Year 3 15.10.21 ‘Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, and His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depths of our hearts’ Mother Teresa

It is most definitely beginning to feel more like Autumn this week … the weather is feeling a little chillier and the mornings and evenings are closing in, but Year 3 are still bouncing in to the classroom, full of curiosity and enthusiasm for their learning.

We have had great excitement in Year 3 this week, as 4 children's have reached 100% of their reading target and are now in pride of place, at the top of our sunflower. They have worked so hard to get there, reading every night, focusing on their quizzes and challenging themselves with the books they read. Now, they will receive their new, slightly more challenging targets, which I know they will be just as eager to reach as their first target. After half term I know there will be even more children close, if not reaching 100%, so keep up with the good work Year 3! It is so wonderful, to hear the cheers and the joy that each person feels when one of their friends have reached their target.

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Year 3 Home Learning 15.10.21

For this homework you will have much longer to complete, as you will also have over half term. Homework will need to be handed in on Thursday 4th November. Please make sure you keep all of your learning ticking over throughout the holidays. Keep up with the reading, as you are all doing so well and make sure you are going on TT Rockstars!


You are doing so well with your reading, keep reading and quizzing over the holidays- will you reach your target?


This week we are looking at adding the suffix ‘ing’ to the end of words. Some words don’t need to change before adding ‘ing’ but some do.

If a verb ends in a short vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u) plus a consonant. We have to double the consonant before adding ‘ing’

“double the consonant before adding ‘ing

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. put - putting

  2. stop - stopping

  3. jog - jogging

  4. step - stepping

  5. chat - chatting

  6. begin - beginning

  7. slip - slipping

  8. shop - shopping

Please also remember to practise this half terms spellings. You will find these in the front of your homework book.


Please complete the IXL strands A8- Number Lines up to 100 and A11- Number Line up to 1000.

Keep going with your TT Rockstars!


Before half term we will have looked at Stonehenge and thoughts about when and why this was built during the Stone Age. You may want to complete this piece once we have looked in to it further next week. Please complete the Purple Mash information sheet on the ‘stone circles’, writing about what they are, when they were built and why you think it was built. Would be great to get these up on display once we are back in school. You may want to use the following websites to help you:

Can you also have a go at the quiz on the Stone Age- it is a little tricky so do not worry if you make mistakes it is all part of the process. We will be discussing the answers and doing a little memory game on the questions when we get back to school.

This week.....

Thank you for all your positive feedback on the Sticky Kids activities we posted last week. The children have asked if we could post some more this week, in particular the dinosaur song! I hope you have lots of energy!!

Here goes…click here for the dinosaur song.

You may also enjoy zooming to the moon. Click here

If you are exhausted and need a rest you can cool down with this nice relaxing song. Click here

Key persons blog

We cannot believe how much the children have packed into this week, they have been so busy growing their brains during this last full week of learning before breaking up on Tuesday—well done!

There have been parties (or should we say banquets?!) in the outdoor house and so much lovely role playing with one another. Everyone has really played so well taking turns to share the resources during this game; it was lovely to see! Your imaginations were wonderful when we needed to get more food from the shop and then cook/bake things before serving it to our friends!

This week we have introduced the sound ‘a’- can the children think of anything beginning with this sound? It is a short, bouncy sound—why not have a go at practising with Geraldine the Giraffe. Click here to watch

Some of us have a real thirst for doing jigsaw puzzles at the moment and it is great to see the giant floor puzzle pieces spread out as we work together to complete them. We can see brains thinking about where pieces go and how to make them fit, the children have shown great resilience to get the job done! Perhaps that resilience has shone through after reading about our new friend Sadie Spider?! Sadie had to work so hard and think of different strategies to weave her webs and we are embedding her motto to help us too; “try, try, try to catch that fly” and indeed she did. We will keep hearing about Sadie Spider and perhaps even more of her friends over at Cape Ability too!

We have also been continuing to hunt for ladybirds in the garden. We are finding quite a lot of them, some are red with black spots and some are black and orange. We have even discovered that Ladybirds can hibernate during the winter time. Click here to watch the video.

 Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Clare, Colette and Hannah xxx

I’m sure you will agree it has been a very busy half term. The children are now beginning to get tired!

Nursery closes for half term on Tuesday; we hope that you all have a fun (and restful) holiday. When we return it will be even busier, especially with the run up to Christmas.

Please keep safe and we will see you all on November 1st.


Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 13th October 2021


Please continue to practise the spellings that we have worked on this half term. Retrieval is key in Year 6, bank those spellings to use in writing next half term.


Please complete these IXL units of work before the end of half term.

BB.1, BB.2, BB.3, BB.4, BB.5, BB.8, BB.9, BB.10, BB.15, BB.16 AND BB.17



Next week we will be spending two days on our electricity unit of work. It is a short and practical unit.

Please complete two To Dos on Purple Mash:

  1. Who is Thomas Edison? What did he discover? What impact did he have on electricity?

  2. Electricity at home. How do you use the electricity at your home? Can you create an information page on how you use electricity? Show me images of your electricity at home.

Year 3 Home Learning 8.10.21


This week we are looking at adding the suffix ‘ed’ to the end of words.

“Swap the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ before adding ‘ed’”

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. try - tried

  2. reply - replied

  3. copy - copied

  4. study - studied

  5. hurry - hurried

  6. fry - fried

  7. scurry - scurried

  8. multiply - multiplied

Please also remember to practise this half terms spellings. You will find these in the front of your homework book.


Please complete Z.2 - Selecting the shape_


This week we have looked at the first sacrament we make as Christians, Baptism. I would really like it if the children could; bring in a photograph, write a special memory or draw a picture of their baptisms to share with the class on THURSDAY.


This week we have started to look at teeth. We have learnt that we have 4 different types of teeth: Incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

On purple mash I have set you a To do, please add the 4 different types of teeth that we have looked at (leave the last two boxes blank) and write the function of that type of tooth. A few of you may have already completed this as remote learning, for you this is optional, although, if you would like to complete it again, this time focusing on just the focus of the 4 types of teeth listed above, you will find the ‘to do’ set.

Optional History:

Some of you were interested in having a go at the hunter gatherer’s diary we discussed in our lessons. If you would like to have a go, please do and I will have a look at it, and maybe even share some of them in class. If you are interested, then a 2Do has been set up for you on Purple Mash, if not, then please ignore the 2do!