Year 2 Home Learning - 8.11.19


Please find this week’s home learning attached below. One is the recording sheet for the addition game, and one is a die to be used if you haven’t got one at home.


This week I have also sent home copies of how our cursive letters should be formed. This isn’t a formally set homework, but would be great if the children could practise their letters in any spare minutes they have.


Set 5 from your spelling pack and adding the suffix ‘ly - softly slowly loudly kindly quietly quickly

English IXL

A.1 A.2

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

C.1 C.2 C.3

E.1 E.2 E.3

O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Maths IXL

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4

Year 6 blog - 'Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.'

And in the blink of an eye…another week in Year 6 has passed. From the minute that the children walk into class in the morning to the moment that they walk out of the door, they are constantly learning and challenging themselves to be the best that they can be. It really astounds me just how much work that the children have completed. As we approach Christmas, and the birth of Jesus Christ, we are filled with hope and faith. These are our two new virtues this half term and ones that we will be continuing to explore in class. Faith, hope and love are known to the Christian tradition as the three theological virtues. They underpin our whole understanding of what it is to be human and the nature of our relationship with God.

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Homework to be handed in by 14th November 2019


Please complete the 2do Purple mash about Solids, Liquids and Gases following our Science investigations in class this week.


Please practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables using the help sheet given in the HELP section of our year 4 site and using the websites below. This is for a test on Thursday. We will then be trying to master one set of times times per fortnight.


Please practise Abbey’s Blues on Charanga and practise the note on your flute.


Please complete IXL ENGLISH E1 and E2 recognising articles.


If you are doing the Nessy programme, please practise as much as possible at home.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 14th November


Almost everyone has made a cracking start to their reading this half term. Some children are shooting up the reading display in class - well done to Rhys, Jayden and Elizabeth- they have reached their targets already!!! These three are closely followed by Dylan and Annabelle. I wanted to celebrate these children as they have made great progress - they are enjoying their books and scoring well on the test at the end. Keep it up everyone! I have attached a parents guide for ACR so you too can keep a track of your child’s progress too


Please complete IXL F9 for Mrs Hotchkiss and K3 for Mrs Gawthrope


Thank you for completing the Extended Noun Phrases last week! We will practice these again throughout the year - they are tricky- even I made an error in class this week. This week have explored sentences with ED openers. I have prepared a special homework page to explain. Once you have read the explanation complete the task set.


Please complete the Purple Mash map work challenge. This week I have returned to the UK. Can you name the counties of England? We have parents who originally came from a different part of the country- Mrs Hotchkiss comes from Greater Manchester. Can you label the counties correctly. I have handed out a map to help the children.

Note: I have shown the children how Purple Mash reports on how they did on each task. It shows the level of accuracy and who completed it. IXL does the same. Please make sure you complete the tasks in the week set- Thank you. Good homework habits now will set you up for life long learning!

This week...

Such a busy week!!!

All the children have designed a firework picture on the computer and then printed it out. We then decorated it using lots of sparkles!! They look fantastic!

During the week we have also been finding out about the Remembrance Day poppy. We watched a short video about why we commemorative on the 11th November. The children then printed their own field of poppies.

Click here to watch the video.

On Friday we intend to make Gingerbread Men. The children have reminded me that I said we would after the holiday...!! We will eat them for snack!

Currently at nursery we are very short of socks, underpants/knickers and trousers. May I ask, if you have any of our spare clothing at home could you please return them, if not donations of the above would be greatly received!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 6th November

What an improvement in the standard of homework, it is so lovely to see the efforts that the children are putting in. The work on the Battle of Bosworth is great!

Spelling: words ending in -ence. Remember, the words that we looked at last week were adjectives, they are now turning into nouns.

science, offence, violence, audience, sequence, patience, reference, obedience, existence, influence, experience, dependence, difference, competence, commence.

Maths - continue to work through strand B on IXL. Please do not worry if you are finding some areas tricky, I can see from the analysis which areas you are finding difficult and we can look at it in class.

History - Using the research that you completed on the Battle of Bosworth last week, can you turn this into a newspaper article on Purple Mash. Think carefully about the fonts that you are using and the format of your work. Remember that your work is all about detail. I want to see depth to your writing. I would like to see:

  • Who was involved in the battle?

  • Where did it take place?

  • When did it take place?

  • What happened at the battle?

  • Could you include a quote of someone who was there? Use your imagination.

English - can you find 10 facts about William Shakespeare that will contribute to our biography on him next week.

Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 13th November

READING- Please make sure you are reading to an adult for at least 20 minutes EVERY night and get them to ask you questions about the text, I can’t stress how important this is! Are you quizzing regularly enough? Are you reading books that you enjoy? Are you challenging yourselves with the books you are choosing?

SPELLING- Like last week the spelling is from Year 2’s key spelling list, just to remind ourselves of how to spell some of those tricky words. Like last week, make sure you know when you would use these words by putting them in to different sentences out loud with an adult or in your books. We will be quizzing on them as part of our spelling lesson next week:

People Money Hour Everybody Clothes Behind Children With

Once again, if you want more of a challenge then please feel free to practice some of our Year 3 and 4 key spellings on the following website.

MATHS - Please complete the IXL strand B2 and B4 under ‘comparing and ordering’ to practice our use of the greater than and less than sign- we must make sure we do not get mixed up with which way the crocodile snaps! I will be checking who has completed these strands on Wednesday.

ASSEMBLY PREPARATION - Children have now been given their lines to learn for the assembly on the 19th November. Could you please make sure they learn their lines off by heart with lots of expression and volume. The lyrics of the song that we are learning as a class for the assembly have also been sent, if children could use the clip below to practice and sing a long to that would be great- they must also try to learn this song off by heart …

Thinking about our world and those who live in it.

Our Harvest celebrations were held in school this year with liturgies shared which encouraged the children to think of how their own actions could grow the people harvest that Christ imagined. Thank you so much for all your wonderful donations; you are all so kind! The food bank greatly appreciated your kindness, and a special thank you to our lovely three parents who transported the collection for us.

Home Learning 1.11.19

Please help the children to learn their lines for our class assembly. These are stuck into their reading logs. I have challenged the children to learn them as well as they can, but please reassure the children that I will be able to prompt them on the day.

Reading, reading and more reading!

IXL - English

Parts of speech

M.1 Is the noun a person, animal, place or thing?

Consonant blends and digraphs

H.1 Which consonant blend does the word start with?

H.2 Complete the word with the right initial consonant blend.

Year 2 Home Learning - 01.11.19


Please find this week’s maths home learning below.

English IXL

A.1 A.2

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4

C.1 C.2 C.3

E.1 E.2 E.3

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6

Maths IXL

A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4


Spellings - please learn set 4 in your child’s spelling pack and the ‘adding the suffix -y’ words below:

wavy shiny smoky simply crazy curvy

Don’t forget reading books and assembly parts!

Thank you,

Miss Woodend