"Like so many things, it is not what is on the outside, but what is on the inside that counts" - Aladdin

The children have grown their brains in so many different ways this week! From working co-operatively in outdoor PE to completing some super creative writing in English - it has certainly been a jam packed week! Playtimes have been filled with such kindness and compassion, which has been lovely to see. The class are really thinking carefully about the strategies they can use in order to solve problems independently and are treating each other with great respect. Thank you Year 2 - it has been a delight to be on the playground with you this week!

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This week....

Box monster came to nursery this week and scared our socks off! Instead of playing ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf?’ and ‘Trollie, Trollie can we cross your river?’ we changed the name of the games to Box Monster, Box Monster can we cross your river?’ and ‘What time is it Mr. Box Monster?’ We had such good fun!

We also had a special deliver of a dragon. It came complete with instructions on how to care for it, what it ate and if it was friendly or not! We hoped it didn’t breath fire and eat children and nursery ladies! The children decorated the box it arrived in to make sure he had a cosy bed to sleep in.

Have you noticed how good the children are becoming with their mastery of number. We are all very impressed. This week Clare played lots of tricky problem solving number games to try and catch the children out….but she couldn’t. We will have to challenge them even more!

The children have been practicing writing numbers. They were inspired after watching an episode of Numberblocks which explained how to write the numbers using simple rhymes. Click here to watch and have a go!

On Wednesday it was so sunny in the garden that we decided to have a building day. We got out the large bricks, small bricks and the waffle bricks. Everyone worked so very hard. We even found the game ‘Jenga’ to build and play, we were fantastic at choosing the correct brick to take out so that the tower wouldn’t collapse. Although it was fun to shout ‘Jenga’ when it fell down!

We have no news to report with regards to our butterflies yet. We have learnt a new word this week...metamorphosis. Click here to find out what it means.

However, we have been looking all over the garden for insects and mini beasts. We have found woodlice, moths, spiders earwigs and slugs. This is clearly going to have to be explored further after the half term break. Watch this space!

As you already know we are never still at nursery. We see every second as an opportunity to learn, explore, discover more about EVERYTHING! Here is collection of learning which is ongoing, has been triggered by the children’s curiosities and fascinations. As you can see we are all interested in different things so life at nursery is diverse and very exciting!

Finally, I would like to finish this weeks blog by sharing some joyous news with you all. Our lovely Sarah has had her baby! I’m sure you will join us in sending Sarah and Liam huge congratulations as they welcome Baby Jude. Everyone here are soooo excited and hope to meet him very soon. Both Sarah and baby are doing well.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

The Nursery Team

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 12th May

Spelling 12th May hyphen.PNG

Spelling - hyphenated words

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.

IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strands. They are tricky. Can you complete Level 1 and Level 2?

Level 1

K5 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with the same denominator.

Level 2

K12 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with different denominators.

English - This week we have been writing our own classical fiction stories based on The Wizard of Oz. Thinking about your story, can you design a front cover for your story?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

You need to think about the title of the story, the illustrations and including the author.

Think about how you want to format the page; on Powerpoint, Publisher, card/paper or I can set you a to do on Purple Mash…let me know. You can email me your work if you choose to.

I cannot wait to see your creations!

Year 4 blog "Our similarities bring us to a common ground; Our differences allow us to be fascinated by each other." (Tom Robbins)

It has been a fascinating week in Year 4! We have made Scientific discoveries together when learning about how different rocks are formed and how this affects their hardness, permeability and response to acid.


We have been fascinated by the story of the Prodigal Son in RHE and how God is like the Father waiting to welcome us with open arms. Also, in RE we have learned about the first Christian martyr, St. Stephen and how his great faith in Jesus shaped his life.

We have been fascinated in maths when solving problems which require us to calculate and understand - what part of the calculation answers the problem? We have also been fascinated by analysing the wonderful world of words in all we do. Each time there is a new word mentioned, Dictionary Divas look it up, children may cry out, “That is a homonym!” or “Its a homophone!” Children are seeking to understand with more depth what they read by searching the meaning of new words. Add to that some excellent character descriptions and a lovely shared write together of a setting in class and it has been a great few days.

A lovely worship was presented by Saul, Julia and Thomas this week on the theme of love. What a calm and beautiful atmosphere you created.


Let’s Celebrate!

This week, I have been looking closely at how we work together in partners. I have awarded 2 Roger Robin certificates this week for super partner work and collaborative learning. You treat each other with such respect and kindness! These go to: Abi and Jacob O.

PE stars this week Harriet and Mason.


  1. Holy Communion letters will be sent on Monday. Thank goodness- children will be able to make their Holy Communion before the end of Year 4.

  2. Parents meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week - I look forward to seeing you. Please note that the dedicated time slots will begin automatically so please make sure you are prompt, so that we can make the most of the time we have. If you are yet to do so, please see Miss Hornby’s blog to watch the video, explaining how it all works.

Have a lovely weekend full of joy!

Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Forster