Year 1 Blog 30.09.22

When we arrived a school we discovered a crime scene in our classroom, somebody had snuck in during the night and destroyed the fruit and vegetables! We noticed sand on the table and on the floor so we think the intruder came in from the back door!

We thought about how the fruit and vegetables would feel and why. We then decided we should make posters to see if anyone had information about the crime scene.

We put some of our posters up around the school, we let lots of people know what had happened in our classroom. So they can tell us if they find out any information.

In Maths we have loved completing lots of practical activities with numbers up to 10. We ordered them drew pictures to represent the number, counted out a specific number of objects, matched the words to the numerals and found the missing numbers.  


During RE we have learnt about Adam and Eve we acted out the story. We thought deeply about why God was disappointed by their choices and thought of some questions to ask them:

  • Why did you listen to the bad serpent?

  • How did you feel when you ate the fruit?

  •  Why did you eat the fruit when God told you not to?

  • Why did you not listen to God?

  • Why did you hide from God after you ate the apple?

We thought of a time when we made a good choice and discussed it with the class.


Well done to our awardees:

Tommy Turtle for having a go at being Eve in RE, you did a brilliant job well done!

Kiki Chameleon you were a super Mr Broccoli and gave some great answers to all the different questions. Well done!

Henry is going home with this person for always working hard, super listening on the carpet and for excellent work in his RWI sessions well done!

 Harvest Plea

With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 1 are collecting Long Life Milk, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October.


  • School dinners are free up until Year 3, if your child would like a school dinner, they can let us know in the morning.

  • Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes, just in case of any accidents (not just toilet accidents) such as falling in a puddle or spilling something over themselves.

  •  If you have any spare boys underwear, we would be grateful if you could donate them to our class, as we do not have many spare at the moment.

  •  Please can you return any borrowed uniform back to school as soon a possible.

    Thank you

     Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson


Year 1 Class Blog 23.09.22 'And I think to myself what a wonderful world’

‘And I think to myself what a wonderful world’

This week we have started our class story ‘Supertato’. We have only started reading the first 2 pages so have been making predictions about the story and discussing the characters we have met so far. We have been thinking about how they are feeling and what has happened to them. We loved our drama session Miss Liddell was Mrs Carrot then a few children wanted to be Mr Broccoli. We had to think of questions and if we were Mr Broccoli then we had to think of what he would say. The children though of some excellent questions and I was impressed with Mr Broccoli’s answers, well done!

During R.E. lessons this week we have begun to explore our understanding of ‘God’s Great Plan’. The children have been thinking deeply about all of the beautiful things God had made in our world. I wonder if they can spot any more beautiful things over the weekend? 

In Maths we continued grouping different objects, counting objects from a group of 10. Finding 5 in the numbers 6,7,8,9 and 10 and representing numbers in different ways.

We have loved our different continuous provision challenges this week, this is a great chance to develop our independence and practise skills taught in our lessons.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our last week awardees for being a Kiki Chameleon and being creative with our Maths grouping, by putting the objects in groups of 5.

Copper Crab- Well done Jude for setting a great example to the rest of the class as he always listens and makes good choices.

Todays awardees are a Lizzy Ladybird for a super week reflecting on themselves and working hard and Bobby Bee for being enthusiastic in her learning this week, well done :).

Henry the Dog

Each week a different child who has worked hard, will get to take our class dog home to look after over the weekend. Henry loves going on lots of adventures. We hope you have a lovely weekend with Henry, we can’t wait to hear what you have been up to :).

Class Councillors

Congratulations to our Year 1 Class Councillors. This is a big position of responsibility; I have no doubt that you will both rise to the challenge! Well done to all of the children who put themselves forward and spoke to the class about why they would like to be a Class Councillor too, we were very impressed with all of the speeches, the children then voted.


Have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Year 1 Blog 16.09.22

We have had another busy week, in English we tasted different fruit and vegetables and described them using our senses.

We then used our word bank to compose our own fruity poem, we created our own actions and performed it.

In Maths we have been continuing focusing on 5, how we can make it using different resources and how many more we need.

Today we started sorting objects into different groups, we were impressed with how creative some of the children were when grouping their objects. We will contine this next week.


Induction Evening

It was lovely to meet so many parents on Wednesday, thank you for coming. It was great discussing the year ahead and the learning journey the children will go on in Year 1.



 Well done to our last week awardees for being a Cooper Crab and concentrating on the carpet, and a Bobby Bee for enthusiasm in Maths.


Thank you for those who have already filled in the forms, if you haven’t please fill them in over the weekend.


Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday

 Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson

Welcome to Year 1

Dear Year 1, 

Welcome back, I hope you have had a lovely summer holiday.  Miss Liddell and I are very excited to meet you all again and we have a busy half term planned for the children. Next week we will focus on settling in and learning about each other. Our induction evening will be on Wednesday 14th September at 6pm. We are looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom. 

Here are a few important reminders: 

Our PE days are on Mondays (outside) and Fridays (inside) we will start our PE sessions on Friday 9th September. Please come into school in PE kits on PE days. If your child wears earrings, please remove them before they come to school on these days.  

To ensure everything comes home, please label everything that comes into school. All items of uniform, coats, PE kit, lunchboxes, water bottles, wellies etc. 

Please send your child in with a bag with spare underwear, socks, tights, trousers, skirt/pinafore etc. in a named plastic bag just in case of any accidents. They will be kept on your child’s peg.  


Art sessions will be every Friday, please can you bring in an old oversized T-shirt to keep in school. 


Finally if you have any spare underwear, socks etc. we would be grateful if you could donate them for our class.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.  


Here’s to a super year ahead!  


Miss Drummond 😊  

“Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, God save our Queen”.

It’s been a wonderful first week back and a very exciting start to our final half term in Year 1!

On Wednesday, we had a fabulous day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and it was wonderful to be able to celebrate together as a whole school. Our playground was a magical sea of red, white and blue and the children thoroughly enjoyed being together. Our amazing kitchen team prepared fantastic jubilee lunches, the sun was shining and we were able to enjoy a special picnic together outside. In the classroom, we did lots of activities to mark this very special occasion.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have been exploring numbers from 20 to 100. We have been deepening our understanding of those numbers, the relationships between them and how they are made. When counting, we have begun by grouping the amounts into 10’s and counting on.

In English, we have begun our new unit, ‘How to train a train’. This week we have been discussing different animals and pets and the children have worked in teams to research and write about their findings.



Focused Cooper Crab: Lena!
Lena, you have been so focused and have done some fantastic independent writing this week. You have been thinking of ways to make your writing even better and have taken on challenges with a big smile and positive attitude. We are really proud of you Lena, well done!

Co-operative Roger Robin : Fletcher!
Fletcher, you are always thinking about how you can be a positive role model for others by setting a good example in everything you do. You always try to be a supportive learning partner and caring friend. Well done for being such a good role model for our class and our school.
 Well done Fletcher!  

Sports Day

We are very excited for our Year 1 sports day which will be on Tuesday 14th June 13:30 - 14:45.
Grown ups are welcome to come and watch and we look forward to sharing a fun afternoon with you!

Ready, Steady Go…!


  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team