Year 3 Home Learning 22.04.2022


  1. superstar

  2. superhero

  3. superhuman

  4. supermarket

  5. difficult

  6. enough

  7. question

  8. important

  9. certain

  10. probably


This week we have been introduced to the main character in our novel, the Iron man. I would like you to think about what questions you would like to ask the Iron Man. Write these questions in your homework book. Remember to use the correct punctuation when writing questions. Towards the end of next week we will hot seat the Iron man, asking him some of these questions.

Examples to get you started:

How he might be feeling…. Why is he on a cliff… What could he be searching for…


Please complete:
B1 Comparing numbers up to 100

B.3Put numbers up to 100 in order

B.5 Greatest and least - word problems - up to 100

Year 6 Weekly Home Learning - Wednesday 20th April 2022

Homework is all about REVISION! Over the next week, we will complete our final set of papers. Make sure you are focused on what you need to do, the papers in your folders and any additional resources that you need.

Thursday 21st April - Arithmetic and Paper 1 Reasoning.

Friday 22nd April - Reading

Monday 25th April - GPS and Spelling & Paper 2 Reasoning.


Year 3 Remote Learning Week Beginning 19.04.22

We hope you enjoy the remote learning this week, which closely mirrors what we will be doing in class…


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should click the following link on the website then watch the videos in the following order:

  1. Add and subtract multiples of 100

  2. Add and subtract ones

  3. Add and subtract 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - not crossing 10

  4. Add a 2-digit and 1-digit number - crossing 10

  5. Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - crossing 10

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:


This week we start our new class novel. Our lessons are focused on creating interest. Please find the PDFs below and work your way through.

Year 3 Weekly Blog 'How will you be Christ's body here on Earth?'

I am sure those that watched Year 3’s assembly on Tuesday would agree that the children depicted the last supper beautifully, showing us the anxiousness of Jesus and His disciples for what was to come but also the love that Jesus must have had for all of us. A reminder that he left us with one very important message … that we are the work of his hands. Each one of them did so well, stayed in character and was extremely reverent in their delivery. We were so proud of them all.

Read more

Year 3 Home Learning 8.4.22


During the Easter break try and keep practicing these commonly misspelt words:

  1. two

  2. who

  3. which

  4. because

  5. again


Read, read and read some more! Get lost in many books over Easter and enjoy numerous adventures with many different characters! Don’t forget to quiz and strive to reach for your target (if you haven’t already).


Please make sure the following areas of IXL are completed before coming back to school:

This week.....

Holy Week at Nursery

It has been a reflective week as we have followed the schools Easter assemblies and their journey through Holy week. We have visited the chapel each day to discuss and retell Jesus’s last week. The children have asked many questions about why Jesus was crucified and which of His disciples let him down. The children thought they made ‘bad choices’. Each day we tried to understand why? What would we have done? How does the Easter story make you feel?

On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Gregan and Year six invited us to join their assembly rehearsal of the Resurrection. The children were silent and engrossed as the children depicted Holy Week using drama and music. We were all moved.

We started the week with finding lots of creative ways to make crosses. We even found them on hot cross buns. Then of course we had to spread butter on them and eat them, yummy! The children have asked me to buy some more when I go shopping…and of course I did! Who doesn’t enjoy a hot cross bun at Easter?

We must say a massive thank you for all your Lenten donations. I can announce that we have collected £131.49, our best year yet. I have passed the money to school to add to their total. When I have the whole school amount I will let you know.

The Platinum Jubilee

On Wednesday we started to discuss how we could celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We discussed who the Queen was by looking at pictures, we found out her name and how long she has been Queen for (this did lead to lots of other questions about other royals and their palaces). We decided that we should write her a letter and send it to Buckingham Palace, we also drew pictures of Her Majesty! We then popped everything into a large envelope, popped in a stamp (large) and then walked down to the postbox to post it! It was soooooo exciting!

We are now waiting for a reply, finger’s crossed.

I will be sending our more information after Easter about our planned celebration. The children has lots of ideas.

Key Persons blog

What a joy to start every day with a lap or two of the field for our CAFOD Walk for Hunger and then gather in the chapel for part of the Easter Story and singing. It is so uplifting and we are pleased they have been teaching you at home their chorus of ‘Sing Hosanna’!

 We have continued to practise our speedy sounds and rhyming games, and the children have been brilliant Bobby Bee’s. He is an enthusiastic Bee who loves to learn new things and he is helping all us in nursery too. We can chant together ‘I believe I can learn’ and if we find something tricky we have to remind ourselves of the key word YET as we say ‘I cant do it YET’ (but we will learn of course!)!!

Number 6 is becoming even more familiar and we are so proud of everyone for really working hard on their maths mastery. I wonder which numbers we will be looking at next?!

 The children led us this week, asking to make a Dr. Surgery. We have loved having the role play boxes out and people awaiting treatment!!

We have also had lots of fun playing pin the tail on the bunny, lots of giggles could be heard during this game. Blowing bubbles in the garden also caused great excitement as they grew bigger and bigger.

 We also had a great game of Pin The Tail on the Donkey, Easter magic box and dancing bunnies!!!

Michelle, Colette, Hannah, Justine and Frances

Outdoor activities for the holiday!

Click here for Forest Bathing

Click here for Birdy Surveys

Click here for Going on a Sound Walk

Click here for Barefoot Safari


 A note from Hannah

On a personal note I want to say a huge thank you to all parents for giving me the opportunity to work with, care for and love your children. It has been an absolute privilege to spend the last year in nursery and see them grow and develop as the weeks go by. I am so proud of them as individuals and am sad to be leaving them...but its bittersweet as I will only be over the garden wall in Reception and will hopefully get to see a good number of the class come to school in September! Working in early years really is a magical, the team here are fantastic and there is so much joy in everyday.  I know the children will flourish when they return for the Summer term and I can’t wait to see them continuing to shine!


As we have come to the end of another term at nursery I would just like to say that all the nursery team are so proud of the children’s learning. They never cease to amaze us at their eagerness to learn, their resilience when things go wrong and how they have embraced our nursery and school ethos. They all truly want to be more like Jesus.

On behalf of everyone here at Nursery I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter and to thank for everything that you do for your child in support of Nursery. We are all so grateful to you.

We have more exciting (and challenging) learning planned for the Summer Term so watch this space! Make sure you have a good rest!!

Finally, the children have asked if I would upload some of the Easter activities we have done this week, I can’t resist their requests. Click on the buttons below to access them.

Keep safe


Building castles..

Our meeting this month began with a beautiful prayer from Year 5, then we were all delighted to hear that the Year 6 councilors had met with our contractor to discuss the building of our new play castle!

After much careful consideration we have agreed on the final design, this will include scramble nets and climbing walls, amongst other wonderful things to alight our imagination.

We are planning, in the summer term, a return of the much loved Gym Jam Jog to help raise funds towards the costs. Councillors are going to finalise plans for this at our next meeting after the Easter break. 

Year 3 Remote Learning Week Beginning 28.03.22

We hope you enjoy the remote learning this week, which closely mirrors what we will be doing in class…


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should click the following link on the website then watch the videos in the following order:

  1. Add and subtract multiples of 100

  2. Add and subtract ones

  3. Add and subtract 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - not crossing 10

  4. Add a 2-digit and 1-digit number - crossing 10

  5. Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - crossing 10

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:



This week is all about our writing stage in English. On Monday- Wednesday we will be doing a shared write together, where the children will take their innovated plan and rewrite the story alongside the teacher. This will then be marked each night and the children will have chance to reflect on whether they have mastered the writing focus. Please remind yourself of the story (found on the homework page) and your new innovated story map (if you were not in school on Friday then this will be emailed to you on Monday).

Then on purple mash you will find a task on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday where you will rewrite your own story alongside mine. Before you start, have a good read of mine and see if you can identify some of our key grammar skills (these will be highlighted red for you). The challenge is… can you use these within your own writing but adapt it slightly?

After each day once you have received feedback and edited your own, it’s time to innovate your story again using the plans from below and using the choices only provided which were different from your last story. I have put the example of the original story map to help you with this also.

Once you have planned this please could you type this up on Purple Mash and then send it to Mrs Harrison for her to mark. Remember to include all of those key grammar skills.


This week we are continuing to focus on our understanding of the last supper. please work your way through the two PowerPoints. They involve lots of discussion and reflection so make sure you have a family member to discuss your thoughts throughout. Please use your homework book when completing a task.