Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 12th January 2022

Spelling - Silent letter spellings.

crumb, debt, plumb, scissors, scenario, plaque, design, foreign, reign, anchor, chemical, knowledge, psychology, psalm, receipt, aisle, island, castle, chimney, disguise.

Maths - It is essential that you know your times tables really, really well.

Visit your HEAT MAP on Times Table Rockstars. Which times tables do you need to focus on? Which ones do you need to ensure you know as quick as the others? Can you get your speed down to less than 2 seconds per table.

IXL - Q1, Q2, Q9 and Q10

Can you practise some short division calculations so that you have mastered the skill?

English - William Shakespeare

Who is William Shakespeare? Next week you will be writing an Outcome 3 biography. I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash for you to record your research on: Early Life, Education and How he became a playwright.

Focus on:

  • Cohesive devices

  • Key dates

  • Subject specific language.

Happy New Year!

A big welcome back to nursery everyone. I hope you have managed some rest over the festive period.

This week we welcome a new nursery lady, Justine. She will be working alongside Hannah as a support key person. The children think she is wonderful! When you see her at the gate, introduce yourself and say a say a big hello!

The children have all come back to nursery ready to grow their brains. This week have been ‘finding out’ about Space, and working and thinking like a scientist. We have found out about the Hubble space probe, astronauts, space travel and the moon. We have even written our own song about aliens, (to the tune of ‘The Animals went in Two by Two’).

An alien came to visit you,

He roared, he roared,

An alien came to visit you,

He roared, he roared,

An alien came to visit you,

His head was green and his nose was blue,

You could hear him roaring

Did he frighten you?


Here are our plans for January. We are going to be so busy!

Key Person Blog

Wow what a week to blast off with! We cannot believe the children have returned this week, so calm, focused and eager to learn. They have enjoyed telling us about their time at home over Christmas and drawing pictures of what presents they received.

Our new learning thread has well and truly launched itself with a bang. The children all had the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas in small groups…giving us nursery ladies plenty food for thought! Our discussions have given us some amazing wow words and the excitement has been evident all week—we have all been buzzing!

We have talked about and read the Cape Ability story about Tommy Turtle...a scared and shy character who needs to face his fears. This has in turn helped us all and we have had plenty of ‘Have a Go’ moments ourselves… rocket making; (including plenty of astronaut role play!), moon rock exploring and painting and drawing our own stars!

Thank you children for such a lovely first week back.

Colette, Hannah , Justine and Frances

This week we have started to explore the number 4. Click here to find out more. If you fancy a challenge here a Number 4/ Learn to count video. Click here.

We also looked at the sound ‘i’ with Geraldine the Giraffe. Click here to watch.


God made Me, God made you.

Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are created by God out of love and for love, it helps the children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships:

We learnt a new song called God made Me, God made You, and a new prayer. See if your child can remember them.

Next week we are planning to expand our knowledge of the moon and space travel. Perhaps the children can find out some facts to share?

We would also like the children to make their own rocket. Could each child please bring to nursery a named tube to start us off. Thank you in anticipation.

In the meanwhile here are just a few photos to give you a flavour of our learning this week! Lots more next week!

Next week, Michelle our new nursery deputy will be joining us, she can’t wait to meet everyone!

Please have a restful (and fun) weekend and we will see everyone on Monday. Don’t forget to check Purple Mash for more learning! Enjoy!


"In the end, it's the people who are curious who change the world"

Happy New Year to you all! It was great to have all of the children back in school on Tuesday, eager to start their second term of learning in Year 2! This week we have been thinking all about our two virtues for this term - curious and active. We thought carefully about the two words and how showing and developing the two qualities can not only help us in our learning, but can help us to grow in our faith too. Everyone set themselves a target for this term and it was super to hear such high goals and aspirations.

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Year 3 blog 5.01.22 ' Be curious always. For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.

Happy new year to you all! The children have come back to school this week, feeling refreshed and ready to take on their learning. We have had a lovely start to the year, every single one of them bounced through the door with a big smile on their face, sharing all their news from their time away. Our two new virtues that we will be exploring and discussing in more detail this half term are Curious and Active. This week we have reflected on curiosity within RE and discussing why it is important to actively seek the answers to these questions in order to deepen our faith and learning.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The best is yet to come. The start of a New Year is the chance to rewrite your book.'

Wishing you all a very happy new year. It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school this week, despite the wind, rain and snow. The most important part of any school is the people within it. I have loved seeing the smiles and listening to all of the wonderful stories that the festive season has brought. Yesterday we walked down to church to celebrate the feast of the epiphany.

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Year 3 Home learning 7.1.22


Our spelling strategy this week is to look for smaller words inside the word you are learning to spell.

Our spellings this week will test your long term memory, they are all spellings you have already been given and include one of the spelling rules that we have covered last term:

  1. centre

  2. incomplete

  3. disappear

  4. impatient

  5. although

  6. hazardous

  7. suddenly

  8. mixture

Ongoing Maths

These IXL strands can be completed over the next few weeks and can be done as and when you want to complete each strand:

E1- E8 under addition one digit


On Purple Mash, following the 2Do that has been sent to you, imagine that you are on holiday in the Arctic and send a postcard back to our class describing what it is like there and what you have seen on your travels.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 5th January 2022

Spelling - Please can you recap the spellings from the last 3 homework ready for a random test next week?

decision, collision, Asia, discussion, revision, impression, expansion, vision, transmission, obsession, passion, recession, expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, impression, collision, revision, confession, progression, direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, subtraction, politician, infection, international, crying, reliable, busily, happiness, heavily, beautifully, mysterious, applied, business, heavier, copier, happily.

Maths - It is essential that you know your times tables really, really well.

Visit your HEAT MAP on Times Table Rockstars. Which times tables do you need to focus on? Which ones do you need to ensure you know as quick as the others? Can you get your speed down to less than 2 seconds per table.


This week we are starting our new unit of work on EVOLUTION AND INHERITANCE. To start with, what do you know about adaptation and how have animals adapted to the environment that they live in? I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash. Use the template to find 6 different animals explaining to me how they have adapted to their environment. Find a range of animals from a range of habitats.

Storyboard That - INVESTIGATION

Over the next few weeks, we will be using STORYBOARD THAT to help us tell the story of Romeo and Juliet. Have a play around with it for homework. What comic strips can you create? What characters can you include? See what you can create?