"The waterfall is natures laughter."

So sorry about the late post of homework last week! I know how busy families are at this time preparing for Christmas and I’m sure this failure to link the webpage was not helpful - please see this weeks shorter homework - I wanted to give the children time to complete their databases on Purple Mash so we have less this week.

Another busy week of learning in Year 5 …..

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Year 3 blog 10.12.21 'The beauty of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence'

The last week of our Autumn term is here and there is definitely a sense of excitement in the classroom, however, children are still working incredibly hard and are getting through so much work- Miss Bassett and I can hardly believe it! The elf has been making it rounds around the classroom this week, although not causing too much mischief, as its incredibly well behaved. There was just one day, where we did worry that its magic may have faded, but thankfully the next day we had seen it had moved positions! This week we have filmed the children’s two songs to add to our Key Stage Two Christmas Concert film, which will be live on the blog next Friday. We can’t wait for you to see it, the children are signing like angels and have clearly been practicing lots at home and at school, so thank you for your help.

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"Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again; rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

With only one week left to go until the start the Christmas holidays, the children in Year 2 are now definitely full of the festive cheer! This week we have been busy filming our Nativity performance and I have been so proud of how well the children have spoken out and how wonderfully they have sang and danced! Thank you for helping your children to learn their parts - it’s really helped us to get through the filming much quicker!

In English we have continued reading our focus story ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’. The children are now great at retelling the beginning of the story using their story maps, which they are very excited to show you for their home learning.

Thursday was a day filled with all things History and Florence Nightingale! Miss Brisco has been teaching the children History this term and she has told me that she has been blown away by their knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm! I know that they have been busy creating a quiz containing all of their new knowledge - I can’t wait to have a go at these myself!

In RE we continued reflecting upon the Nativity story and this week focused on Mary how how she must have been feeling. We listened to the song ‘Don’t Worry Mary’ before unpicking what they lyrics actually mean and what message they are spreading. The class then had a go at writing their own verses which hopefully we’ll have time to sing and share next week.

In HRSE, our friend KS came out for the last time in a while to teach us our final bit of learning. Please read the letter below to find out what we discussed. We each said a ‘goodbye’ and ‘see you soon’ to KS as he will be coming back in a couple of months to see how much of our learning we can remember. The evaluation sheet which is mentioned in the letter below has been sent home with your child. Please could these be returned to school with your child next week. Thank you.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done Beth – you have been a real ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ this week!  You have tried really hard to stay on task and have managed any distractions around you brilliantly.  I was also super proud of you during the filming of our Nativity production.  You stayed in character whilst the other angels were performing and didn’t grumble once!

Tommy, you have certainly lived up to your name this week and have been such a ‘Brave Tommy Turtle!’  It has been wonderful to see you having a go at your work independently this week, particularly your writing, and you are beginning to show just what you are capable of when you put your mind to it and believe in yourself.  Keep going Tommy – we’re really proud! 


Christmas Party Day - In class on the 16th December, we will be having our Christmas party. Children can come to school wearing their party clothes ready for a day of fun, dancing and games. Please do ensure that warm clothes and sensible footwear are still worn as we will be going outside at playtimes and lunch. I feel layers may be a good idea! On this day, children can also bring an extra small snack (packet of crisps or a chocolate bar) to enjoy and a drink (not fizzy). The children will also be enjoying a Christmas lunch in the hall.

Keep an eye out for the winning house team of learning points for this term which will be sent out next week. This house can come to school on Friday 17th December wearing their house colours/own clothes.

Friday 17th December - School finishes for Christmas at 2pm and 2.10pm and reopens on Tuesday 4th January.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....

It has been all systems go at nursery this week. Filming of the Nativity is now complete and has gone off to Mrs. Gregan who is very kindly editing and compiling it for us. Thank you Mrs. Gregan.

We have finished our Christmas cards and a special surprise. Everyone is completely exhausted! Some of the children at the end of the day have struggled to stay awake. This is in addition to all our usual learning at nursery.

As last weeks quiz was such a hit, the nursery ladies have put their creative thinking caps on and come up with another fun quiz called ‘Guess who came to nursery?” Look at the pictures in the gallery below and ask:

Who came to nursery and why?

What do you think Father Christmas was cooking in the home corner?

Father Christmas is on his laptop in one of the photos, what was he writing ( I hope he wasn’t adding Colette to the bad list!!)

Which story was Father Christmas reading?

Father Christmas was having a good look at our emotions wall, how do you think he feels?

Why was Father Christmas washing his hands ( I hope he made a hundred bubbles!)

Why was Father Christmas in the nursery office?

What is Father Christmas having a drink of?

What colour remote controlled car is Father Christmas playing with?

What colour bauble is Father Christmas looking at on our tree?

Click here to listen to the story ‘Santa Needs a Wee


On Friday (and throughout the week) the children and nursery ladies have been wearing their finest Christmas outfits. Here are just a few!

If you fancy some Numberblocks, click here for their Christmas Special and on the button below for a 1-5 cut and stick activity.

Well done to everyone who completed the Purplemash activities. I will set some more! Keep watching!

I hope you all manage some down time this weekend, time to recharge your batteries before the festivities begin at home. We will see you all for the last week of term on Monday (don’t forget school and nursery closes at 2pm on Friday). It is an even busier week culminating with our Christmas party on Thursday and the Nativity going live on Friday.

Barbara, Clare, Colette and Hannah

Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Friday 17th December

Firstly, may I apologise most sincerely for not creating the link from my homework to the correct webpage! I have to select the page the work appears on and I was mortified when the children told me I hadn’t posted the homework. Needless to say, I jumped onto my computer and made the link and it appeared like magic in front of them. However, that was Monday morning and I know how important it is to have the weekend for home learning. As a result of this error, I’m keeping the homework simple this week to give everyone time to catch up.

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Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 8th December 2021

Maths - IXL - Maths M10 - M15 Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators

These are due to be completed for next Wednesday.

History - Who was Sir Francis Drake? What can you find out about him in relation to the Armada? How did he help Tudor exploration?

Purple Mash Task

CHRISTMAS - Can you design a Christmas card for our class and a Christmas bauble to be shared?

These are set for you on Purple Mash. They need to be in next Wednesday

Year 3 Home Learning 3.12.21


This week’s strategy is called ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’. 


This is probably the most common strategy used to learn spellings. 

Look – First look at the whole word carefully and if there is one part of the word that is difficult, look at that part in more detail. 

Say – Say the word as you look at it, using different ways of pronouncing it if that will make it more memorable. 

Cover – Cover the word.

Write –Write the word from memory, saying the word as you do so. 

Check – Have you got it right? If yes, try writing it again and again! If not, start again – look, say, cover, write, check.

This week we are adding the suffix - ly.

  1. serious - seriously

  2. final - finally

  3. sudden - suddenly

  4. quick - quickly

  5. careful - carefully

  6. immediate - immediately

  7. horrible - horribly

  8. gentle - gently

Songs for Christmas:

The Angel Song:

Away in a Manger:


This week we have learnt the whole of our ‘Manchester Ridge-back’ report. Here is the story map (excuse the drawings) … please could children practice and see if they can perform it for you, ready for our innovation next week. Particularly the final two paragraphs that have not been as practiced at the others.