"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller

We have continued to sink our teeth into our learning this week and have really been developing our cooperative skills. Many activities have included aspect of working with others. Although this has sometimes been challenging, it has also been so rewarding and the children are learning lots about themselves as learners!

In maths we have continued our bridging over the hundreds, this time with single digit numbers. Once again the children have shown wonderful focus and confidence and I am so pleased to say that many of us are now so confident to bridge both over and back from 100.

We have finished chapter 2 of the Iron Man in English. On Thursday we had a go at Rainbow writing. The children worked in house teams to see how much they could remember about the main characters and settings. Each house took it in turns to write on fact about a character/setting, making sure that they had read what had been written before them. The winning team was the house that wrote the most facts about the story so far. It was wonderful to see each house work together, building those all important cooperative skills, whilst also showing how much they had remembered about the text.

In PE this week we had a little practise of some of this years Sports day events, and I have a feeling that this year it could be a very close result! It was lovely to hear the children cheering one another.. roll on Wednesday the 15th when we are able to celebrate our children’s love of sports!

Let’s Celebrate…

Cora for being a cooperative learner! You are such a caring and thoughtful member of the class! You always offer to help when there is a job that needs doing or friend that needs help… this makes our classroom such a brighter place. Thank you Cora! We have also been impressed with your enthusiasm! You are always excited for the next challenge and have shown such eagerness towards your reading! Well done Cora.

Faye for being a focused and cooperative learner! A huge well done this week Faye! You have been so focused during our learning and have shared some good ideas during our discussions. Not only have you been very focused, you have also shown great determination and super teamwork skills during our PE and really encouraged those around you! Helping and supporting those around you is such a wonderful quality Faye and one that I know your friends, peers and teachers love about you!


  • Just a little reminder that on June 8th we are celebrating in style with a Red White and Blue Day. At lunch time we will enjoy a whole school picnic outside on the field (let’s pray for a sunny day!). Jacqui, our school cook, has ordered special lunchboxes which will be filled with a picnic feast. If your child already has school lunches, you need to do nothing. However, if your child normally brings their own packed lunch, you can order a special picnic box by pressing here and completing a form. This must be paid for in advance on ParentPay at a cost of £2.35. Forms need to be completed by 8pm on Friday 13th May.

  • Sports day: Our sports day is on Wednesday 15th June at 1:30 and should last for 1 hour. Keep your eye on the coming blogs for more information.

Year 6 Weekly Blog- “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” J K Rowling

This power was most certainly evident in the Year 6 classroom this week and as Mark reminded us on Wednesday (May 4th) that it was in fact the annual Star Wars Day! So, with this in mind, we have decided that every day, we are going to say ‘may the force be with you’, to remind ourselves that we hold this power, our inner strength, to do the best that we can, and as we remind the children daily, that their best is ALWAYS good enough. This week in class, the children have most certainly given just that… they have worked incredibly hard, as Mrs Gregan has said they have done all year round.

Read more

This week....

Another fabulous week! The weather has been on and off but we are a stoic bunch and have not let it stop us from learning.

You may have noticed that we now have a composter in our garden so we cane made our own compost for the growing beds! Fingers crossed!

We have also planted a raspberry and a black current bush. We can’t wait for a bumper crop, mmmmmmm! The strawberries are doing exceedingly well. I suspect when they are ripe they may mysteriously disappear!

In our exploration of flowers and their life cycle we are conducting an experiment. We have bought some white roses and put one flower in blue food colouring and water, one in red food colouring and water, one flower in green food colouring and water, one flower in milk and one flower with no water at all. We have predicted what may happen…watch this space. Maybe you could try the experiment at home!

Key person blog

Although this has been a shorter week after our Bank Holiday, we have still managed  lots of learning.  The children have been full of enthusiasm. We began the week discussing Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ painting. We examined the sunflowers and enjoyed the sight of the beautiful bright yellow petals. The children wanted to create their own sunflowers to display in Nursery….look out for these as they will certainly brighten your day!

In our hall time on Wednesday we enjoyed ‘stirring up the porridge’,  a little walking and we also listened to a ‘floating’ song using some beautiful coloured ribbons to move to the music. We have enjoyed playing the magpie game where we use our listening skills to guess which instrument we could hear (including the best drum sticks in the world and a train whistle!!!) Ask the children if they could sing you the magpie song?

There was even time to build an extremely long train in the garden however, everyone did have to buy a ticket before you climbed aboard….…even the nursery ladies!!

We have continued exploring lucky number 7 and made as many number bonds as we could think of. We also have started a ‘number 7’ number search!

We have also made a start on decorating our T shirts for Sports Day. Thank you for sending them in so promptly. Just a friendly reminder if you haven't to please send a plain white t shirt in next week. Thank you. We are continuing to practise our Sports Day skills too.

 Have a lovely weekend.

Barbara, Michelle, Justine, Frances and Colette.


This week during worship we talked about how we are all part of God’s family. We learnt that God loves us all the same, whatever we look like and whatever our special gifts are. We explored how we are all different but can have some similarities all of which we should celebrate. We are learning a new song, Big Family of God, watch here and sing along!

 Finally, just a few reminders:

You may have noticed that we are having a Jubilee Afternoon Party in celebration of the Queen’s 70th anniversary. If you haven’t received your copy click on the button below to find out more! 

If you haven’t sent in your consent for your child to visit the beach don’t worry it’s not too late, just drop me an email.

Sports Day t shirts are coming in thick and fast ( a named plain white t-shirt). If you haven’t managed to send one in yet, next week will be fine!

At the children’s request I have sent home a science experiment for you to enjoy at home. They were all quite particular it had to involve making a rainbow, I think I managed the challenge. Let me know how it goes…pictures are always lovely to see.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and I will see you all on Monday.


Year 3 blog 5.5.22: "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou

In our PE this week we have continued to develop our teamwork skills to create an Iron Man dance. It is just wonderful to see the children working so cooperatively with each other! We have such a creative bunch, each groups dance is so unique and they come together beautifully. Well done Year 3!

The children continue to impress us with their focus and confidence during our maths work! We have continued to focus on using multiples of 10 to bridge over and back through 100. This week included lots of words problems, which did not prove to be a problem when we have such confident reasoners! They really are showing great depth, and whenever something is a challenge, we tackle these moments with great resilience! We are so proud of you all!

In RE the children have finished their diary entries as Peter. When marking their work I have been so pleased to see many of them using LOTS of their grammar skills, including one of our most recent… the ever difficult speech! Not only have they focused on these skills, they have also included many important moments in Jesus and Peter’s final days together, showing that they really know and understand the Easter story. Again, a huge well done Year 3! What a great week we have had!

Let’s celebrate:

This week our certificates have been awarded to Benjamin and Bella

Benjamin, you receive an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee certificate because you are always so enthuiastic and try hard to join in with all of the learning. You are always happy to share your thoughts and ideas and you make many valuable contributions in lessons. You are a little ray of sunshine in the classroom and you just love learning. Well done Benjamin – Keep up the good work!

Bella, you have been awarded a Concentrating Cooper Crab certificate for being such a focused worker this week. You have really tried hard to manage any distractions and to concentrate fully on all of your work. You have been super focused. Keep up the good work and keep concentrating!


  • Hopefully you all received a text to explain that unfortunately there will be no food tech this term. Year 3 are sending Mrs Curtis lots of well wishes!

Have a wonderful weekend, fingers crossed for some beautiful sunshine!

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco and Miss Russell

Year 3 Homework 5.5.22


  1. half

  2. quarter

  3. build

  4. extreme

  5. actual

  6. remember

  7. minute

  8. hour

  9. separate

  10. centre

Maths: IXL:

This week I would like you to revisit understanding arrays (K.5 and K.6) and to continue to practise adding multiples of 10.

Please complete:

K.5 Identify multiplication expressions for arrays

K.6 Write multiplication sentences for arrays

G.1 Add multiples of 10


In class we discussed words that we could use to praise Jesus. These words must include one of these suffixes: ness, less, ous or ful. See if you can create a list of a few new words that we didn’t think of in class. Could you explain the meaning of one of your words to us in class next week?

This week...

Another week of gardening and understanding how plants and flowers grow. Sing along at home, click here

We have even planted grass seeds in one of our Tuff trays so that we can grow our own lawn for the outside small world area! The problem is it isn’t growing fast enough! Patience is definitely a virtue.

Our cress seeds have grown our carrot tops are starting to sprout and the beans we put in a jam jar with cotton wool have started to sprout too. It’s all very exciting!

The children all painted their own flower this week named the parts of the flower as they painted. Take a looks at our display.

Here are our Wow words! We are always looking for new words







Key Person Blog

This week we have been spending a lot of time in Nursery garden. The children have really enjoyed exploring the garden looking for signs of new growth. We have been given a new potting shed so we decided to store our watering cans, trowels and plant pots in there (we always tidy up when we have finished!).

We have now got a designated digging area in our garden to look for worms and to plant the pips and seeds we find in our fruit. Who know in time we may have an orchard!

The children decorated the shed by painting spring flowers on it (remembering to include the stem, leaves, roots, petals and seeds of course!)

Now that we have planted the seeds, we are also remembering to water them too. We definitely need lots of sunshine (we hope it isn’t too far away!)

We have had a very active week with lots of racing, practising for sports day and lots of active fun on the soft play.

We have continued to learn about lifecycles of frogs and butterflies, and have learnt some new yoga moves, the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly.

The number 7 has been our focus this week and we have had fun watching the luckiest rainbow coloured Numberblock in the world. Click here to watch the seven song. Can the children show you how to make 7 by using their fingers? We have also been drawing flowers with 7 petals and went to the school field to pick 7 daisies!

Click here to watch the ‘Meet Number Seven’ Numberblock.

The children have been exploring words that begin with the ‘f’ sound. We looked in our sound bag and found five frogs! Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe

The children were amazed to discover that a bean stalk had started to grow when they arrived at nursery and have been using lots of words to describe the giant– gigantic, gargantuan, ginormous, massive. We wonder if there are any more we haven't thought of? Fee, fi, fo, fum, here he comes! There have been lots of giggles as the children acted out the story, next week we are going to have a go at writing our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk– watch this space!

Click here to watch Jack and the Beanstalk

We have very musical children here at nursery and this week they performed a concert in the garden, with lots of bands and songs.

Have a lovely weekend, don’t forget to plant your sunflower seeds and bean!

Barbara, Michelle, Justine, Frances and Colette.


This week we have continued thinking about how we can be kind like Jesus. The children thought very hard and made some excellent suggestions of how we can be more like Jesus, such as being kind, saying sorry and thank you, asking our friends if they want to play and being helpful at home.

We have also been learning about the Bible and listened to a story from the first book of the Bible, Genesis about how God created the world and everything in it. The children were amazed to discover that God did all this in just six days!

A fabulous week at nursery! I have just a few gentle reminders. As I wrote on the Newsletter we are wanting to start taking small groups of children to the beach to explore but I do need written consent from you. Just drop and email to b.draper@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Also, Sports Day is looming and we need to start designing our t-shirts. If you haven’t already done so could you please send in a. s. a. p a plain (named) white t shirt. We are hoping to start them next week.

Keep checking Purple Mash for activities for home and also for learning sheets sent home in your child’s bag.

Finally, we are hopeful that the good weather will continue over the bank holiday weekend so fire up the BBQ and have a relax!

See you all on Tuesday
