all had enormous fun styling our friends (and the nursery ladies) hair, then relaxing in the chair ready to be beautified!


This week we thanked God for the gift of water. We talked about how blessed we are to have clean water and prayed for people who don’t have any. We then relaxed to some soothing water music. Click here to listen and relax at home.

We talked about how we need water to live and all its uses. We then wondered about where water came from. This led us to the ‘water cycle’. We talked at length about the water cycle, we also learnt a new word… ‘evaporation’. Click here to watch a video all about water and evaporation. Please ask your child and see if they can explain what evaporation means.

Throughout this week we have been very mindful of the beautiful gift of water.

Here’s a weekend challenge in case you are at a loose end. It’s a chance to notice the natural world change outside our window or in our back garden, the National Trust are challenging us to experience the small moments of joy nature brings us in five different ways.

Let us know how you get on!

Click on the button below

Finally, we are missing a small ‘fox’ snack box. Could I ask you to take a look at home in case it has been sent home by mistake.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone and see you on Monday.


Year 3 08.10.21 - 'Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again' Nelson Mandela

It’s been all about the writing this week and wow what resilience and pure determination Year 3 have shown this week! Lots of mistakes were made, however, the children each day listened to their feedback, reflected on their errors and got straight back to their learning to improve and with great success! True learners know they have to make mistakes, learn from them and try again- this is, of course, when we learn the most! We have had another great week in class, with lots of hard work, reflective minds and positive attitudes!

Year 3 Learning this week …

The children have worked so hard on their writing this week in English. We have taken the fable ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’ and well and truly made it our own, with the animal characters we chose for homework last week. The children helped me to write me fable of ‘The Cheetah and the Elephant’ and then innovated this to create their own and what an excellent job they did too! Marking their work each night to give them feedback the next day was a pure delight! They even worked hard to include our adverbs of time in their sentence work, which I was very proud of! Next week the children will be writing their own fable independently, and we can’t wait to see their work!

This week the children have been using arrow cards and counters to represent numbers up to 1,000 in class. Partitioning these numbers and looking at their place value in more depth. They have also been working in partners to spot right angles in 2D shapes

Children are really enjoying learning all about the Stone Age period. This week, we have looked at the main changes throughout this time, reflecting on what these changes meant to these people and the quality of their life. We also started to look at the stone built Neolithic settlement on Skara Brae, and next week we will take a closer look in to one of the dwellings and interpret how they might have lived based on the evidence they find- we can’t wait!

Finally, in science we have started to look at teeth, we have looked at our own teeth and how teeth can vary depending on age and how we care for our teeth. We have also looked at the type of teeth we have and compared human teeth with animals. We are finding it very interesting!

Let’s Celebrate!

An enthusiastic Bobby bee Archie: This week your wonderful attitude towards learning has shone brightly Archie. Your enthusiasm is just infectious! You play such an active role within the class, focusing always and joining in with every discussion! You are just a delight to have in Year 3 and a super role model for others around you. Keep working hard, managing distractions and showing great determination. All of these skills will help you to reach your goals. Well done Archie!

A brave Tommy turtle Riley: What an improvement Riley! In just a few weeks you have become so much braver in your learning. You have changed your mind set and are no longer saying you can’t do something. Instead we are seeing you have a go and we could not be more proud! Keep this going Riley, remember to have a go and you will keep surprising yourself with your capabilities! Well done on your super week Riley, you should be feeling so proud of yourself.


  • A kind reminder that homework does need to be completed for Thursday please.

  • School Trip alert … please could all payments be made, where possible, before half term.

  • Look smart …Tempest photographs for individual children next Wednesday!

  • Don’t forget to book your parents day appointment, you will find the link on Miss Hornby’s newsletter.

  • PE- Please remember that shorts must be in school every Thursday for indoor PE. We have a rising number of children without shorts and we do not have enough spares for everybody.

Exciting News!

Year 3 will be going on a trip on Monday 8th November, as part of our Stone Age History topic. It is going to be a fun, jam-packed day, of shelter building, fire lighting and much more! This trip is an amazing day out, that really helps the children to see what life was like during the Stone Age period and how people survived. The day will be spent at Brockholes, Preston and the entire day will be spent outdoors, which we know the children will love. Obviously, with the trip taking place in November (we are being brave!), this will mean the children will have to wear suitable clothing, dressed for the weather and the outdoors. Children, on this day, may wear their own clothes, that they are not bothered about getting dirty. They will need to wear warm, waterproof clothing and boots or wellies. We will be leaving 9am and arriving back at school at 3pm, which means children will need a packed lunch for the day. If your child usually has a hot dinner on this day, then a packed lunch will be provided by Jackie, but we would need to know the choice of filling for the sandwiches the week before. The total cost of the school trip is £15, which covers the cost of the trip itself and the transport. Please can this be paid before half term, via Parent Pay.

Many thanks.

Year 3 Home Learning 1.10.21


This week we are looking at the spelling focus: the ‘kn’ and ‘gn’ spelling for the sound ‘n’.

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. knock

  2. knight

  3. knees

  4. know

  5. knew

  6. kneel

  7. knuckle

  8. knife

Can you spot any homophones? Write both these words and their meanings in your homework books.


We have been thinking about angles, and this week we have looked at right angles. Please find your to do on purple mash called, ‘Professor angle - right angles’.

Please also complete Z.1 on IXL (remember to go into Year 3 work)


To prepare us for our learning next week we would like you to think about our church. In your homework books you will find a picture of Our Lady’s church, please think about:

How do you behave in church? Why do you go to church? How does it feel being in church?

Around the picture please write your thoughts to these questions.