Fun is just another word for learning!

Well Year 2, we’ve all made it to the end of the first summer term! I always love this term in Year 2. It’s the term where so much independence can be seen and the children begin to show just how ready for the juniors they are. It’s also the term where learning from the year seems to come together.

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Keeping Our Learning Ticking Over - Year 2

You have all worked incredibly hard this term Year 2 and you all deserve a big rest and brain break over the half term holidays! However, I do know just how eager you are to learn and for some of you, two weeks might just be a little too long to go without a little hard work. Therefore, below I have put together a selection of different activities that you can dip in and out of to keep your learning ticking over.

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Year 6 Weekly Blog - ' “There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.”

Thirty hopeful and slightly nervous children entered the classroom this morning, eager to see which part they had been given in the end of year play. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of all of the children this week. For some children, they took a huge leap into the unknown and really faced their fears of performing and singing solo. I cannot wait to start putting this production together.

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This week...

Great news, our butterflies have emerged!! We found out that they are call Painted Lady butterflies. They are very beautiful.

We had to give them some sugary water to drink and pick some flowers for them to get the nectar from. The butterfly's primary source of food is nectar which it gets from plants and flowers

We also found out that Butterflies eat by extending the proboscis deep into a flower to sip nectar. Butterflies also use the proboscis to drink water and juice from rotting fruits.

Before we released the butterflies we managed to hold one on our hand, they felt so lovely. Take a look at our photos

One of our friends even made a butterfly picture using the peg boards. Well done!

Look out for the half term challenge sheets being sent home today….butterfly spotting! Good luck!

If you ten minutes spare click here to watch the The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

It may come as no surprise that hatching caterpillars and waiting for them to emerge as butterflies was fascinating. With that in mind we intend to repeat the cycle again after the holidays as well as expanding our investigative impulses by finding out about other insects and minibeasts. Maybe you could get ahead of the game and explore in your gardens to see what is living there. We’ve already started looking in the nursery garden!

Download the garden spotter sheet to help you out!

The children were excited to find deep at the back of the cupboard a big marble run game. It took us ages to fathom out how it fitted together, but we got there in the end. We have had endless fun experimenting how it works.

We have also been given the most fabulous road and train track, great fun!

Our passion for number is going from strength to strength and this week we had a new number puzzle arrive. We have made it over and over again. We LOVE number challenges!!!

Everyone had a good time playing a rhyming game with lots of fun objects (especially the snake in a box! Arghhh!)

…and now for our photos of the week!! They include balancing, block play, birthday celebrations, garden watering (our strawberries are amazing!), water play and mark making. Have you noticed how well the children are doing forming letters?

I must remind everyone that Sports’ Day will take place on Monday 14th June (Health and Happiness week). Unfortunately, owing to restrictions, we are unable to invite you to join us at this event but rest assured we will take loads of photographs to share with you. Please make sure that you send your child to nursery wearing shorts, t-shirt and trainers on that day. We have their special personally designed t shirts here. All the children are invited to take part, when I know the times I will text everyone!

It is IMPORTANT that before you wash your child’s Sports’ day shirt, you MUST press it for at least three minutes to seal in the colours.

Lastly, can I thank all of you for your wonderful support of nursery and your child’s learning. All the team are very proud of each and everyone’s journey this year, long may it continue. We hope that the sun shines on us over the holidays and you create some magical memories with your loved ones that will last forever.

See you all on Monday 7th June bright eyed and bushy tailed.

The Nursery Team