"Enthusiasm moves the world"

What a great first week back we have had here in Year 2! It has been lovely to see those enthusiastic, smiley faces walking through the door each morning and the children have without a doubt thrown themselves straight back into their learning! It has also been a week filled with excitement, as on Thursday morning, the children came into a classroom filled with new chairs! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the children get their things ready for the day as quickly as they did yesterday morning - they were all so eager to test out their new seats! Overall, the chairs get a definite thumbs up from Year 2!

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Welcome back....

A huge welcome back after the half term holiday, I hope you all managed to get a rest. Click on the button to see this months planning.

We have started this half term with a bang by exploring the world of colour. As Bonfire Night is upon us it seemed sensible this as a way to find out about colours. We discussed which colours we liked the best and why? We had a whole rainbow of suggestions!

We then listened to a song all about colours. Click here to watch and listen. Here’s another song for you to listen to at home…the children haven’t seen this one, I hope they enjoy it! Click here.

Everyone thought it would be a good idea to find out about the firework colours we might see on Bonfire Night, but first it was important to know how to stay safe. We talked about staying with mummy and daddy or a grown up if you were going to a big firework display because it would be very busy …and dark (you may want to take a torch!). We also discussed that we must not touch or go near either a bonfire or fireworks, they are VERY dangerous, even sparklers. Click here to watch the ‘Firework party’ video.

We were then ready to get the paints out and start our firework paintings! We splashed and splattered the paint making firework sounds. We noticed that fireworks are noisy! Look at our fabulous display!


We have also made a colour table with lots of objects to help us explore the world of colour, we even put different coloured covers over our torches!

Click here if you want to watch the Numberblocks Firework Night video.

After all that hard work we made a huge firework art attack picture. Everyone helped. Check this out!!

Clare, Colette and Hannah’s blog

It was lovely to see the children again after their half term break  looking so relaxed and eager to return.

We found out something about our bodies this week, we found out that inside our bodies we have a skeleton!

We learnt that we have 206 bones in our body, the largest bone  is in our legs and the smallest is in our ears. We noticed that our bones do not bend and that they help us to hold our bodies up, move and protect the inside of our bodies. We enjoyed dancing and feeling our bones moving.

We also have been learning how to stay safe with fireworks and discussing what are good choices when near fireworks. We enjoyed a story about going to a firework display and the classroom was then filled with dazzling, glittering, sparkles as we painted firework pictures making the noises as we painted lots of bangs, crackles, whizzing and screeching!

Outside in our garden we had a wonderful surprise the playground was filled with beautiful yellow, brown , red and orange leaves!

We had great fun collecting them and even making a leaf pond, that we could jump into and throw the leaves, watching them then dance to the floor.

As you can see we have had a wonderful week full of exciting learning and enjoying being with our friends again!

We have loads of photos of our learning to show you, we hope you enjoy looking at them.

Hannah, Colette and Clare


This week we have been thanking God for the gift of plant life. We have examined the trees in our garden, feeling the bark, looking at the shapes of the branches and feeling the leaves. We have looked similarities and differences and noticed no two trees are identical, just as no two people are exactly the same!

We think the trees and plants God has given us are so beautiful!

Next week we will be moving on to number 3, painting Remembrance Day poppies and continuing our exploration of colour. We will be getting very messy as we mix colours together! We can’t wait!

We hope you have a lovely weekend and if you are going to a firework display or having a firework party at home, remember to stay safe. Ask your child, they know how!


Year 3 Home Learning 5.11.21


This week we are looking at adding the prefix ‘dis’ and ‘in’ at the start of words. Please talk about the means and how adding the prefix to the start of a word changes the meaning.

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. like - dislike

  2. action - inaction

  3. obey - disobey

  4. visible - invisible

  5. appear - disappear

  6. capable - incapable

  7. approve - disapprove

  8. complete - incomplete

Please also remember to practise this half terms spellings. You will find these in the front of your homework book.

Maths IXL:

Please complete Z.7 and Z.8: angles; acute, obtuse or right angles.


This week we have started to look at the digestive system in humans. Please have a go at the To Do: ‘Digestive system’ on purple mash. Can you remember the name of each part of our body that is used?


This week we have been thinking about how we feel when somebody trusts us to do a job. All the children said that they felt special when they were given a job. Maybe this week you could think of a job that you could take ownership of at home. You could then use your homework book to reflect on how you felt carrying out the job throughout the week and how you made your family feel too.

This half term our new virtues are: Faith-filled and hopeful

Here is a prayer that we would really like for you to incorporate into your evening routines….

A Prayer for Faith Adrian Porter SJ
I pray today for your gift of faith:
Faith in myself,
because you created me with great love;
Faith in my family,
because in their care I grow day by day;
faith in my friends and community,
because each one is your daily gift to me;
faith in you,
because you are my Lord and my God.
Through Christ our Lord.


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Spelling - Please practise these spellings for next week.

crying, reliable, busily, happiness, heavily, beautifully, mysterious, applied, business, heavier, copier, happily.

Maths - Please can you learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

History - to be completed in your homework book.


What can you find out about the Battle of Bosworth using the sources below.

Use these questions to support your research:

Where did the battle take place?

Who did the battle take place between?

How long did the battle last?

Which armies were involved? Who had the biggest army?

Between which houses did the battle take place?

What was the rose of each house? What did the rose become?

Who died and where did he die?

Our School trip is nearly here...

Just in case you wanted to have another look at blog from a few weeks ago to remind you of our school trip next week, I have reposted it below.

If your child usually has a school meal on Mondays then they will get a packed lunch provided for them. If for some reason you do not want this, rather than wasting a meal, please email us and let us know.

Year 3 will be going on a trip on Monday 8th November, as part of our Stone Age History topic. It is going to be a fun, jam-packed day, of shelter building, fire lighting and much more! This trip is an amazing day out, that really helps the children to see what life was like during the Stone Age period and how people survived. The day will be spent at Brockholes, Preston and the entire day will be spent outdoors, which we know the children will love. Obviously, with the trip taking place in November (we are being brave!), this will mean the children will have to wear suitable clothing, dressed for the weather and the outdoors. Children, on this day, may wear their own clothes, that they are not bothered about getting dirty. They will need to wear warm, waterproof clothing and boots or wellies. We will be leaving 9am and arriving back at school at 3pm, which means children will need a packed lunch for the day. If your child usually has a hot dinner on this day, then a packed lunch will be provided by Jackie, but we would need to know the choice of filling for the sandwiches the week before. The total cost of the school trip is £15, which covers the cost of the trip itself and the transport. Please can this be paid before half term, via Parent Pay.

Many thanks.

Meet the team.

What excitement this week, when, after what felt like a very long time, our new Class Councillors gathered together to take part in their first Student Council meeting. After introductions, we got straight down to business, everyone spoke so confidently and were brimming with great ideas. Miss Hornby, reminded everyone about the importance of working together as a team so that we can all make a difference to our school community. She was incredibly impressed with how articulately the children spoke about the school.

Councillors are going back to their classes now to discuss several different projects which we will share with you soon.

The children were asked what they were most proud of when they thought about our school, here are just some of the wonderful things they said:
“My friends helping me.”
“Everyone helps each other.”
“I am proud of my work.”

“I’m proud that my teachers are always there to support me”

“I like it when I can use bright colours.”
”I am proud when I can write for a long time, reading my finished piece of work makes me feel proud of the effort I have put in.”
"I am proud of all the kindness everywhere.”

and Abi Cassidy in Y5.


What a lovely half term we have had!

Thank you so much for all of your support throughout the term and a big thank you for meeting with us today, albeit virtually, to share your child’s wonderful learning. We have had such a lovely half term with your children.

The children really wanted to share with you what they have been learning in RE this half term. Miss Woodrow has very kindly put together this video for you all to enjoy…

Have a relaxing half term. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 1st November!

God bless!