"The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page"

Each day of the week has been jam packed once again with super learning here in Year 2! We have been celebrating lots of star readers as more and more of the class are getting 100% on their quizzes. The children have now come to realise that taking their time whilst reading really helps with their understanding. It’s been so lovely to see so many proud faces as their quiz scores have popped up on the screen. Children who get three 100% quizzes in a row then become our star readers and are able to read in our class tent during whole class reading time … I think we’re going to need a bigger tent!

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Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 28th April 2021

Spelling 28.4 ance.PNG

Spelling - ance ending words.

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.


IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strand?

Y.5 - Find a missing angle - vertical angles

RE - Saul becomes Paul

In RE, we are starting to look at the Christian Community after Jesus ascended to heaven. Following on from our work on the difference between a disciple and an apostle, we will be looking at Peter and Paul. For homework, I would like you to focus on Saul - Paul.

Use the two links to support you and any other research that you can find to produce a story board on how Saul changed to become Paul. You have 6 boxes on Purple Mash to use. Think about the images that you would include (you could use Storyboard That).

I am looking for detail in your boxes that tell the story of how Saul became Paul. Think about the language and the punctuation that you would need to use.

This week...

Another week of super heroes! The children continue to use their imagination and to explore open ended objects, media and materials to support their play.

This weeks mission with Super Croccy was to find baby spider. He kept running away and hiding from mummy and daddy spider. The children had to use their special powers to find him. Sometimes it was in some very unusual places.

Here’s a websites that give ideas for fostering imagination

The Imagination Tree click here

You will be pleased to hear that the Sports Day t-shirts are well underway, well done Clare! They all look fabulous.

The children have continued with their exploration of number six. We have been learning how to mix things up with a dice! Click here to watch.

Here’s and activity to do at home; Maths in the Bath.

Location: Bathroom Materials needed: Your hands.

Aim: This activity will help your child to understand that there are 4 fingers and 1 thumb (5 digits) on each hand and to recognise 1,2,3,4,5 digits without counting.

Ask your child to look at your hand and ask them: “How many fingers am I showing you?” If your child doesn’t say the number just tell them you are showing 4 fingers. Show your child 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 digits in random order. Can your child recognise automatically the number of fingers without counting? If your child doesn’t answer or gives a wrong answer just tell them the correct number without counting.


Maths in Steps

Location: Anywhere Materials needed: Your feet.

Aim: This activity will help your child to count up to 20 steps correctly and to use words such as, more, same, and fewer.

Ask your child to walk from one side of the room to the other. Then ask them “How many steps did you take?” Now you do the same. Ask your child to count your steps as you walk. Then ask them: “How many steps did I take?” Ask your child: “Are the number of the steps the same?”, “Who made more steps?”, “Who made fewer steps?”


Scavenger Hunt

Location: Garden/Green Space/Park

Materials needed: Things you can find in the garden like leaves, stones, flowers, and feathers.

Aim: This activity will help your child to understand and solve additions up to 10.

Ask your child to find 2 groups of objects. For example: Find 5 leaves and 3 stones. How many do you have in total? Find 3 small stones and 1 big leaf. How many do you have in total? Find 6 green leaves and 2 brown leaves. How many do you have in total? What other examples can you think of? If your child counts incorrectly, put all of the objects in a line and count all of them pointing at each one.

Good luck and enjoy!

The children have been using bricks and soft shapes to construct dens (and to have a just a jolly good time). Some of their building defied gravity!

As always in nursery we have been extremely busy. We have been watering the garden, writing to the ‘Poggle’ and looking for ‘Smeech’ who came into nursery garden and left lots of litter! Poor Smeech now gets the blame for anything and everything. Nobody has seen him so we don’t know what he/she/it looks like!

On Wednesday afternoon we had an unexpected visit from the Fire Service…don’t panic all was well. One of the children’s daddy drives the fire engine so he stopped outside the nursery so we could all have a look! It was very exciting!

Last but not least here are some photos of everything else we have been doing at nursery. It’s no wonder we are tired by Friday!

Here are the plans for the next two weeks!

I do hope the good weather stays for weekend and we can all fire up the BBQs. Have a lovely and restful couple of days and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.


Be someone's sunshine today

Another week has whizzed by here in Year 2! Our classroom has been filled with so many Focused Cooper Crabs each day and the learning taking place has been amazing. I have even likened the children to juniors this week! The enthusiasm and determination they have shown has been unbelievable and I couldn’t be prouder.

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