This week...

It has been a week full of spotting patterns in the environment. We have seen patterns everywhere and even made our own!

We played a ‘Shape pattern’ game too! Click here to play at home.

The children have been watching and waiting for our butterfies to emerge…not yet Im afraid. We will keep watching, it can’t be much longer.

If you click on the button below you will be able to join in our rhyme about the life cycle of a butterfly. I bet the children can tell you all about it.

Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

We have continued being fascinated by sunflowers this week! We have put our paintings up on the wall in the nursery and have created even more sunflowers this week using coloured tissue paper. We worked hard to choose the correct colours and put them in the right place to make sure our sunflower was soooo beautiful. 

We have also carried on taking care of the sunflowers we have brought in from home. We have 2 beautiful big yellow flowers and there’s are others that look like they may flower soon too! Maybe over the weekend they will.

We all still love dressing up - getting out the box of different materials gave us lots of opportunity to be creative. We were superheroes, wizards and sports people! We had so much fun doing this in the sunshine in the garden. 

We have enjoyed a big hunt this week. We love going around the garden with the clipboards finding out. We feel like real explorers, especially when we use the explorer backpacks with binoculars and magnifying glasses! We drew pictures of what we found, and also of our favourite bugs. Here is the template we used, why not have a go at home: Click here

We have continued practising counting and ordering numbers to 10 this week. We are going to know so much when we go into Reception! Here is a game to practise at home: Click here

Hopefully the sunshine will continue over the weekend! 

See you next week.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

This week has been  all about squirmy worms. We found out that worms don’t have any eyes, or ears or even a nose! But they are really important in our gardens. Nothing will grow without worms. So, we went on a worm hunt, trying to dig them up. I’m sad to say, that we didn’t find any worms, we think we may have scared them all away. This didn’t stop us from making our own worms from pipe cleaners and singing our favourite song about worms, ‘There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden’. I think some even managed to wriggle their way into our bags this week, you may have found them at home. You can use them to sing along with Mr Tumble, click here

We have been in a musical mood this week so we had our own marching band in the garden, singing our favourite nursery rhymes which may have involved bananas and pyjamas. If you don’t know this one then I’m sure your child will sing it for you. It starts ‘Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, eating a bunch of bananas….’

We have been practising some new skills this week, as we used the ribbons to thread and make patterns in the garden. They look so pretty blowing in the wind, but it was really tricky to thread them through the frames. Threading is an important skill to learn as it helps us as we learn to hold a pencil and form letters when we start to write. Here is another really good activity for developing fine motor skills, click here

We also had a tricky challenge of moving the ball just using our legs and feet on the wobble board. This is really tricky and took lots of concentration. But we got there in the end. Try, try, try, just like Sadie Spider.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Emma’s blog


We have had an exciting week, full of fun!

Firstly, the caterpillars are now in their cocoons, which the children have been very excited about. We have even made our own cocoons by wrapping ribbons and string around a cocoon shaped piece of card, and then hanging them from the ceiling. We have also been looking at some real, now empty cocoons and talked about what patterns, shapes and colours we could see on them. We wrapped two of our children up just like a cocoon using toilet roll (clean of course!!) which they all found so funny, but it showed the children what the caterpillars did to build their cocoon, and how they then emerge when they are a butterfly. It was funny for everyone to watch. I wonder what will happen in the coming week with our cocoons, mmmmm?

The children have been exploring patterns this week using shapes and colours and to keep with our mini beasts theme, we made a large spider and gave it two colour pattern legs using blocks.

Our snails had a great week in our snail hotel, but we decided to put them back in the garden. The children said their goodbyes and watched them slide off into the bushes. The next day, the children went out to see if they could see them in the area where we released them but sadly they had disappeared (I can’t blame them!) . One of the children did though spot a snail trail going into the reception class garden. We did follow the trail to see if we could find our snails but only found one more trail, and definitely no snails. If you live close to nursery, please keep a look out and say hello to our snails (numbered 1 - 6!).

Have a wonderful weekend


Here is a fun pattern game to do over the weekend. Click here and have fun!

…and a few extras form Justine!


As we are quickly approaching the end of the year, could I please ask you to return any library sacks that you may still have at home. We will have to collate, prepare and wash everything ready for Sepetmber! A huge task I fear! Thank you so much.

Leavers party

Watch out next week for more info on this years Leavers Party!!

I think that’s all for this week, but I do always manage to forget something!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Lytham Festival if you are going!

God Bless


The Hungry Caterpillars!

It’s been such an eventful week, everyone is exhausted. We kick started Health and Happiness fortnight with Sports’ Day quickly followed by the Gym Jam Jog on Wednesday. That was such an early and energetic start for the children they were tired by lunch time! Make sure you check out the school webpage for more pictures of these events.

A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has already sent in their sponsor money. If you haven’t managed to do that yet don’t worry, next week will be fine. I think Mrs Nel wants to count up the grand total!

Our caterpillars have grown over the weekend, I think that they had double in size!! They truly are very ‘Hungry Caterpillars’ . By Thursday we noticed that the pupa are now inside their chrysalis! It’s a waiting game now!

Emma’s Blog

Hello, what a wonderful week we have had! The children were fantastic in their Sports’ Day.  They have worked so hard in their teams and have had so much fun doing it.

We have had some new friends in our classroom this week, we would like to welcome 5 young caterpillars and 6 snails. The children are doing a fantastic job looking after them and making sure they are safe. We are going to watch and learn how the caterpillars change though the different stages whilst transforming in to a butterfly. We have learnt what this process is called ‘metamorphosis’. Wow, what a great word.

The children have been drawing their versions of the life cycle as well as the home link activity that we have sent home this week. I hope you all had fun doing it. At this stage, the caterpillars are munching their food and growing bigger every day, it's so exciting to watch.

The children have been practising their numbers this week by creating a caterpillar using their fingertips dipped in paint and making dots to the number from random number cards. They looked brilliant!

The snails are really enjoying their 'hotel' at nursery.  The children have been exploring the snails by letting them move around their hands, which they have loved.  The children have given the snails names, such as George and Coco, and they have numbered them too!. The children and nursery ladies took the snails outside to have a race. We were all cheering (even if most of the snails did go the wrong way!) And they found it so funny and tried to help them along their way. Coco, number 3 was the winner as it made it to the finish line. The children love having the snails.

We continue to be busy. The children have been looking at ‘symmetry’ and what it means.  We drew a butterfly on the Touch TV and the children had to create marks and patterns on the wings. We had to remember to do the same pattern on each side to make it symmetrical.  We also drew a butterfly on the tuff tray and added objects to make a design in a symmetrical shape on both wings. The children have had so much fun doing this.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I can’t wait to see the change in our caterpillars when we are back next week.


Here is a link to a symmetrical game to play at home.

Michelle’s blog

What a brilliant week we have had.

Thank you if you were able to come to Sports Day on Monday, we all worked so hard at our Fundamental Movement Skills but those hurdles were so tricky!

We have continued with our Minibeast explorations and on Wednesday we went on a bug hunt to the Environmental Garden. The weather was so lovely that we had our snack alfresco.

On Thursday we had great fun as we did Yoga outside, based on the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We had to curl up like a tiny egg, crawl like a caterpillar, be still like a cocoon and then flutter like a butterfly.

We have also been practising our ‘duck fingers’  by using pencils to decorate butterflies. Symmetrically, of course, its our new favourite word!

Next week we hope to make rock bugs, so if you have any spare rocks or pebbles in your garden, then feel free to send them in.

Till next week, have a lovely weekend


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone

What another glorious week in the sunshine! We have spent so much time in the garden – the children are good at seeking out the shade when needed! We love playing under the trees at the end of the garden. We also like cooling down with the water, we are so good now at pulling the water into the syringes! This will help the muscles in our hands develop to help our writing ready for Reception.

Another way we have been developing these muscles is practising with the scissors. We cut out pictures of mini beasts and worked hard to arrange them in size order. Some of us chose to start with the small one and some with big. We were so proud once we were finished.

We also enjoyed developing our gross (big) motor skills this week by moving like mini beasts. We had to crawl like a worm, fly like a bee and flap like a butterfly! Here they are if you’d like to have a go at home. Click here

We have been to the school field this week too – for a mini beast hunt, Gym Jam Jog and Sports’ Day! We have had so much fun! We love seeing the older children and our brothers and sisters, but especially being part of the whole school community, including YOU!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and as always a few extra from Justine!

I think you will agree it’s been a full on week! If you think you will have any time this weekend here are couple of activities for everyone! Don’t forget there’s Purple Mash too!

Click here to listen to the story ‘Mad about Minibeasts’

or, why not go on a butterfly spotting expedition! Click on the button below.

The weather looks a bit unpredictable this weekend but I hope in-between showers you will have some lovely family time. Don’t forget it’s Lytham Club Day on Saturday. I will keep a look out for you.

Keep safe and God Bless


The sun has got his hat on.....

A huge welcome back to the last half term of the year. It is hard to believe that we have been together for a whole year already.

Wow, what a glorious (and hot) week. Although the sun certainly has been shining we have found it too hot at times and decided to stay indoors. The children are very sensible and hunted out the shaded spots in the garden. Luckily we have a lovely canopy of trees!

Barbara and Emma’s blog

Hello and welcome back. I hope you all had a fabulous half term enjoying the sunshine.

 We have been busy this week working our brains and bodies. We have been practicing our sports’ day games, getting ready for next Monday. We have been throwing under and over arm, catching, jumping over mini hurdles and running. We saved the best until last, an obstacle course. We have definitely been working our bodies and have had lots of fun doing it!

 As it is a new term, we are starting to explore ‘mini beasts’ (as per the children's request). The children got their explorers backpacks on packed with all their investigating equipment inside. They had cameras, binoculars, notepads, pens and magnifying glasses. We went outside hunting for bugs under rocks, stones and plants and we found all sorts of mini beasts; slugs, woodlice, a green spider, and a family of snails! We talked about how many legs they had, where they lived, how many eyes and what they ate. We even learnt a new ‘wow’ word - arachnids! We found out that arachnids have eight legs and insects have six legs. The children loved being little bug investigators.


The children have enjoyed playing a ladybird game on the touch tv, counting spots and helping with their counting and number recognition. The link below is for the game should any of you wish to play it at home. Click here to play at home.

 We are really excited to welcome back some of our sunflowers. We were surprised to see how much they had grown! Well done everyone! The children have enjoyed digging large holes ready to plant their flowers.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I am looking forward to finding more bugs with our intrepid bug investigators next week.


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful half term break. We have started our final half term this year with a bang, we can’t believe we only have a few weeks left before the end of the year. This week we have carried on with learning about the sun, and how to keep safe in the sun.

Here is  a song about putting on suncream. Click here.

We then watched a story about the wind and the sun, and how they argued about who was stronger. We predicted who we thought would win the competition. Click here to watch

We have had lots of practice for Sport’s Day this week. We are so excited to take part on Monday afternoon.

This week has been so hot but we have found lots of ways to cool down, our favourite was the foot spa in the garden.

We have begun our new topic of minibeasts this week and we were very excited when one of our friends brought in their butterflies that have just hatched. We are looking forward to hatching our own butterflies.

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a lovely week in the sunshine! We have spent so much time playing with the water in the garden and keeping cool under the big trees at the end. We especially love using the syringes and shooting the water in the air to cool us all down.

We have enjoyed telling our friends and the nursery ladies what we got up to in the holidays. It was lovely to hear about all your adventures and we are so good now at waiting for our turn to speak as we go around the circle. We are definitely getting ready for Reception!

We have started our mini beast topic this week and started with a quiz. The children enjoyed seeing if they could guess the mini beast after one clue, but sometimes we needed two or all three clues! Here is the quiz if you like to have a go at home: Click here

We have been ordering numbers this week to complete our mini beast puzzles. If we get them in the right order then the mini beast picture will appear! We also tried this game ordering numbers on the caterpillar: . We chose sequencing and numbers 1-10. Let me know how you get on!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


…..and just a few from Justine!


Living in the wider world

Living in the Wider World helps the children to extend their understanding of the communities we discussed last term and about the responsibilities we all have to people, places and the planet now and increasingly as we get older.

The children will begin to explore the working world of jobs, focusing on their current strengths and aspirations. Money is also introduced, with both underpinned by the religious understanding that our true value comes from God.

Click here to visit the parent portal.

Sports’ Day

Don’t forget that Foundation Sports’ Day is on Monday afternoon (weather permitting). Everyone is welcome!

If it is not your child’s usual session please ensure they are in nursery no later than 1.00 pm (and if you could collect them promptly when it has finished that would be great). Children are to wear shorts, t shirts, suncream and trainers. We have the children's bespoke sports’ day t-shirts here at nursery, we will change them when they arrive.



Well done and a big thank you for nurturing the sunflower seeds we sent home last term. The children have planted them in the garden and have been watering them daily.

Lastly, have a wonderful weekend, let’s hope the sunshine continues. We will see you all on Monday.

God Bless


This week....

Summer has definitely arrived and what great fun we have had! it’s been an outdoorsy (I’m not sure that’s a real word) week. We have planned our learning to take place in the garden and on the field.

The children have had so much fun and managed to get wet and mucky! Great fun!!

Barbara (and Emma’s blog)

We started the week with Marvellous Monday, and how marvellous we were! We tried to remember all the shapes that we had learnt earlier in the years and all their properties. We watched and listened to the Shape Soong to refresh our brains. Click here to listen at home. We all then went to find a shape to describe to the group, and we were FANTASTIC! We then played ‘guess the shape’. Click here to play at home. There is also our old favourite ‘shape monster’ Click here. Enjoy!

We went to the field this week for PE. We decided to take along the parachute. We shook it, hid underneath it, played teddy bounce and another popular game ‘cat and mouse’. we all laughed so much.

We have continued our exploration of the number 10, by counting things we could find in the garden into an egg box.

Thursday was such a warm day some of our friends played with the BIG water play outside nearly all afternoon. Goodness, did they get wet! We made chutes, squirters and best of all a huge puddle in a tuff tray to stamp and splash in!

The children have been den building and making obstacle courses with the soft shape. Take a look!

and just a few extra's….actually quite a lot!

What a busy week! We all need a rest now!

Have a lovely half term and stay safe.

Barbara and Emma

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

This week we have enjoyed the sunshine with lots of outdoor play and a picnic outside. The sunny weather has inspired our artwork this week. We made some pictures using hot and fiery colours of red, yellow and orange. We explored colour mixing with the powder paints and spoke about sun  safety, and how too much sun  can be dangerous. The children said ‘The sun is hot. That’s why we have to put our sunhats on.  ‘The sun gives you sunburn’ ‘I like to feel hot on my back’ We watched a video about colour mixing, click here to watch at home.

We also had lots of fun on the field with the parachute, trying to bounce teddy as high as he could go.

Don’t forget we break up this Friday for 2 weeks. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday

Steph’s blog

Hello everyone.

What another busy week! We have loved playing in the garden with the bubbles and the big water trays and ramps. We even spotted some rainbows in the water spray - we really enjoy using the syringes and spraying the water everywhere!

When we discussed what we wanted to learn at the beginning of the term one of the friends in our group asked if we could learn how to draw a robot! So this week that is what we did! We followed the instructions and could recognise lots of different shapes from our carpet time with Barbara this week! Here is the instructions we used if you’d like to have a go at home (make it as easy or tricky as you like!) Click here.  

We have been creative designing our sports day T-shirts - they look great! We can’t wait to show them off on sports day. If you haven’t already please could you bring in a plain white tshirt for your child to decorate - thank you! 

We have also been practising writing our names this week - we have worked so hard and we are getting so good at writing all the sounds! Have a go at home! Here is a reminder of how to say the sounds the way we teach them at school: click here.

The children have also enjoyed testing each other! They asked if they could use my sound cards and pretended to be nursery ladies holding up the cards and seeing if their friends knew the sound! They were also helpful if their friend wasn’t sure, it was lovely to see!

Hope you all have a lovely half term break! Get some rest and have lots of fun!


Purple Mash

Please check out Purple Mash. I have set lots of activities for over the half term holidays (for a rainy day). If it’s warm and sunny you must enjoy it!

Here’s a few activities if you fancy a outdoor challenge.

Sports day

Our Foundation Sports’ Day is being held on Monday 19th June at 1.30 pm. If you wish you child to attend please be at nursery no later that 1.15 pm. It should last about one hour. If you are unable to attend can you please let us know.

Plans for after half term

It’s hard to believe that these will be the last plans of the year! Tempus fugit!

It just remains for me to say….have a FABULOUS half term holiday!

God Bless


This week....

What a glorious week of sunshine. We have been in the garden all week!

Take a look at what we have been up to!

Barbara’s (and Emma’s) blog

A fun week! We started with messy Monday, yay! We love messy Monday. The children made dough. We tipped the flour on a big tuff tray and then added water…….it got very sticky! It squiged between our fingers and stuck our hand together. We loved it! After what seemed ages the mixture began to look more like dough. We made birthday cakes and put lots of candles in them.

We have been practising writing our names using the Read Write Inc. cards. The children are beginning to say the rhyme as they write their sounds. Click on the button below to have a go at home.

The children have started to design their t-shirts for Sports’ Day, they are looking fab! Don’t worry if you haven’t sent yours in yet, there’s still time!

We have loved playing with the outdoor water play, we have been squirting everything! We have made water chutes, played with the big water wheel and huge teapots!! We got so wet the nursery garden was like a launderette…cloths hanging everywhere!

We also played bobbin rolling! We raced them to see who’s bobbin went the furthest.

On Wednesday the children wanted to find out more about spiders. We watched a power point all about different kinds of spiders. Click on the button to watch at home.

We then made a huge spider web in the garden!

Phew, we have been busy!!!

Have a rest this weekend everyone.


Michelle’s blog

We have had such a busy week this week, lots of brain growing and learning in nursery. We have worked very hard working on number problems with the dice, recognising the pattern of dots. We have also worked very hard at developing our vocabulary. Click here for some ideas for developing communication skills

We were very excited to have a tour of the school as everyone went to mass. We very respectfully looked around each classroom and were amazed at all the brain growing that the big children do. We were very lucky as Mrs Nel said we could sit at the desk s in Year 6. They were so big!

We have also been very busy decorating our T shirts for Sports day. If you haven’t yet sent in your tshirt, then please send in a plain white t shirt as soon as possible.

Thank you

Have a lovely weekend everyone


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

This week we continued our coloured flower experiment and tried it with celery instead. Here is the video we watched first: Click here to watch.  

We then looked at the bottom of the cut piece of celery to see all the ‘tubes’ that the water could travel up. We were fascinated to see that the leaves on the piece in the blue water had changed colour before we had even gone home at the end of the day! It was much quicker than the flowers last week. We didn’t see much change with the red water, just like the white flower experiment. 

We have continued practising our sounds this week - we know so many now! We are now hearing more sounds in words and beginning to recognise them in the books we are reading - we are amazing! We are also having a go at writing them! See if your child can show you at home. Maybe you could use paintbrushes and water in the garden or in the bath!

We have carried on looking after our garden and watering the plants! We can’t wait to see everyone’s sunflower seed planting! Here is a little game to play at home where you can plant the seeds and watch them grow: Click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.


A look around school!

On Thursday all the children went to Ascension Mass. We thought we would have a trip around school and look at all the other children’s classes!

I think you will agree, we have all done lots of brain growing this week. Have a lovely weekend (and rest), there will be lots more learning next week!

God Bless


This week.....

First of all can I say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to go on Purple Mash and complete the Coronation activities…well done!

I hope you enjoyed the Coronation as much as we did. The children have been singing the National Anthem and shouting God Save the King all week! They even were making special celebration cakes in the playdough.

This week we would like to say ‘hello’ and ‘welcome’ to Emma our new nursery lady. Please take two minutes to introduce yourself.

I have even more good news to share with you all. Our lovely Steph is expecting a baby in the Autumn Term. I’m sure you will congratulate her when you see her.

Barbara’s blog

Another short week this week, time appears to be racing ahead of us. Each morning this week we have spent playing and learning alongside Mrs Hartley, Mrs Summersall, Mrs Krol, Mrs Davis and all the Reception children. The children have had great fun on the field prctising their fundamental movement skills. Click here to find our more and how to help at home!

We even set up an outdoor classroom on the field!

We continue to practice our sounds and number skills. I must say we are getting rather good!

Here’s a number game to play at home! Click here.

Here’s a sky writing game Click here

Click here to sing along to Teach your Monster phonics songs

On Wednesday we did our flower colour changing experiment.


  1. To start you we trimmed down the stems of the flower so that they fit our cups cups

  2. We added water to each cup.

  3. Then put about 10-15 drops of food colouring in the water and stirred it around a bit.

  4. We put one white flower to each glass of coloured water.

  5. We checked the flowers every couple of hours and observe any changes.

What do you think happened?

Michelle’s blog

This week has been a bit of a different week as we have spent some time each morning with Reception on the field. We practised our throwing and also built very big obstacle courses.

It was lots of fun playing with reception and impressing the reception teacher with our super learning.

We continue to work really hard at writing our names, we have remembered to use our duck fingers, we can tell you have been practising at home.

We are so excited that our plants and flowers are growing in our garden. If you have any sunflowers that you have planted from the seeds we sent home, then send them in. We would love to see them and to measure how much they have grown. Here are some easy plants that you can grow at home. Click here

We have looked at the parts of a plant and we were very excited to find some roots growing in the sand pit.

Also in the garden, we discovered some baby spiders had hatched. We tried to count all the spiderlings and we thought there might be 500. We have been watching them in their web and wondered how big they might get. Why don’t you look for spiders and mini beasts in your garden, send us a photo or a video if you find any.

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

What a lovely week we have had! We have spent lots of time outside enjoying the field and the climbing apparatus on the big playground. We loved seeing how high we could climb – it was great fun!

We have spoken a lot this term about plants and flowers growing so we decided to measure ourselves! We enjoyed seeing who was the tallest, and we’ll keep checking back to see if we have grown like our plants!

We loved sitting on the stage outside and drawing with big pieces of paper. The lines in the wood meant we made different marks on the paper and we could also practise our ‘duck fingers’ to help us with our writing.

We worked on patterns this week. We carried on the theme of the coronation and had pictures of King Charles and Queen Camilla to put in order. The children were great at continuing the pattern of Charles, Camilla, Charles, Camilla. Some of us could even continue the pattern when a third picture of a crown was added. This was a bit tricky! Here is a game to try at home - Click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!



Loving God, loving others.

This week we learned that we are made to love others just like God love us. We talked about considering our wider communities. Through the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with just the humble offering of a small boy, the children learnt that our loving actions can be used by God to do incredible things.

Click here to visit the parents online portal.

Even though we have only been here 4 days this week we have packed in lots of learning and fun!

This weekend may be a bit of an anti climax after last weekend so here are a few activities to keep tou busy!

Enjoy and we will see you on Monday!

God Bless


Coronation Special

A very Royal week. We have been learning about King Charles and Queen Camilla’s Coronation! Click here to listen to the Coronation Song the whole school have been learning.

We started the week by studying the Union Flag. We noted the colours and talked about all the Saints crosses that make up the design. We listened to the National Anthem and tried to learn the words. Click here.

Over the past few weeks we have been drawing pictures of the King and Queen, take a look!

On Tuesday we decided that we should send copies of our drawings to King Charles. We wrote a letter and popped it in an envelope with along with our pictures. We then walked all the way to the postbox and the bottom of Kenilworth Road. Oooooh, we are hopeful that he will write back! Fingers crossed!

In keeping with all things Coronation, we made red, white and blue ice cream on Wednesday….in a bag!!!!!!

We ate it at snack time and it was delicious!

Click here to try at home….good luck!

Throughout the week we have been making crowns. Quite splendid, don’t you think?

We have also been making red white and blue collage silhouettes of Kings Charles’ head! Again quite marvellous!

On Friday we joined the school to have a Coronation Picnic. We wore our crowns and had a great time with our paired class.

Here’s a royal story to listen to if the weather is a bit wet!

Click here for the King and his wish

Don’t forget…

  • to take a look at Purple Mash…I have set lots of Coronation activities to do (if you have time!)

  • we sent home a Coronation colouring sheet and a dot to dot of the golden carriage for you to do at home.

  • if you haven’t sent in a white t-shirt for your child to design in readiness for Sports’ Day don’t worry it’s not too late, next week will be fine. We are hoping to start them next week. (A named plain white t- shirt please).

Have to most wonderful Coronation weekend, hopefully the weather will stay fine. We will see you all on Tuesday. If you have lots planned we would love for you to share them with us…

Take care and God Bless


This week......

What a week…so hectic! So little time and so much to learn and find out about!

Barbara’s blog!

Another fabulous week of learning.

We started the week with a visit from Dee the Dentist. We all learnt how to brush our teeth and which foods our teeth like and which foods they don’t like. We then thought it would be a good idea to make a dentist’s surgery. What great fun.

In our quest to explore flowers, trees and plants I brought in three stages of a dandelion. We watch two slow release videos

  1. How the dandelions grow, decay and seed. Click here to watch

  2. How the seeds disperse Click here or here One of the children said that they look like parachutes. Good thinking.

We then went to the school playing field to search for dandelions in three stages. When we got back to nursery we blew all the dandelion seeds. There were hundreds…sorry if they end up in your garden.

On Tuesday we investigated Cherry blossom. I picked some from my garden. The petals were so lovely and they floated everywhere. We use the magnifying glasses to look closely.

We have also planted some carrot tops and peas in jars….phew we have been busy.

We read Scarlette Beane this week, it is such a lovely story, click here to watch and listen.

The weather was so lovely on Thursday we got the bubble making equipment out in the garden as well as the shaving foam. Great fun…we made some huge BUBBLES!

Please remember to check out Purple Mash I have put lots of activities for the Kings Coronation for you to do! Enjoy!

Next week we will be doing all things ‘Coronation’ so watch this space. We may even write to the King and Queen.

Have a great weekend everyone


Michelle’s blog

We have had a lovely week and thankfully the weather has been very kind to us., with lots of glorious sunshine. This has meant we have been able to do lots of planting and investigating in the garden and we even had a picnic outside too. We have been exploring the  parts of a plant and investigating the life cycles of plants, learning some new words like germinate and pollinate. Here is a quiz about the different parts of a plant for you to try at home. Click here.

We are getting really good at recognising our names, the name tags on our bags really help. It would be fantastic if all children had a school book bag. It will make the transition to reception so much easier. We have also had lots of practice at writing our names and we are recognising the letter sounds in our names, not just the initial sounds.

Hope you all have a good weekend and we will see you next week.


 Steph’s blog

What a great week! We have carried on learning about rainbows and started the week conducting the rainbow skittles experiment! We worked together to arrange the skittles in order of the colours of the rainbow on a plate and watched to see what would happen when we added warm water. It was so colourful! Here is a link if you would like to try it at home. Click here.

We also experimented with prisms - we tried with torches inside which proved a bit tricky so we waited for some sunshine and tried it outside. We held the prisms in front of the sun and we’re amazed to see the colours of the rainbow on our legs, arms and on the white material on the floor! We enjoyed watching this that helped us to understand what happened, and explain how rainbows are formed: Click here.

We have continued to learn about growing this week, focusing on dandelions. We made trips to the school field to look for dandelions in all the different stages - we particularly enjoyed blowing the white seeds around! We can’t wait to see how all our sunflower seeds have grown at home!

We were also lucky enough to have a go on the climbing equipment in the big playground this week. The children loved it and said it was just like going to the park! I’m sure we’ll spend lots more time there now the weather is getting nicer. 

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week for lots of Coronation fun!


…and a few from Justine as always.

A note from Dee the Dentist

Dee recommended Brush DJ timer to help time how long the children should be brushing their teeth.

What is Brush DJ?

Brush DJ is an award-winning, free toothbrush timer app that plays 2 minutes of music taken from the user’s device to encourage brushing for an effective length of time. The app also allows users to set reminders to brush twice a day, floss, use a mouthrinse and when next to see their dentist, hygienist, therapist or orthodontist. Evidence-based age specific information is given as per the Public Health England toolkit ‘Delivering Better Oral Health’.

Click here to access and download the app

Don’t forget nursery is closed for Bank Holiday on Monday, but we will see everyone on Tuesday. Have the most splendid weekend and take care.

God Bless


This week Harold came to visit nursery

Welcome back! I hope everyone managed a rest this Easter, we’re going to need all the energy we can muster!

It has been a busy start to the term with lots of new learning and challenges. The children are raring to go. Take a look at our planning by clicking on the button below

I don’t know how we are going to get everything done!

Barbara’ blog

It was so lovely to see everyone’s smiley faces this week. I had missed you all! We started the week with a discussion about how plants grow, what do they need? We then decided to plant some beans. First we made a cosy bed for the seed to live in, covered it up with soil, gave it a drink and then put it in the sunshine. We are all now waiting for the seed to germinate! We watch a slow release video of how a beanstalk grows, click here to watch.

We then though of all the stories we could think of about growing. We stared of course with Javk and the beanstalk. Click here to watch.

The children are amazed at how the grass seeds and meadow seeds we planted before Easter have grown…they have geminated and we now have grass (a lawn) and flower shoots.

The children have been longing for an ice cream parlour, so this week we have made one. Take a look!

We have been focusing on number by making lots of number bonds to 10…it’s really tricky!

The children have also been practising ALL their sounds including ‘special friends’, we just keep getting better and better.

On Thursday and Friday the LIfe Education Bus (minus the bus) came to nursery to talk about how to look after ourselves…Harold the Giraffe came along too.

Ass you can see we have been really really busy! Here’s a few extra photos!

Have a great weekend


Planting potatoes

Before Easter we plated some potatoes…..they have not grown yet, but we are hopeful!

The Life Bus came to visit

The children really enjoy the Life Education sessions. We talked things through with Harold the Giraffe and watched video clips to engage with new learning such as discussing how we can stay healthy. Take a look at the photos.


This week we introduced a very simple way the concept of the Trinity, where God is three-in-one and each part loves the others and loves us. The children understood that we are made in the image of God, we are designed to love God and love one another in our wider communities too... that our loving actions can be used by God to do incredible things. Click on the button to watch the slides, maybe you could have a discussion at home.

Steph’s blog

What a lovely first week back after the holidays! We’ve loved seeing some sunshine towards the end of the week.

We sat as a key group at the start of the week and spoke about what we would like to learn about this term. We are going to look at growing, rainbows and weather. Some of us are interested in more water play, and one of us even wants to learn how to draw a robot!

We experimented with the water and making ripples. We worked hard to work the syringes and use different containers to see the impact on the water. Maybe next week we could make the water different colours.

We have had fun this week making rainbow sensory bottles. We all chose our favourite colours and added colour to water with glitter and oil. As we moved the bottle around something happened to the water and oil - they didn’t mix! Ask your child if they can remember whether the water or oil was the heaviest! Here is a simple activity you can try at home: Click here.

We’ve also been busy planting beans and peas in the garden - we can’t wait to see if they grow! 

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week. 


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a good rest over Easter. Hopefully, by now, everyone should have found out which school they will be going to in September, and hopefully everyone has got their first choice.

This week we have started the term with a bang and have started our growing topic by planting beans and peas. We are hoping our beanstalks grow and wonder if we will see any giants.

The children have discussed what else they would like to learn this term, lots of suggestions include a pretend shop, going to a real shop, a picnic and finding out if we can grow pasta. Looks like we are going to be really busy!

We have had lots of fun practising our throwing and catching, ready for Sports Day later in the year. We have all been improving like Lizzie Ladybird.

Independence will be a big focus over the coming weeks as our older children prepare for the transition to school. Here is some info on this important time. Click here.

We have already become very skilled at putting our shoes and socks on, as well as putting on our coats. We are now practising doing up our zips and recognising our names on our trays and book bags. This week we have decorated name tags that we will attach to our book bags to help us recognise our names.

Our number work continues as we concentrate on number bonds and growing our brains by working out how we can make number bonds up to 10. We are learning that there are different ways to make the same number., so 6 can be 6 and 0, or 5 and 1, or 4 and 2, or 3 and 3. But its still 6!

Hope you all have a good weekend


Sports Day t-shirts

As in previous years the children will be designing their own bespoke t shirt to wear on sports day. Could you please bring in asap a named plain white t shirt so that we can get going! Thank you.

Phew, what a busy week! We will be continuing with our exploration of ‘growing’ and parts of flowers of plants and flowers next week but we will also be writing to Prince Charles and Queen Camilla to say congratulation on his Coronation. We will be sending him some lovely portraits of both him and Camilla!

Have a fantastic weekend, fire up the BBQ and have some fun. See you on Monday!

God bless


Holy Week in school

Barbara’s blog

It’s been a time of thoughtful reflection this week as we have been to all of the school Holy Week assemblies. The children sat so beautifully and calm and when we returned to nursery they were able to tell in great detail each segment of the Easter Story. I am so proud of them.

They rest of the week has been dedicated to Easter activities and having fun! We made Easter biscuits (yum, yum, yum< went on an Easter egg hunt, played pin the tail on the bunny, and guessed what Easter themed object was in the ‘magic box’ this week.

The glorious weather has meant we have spent even more time in the garden. We have planted potatoes, peas and beans, and our grass has germinated and started to grow…we will have a lawn soon!

Michelle’s blog

This week has been all about Easter. We wee very lucky to be invited into assembly each morning to see the school perform the story of Easter. We thought they were all so good and we were so pleased that we knew the story and could follow what was going on.

We have been busy with our Easter crafts, making bunnies and chicks and we had so much fun trying to pin the tail on the Easter Bunny.

Outside we had to listen very carefully to the clues as we had an Easter Egg Hunt.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and we will see you after the holidays


Steph’s blog

This week I have been so impressed with the children’s memory - I printed pictures from the Easter story and they were able to help me stick them in our floor book in the correct order. Their memories are amazing!

The children have also worked hard to order numbers 1-10 using numbers on Easter eggs. The eggs were cut in half and had spots on the bottom. The children were great at matching the numbers with the correct quantity. 

I hope you all have a lovely, restful Easter break with your families. I look forward to hearing all about it when we come back. 


You will notice that I have sent home an Easter activity book, full of little tasks to do at home (in case of a rainy day). Also, you will find some sunflower seeds in a small brown envelope. They are for you to plant together at home and nurture in readiness to plant in the nursery garden in June. Good luck!

It has been such a lovely term. The children’s learning knows no bounds and we are all so very proud of all their achievements, but we couldn’t do it without your continued support; it makes nursery such a wonderful learning community. Thank you very very much.

Have the most glorious Easter, hopefully with lots of chocolate! Stay safe.

God Bless


This week....

Another busy week.

The children were looking a bit tired by Tuesday this week! In addition to their key person learning they have planted a meadow in the big tractor tyres and flower beds. One of the plants was called a fried egg plant, we all thought that was funny. We are hoping for fired eggs to grow now!

Read Write Inc.

We have now introduced all the the sounds in Set 1. We are soooo proud. We are noticing and hearing sounds EVERYWHERE! After the Easter holidays we will be ractisng writing them all, we love a challenge.

Don’t forget to say the rhyme that goes with each sound. Click on the button below to find out what to say!

Barbara’s blog

All things gingerbread this week. We kicked of the week by going on a Gingerbread Man number hunt in the garden. We had to listen to the clues and they would tell us where to find th numbers. Some gingerbread men were on the roof, in the bush and sand…even in Receptions’s garden, cheeky!

We then came into nursery and made a number line to 20!!!!! Woweeeee!

We all then made, guess what…gingerbread men. Yummy! Jacquie in the kitchen cooked them for us and then we ate them all up! Mmmmm they tasted so good, we thought it would be a good idea to make some more later in the week.

Storytime was, yes you’ve guessed ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Later in the week we decorated a picture of gingerbread men. We had to decide how many buttons and if he was angry, sad, funny or scared. I will be sending home some Gingerbread Men themed activities if you fancy having a go!

We have been trying really hard this week to use ‘duck fingers when we draw and write. We started be playing “duck talk” finger play with the thumb and pointing finger. We then put the pencil in the duck's mouth. Quaaaack, have a go at home.

Here’s a quick video to explain the tripod grip. Click here.

Click here to watch a video all about the Gingerbread Man.

Haven’t we had a busy week at nursery! Make sure you have a good rest this weekend!

God Bless


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another really busy week, growing our brains. We have been looking at all things related to transport. We started the week talking about how we get to nursery and we discovered that 9 of us travel by car and 7 of us walk. 3 travel by taxi and 1 by bus. We then made our own bus and train in the garden, with our own tickets to our favourite destinations. We went to the zoo and the beach!

We had lots of messy fun as we painted and made tracks using lots of different sorts of vehicles. We have also had races using reels and balls down the drain pipes.

We have had lots of interesting things in for Show and Tell, remember the item has to fit in your child’s drawer. Some children shared some photos on the big screen of the things they had got up to at home. If you would like to do this, then just email them either to nursery or your child’s key-person. The children really enjoy sharing their special moments with their friends.

We have also had a very musical week, singing and playing the musical instruments. We had a challenge of making some more shakers so we asked the lovely ladies in the kitchen for some rice and pasta so we could make our new shakers. They work brilliantly!

You wouldn’t believe how well we are getting at putting on our own coats and doing up the zips. I can tell the children have been practising at home.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What a colourful week we have had. We have enjoyed painting rainbows – I gave the children red, blue, yellow and white and they had to work out how to make all 7 colours of the rainbow. What a challenge! We had great fun mixing the colours to make new ones. I’m going to put the pictures up in the classroom – the children were all proud of what they had painted.

We also made wands out of different coloured ribbons and sticks. We practised our fine motor skills to attach them on with Sellotape – this was a bit tricky! Luckily it was windy outside so we could run and dance with them in the garden.

We enjoyed working out different ways to go down the bridge outside – I heard lots of giggles and saw lots of lovely smiles! We are so proud of ourselves when we achieve something, especially our jumping and hopping in P.E. We also enjoyed dressing up outside in different outfits – have a look at our happy faces!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


and a few from Justine…

To complete our wonderful week we were invited to join the whole school on their journey through Holy Week. On Friday we watched when Jesus rode in to Jerusalem and everyone wave palm leave and shouted Hosanna!

Next week we will continue our journey of reflection with The Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, The Crucifixion and finally on Thursday The Resurrection.

Don’t forget!

Next week we will be collecting in all the children’s Lenten boxes and Sponsored walk money. We will add it to the school collection for a hopeful bumper amount for Cafod.

If you are entering the decoarting and Easter egg competetion that too will be next week, all entries to be in on Monday, £1 per entry

Lastly, nursery will close for Easter on Thursday at 2.00 pm for a well deserved chocolatey rest. Mmmmmmmm!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

God Bless


This week...

Spring has definitely arrived in the nursery garden. The daffodils are in full bloom and this week we have seen the arrival of hyacinths and our hydrangea’s are budding. On Wednesday we planted some grass. First, we made a cosy bed for the seeds to live in, then we sprinkled the grass seeds… “there are hundreds” the children said. Next we gave the seeds a drink of water, we have to remember to do this every day! They children are very good at reminding me!

Everyone is now watching carefully for the seeds to geminate. I fear it may take a while!

Michelle’s blog

This week has been a very active week. We have had so much fun in our PE lessons in the hall. We have been practising our jumping and landing. Take a look at the photos to see the progress w have made. We have PE every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. We have got so good at putting our shoes and socks back on. Developing independence in dressing will help us when we start in Reception, so any practice we can get now is crucial in developing the skills needed for independent dressing.

Our number work continues as we have used our brains and solved tricky number problems, growing our brains as we added numbers together.

Our new sounds this week include x, z, qu, and ch. The children all thought we had a fit of sneezing when we made the ‘ch’ sound!

Although the weather has not been the best this week, we have still manged to get lots of outside play. We made a bus and a train and made sure everyone had tickets for their journey.

Thank you to everyone who managed to make it to parent’s evening this week, it was a pleasure to see you all. As always, I am always available to discuss and issues or concerns. Please feel free to email any photos you have as the children love sharing these on the interactive white board.

Have a lovely weekend.

Steph’s blog

I’ve missed you being off for two days this week – I’m glad to be back with you all!

We have been busy this week decorating Easter crosses for an Easter card to bring home. They look great. The children are really good at remembering the Easter story – ask them at home and see if they can tell you!

We have also loved playing with the Numberblock cubes – the children have been amazing finding different ways to make the numbers and using the correct colours for the different numbers. They are noticing so many connections between the numbers and have worked really hard. I love seeing their happy, proud faces when they have achieved something. Here is a Numberblocks game you can try at home – see how many numbers your child can tell you! Click here.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

You will not be surprised to hear that although this week has been extremely busy, for us Nursery Ladies it has been very rewarding. Sometimes we just stop and look at your wonderful children and we appreciate how much they have achieved since the year began. They are amazing!

On a personal note I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and very kind words during this last week. I am leaving Our Lady’s Star of the Sea with a heavy heart but I have many years of such wonderful memories and happy times.

I know that the other Nursery Ladies will continue to love and nurture your precious children and help them on their journey towards their next chapter. As for me, it is time for my next adventure.

Thank you all so much.

God Bless.


…and a few extras from Justine!

This weeks sounds

Geraldine Giraffe ‘z’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘ch’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘qu’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘x’ Click here

Geraldine Giraffe ‘ng’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘nk’ Click here

The children are amazed at how many sound they know!!!! We are spotting them everywhere! The children have even noticed them hiding in their name.


DESCRIPTION Meet the Alphablocks, get to know the alphabet and letter sounds and sing along to the Alphablocks song.

HOW TO PLAY It couldn’t be simpler: tap to bring each Alphablock to life and hear them sing their letter sound and a line from the Alphablocks song. Every Alphablock is designed to help the children remember the letter sounds, so A says a! when an apple falls on her head, and so on.

LETTER SOUNDS AND NAMES Listen to the Alphablocks singing their letter sounds, then change to Letter Name mode and have fun learning all the letter names too.

Click here and enjoy! We loved playing this game at nursery this week!

Easter Maths Challenge!

We played this tricky game at nursery this week using our special decorative eggs. Try and have ago at home (please don’t use real eggs!).

As you are aware today was Colette’s last day at nursery. I am chatted quite openly to all the children explaining that it is our turn to share Colette. It’s only fair because we have had here with us for a long time. We have had a lovely special week with Colette, spoiling here with lots of treats and hugs. She has promised to keep in touch, the children want a picture of her new uniform!

A big thank you goes to Colette with lots of love. She has been a key member of our nursery community for over ten years and we will miss her enormously. Good luck in your new venture, I know you are excited to take on this new challenge.

I’m not sure what the weather will do this weekend but nonetheless enjoy the time being together. I will see you all bright and breezy on Monday. I have great things planned!!!!

God Bless


This week....

A mixed bag weather-wise this week. Nonetheless, we kicked off the week with Messy Monday and oh my goodness did we make a mess!

In the morning we mixed colours (the children’s request) using paint and shaving foam. We made handprints and drew pictures and letter sounds in the foam. Sorry only two photos would upload.

The afternoon got even messier. We mixed our own dough using flour, water and our hands. It was very sticky.


The children have been spotting crosses everywhere. On Tuesday the children (and Frances) made a huge collage cross which is now proudly hanging on the nursery door. It is so beautiful, take a look.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a very busy and happy week at nursery. We have had a discussion about our feelings using our feelings jars. The children had to choose a colour which corresponds with a feeling, e.g. pink is loved and yellow is happy. We discussed how its ok to feel sad or scared and we thought of ways to cheer up our friends if they were sad “Give them a cuddle”.

We have explored the Easter Story and have learnt lots of new words, such as disciple, Gethsemane, hosanna and Judas. We have continued our work making and decorating crosses and have made a ginormous collaged cross. We will have to find a ginormous space on the wall to display it.

We have spent some time this week playing games together. We have enjoyed playing the shopping game and this led to a discussion about healthy eating and our favourite foods. Sausages are very popular!

We ended the week with great teamwork. The children were very keen to help at tidy up time and worked as a team to carry the black builders tray but we couldn’t fit it through the door. The children had a good think and worked out that they had to tip it on its side to fit through the door. Great work team!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

We started the week with Messy Monday! The children have been asking to do our shaving foam colouring mixing activity again and they loved it! We used our fingers to mix the paint around to make new colours. We also made sticky dough with flour and water. It was so fun getting messy!

The children have continued to enjoy singing our ‘Walk in the Light’ song this week as we have continued reading the Easter story. We decided to make a stage and the children loved performing for their friends. It is so lovely to see how their confidence has grown since coming to nursery and how they all support each other and cheer each other on.

The children have been asking every day if we can learn new sounds and numbers – they love it! We watched Numberblock 9 this week, click here to watch. The children have found so many ways to make 9 with our cubes – 5 and 4, 6 and 3. Someone even said 2, 2, 3 and 2! We have realised that the bigger the number the more ways we can find. We can even make more shapes and arrangements with the cubes – we made the 9 look like steps.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

It was great to catch up with some of you on Wednesday for our parents evening and I look forward to seeing the rest of you next Wednesday.

It has been a bit of a messy week at Nursery! We have been dabbling in a bit of messy play which you may have noticed by just looking at your children’s clothes when they came home (sorry about that!) but it was a lot of fun! We mixed colours using shaving foam and paint and our ‘mixing finger’ and we made some fantastic colours…some I had never seen before!! Later in the day we made our own playdough. There was a lot of discussions about measuring and mixing and rolling and we were really careful to make sure that we shared out the dough equally!

We have been a bit giddy about Numberblocks again, we just can’t help it! Some of us know how to make numbers beyond 10 with the Number link cubes, the children’s learning seems to be going from strength to strength!

Not only have numbers continued to excite us but our phonic knowledge appears to be picking up momentum too. We are spotting sounds everywhere and we are starting to write some sounds as well. There is no stopping these wonderful children.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend together.


…and as always a few more from Justine!

The 100 board!

On Friday the children wanted to find out how many gems we had. We thought using the 100 board may help us find out.

We did find out…181 gems. It took us ages to find our the answer to our question but we didn’t give up.

We found out that number go on, and on, and on, and on…………

Click on the button below for number 9 activity! Can you help frog hop on to the number 9 or sets of 9!

Sponsor money and Lenten boxes

As you are aware we completed our sponsored walk last week. If you have already collected your sponsor money you are welcome to send it in now, or, you can send it back when you return the Lenten Boxes. The last day for returns will be Wednesday 5th April.

As always we are so grateful for your support. You are all wonderful!

In addition to the sponsored events, the student council have decided to bring back an old, Our Lady tradition - THE EGG DECORATING COMPETITON. For £1 entry fee, the children need to bring in a boiled, decorated egg for the competition. Let your imagination go wild. Could the egg be a character in a scene? Or have a specific pattern? Think creatively. The student council will be judging the winners from their paired class. There may even be a large chocolatey prize for the winners.

Play, Explore and Learn

Click here for lots of ideas to help little minds learn! There are lots of activities to keep you busy! Enjoy!

Finally, as I write this blog the sun is shining and it it getting warmer. At last! I can hear all the children having fun in the garden…I’m jealous, so I am going to sign off and go and join them. Have a fabulous weekend and see you on Monday.

God Bless


Walk in the Light....

This week we have been completing our sponsored walk around the school field (on very wet days we have walked around the netball courts)! As we walked we sang ‘Walk in the Light of the Lord’ hymn. Friday was great fun, we walked in the snow!!!!!

We began to read the Easter story in readiness for Holy Week. We read one part of the story each day but the children were so eager to read on to see what happened next. We discussed how Jesus died on the cross and the children then made crosses out of any object or toy they could find. They have been very inventive, take a look!

Painting Spring Flowers

As we are noticing signs of Spring (before the snow!) we decided to paint pictures of a selection of Spring flowers. We painted tulips, daffodils, iris’s and hyacinths. Have a look.

Michelle’s blog

This week we have started each morning with our sponsored walk round the field. On Thursday we were amazed to walk in the snow as we wrapped up warm and braved the elements. We had lots of fun making patterns in the snow with the brooms and brushes but we were a little disappointed that we didn’t have enough to make a snowman.

We have continued to work hard at practising our mark making, writing in the sand and as a very special top secret project- I’m sure you will find out all about this in a couple of weeks time.

We have learnt some new letter sounds this week, some of these are tricky sounds but we are getting really good at recognising the sounds now. This week we have learnt j, v, th ,y and w.

This week we have also learnt about number 8 and have practised how to make 8 in lots of different ways.  We were excited this week to have a delivery of sand and had to work out how to move it to the sand pit. With lots of team work and working together we worked it out!

Hope you all have a good weekend.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone. Hope you have all had a lovely week. It has been a very cold week but we didn’t mind so much because at least we got to see a little bit of snow! Sadly, on Thursday it disappeared as quickly as it came! But on Friday……..there was lots and lots of snow. We even made a snowman! See photos for details!!

Last week we started giving the garden a little tidy up and we moved a few of our resources which means that the children can get things out more ‘independently’ and because everything has a place we are able to tidy it all away too (we are trying very hard!)

We already love books at Nursery but there has been lots of discussions about our favourite stories….it turns out lots of our favourite stories are about animals. Last Thursday, because it was World Book Day we decided to do a quiz….we did really well. Click here to play at home!

Finally, as you already know we just love Numberblocks and we enjoyed watching the episode where the ‘Fluffies’ arrive in Numberland. We know some different ways of making a number 7 (number bonds!)  6 +1=7  5+2=7  3+=7. Click here to watch.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Steph’s blog

What a fun week we have had! We have started each morning with our sponsored walk around the field or the playground depending on the weather! We are getting so good at singing ‘Walk in the light of the Lord’ – we have got louder and louder each day.

We have been busy making cards for our special Mummies this week – it has been lovely hearing their thoughts about you all. I won’t put the photos on the blog just yet to keep it a surprise for you!

We have continued our work on Shape, Space and Measure this week. We used the bricks to make churches and castles. The children independently chose the bricks they needed to make the structures balance so they wouldn’t fall over. ‘This is a pointy one’, ‘I can add another brick to make it bigger’. We also had a delivery of a big bag of sand and had to work together to get it all in to the sandpit. We’ve added the photos to our display in the classroom with our tower building from last week.

It was fun to end the week with a snow day! The children were so excited to complete our sponsored walk in the snow – we had to wrap up warm! It was great fun playing in the garden but unfortunately there wasn’t enough to make a snowman!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and a few extra from Justine!


We have learnt some new sounds this week j, v, y, w, th. Click below to learn with Geraldine Giraffe.

Click here for j

Click here for v

Click here for y

Click here for w

Click here for th (special friends)

How many things can you find at home beginning with these sounds? Enjoy your sound hunt!

Wish list

Our collection of underwear and socks has become perilously depleted. If anyone has any unwanted items to replenish our stock we would be very grateful!

Similarly, we are looking for any old pans and kitchen utensils to restock our outside sand kitchen. We had a delivery of one tone of sand this week and the children have been asking for real pans etc! Please can anyone help out!

Thank you in anticipation.

We are loving number eight still. Eight is great! Click here to watch. Next week we are thinking about meeting number 9! Can’t wait! Look out for a number eight ‘search’ game coming home this week.


How exciting, on Friday it had snowed during the night! Everyone was so excited! We took full advantage and made a snowman and had a jolly good play! Take a look at the photos below and check out Mrs Gregan’s blog on the schools main page. She has compiled all the photos from around school and made a lovely video!

I have to finish this week with some sad news. I am still trying to digest it myself. After ten long and happy years at Our Lady’s our lovely Colette has decided to hang up her early years boots and seek new challenges away from education. Over the past 10 years Colette has loved and nurtured so many children, it will be a great loss to both early years, education as well as our nursery and wider school community.

I am sure that each and every one of you will feel as upset as we are at losing such a fabulous and valued member of the team, but as Colette says “now is her time” to try something new. I am in awe of her bravery and would like to wish her every success and happiness as she opens a new chapter. Sadly, Colette’s last day at nursery will be Friday 24th March. We must treasure her for the next couple of weeks.

Wrap up warm and have a lovely weekend.

A bumper week at nursery!

What a week! We have been soooooo busy, we are exhausted!

We started the week by discussing the cross on which Jesus died. Everyone was very sad, but, we also talked about the Easter story having a happy ending. As Christians we believe that Jesus died on the cross and came back to life again to show how much God loves us.We talked about how Jesus came into the world to save us—to be our saviour—but He is just like us. Jesus had friends and family, cared about people, and helped those in need.

Next week we will be reading the Easter Story in small sections in preparation for Holy Week in school.

We have all made our own Easter cross this week and will be bringing them home in readiness for you celebrating Easter at home. Take a look they are beautiful.

We have also been making prayer rocks, some have already been sent home along with a little poem about how to use them. It was so lovely when the children told us that they had a chat or said a prayer using their prayer rock. Don’t worry if you haven’t got yours yet they will be coming home this week, fingers crossed.

World Book Day was great fun!!! We loved dressing up and staying in character all day. We read lots of stories including ‘Journey’ our whole school book study. We have now finished our display depicting the book. Take a look….

We have also written our own ‘Journey’ story and made a display.

Everyone has great fun on World Book Day, we read lots of stories! Such fabulous fancy dress costumes too, well done I know how stressful dress up days can be. Take a look at some of the photos.

Where’s Wally?

We had a fun game of Where’s Wally? The children had to guess where he was…can you?

Click on the button below to to read Happy Little People top tips talking.

As if we haven’t done enough this week look at everything else we have been up to!

Phew, I think everyone has earned a good rest this weekend!! Enjoy!

God Bless


This week...

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable half term.

A very busy week at nursery and also a different sort of week. We have started to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as part of our Lenten promises.

Each day we have been trying to be Disciples of Jesus in all we say and do. We have been mindful of all our actions and how they can impact on others. The children have embraced this difficult challenge at nursery, I hope they are at home too!

During Lent we are asking the children to continue their acts of kindness and to keep their promises so that we can collect lots of money for Cafod.

On Tuesday we had our last big treat until Easter Day by eating yummy pancakes, mmmmmmm they were delicious! Click here to listen to the story of Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes.

On Wednesday we were invited into Ash Wednesday Mass with KS1 and Father Peter.

On Friday we swapped all the lovely Lenten boxes the children had made with our paired class (Yr 3). A big thank you to everyone for getting involved. You too are becoming Disciples.

As donations have started to come in we have started our ‘totaliser’. We have a special counting machine that the children are fascinated with!

Colette’s blog

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you all managed to have a lovely half term with your families?

 It has been so wonderful seeing the children return after their rest and ready to learn.

On Monday we were able to enjoy using the apparatus in our Hall P.E. time. There were some wonderful displays of balancing, hopping and jumping. We continued to practise our skills out in the garden by making our own obstacle courses…. we are definitely getting better and better.

On Wednesday the children went in to the hall with Reception as Fr. Peter came to visit us. We talked about Lent and its meaning and we received our ashes on our foreheads. Back in Nursery we discussed why we are going to be collecting money for those less fortunate than ourselves. This year we will be collecting for CAFOD.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful Lenten boxes, the children are so excited to swap them with our Year 3 class.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a restful half-term. The learning continues this week as we have learnt about Lent. We tasted pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and had  mass with Father Peter on Ash Wednesday. We are hoping to be more like Jesus by being kind, helpful and generous as part of our Lenten promise. We have also made Lenten boxes that we will be gifting to our friends in Year 3.

We have had a bit of a recap of the letter sounds we have learnt so far before we learn another group of 5 next week. This week we have been practising our writing by using our ‘duck fingers’. This gives us a better grip to form the letter correctly. A little bit more about pencil grip here.

Here are some activities to develop pencil grip. Click here.

We have also been keeping a close eye on the plants and flowers in the garden, there are lots of green shoots and flowers appearing. We cant wait for Spring to arrive so we can get busy growing our plants.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a lovely week we have had enjoying the sunshine in the garden. We have practised our throwing and catching skills and made a den to hide in. We were also able to practise our problem-solving skills when a toy ended up through the fence. We worked together to get it back, using a stick and eventually a broom to hook it back. What a great team!

We began the week making our ‘Lenten promise’. We all decided how we could behave during lent to help others and be more like Jesus. Lots of the children promised to help their grownups at home – if they do they can have a smiley face stamp on our sheet when they come into nursery! We have been very helpful and kind in Nursery.

We were so lucky to join the big children in the hall when Father Peter came to see us on Ash Wednesday. We sat so nicely while he told us about Lent and Easter, and showed each other the ashes on our head when we got back to class. We also enjoyed some yummy pancakes on Tuesday!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.


and our usual few extras for Justine…

Purple Mash

Don’t forget to keep checking Purple Mash. I have pinned more learning in the virtual classroom and set some activities to do at home. I hope you enjoy them.

Walking with Jesus around the field

Another part of our Lenten Almsgiving is going to be our sponsored walk around the field. Week commencing 13th March before our learning begins we will endeavour to walk three times around the school field! We may need a lie down afterwards.

This week we are sending home the children’s sponsor forms. We are hopeful that friends and family may want to contribute. All proceeds this year will be going to Cafod.

Join us during Lent help to ensure no one is beyond reach of the love and care they need.

Give today to help us reach people who are still in need of help.

Pray for our brothers and sisters living in poverty.

Book Week

Next week will be Book Week at nursery. The actual date for World Book Day is on Thursday so children are invited to come to nursery dressed a book character. I am aware that not all our children will not be in on Thursday so if you would like to choose another day for your child to dress up, please do.

Can I ask when you are choosing a outfit that you are mindful about being able to go to the toilet independently (no onesies if possible). Also, as we are dedicating a whole week to books and story telling, if your child would like to bring in their favourite book from home that would be great! Please make sure they are named.

Click on the button below for top tips for sharing stories together.

Beach School/Library

As the weather is now becoming ‘Springlike’ we will be starting our regular trips to the beach and storytime at the library.

If you click on the button below you will find our beach school information booklet.

Lastly, I hope everyone manages to get our in the sunshine this week and just enjoy being together with loved ones.

God Bless and I will see you all on Monday.


This week....

This week we have continued our mindfulness and yoga activities (I hope you have tried them at home too!). Everyone is feeling very chilled.

We have also been finding out about how to stay safe online. We have had interesting discussions about how long to stay on an digital device and what games we could play on them. We then watched a short film about Smartie the Penguin. Click here to watch at home. See if your child can remember some of the rules.

If you click on the button below you will find some online safety tips. Also, click here to watch a short video.

Throughout the week story times have been dedicated to stories that help us understand the internet and more importantly stay safe. Here they are online!

Click here to listen to Once Upon and online

Click here to listen to Chicken Clicking

Michelle’s Blog

This week we have continued our theme of health and wellbeing and mindfulness. We love the bubble burst video, it really helps us to concentrate and to feel calm. Mindfulness activities have so many benefits for children’s wellbeing.

Yoga has been lots of fun this week as we continue to learn lots of new positions.

We were very surprised to find those sneaky snakes had returned and escaped all over nursery. It took us a while to find them all, some were even trying to escape out the window. Watch out, you never know where they might end up next!

Next week is half term, so we hope you all have a great week off and we will see you all after the holiday.

Don’t forget to look on purple mash for some fun activities.

See you soon,


Apologies for the lack of photos. For some reason unknown to me they wouldn’t upload. I will ask Michelle to email them out to you…sorry. Fingers crossed for all the other photos! Barbara

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone!  I can’t believe that we have come to the end of our first half term…where does the time go?? It was lovely to see some of you at the parent drop in this week and to be able to share some of the children’s learning with you from their floor book. We sat as a group last week and looked at all the things we have been learning since September and we couldn’t believe how much we have done together.

I really do hope that you all manage to spend some time together over this half term.

Thank you for all your support over this half term.

See you all after the holidays.


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone

It has been lovely this week watching the children be so kind to each other. They have worked together in the garden to find different ways of moving down the ramps. Some of the children pretended they were stuck and needed a superhero to help them! We ‘had a go’ like Tommy Turtle and ‘didn’t give up’ like Sadie Spider!

We have continued practising Number 7. We are so good at noticing the different ways we can make it – 4 and 3, 5 and 2, 6 and 1. Even 7 and 0! Ask your child to show you different ways on their fingers at home. We enjoyed playing a game on the big screen that let us practise counting 7 bees – we are so good at this! Have a go, click here, you can choose which number you would like to practise.

When we come back after half term we will continue looking at Number 7. We are going to make a rainbow each for our key group floor book, and fill the colours with 7 special things about us e.g. our favourite colour, our pets, what we like to play with. I can’t wait to hear what is special for your child.   

Have a lovely week off and I’ll see you soon.


and just a few more from Justine!

Reading stories with our paired class, Mrs Hotchkiss and Year 3

This week we started our ‘getting together’ activities with our paired class. Year 3 came to visit us in nursery and to read us stories. It was so lovely! Some of the children even got to read along with their sibling!

Take a look at some of the photos. You may also want to check out the Year 3 blog for more pictures.

Lenten Boxes

As part of our Almsgiving, this year we will be decorating Lenten Boxes to give to children in our paired class (Year 3) and Year 3 will be decorating boxes for all the nursery children.

The boxes will be then sent home for each child to fill with the money they have earned by doing kind acts for others. When your box is full you can send it back to nursery. Last year was a bumper year for donations…let’s do even better this year!

A big thank you to everyone who managed to come along to out parent drop in session. It was so lovely to have time to catch up with you.

As you know nursery will be closed for half term from today (10th) until Monday 20th February so I have put a half term activity sheet in each bag if you wish to take up the challenges. Good luck and don’t forget to send us some pictures if you manage to complete any of the activities.

As always thank you all for your wonderful support and I will see you on the 20th.

Keep safe and God Bless


This week....

A different kind of week. We have been trying to think of ways we can look after our minds and bodies. When everything is so busy around us we need to take time to rest. This week we have been doing just that.

The children and nursery ladies have have been taking part in mindfulness exercises. Firstly, we did a mindful breathing exercise called ‘Smell the Flower and Blow the Candle’. Click here to have a go at home.

We have also been practising mindful looking. Click here for this exercise.

Ask your child to show you Hummingbird breathing, hand breathing and some of the yoga poses!!!

This prepared us for our session with the Yogi on Tuesday….more of that (and pictures) later.

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone!  It has been such a calm and relaxing atmosphere at Nursery this week, we have all felt very peaceful. I wonder if your child can remember some of the ways we have found our calm?

The children have been enjoying looking at the numberblocks again this week. On Thursday we looked at numbers 1-5 and how they can be made up of different numbers. Why don’t you take a look at this episode of Numberblocks where they show us what they are made of, all the parts that make a whole! Click here to watch.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a very restful week as we have been practising mindfulness and yoga. We joined in with the rest of the school to take part in a yoga session in the hall, learning lots of poses such as the cobra, the plank and the downward dog. We continued with Caterpillar yoga, pretending to be an egg, a caterpillar, a cocoon and finally a butterfly. For more poses click here.

We have worked very hard learning our new phonic sounds this week, e, l, h, sh and r. We have amazed all the nursery ladies with how many of the phonic sounds we can remember. We cant wait till next week to learn some more sounds.

Have a good weekend


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What a lovely, calm week! We have been practising mindfulness this week with lots of breathing exercises and calming music. Your child may have told you about ‘smelling the flower’ and ‘blowing out the candle’, which we used to practise long, deep breaths to help us to feel calm. On Tuesday we had a visit from the Yogi group. We went into the hall with Reception and we learnt different ways of breathing and moving our bodies to help us to feel calm – some of us nearly fell asleep! The lovely lady ended the session with us telling ourselves some positive affirmations – ‘I am happy’ and ‘I am amazing’.

This week we have been making shape dinosaurs. We have used different shapes in different colours to make our favourite dinosaurs – the children also chose to use the felt tips to draw markings and faces on their creations. I love how each dinosaur turned out differently! I have sent home a dinosaur shape sheet you can look at with your child at home.

We have continued to build and practise climbing in the garden – the children just love it and it is brilliant for developing their confidence and perseverance skills. They are so proud of themselves!

Here is a lovely calming video that you might like to watch over the weekend - click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


…and extras from Justine!

With the help of Smartie the Penguin, next week we will be discussing online safety. We have lots of exciting stories to read and lots to discuss. Watch this space or click on the button be low to look at our planning. So much to do…so little time!

This week we have started to introduce the book the whole school will be studying for World Book Day. It is a magical story without words and it evokes lots of interpretation and discussion. Each child sees different things in the pictures as they try to understand what may has just happened or what may happen next. Click here to join in the conversation at home. It is called The Journey by Aaron Becker.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on Purple Mash and activities which have been sent home in your child’s bag.

Number 7

The children were very excited to meet a new number…lucky number 7! Click here to meet 7. Why not make collections of 7 at home…seven forks, seven spoon, seven teddies, you get the idea!!

Parent drop in session

This terms session is on Wednesday 8th February 3.45-4.45pm. Please pop in and say hello and have a quick chat with your child’s key person.

Lastly, as we approach the last week of the half term I would like to say a huge thank you to all of YOU for everything that you do for your child in support of nursery. We are all so very grateful and never take your hard work for granted.

This week.....

A ‘melange’ of a week this week. We are still enjoying finding about about dinosaurs but our gaze was hijacked when some of our friends told us they had celebrated Chinese New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy- ‘wishing you great happiness and prosperity’

The children went in to the hall to celebrate by doing a dragon dance. We used large tins to make the drumming music! Fabulous! Take a look.

We also decided to make a Dino world in our dark dark den! Ooooooooh it’s so dark. We had to use torches to see which dinosaurs were in there! Arghhhhhh!

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone! It has been another week of hard work, no wonder we are all tired!

We have been lucky enough to spend some time out in the garden and Thursday afternoon even brought us some much needed sunshine! The children decided to make a ‘Dino Den’ in the garden out of the large wooden triangle. There was room for lots of dinosaurs, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children wanted to camouflage the den so they covered it with some branches from the bush. Some children even had a go at camouflaging themselves (see photos for details!)

We love to experience lots of different music and sounds at Nursery and we found a story where two dinosaurs have a race!  We loved it! Click here to watch.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

This week has been full of music and dancing. We learnt about Chinese New Year by listening to a story about Nian the monster and how people chased him away with loud noises and fireworks. We couldn’t quite manage the fireworks but we wanted to make the loud music. (of course!)  We performed our very own dragon dance accompanied by our very own Chinese drummers.

Click here for a lovely short story about Chinese New Year. Click here to watch.

We also had lots of fun making our own dinosaur music, slow and loud for a Stegosaurus and fast and quiet for a velociraptor. Maybe you could practise making dinosaur music at home.

We have also continued  practising our Fundamental Movement Skills of throwing, jumping and hopping by building a huuuge obstacle course in the garden. We felt quite brave as we learnt how to step up and step down on to the planks.

Then in the garden we explored how tyres can move because they are round and that they can move faster if they are higher up on the planks. We had a contest to see who could roll the tyres quickest or furthest.

We continued our Maths mastery by estimating how many snakes were in the box. Then we had to guess how many could fit in the box. We were so surprised when we found out we could fit 21 in the box! We had to put the lid on quick as we know those sneaky snakes might just slither everywhere when we are not here. We will have to watch out for them!

Have a really good weekend and we will see you next week,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What another busy week! We have spent a lot of time in the garden, it has been lovely watching the children play together and continue to practise negotiation and turn taking skills. We made obstacle courses that were tricky – the children helped each other and tried again and again like Sadie Spider.

Playing with the skittles meant we could practise our counting – we were determined to keep practising to knock down all 10! The children helped each other to put the skittles back up each time.

We have been practising our sounds this week – we used sound cards and matched objects to them if they began with that sound. You could write the sounds on some paper and go on a sound hunt around your house to find objects that begin with that sound. So far we have learnt s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, u, f, b.

We have enjoyed moving like dinosaurs this week – here is a link to the video we used.

This meant we could practise our gross motor skills (big movements) and keep our bodies moving!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.


Throughout the week we have been making cold colour collage pictures, brrrrrrrrr! First we looked at lots of different pictures of cold environments to see if we could spot which colours we could see, we then mixed the paints to the same colours and cut up bits and bobs we could find which complemented the paint.

The children’s challenge was to use all of the paper and to find a space for each colour paint without mixing them all together! That was a bit tricky but we were like Sadies Spider and try, try, tried….and we did it!

The pictures looked great when we had finished them. We have made a display in nursery and the school hall. Have a look!


You’ve Got A Friend in Me!

This week we discussed friendships with our friends and the different qualities of a positive/negative relationships. We learned to look to Jesus as a role model for being a good friend.

We continue to work hard on our numbers, shape space and measure and of course our sounds. We may even start a new number and some more sounds next week! Watch this space!!

Keep an eye out for this weeks home learning challenge. Enjoy!

Have the most fabulous weekend and enjoy being together with loved ones.

See you on Monday

God Bless
