Year 4 homework to be handed in on Thursday 17th September

This week homework is internet based.


Children have been working very hard learning to round numbers. Please complete YEAR 3 IXL units M2 and M3 which practise the year 4 skills.

Then you can play this game:


This week children have been learning all about seeds and how they germinate. They have a purple mash 2do ‘All about Germination’ to complete - they started it in class.


We have been learning all about our amazing brain! Please go on the internet and find out all about your amazing brain and Growth mindset. Make a poster or power point explaining your amazing brain and how it can always grow!

Reading and Nessy

Please keep up with that wonderful reading at home!


If you do Nessy - please do for 20 minutes EVERY day at home to become a firm reader and speller

Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 11th September 2020

Home learning is ONLINE this week


As we have been focusing on Place Value this week, I would like you to have a go at playing the games below. Click the button to take you to the website.



C.1 C.2 C.3


A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.


This week’s spellings have been set as a 2do on Purple Mash. There are 10 that will recap spelling rules taught in Year 1. I explained to the children today that they might need to write them down to practise them more than once.


Please read with your child every day for at least 10 minutes. Books must be brought back into school daily as we also have independent reading time throughout that day.

We're having lots of fun at nursery!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks at nursery, learning and making new friends.

We have been exploring our learning environments both inside and outside. I do think our favourite place to play is in the garden though. The children love the tree house and play house!

We have a group of children that build the most wonderful structures. Yesterday, we made a train from the bread crates and went to the zoo. We also balanced lots and lots of bricks on top of each other until our tower nearly reached the sky…then it fell down! So we built it up again and again.

Throughout this half term we will be finding out about our bodies and how to keep them healthy. Especially keeping our hands clean and happy. We don’t want horrid hands where germs can live. I have been impressed how the children have embraced our hygiene routines. I expect they have had lots of practice during lock down!

We will also be talking about our families and friends. Sarah would like to create a family wall so if you could send in a photograph that would be great! You could email it if it is more convenient.

Just a couple of reminders:

  • Please could you send one piece of fruit or vegetables per session (two pieces if your child come for the full day, one piece for half day).

  • For storage reasons it would be helpful if you child had an Our Lady book bag. They an be purchased form Top Marque on Wood Street St. Annes.

  • Could all items which are likely to be removed during the day be clearly labelled.

  • If you have not already send me consent for images of your child to be posted on our web page it’s not too late. Just send me an email to confirm your agreement.

Finally, may I thank everyone for keeping to the nursery and school guidelines and waiting outside the school gates to drop of and collect your children. I understand it’s a lot different than in previous years but I’m sure you will agree it’s been a unexpected kind of year!

Year Home Learning - Wednesday 9th September 2020

Enjoy your home learning tasks this week!

Spelling - 15 spellings from the work you completed with Mrs Hotchkiss last year. You will have a spelling quiz next Tuesday.

disagree, misbehave, unfair, inhuman, treasure, measure, puncture, autobiography, mobile, heavy, heroic, sleepily, hastily, courage, mountainous

English - Walt Disney Research


This week, we have started to look at what a biography is and the information that we can gain from a biography: date of birth, place of birth, etc. I have attached a photo of the information that we recorded in class.

I would like you to create a 2 page spread in your homework books about Walt Disney. Think about all of the accolades he has achieved and how you are going to present this information.

You can be as creative as you like with this and include images where necessary. We want lots of relevant information.

I look forward to seeing your work.

Maths - IXL Strands - A1, A2 and A3

All of these strands consolidate learning that we have completed in school this week. Let’s see how you get on.

'Feel the Fear and do it anyway!' (Elizabeth Gilbert)

I am so proud of every child in the class this week. They have had a great start to year 4 and although there have been worries, we have all practised ‘feeling the fear and doing it anyway.’ The children have all demonstrated such mature behaviour and have settled in so well. They have been so sensible following all health guidelines and are getting used to the new normal! They have also been brilliant at looking after their own belongings this week!

The beginning of the week saw us thinking carefully about how we feel about coming back to school and acknowledging that we are experiencing a historical event. We reflected on our lock down experiences and made a jigsaw piece to record this which will go with everyone else’s jigsaw pieces in the whole school - to bring us back together!

We have spent lots of time this week talking about how to treat each other and reflecting on our school mission statement ‘You are Precious in my Eyes.’ Children have learned all about rights, responsibilities and consequences and we identified 3 key rights which we all deserve in our class.

We then have collectively formed our class ‘responsibilities’ to reflect these rights. We also outlined how to work well with a partner and be co-operative. We had a lesson all about courage and strength. We looked at examples of strength shown by others in lockdown and we discussed not being afraid of ‘having a go’ with your work in class.

Later in the week, we had a beautiful lesson all about hope - it was empowering and children were excellent at explaining what they thought hope is. We listened to hopeful music and made hopeful images to remind us that we will never give up hope - each day is a new beginning. Year 4 is a new beginning.

Amongst all this, we had a little maths quiz and completed our Star reader test. We also started our new topic in Science- plants. Children asked so many interesting questions! In RE, children showed awe and wonder in God’s creation and wrote lovely prayers. We have also kick started our maths with Roman numerals!

Let’s Celebrate!

This week I had to give out 4 certificates!

A Roger Robin certificate has gone to Kai for being so kind, gentle and mature this week.

James received a Sadie Spider certificate for being so hardworking and pushing himself.

Evie received a Tommy Turtle certificate for having a good go at things and showing courage

Stephanie received a Cooper Crab certificate for showing excellent focus in all she did.

I honestly could have continued writing certificates because everyone has achieved in different ways this week. A massive well done to all of you for your first week back in school. I know I am going to LOVE teaching you!

Also this week, just over half the class have been presented with their pen licences! They have ‘solemnly sworn’ to always write in joined up handwriting in Year 4. We will be practising handwriting every day so it should not be long before more children receive theirs.


The link below shows you which day your child’s outside PE day is. It will be Wednesday or Thursday. All other days are school uniform please. Children do look very smart!


Homework is up for this week under ‘Learn from Home'.’ Please could you help your child take responsibility for this and bring in each Thursday. I will only send their actual homework book home every fortnight. On alternate weeks it will just be online learning.


Every child should come home with their reading books and a little reading log. This shows you what their ZPD reading level is and their points target for the half term. Please encourage them to read each night and try and hear them read often. I have given them a target reading time each day. They read for 30 minutes each day at school - so this is included - unless they do Nessy learning - in which case they read for 15 mins in the school day and so need to read more at home. THey also must continue with their Nessy learning at home.

Children now have Blue interest level reading books which have more grown up themes. They will be able to quiz at school as normal.

Books brought back from home will be quarantined for 72 hours before being given to others.

Birthday sweets

Unfortunately, children will not be able to give these out at school for the foreseeable future due to Covid circumstances. Sad I know, but we will definitely make their birthday jolly at school in other ways!!

Finally, here are some photos of our first week in Year 4.

Have a lovely, restful weekend and please feel very proud of those precious children of yours! They have worked their socks off!

Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Miss Forster and Miss Edmondson

Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 4th September 2020

All of the children brought home their new homework books and folders this afternoon. As mentioned in my induction video, home learning is to be returned to school on Thursdays. New homework will then be given on Fridays on a two week cycle;

  • One week will be written and sheet based. These will be given in the homework folders on a Friday and should be stuck into homework books and completed before being handed back in on a Thursday to be marked.

  • The second week will be online based activities. This will allow for home learning books to be quarantined for 48 hours before being marked.

This week’s home learning:

It would be great if home learning books could be backed with wrapping paper, sticky back plastic, etc, so that they can withstand being transported to and from school for a little longer. These should still be able to fit inside the home learning folder provided.

As I have only been able to meet you all from afar, I have asked the children to draw a picture of their families in their home learning books. This will help me to get to know you all a little better.

The children should have brought home two log in cards in their home learning folders - one for Purple Mash and one for IXL. These cards are to be kept at home. I would like the children to have a go at logging into both IXL and Purple Mash this week. How quickly can they do it? Can they do it without looking at their log in cards? Feel free to have a play on both Purple Mash and IXL and become more familiar with it.

I look forward to collecting home learning folders in on Thursday.

Miss Woodend

And so the Year 2 journey begins ...

What an AMAZING start we have had to the school year here in Year 2! It was truly wonderful to see all of the children’s smiling faces on Tuesday morning. They were all so excited to be reunited with their school friends again and couldn’t wait to discover what was in store for them in the year ahead. They have been so curious about their new routines and settled straight into their new classroom environment … it’s just like they’ve always been here!

Read more

Home Learning 4.9.20

Baby Photos

Next week in Science, the children will be looking at how they have changed from when they were a baby. I would be so very grateful, if you could email me a photo of your child as a baby/toddler. If you could get these to me by Wednesday that would be wonderful. I really appreciate your help with this! Thank you!


Children have been set spellings with the ai and oi sound on Purple Mash. It would be fantastic if they could practise these words on paper too; I will be asking them to write them down when I test them, on Thursday, in class.

Read, read, read!

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.

Year 6 - 'The joy of living is the gratitude of the moment.'

As I opened the gates on Tuesday morning, I think we all had a little apprehension about what school would now be like and how the children would settle back in again after time at home. By 9.05am, that apprehension had completely vanished and from that moment, Year 6 have been just wonderful. I have loved getting to know the children this week and to learn all about them and their thoughts about different things.

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Year 5 homework week 1 to be handed in Thursday 10th September

Hello Parents,

It has been a joy to have the children back in school this week! We have launched ourselves into our History Topic and our maths curriculum! I will be setting homework every week. I will be sending the homework books home on alternate weeks and then setting the next week online to complete on Purple Mash or another digital platform.

This week I have sent their new homework book home and below are this weeks tasks:


Please decorate your new homework book so it reflects your personality and celebrates your hobbies!!


We have solved a couple of fun puzzles this week. I have set another one here - in fact I have set two. If you enjoyed the first, have ago at the second one. If it took a while to solve the first you can leave the second for class. If you love maths then make sure you are a focused Kuba Crab and do both!!


Reading is always the most important set homework of the week! Reading is not work - it is a joy and a hobby, which opens up every world!! The children have all selected their reading books and I am conferencing each child and sharing their reading level and new ZPD code.

Greek vase.jpg


We are loving the Ancient Greeks! We already had a little look at them and their Gods in lockdown, this week we have investigated modern Greece compared Ancient Greece and discovered that it was very different to Ancient Eygpt. The Greek city states were very separate! We have also explored the Agora (market Place) through drama and discovered that Greek vases tell us so much about the history of this time. I would like you to investigate Ancient Greek Vases on the internet! Then thinking carefully about the “Agora Drama”. Pick a scene from the Agora to draw on a vases of your own! No more that four figures - make sure you include details- so we can interpret the scene. Make sure your vases looks old and would fit beautifully in a museum.

Year 4 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 10th September

Homework will be set on Friday and handed in on Thursday. I will be sending the homework books home on alternate weeks and then setting the next week online to complete on Purple Mash or another digital platform.

This week I have sent their new homework book home and below are this weeks tasks:

  1. Homework book: Please back your homework book in a style that represents you. This can be with photos, wrapping paper, pictures of favourite films, sport, characters etc. Please make sure your name is clearly marked on the front.

  2. Maths: We have dived straight into maths this week There is a Roman Numerals sheet to complete and stick into your homework book. There is also an IXL unit to complete - A10. Don’t forget, when you get to the ‘challenge zone,’ the Roman numeral D = 500 and M =1000

  3. Timetable: Now you are in Year 4 its time to get organised! Print out this timetable or make your own. Plan out what you need to bring in each day and what uniform you need to wear (see Friday blog for correct PE days) You could schedule in your daily home reading time and your homework time too! Start how you mean to go on! Keep it on your wall or fridge and use it each day.

  4. Reading: You now have your new ZPD levels, reading targets and reading time which I have added in a little book for you. Reading is a joy! Make it your aim to become an avid reader this year. Travel to new worlds, meet new characters and be entertained!

    (Children in Year 4 can now middle interest level Blue books. If any questions or issues about this, please email me!

    Also, please could you write in your child’s homework book when they have completed things such as IXL and the timetable if not sticking it in)