Easter half term!

During the Easter half term we will not be asking you to complete any formal homework. However, as always you have access to TT Rockstars to keep your multiplication skills ticking over, along with reading plenty of books.

In RE we have been learning some of the responses to mass. We have sent you home with a little responses card. You could take this with you each time you go to mass to help you with the responses.

Year 2 Home Learning 6th April

History - What can you find out about the Mexico Disaster?

English - Please complete the reading comprehension in your Home Learning book.

Maths - please continue practising your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Here are some links to help you practise.
Times table games
Tommy’s Trek Times Table Game
5 x table game
Multiples of 10 game

Don’t forget you can log onto Numbots at home too.

Please continue reading at home over half term, we will be resetting reading targets the first week back.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 21st April

Spellings with the suffix ‘ment’
enjoyment amazement employment treatment replacement movement basement agreement payment

Word set 23

floor door poor friend hour though

Year 2 Weekly Blog - Rejoice in the miracle of Easter

Year 2 Weekly Blog - Rejoice in the miracle of Easter

Last Friday Year 2 started our schools journey through Holy week, leading up to Easter. We have gathered together each morning to watch as each year group has reenacted parts of Jesus’ Easter journey. Each day we have taken the time to discuss, reflect, ask questions then waited in anticipation for next class to share their interpretation.

In maths we have continued working on our addition and subtraction strategies, the focus this week has been on adding and subtraction multiples of 10 to 2 digit numbers. We’ve been counting back and forth in 10s from any number up to 100 and sometimes even beyond. It has been a pacey week with lots of solid mathematical connections being made. The children have impressed me with their focus and determination, everyone’s feeling a little bit tired and ready for a break but their their enthusiasm to learn has not faltered.

Preparation for our Art Exhibition took place daily this week, the children have completed some beautiful Easter artwork and cards. Thank you to everyone who attended our event on Wednesday, the children were so excited to share their work with you. Thank you for your donations, which will be going to CAFOD.

Our non chronological reports on the RNLI are looking great, the children have used their computing skills to search for and locate relevant information to include in their reports and used their knowledge from our english lessons to pull it all together into some fantastic reports. After half term in history we will focus on The Mexico Disaster, in which local lifeboat men perished in their attempt to rescue others. We will be visiting St Annes Lifeboat Station on 19th April.

In RE, we have written postcards from the perspective of bystanders in the crowds on Palm Sunday. We have thought about the feelings and excitement of the crowds, describing what they could see and hear. Our Palm Sunday worship last Friday has really helped us with this.

The entries for the decorated egg competition were fantastic, well done to our class winner Alice.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


We can’t end this week without celebrating your amazing performance in our Palm Sunday Worship. The whole class were so excited that you were going to play alongside their singing. You amazed us all, you got better each time you played. I’ve since heard that you have never played electronic drums before! By the time it came to our worship you had only played 4 or 5 times - you are so talented Liam and we proud of your creativity and courage.


For being a resilient learner in maths, there has been some tricky work this week and you have been resilient and brave. You have worked hard and not given up even when things haven’t quite worked out the first time. You are always putting your hand up and having a go. Well done Martha, you are becoming a great problem solver and mathematician.

This week’s Star Readers are Scarlett, Ellie-Rose, Anna, Lucia and Rodnie.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
School reopens on Monday 17th April
Lifeboat Station Visit - Wednesday 19th April - Please ensure your child brings a coat to school.
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely Easter break,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 1 Weekly Blog 31.3.23

This morning, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 2 worship of Palm Sunday. It was such a lovely start to our school Holy Week, we are looking forward to the rest next week and discussing and reflecting on them as part of our RE.

English: We have started to innovate our Peter Rabbit stories, we have thought of a different character and a different fruit/vegetable. I have been very impressed with their writing and I am excited to read everyones stories and for the children to mark and self-assess their own work.

Maths: We have continued working on our part-part-whole cherry diagrams to find all the possible combinations of 5 and working out 1 more and 1 less of a number. Ask your child at home lots of questions to secure this knowledge. We have loved playing lots of games to help us improve our fluency, such as if I have 3 counters in my open hand how many are in my closed hand. I am going to clap 5 times (clap twice, how many more time do I need to clap) ask you child at home how to play. We really had to think hard about 1 more and 1 less as the questions have been worded in a different way. Have a go at the ones I have set for the homework. We also used the rekenreks to tell stories: first there were 6 birds 1 bird flew away, then there were 5 birds.

History: On Tuesday we found a letter in our classroom and a book, it was from an astronaut, who set us a challenge to work together to build a tower with only tape and paper! It was great fun.The book was about Neil Armstrong, we have loved finding out about him this week and I have enjoyed the children bringing in books to share with the class, we love learning about different people.

We designed our own coin and stamp to commemorate the moon landing, ordered and retold the trip to the moon, made a group Neil Armstrong timeline and discussed reasons for and against going to the moon. We thought it might be nice to see but it could also be dangerous and we might get stuck there!

Music: We composed our own music using a repeated pattern and played it to our name song.

RWI: this week my group loved reading about the whales we decided we should make some posters to help save them, we researched whales and what we could do to help them. We discovered that we need recycle our plastic properly so it doesn’t end up in the ocean.

The other groups loved retelling their stories and acting it out, we love drama!

Lenten Promise:

We enjoyed our arts and craft day, invitations have gone home and our exhibition will be on Wednesday 5th April starting at 3- 3:40, we are very excited for you to come and see our beautiful creations. There will be a donation box in the classroom, to help us raise money for CAFOD.

Let’s Celebrate:

We have two Kiki Chameleons for a very creative week and super sentences in English keep it up :)

Henry is going home with this person for an amazing week in school well done!

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart. Try and just sign once per day so we can keep it going, thank you :). We will announce the certificate awardees next week in our Thursday assembly.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  • Please bring your lenten boxes back by Wednesday 5th April.

  • We break up at 2pm on Thursday 6th April.

  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Home Learning 31st March

Year 2 Home Learning 31st March 2023

Egg Decorating Competition- Wednesday 5th April

Your homework this week is to create an entry for our whole school egg decorating competition - there will be chocolaty prizes!

Please continue reading for 20 minute daily and logging on and playing Numbots - here’s the link



This week’s spelling are words ending in suffix less

harmless toothless pointless restless helpless careless helpless fearless endless

and word set 22

caught Christmas clothes once hold cold

Year 1 Homework 31.3.23

I would just like to say a huge thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm with the reading challenge. The children are really engaged and excited to tell us all about their reading.

We have more bronze and some silver awardees this week well done! Keep reading lots at home and sign in the challenge boxes.

It was our big spelling test today well done, the children worked very hard :) the spelling will continue after the Easter break.

I have made a homework sheet to help you practise the maths at home there are a few cherry diagrams and 1 more and 1 less questions, keep practising the different parts of five: 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2, 1 and 4, 0 and 5, 2 and 3, 3 and 2 and 1 and 4. Use your homework books to practise too, all the children can draw their own cherry part-part-whole diagrams :).

Year 5 Weekly Blog 31.03.23 ' It is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind' Neil Armstrong

Oh what a week it has been. As we prepared for a normal working week on Monday, we got the famous phone call from Oftsted. Therefore, our timetable changed over the course of the next two days (thank you everyone for being so flexible) and we lost a couple of chances to practice for our assembly. I just wanted to say that the children were brilliant across the two days and were real ambassadors for our school. What made it even more special was that their behaviour and actions were no different to any other day, which just shows how great of a class they are!

We then got to finish our week with our trip to Liverpool! A trip that the children have been looking forward to for weeks. Even after delays on the motorway and a power cut at the museum, the children remained in high spirits and we still got to carry out our workshop at the museum. The children got to experience what it would be like as an astronaut and sat back in the planetarium and experienced the events of Apollo 11.

The second half of our day took place at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. Both the adults and children were in awe of this amazing place of worship and the children were fascinated by all of the chapels, tapestries and monuments all around the Cathedral. We received some lovely comments from the volunteers and workers in the Cathedral about the children’s behaviour, inquisitiveness and attitude throughout our tour.

We then spent the rest of the week focusing on our Easter assembly, which takes place on Wednesday 5th April at 9:15am. Regardless of the time lost this week, the children have battled through adversity and have been making excellent progress.

Let’s Celebrate

Jay for being a determined learner: For making lots of progress in your focus in lessons and following the teacher. This has given you inspiration that you can achieve what is set out and has made you a more resilient learner.

Annica for being a determined learner: For always giving it a go, regardless of the subject or the difficulty. You also battled through your own adversities on our trip to Liverpool which shows how resilient you are.

Grateful and Gracious butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes towards the whole class for being grateful, due to the lovely comments received from the members of the Liverpool Cathedral about how pleasant the children were during the tour.


  • Crucifixion assembly: Will take place on Wednesday 5th April at 9:15am.

  • Egg Decorating Competition: Will be brought in on Wednesday 5th April.

  • CAFOD Fundraiser: A reminder for children to bring in their CAFOD sponsor form and any money collected in on Monday. The money needs to be handed in alongside the form.

  • Break up for half term: School will close at 2pm on Thursday 6th April and will reopen on 17th April.

Year 5 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 5th April

Rehearsing assembly scripts- PRIORITY

Due to our visit of OFSTED this week, this meant that we lost 2 valuable assembly practice slots in the hall. Therefore, the main focus for homework this week is to practice our lines for the assembly. All children have been given a full copy of the entire script.

Egg Decorating Competition- Deadline Wednesday 5th April

A whole school competition to decorate a boiled egg in whatever fashion of your choosing. It will cost £1 to enter the competition, with the funds going to charity. There will be prizes for the best egg.


Our focus this week were words ending in -cial or -tial but they sound like shul. All of these words are words containing this pattern.

  1. official

  2. special

  3. social

  4. artificial

  5. financial

  6. essential

  7. partial

  8. confidential

  9. initial

  10. beneficial

  11. potential

  12. sequential

    Mrs Mather’s group

Year 2 Weekly Blog 31st March 2023 - If you do something awesome, you should be proud of yourself.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 31st March 2023
If you do something awesome, you should be proud of yourself.

I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of the children and what they have achieved this week. Thank you for your help putting together our Palm Sunday Worship, all the children have practised their lines at home this week and this resulted in the fantastic performance you saw this morning.
If the children can achieve this with minimal practise in school this week, the possibilities and opportunities ahead of them are endless. Reach for the stars Year 2 - you truely are amazing. You have made your teachers and your families very proud.

In history this week, the children have been putting together the information on the RNLI that they have collected and started writing their non chronological reports.
On the 19th April, as part of our local history topic, we will be visiting the Lifeboat station in St Annes.

In maths we have cracked subtracting 1 digit number from 2 digit numbers bridging multiples of 10. The children have been determined and focused this week and have produced some amazing work in their maths books.

In english we have focused on using commas in a list, we played Guess Who! The children had to guess which of their friends were being described with clues in a list. Then they wrote their own descriptions in a list for us to guess. They have used their purple pencils and been detectives spotting where commas have been incorrectly placed in sentences and correcting them.

Friday was our ‘Art Day’! The children have thoroughly enjoyed getting crafty and have produced some beautiful work - their concentration faces have made me smile! As part of this project we will be making Easter cards to send to people in the community, if you would like to suggest a local care home or residential home to receive an Easter card from our class please email me - lmarham@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Next Wednesday 3-3.40 we will be holding an Art Exhibition for the children to showcase their Easter Art work. There will be a donation box in the classroom, to help us raise money for CAFOD.

Class worship this week was led by George C, George L and Rodnie, the theme was being hopeful. Well done boys, we all thoroughly enjoying singing your chosen hymns and thinking about what our hopes and dreams are. 

EGG DECORATING COMPETITON - Wednesday 5th April. For £1 entry fee, the children need to bring in a boiled, decorated egg for the competition. Let your imagination go wild. Could the egg be a character in a scene? Or have a specific pattern? Think creatively. The student council will be judging the winners from their paired class. There may even be a large chocolatey prize for the winners.


There’s still time to order an Easter lunch - Jackie, and her bunnies, will be preparing a lovely Easter Lunch for the whole school community to enjoy on Wednesday 5th April. If your child usually has a school dinner on a Wednesday, they will automatically receive the Easter Lunch.

If your child does not have a dinner and would like one, please ensure you order a lunch by clicking the link on the Easter Lunch page. Each dinner is £2.40. Mrs Hodges will update Parent Pay once the orders are in.


Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Scarlett, your singing and enthusiasm in our Palm Sunday Worship really stood out. You spoke beautifully even though you were feeling a bit nervous. You were courageous and this should be celebrated.
Well done Scarlett. 


Another amazing performance Nathan, you also spoke beautifully in our assembly, loud and clear just as we had practised. You are well mannered and polite at all times and a great learning partner to your friends. I noticed you this week encouraging others when we were practicing, helping them to achieve their best too.
Well done Nathan.

This week’s Star Readers are Joseph, Alice and Bea.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Easter Egg Competition - Wednesday 5th April
Easter Lunch - Wednesday 5th April
Last day of spring term - Thursday 6th April 2pm close
Lifeboat Station Visit - Wednesday 19th April
Library Visit - Wednesday 3rd May

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher



This week....

Another busy week.

The children were looking a bit tired by Tuesday this week! In addition to their key person learning they have planted a meadow in the big tractor tyres and flower beds. One of the plants was called a fried egg plant, we all thought that was funny. We are hoping for fired eggs to grow now!

Read Write Inc.

We have now introduced all the the sounds in Set 1. We are soooo proud. We are noticing and hearing sounds EVERYWHERE! After the Easter holidays we will be ractisng writing them all, we love a challenge.

Don’t forget to say the rhyme that goes with each sound. Click on the button below to find out what to say!

Barbara’s blog

All things gingerbread this week. We kicked of the week by going on a Gingerbread Man number hunt in the garden. We had to listen to the clues and they would tell us where to find th numbers. Some gingerbread men were on the roof, in the bush and sand…even in Receptions’s garden, cheeky!

We then came into nursery and made a number line to 20!!!!! Woweeeee!

We all then made, guess what…gingerbread men. Yummy! Jacquie in the kitchen cooked them for us and then we ate them all up! Mmmmm they tasted so good, we thought it would be a good idea to make some more later in the week.

Storytime was, yes you’ve guessed ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Later in the week we decorated a picture of gingerbread men. We had to decide how many buttons and if he was angry, sad, funny or scared. I will be sending home some Gingerbread Men themed activities if you fancy having a go!

We have been trying really hard this week to use ‘duck fingers when we draw and write. We started be playing “duck talk” finger play with the thumb and pointing finger. We then put the pencil in the duck's mouth. Quaaaack, have a go at home.

Here’s a quick video to explain the tripod grip. Click here.

Click here to watch a video all about the Gingerbread Man.

Haven’t we had a busy week at nursery! Make sure you have a good rest this weekend!

God Bless


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another really busy week, growing our brains. We have been looking at all things related to transport. We started the week talking about how we get to nursery and we discovered that 9 of us travel by car and 7 of us walk. 3 travel by taxi and 1 by bus. We then made our own bus and train in the garden, with our own tickets to our favourite destinations. We went to the zoo and the beach!

We had lots of messy fun as we painted and made tracks using lots of different sorts of vehicles. We have also had races using reels and balls down the drain pipes.

We have had lots of interesting things in for Show and Tell, remember the item has to fit in your child’s drawer. Some children shared some photos on the big screen of the things they had got up to at home. If you would like to do this, then just email them either to nursery or your child’s key-person. The children really enjoy sharing their special moments with their friends.

We have also had a very musical week, singing and playing the musical instruments. We had a challenge of making some more shakers so we asked the lovely ladies in the kitchen for some rice and pasta so we could make our new shakers. They work brilliantly!

You wouldn’t believe how well we are getting at putting on our own coats and doing up the zips. I can tell the children have been practising at home.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What a colourful week we have had. We have enjoyed painting rainbows – I gave the children red, blue, yellow and white and they had to work out how to make all 7 colours of the rainbow. What a challenge! We had great fun mixing the colours to make new ones. I’m going to put the pictures up in the classroom – the children were all proud of what they had painted.

We also made wands out of different coloured ribbons and sticks. We practised our fine motor skills to attach them on with Sellotape – this was a bit tricky! Luckily it was windy outside so we could run and dance with them in the garden.

We enjoyed working out different ways to go down the bridge outside – I heard lots of giggles and saw lots of lovely smiles! We are so proud of ourselves when we achieve something, especially our jumping and hopping in P.E. We also enjoyed dressing up outside in different outfits – have a look at our happy faces!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


and a few from Justine…

To complete our wonderful week we were invited to join the whole school on their journey through Holy Week. On Friday we watched when Jesus rode in to Jerusalem and everyone wave palm leave and shouted Hosanna!

Next week we will continue our journey of reflection with The Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, The Crucifixion and finally on Thursday The Resurrection.

Don’t forget!

Next week we will be collecting in all the children’s Lenten boxes and Sponsored walk money. We will add it to the school collection for a hopeful bumper amount for Cafod.

If you are entering the decoarting and Easter egg competetion that too will be next week, all entries to be in on Monday, £1 per entry

Lastly, nursery will close for Easter on Thursday at 2.00 pm for a well deserved chocolatey rest. Mmmmmmmm!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

God Bless


Year 3 homework to be handed in Thursday 6.4.23

Easter assembly parts

After our rehearsals this week we are all much clearer on our parts, actions and positions. Please practise along with those all important words!


Can you choose 5 unit fractions from below and order them using greater and less than symbols? Can you draw a representation of any of the fractions using the same shape? Remember, rectangles are the easiest to show equal parts. On the right is an example we did in class.

Making the sign of the cross

Please practise correctly making the sign of the cross. We have noticed that quite a few of us are not making the sign of the cross correctly.

Optional Spellings

As we have been focusing on our Easter Assembly this week, we have not had the time to learn any new spellings. If you would really like to practise some spellings, can you write the fractions above in words? e.g. one-quarter is greater than one-sixth.

Year 6 Home Learning 31.03.23

Message to Parents

This year really is flying! The children are being asked to work incredibly hard in class and our pace of learning is incredible. As always, the children are rising to every challenge that they are being set.

After this week, we have 5 weeks until our assessment week. Maintaining a balanced curriculum is really important. They have to experience learning in all of the other subjects as well as the increased focus on Maths and English. There has been huge progress made in these areas because the children are so motivated and determined to do well.

Intrinsic motivation and the children being determined to succeed will inevitably lead to their success. Effort breeds success.

Please do get in touch if you need any more support.


SPELLING - Revise all of your spellings from your spelling book. Which words are you finding tricky? Is there a particular rule? Can you re-learn some of the spellings you have got wrong in your quizzes?

GPS - You have a short paper to work through at home. Are you comfortable with all concepts? What could you research further? Could you use IXL for further consolidation?

MATHS - I have given you a reasoning paper to have a go at over the holidays, reason your way through this along side an adult for support. I have added White Rose Home Learning to the button below. You can watch videos to help you in any area of maths that you are not sure about.

READING - Have a look at and work through the reading paper sent home- this time why not time yourself. Just give yourself 20 minutes to complete each section. Then go back at it another day and reflect on whether you stuck to time or on the areas you spent too long on. Timing in this is key, that is why fluency is so vital. Read every day!

Year 1 Homework 24.3.23

I would just like to say a huge thank you for your hard work and enthusiasm with the reading challenge. The children are really engaged and excited to tell us all about their reading.

Year 1 Weekly Blog 24.3.23

‘Even the smallest one can change the world’

Beatrix Potter

It was a great start to the week with our assembly, the children worked incredibly hard and I am very proud of them. They we amazing, thank you for all the lovely comments we really appreciated them. Here is our brilliant Hail Mary video.

It was great to chat to the rest of our parents at parents evening and share how much progress everyone is making, how hard they are working and how proud we are of them.

English: we started our own story maps for our own tale of Peter Rabbit the Radish Robber! Mrs Gregan joined us for two of our English lessons this week and was very impressed with our sentence retell and our actions to help us remember our sentences.

Maths: I set the children the challenge of playing the game odd one out. They had to subitise 3 sets and say which was the odd one out and why, e.g. the 5 numicon, five dots on the dice and 2 counters, the counters are the odd ones out because the others show 5. Then they created their own for their partners. We created our own bus stories with the rekenreks, there are 5 people on the bus one person gets on the bus how many are there now.

Science: we have loved our science this week, we went on a signs of spring hunt and did a tree bark rubbing, drew flowers outside and in our books and labelled them. Then we planted cress seeds and pea shoots and used magnifying glasses to help us draw an observational picture of a daffodil with oil pastels. One of our apple seeds germinated. We know it takes years for a tree to grow but we want to investigate and see what will happen to our seed while we are in Year 1.

RE: We heard the story of Jesus and his followers going into Jerusalem and thought about how we would welcome a special visitor to our school. We hot seated Jesus and asked some fantastic questions ‘why did you choose to ride a donkey?’ Xander, ‘because my Mum rode a donkey to the stable’ Isla, ‘Is it fun being Jesus?’ Heidi ‘yes beacuse people like me and I help people’ Daniel.

We all attended mass this week with our Year 5 partners and Year 2 as part of our Lenten journey. It was wonderful to see the older children look after Year 1 they all sat and listened beautifully.

Library: I will give the forms out next week (sorry I forgot to hand them out) if you would like your child to have a library card, fill in the form and return to school. I will take them to the library, then when we go after Easter they will be ready and children with libaray cards can pick a book to take home.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate holders this week:

All of year 1 for: an amazing assembly, we were focused during practise. Creative with our Mum portraits, poems and songs and curious to learn how to sign the Hail Mary. We were brave performing to an audience.  We all worked well together and were supportive of each other. We were determined to remember our lines and when to come on and off the stage. We were all enthusiastic with our performance and reflected to help make improvements.

I am so proud of you all :).

Cooper Crab: for being very focused this week on the carpet and writing brilliant sentneces in English.

Kiki Chameleon: for your detailed flower drawings and labelling all the parts of the flower in science.

Henry is going home with this person for her hard work in RWI well done.

Well done to our PE superstars, for their excellent Space routine.

Reading Challenge:

I have been blown away with all of the children’s enthusiasm with their reading, it is lovely to see their excitement and they regularly update me with where they are up to on their chart.

I can’t believe we have even more bronze certificate awardees this week well done! This weeks and last weeks awardees were announced during assembly, they were all very proud to share their acheivement with the whole school.

Lenten Promise:

As a class we voted to have a craft day at school this will be on Friday 31st March, we will be making a range of crafts and Easter cards for the residents at Stella Matutina and the parishioners. To help raise money for CAFOD we are going to sell tickets for you to come and see our exhitbition of crafts in school. Invitations with the date of the exhibtion will be going out next week.

Easter Egg Competition

The school council have decided that they would like to have an Easter Egg Competition, to raise money for CAFOD. Decorate a boiled egg in any way you would like, it is £1 to enter the competiton, eggs need to be in by Wednesday 5th April.


  •  Please bring in spare clothes for your child.

  • Please check the home learning section for the homework,

  • Please make sure you don’t bring any nuts in for snack or in packed lunches, thank you.

  • Please can you ensure that your children do not bring any valuables into school as they can easily go missing.

    Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Miss Johnson and Mrs Carragher