"For it is in giving that we receive"

Yet again, we have had another great week here in Year 2. The children are continually achieving targets and setting themselves new ones in order to challenge and stretch themselves further. English sessions have once again been filled with ‘Kiki Chameleons’, with all the children being so creative in their writing. We began the week by looking at commas for lists and how we can use them correctly in our writing. We then wrote a recount of one of ‘Flat Stanley’s’ adventures, of course remembering to include those important commas in our work!

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Welcome Back!

It was wonderful to see so many smiley faces walking through the door on Monday morning, eager to start a new half term here in Year 2. The week has flown by, and before the blink of an eye, we’ve arrived at Friday again! The children have amazed me with how focused they have returned to school and how quickly they always adapt back to our school routines and expectations.

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"Rest is as important as working hard"

The half term holidays have arrived and my goodness, the children most definitely deserve a break! This week has been an incredibly busy one, with lessons changing a little due to Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and our visit from Paralympian Craig McCann yesterday.

Safer Internet Day is always great, as it gives us all time to stop, discuss and really think carefully about how we are using technology and how we can keep ourselves safe whilst doing so. This year we looked closely at our online identity and what this looks like for each of us. We then thought about the digital footprint we create whilst using technology. I really do encourage much more conversation around this at home as it such a current but important topic. Children are using technology and devices much more in their daily lives, and it is up to all of us to help and educate them into using these amazing learning platforms safely and appropriately.

I know that, like myself, the children found the sessions with Paralympian Craig McCann truly inspirational yesterday morning. The enthusiasm in the hall whilst the class completed their four athletic challenges was a joy to witness and the encouragement given to others was a delight. Craig then led an assembly and told us all about his hopes, dreams and challenges he has had to overcome in his life to help him to get to where he is now. He left us all with one simple message - never turn down an opportunity given to you, it may never come round again!

In amongst all of these different activities, the children have also completed superb learning in usual lessons. The class have finally finished writing their own Frog and Toad adventures in English and began looking at the new topic of shape in maths.

I hope that you all have a wonderful break and manage to spend some quality time together as families. Have fun and stay safe.

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly

Let’s Celebrate

Harry, you have been a real enthusiastic learner this week. Your imagination has run wild in English and your adventure story is full of exciting ideas. You have also been extremely focused and determined in Maths. Well done Harry!

Edi, you are always ready to learn every single day. You have been such a role model in the classroom this week and your focus has really shone through in your work, especially your creative writing. Well done!


We return back to school on Monday 24th February at the normal time of 8:45am.

Please don’t forget that on Tuesday 25th February, the children are taking part in a mini first aid course as part of their Florence Nightingale learning. A fee of £2 should be paid via ParentPay. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On Wednesday 26th February we will be going to church for the Ash Wednesday service. We will be leaving school at 9:30am and will return back to school no later than 11am. If you are able to walk to and from church with us on this day, please let me know at the door. Thank you in advance.

"I have not failed,I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"

With only one week of this half term left (I can’t believe it either!), the children have continued to work as hard as ever to reach those targets they set at the beginning of the year.  The children have fully immersed themselves into the adventures of Frog and Toad, and Mrs Gawthrope has been amazed by the children’s writing and the range of sentences they use.  I know the class are very excited to get creative with their stories next week and to show Mrs Gawthrope what ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ they can be.

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"Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"

We have once again reached the end of another busy week in Year 2 where the children have amazed all members of staff with their curiosity and enthusiasm.  With this term’s focus virtues being ‘curious and active’, the children are continually being challenged to ask deep questions in their learning and to play active roles in the world in which God gave to us.

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"Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen"

The children have truly blown me away by how focused and enthusiastic they have been this week.  The class has been buzzing with ‘Bobby Bees’ and everyone has completed so much superb learning because of this!  In maths lessons we continued to look at equal groups and repeated addition for multiplication and then the children were introduced to the multiplication sign on Thursday.  I can’t quite believe just how much learning is taking place during our maths sessions and the fantastic mathematical conversations we are having within them.

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"Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits the size of every heart"

I HAVE to start by saying a big well done to every one for their performances in the Nativity this week! I’m sure, like me, you are all so proud of your children for what they achieved and how confidently they spoke out and performed. They have also been so independent whilst getting themselves ready before and after each performance and have helped each other in so many different ways, from getting changed to remembering lines. Well done Year 2 - you have shown just how much you have grown over the last couple of months and you retold the story of Jesus’ birth so beautifully!

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"May this season remind you of the hope, joy, love and peace found in Christ"

I can’t believe we are yet again at the end of another busy week! Our learning has been filled with the Nativity story this week, where the children were challenged to think deeply about why God chose Mary and Joseph and how they might have felt at the time. We looked closely at scripture from the Bible and wrote our own messages to Mary, explaining why she shouldn’t worry and how God would help her. These were absolutely beautiful to read and it was lovely to see the children’s pride as they shared their messages with each other.

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"Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem, may we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man!"

My goodness, that’s another busy week done and dusted in Year 2! The children have been incredibly busy finishing and editing their ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book?’ stories this week, which I can’t wait to sit down and read this weekend. I can’t quite believe just how much more independent the class have become when writing, and how their confidence has grown when spelling tricky words and using punctuation in the correct places.

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"Determination will get you through anything"

This week the Year 2 classroom has been filled with ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ as we have begun to write our own versions of our focus story ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book?’. It has been an absolute delight to see such determination and enthusiasm from the children as they have put pen to paper and smiled as they have written each creative sentence in their books. I think some stories might contain a little humour and cheekiness, just like the original story! So far the children have written their beginnings and build ups, and from what I have seen in books, I can’t wait to read the finished stories next week. Stories that contain a little mischief definitely capture the imaginations of these Year 2 children!

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"Faith is the light that guides you through the darkness"

The children have been fully immersed in our new focus story ‘Who’s afraid of the big bad book’ this week. We have looked at the story plot and have used a story mountain to outline the different parts that make up the whole story. We then became ‘Creative Kiki Chameleons’ and mapped out what we want to happen in our own versions of the story. With ideas such as gingerbread men with no legs and a little mermaid with many tails, I can not wait to see the writing that the children will produce in the coming weeks.

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"Faith can move mountains"

I most definitely have to start by saying how proud I am of each and every one of the children for their performances of our class assembly this week. I am sure you will agree that they all spoke with such confidence and clarity, and I for one can’t believe just how much they have grown since their last performance in Year 1. It’s hard to believe that it’s now time to start thinking ahead to the Christmas Nativity!

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Welcome Back!

It was brilliant to see the children looking refreshed and revitalised after their week off school - it was most definitely needed! The class have sprung straight back into action with a week filled with fantastic learning and concentration. We have been busy rehearsing for our class assembly next week by projecting our lines clearly and speaking with confidence and expression. The children can’t wait to perform for you all next week! Please don’t forget to practise these over the holidays.

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