Year 2 Weekly Blog - "When we put our problems in God's hands, He puts His peace in our hearts"

It’s been another week of brilliant learning here in Year 2! The children have worked so hard that the time just seems to have flown by! Each day we have continued our CAFOD ‘Walk against hunger’ and the children are becoming more creative in their movements as the days pass by! The song of choice this week has been the Macarena - the dance moves have certainly made the laps feel shorter!

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Year 2 weekly blog - "A book is a gift you can open again and again'.

What a wonderful week it has been in Year 2! World Book Day yesterday was truly magical! It was so lovely to see all of the children’s amazing costumes and to hear all about their favourite stories and characters. We enjoyed the second chapter of our focus story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ together and thought carefully about how we would summarise the events of the chapter into 5 sections.

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Year 2 Weekly Blog - "Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches"

What an amazing start to the new Spring term we have had here in Year 2! The children sprung into school with springs in their steps ready for their new learning adventures to begin! We began by introducing our new focus virtues for this term ‘grateful and generous’, and it was lovely to hear all about what the children were grateful for during their half term breaks.

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"Saying thank you costs nothing but gives everything!"

What a wonderful week we have had here in Year 2! The children finished writing their own versions of ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’ and I am so proud of what they have all achieved! I don’t think even the children can believe how much they have written! The class are now all incredibly eager to find out what our new topic will be next … I think they’re going to love it.

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"In the end, it's the people who are curious who change the world"

Happy New Year to you all! It was great to have all of the children back in school on Tuesday, eager to start their second term of learning in Year 2! This week we have been thinking all about our two virtues for this term - curious and active. We thought carefully about the two words and how showing and developing the two qualities can not only help us in our learning, but can help us to grow in our faith too. Everyone set themselves a target for this term and it was super to hear such high goals and aspirations.

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"Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again; rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

With only one week left to go until the start the Christmas holidays, the children in Year 2 are now definitely full of the festive cheer! This week we have been busy filming our Nativity performance and I have been so proud of how well the children have spoken out and how wonderfully they have sang and danced! Thank you for helping your children to learn their parts - it’s really helped us to get through the filming much quicker!

In English we have continued reading our focus story ‘The Great Fairytale Disaster’. The children are now great at retelling the beginning of the story using their story maps, which they are very excited to show you for their home learning.

Thursday was a day filled with all things History and Florence Nightingale! Miss Brisco has been teaching the children History this term and she has told me that she has been blown away by their knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm! I know that they have been busy creating a quiz containing all of their new knowledge - I can’t wait to have a go at these myself!

In RE we continued reflecting upon the Nativity story and this week focused on Mary how how she must have been feeling. We listened to the song ‘Don’t Worry Mary’ before unpicking what they lyrics actually mean and what message they are spreading. The class then had a go at writing their own verses which hopefully we’ll have time to sing and share next week.

In HRSE, our friend KS came out for the last time in a while to teach us our final bit of learning. Please read the letter below to find out what we discussed. We each said a ‘goodbye’ and ‘see you soon’ to KS as he will be coming back in a couple of months to see how much of our learning we can remember. The evaluation sheet which is mentioned in the letter below has been sent home with your child. Please could these be returned to school with your child next week. Thank you.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done Beth – you have been a real ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ this week!  You have tried really hard to stay on task and have managed any distractions around you brilliantly.  I was also super proud of you during the filming of our Nativity production.  You stayed in character whilst the other angels were performing and didn’t grumble once!

Tommy, you have certainly lived up to your name this week and have been such a ‘Brave Tommy Turtle!’  It has been wonderful to see you having a go at your work independently this week, particularly your writing, and you are beginning to show just what you are capable of when you put your mind to it and believe in yourself.  Keep going Tommy – we’re really proud! 


Christmas Party Day - In class on the 16th December, we will be having our Christmas party. Children can come to school wearing their party clothes ready for a day of fun, dancing and games. Please do ensure that warm clothes and sensible footwear are still worn as we will be going outside at playtimes and lunch. I feel layers may be a good idea! On this day, children can also bring an extra small snack (packet of crisps or a chocolate bar) to enjoy and a drink (not fizzy). The children will also be enjoying a Christmas lunch in the hall.

Keep an eye out for the winning house team of learning points for this term which will be sent out next week. This house can come to school on Friday 17th December wearing their house colours/own clothes.

Friday 17th December - School finishes for Christmas at 2pm and 2.10pm and reopens on Tuesday 4th January.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.

"And then I realised adventures are the best way to learn!"

I think it’s safe to say that we all had the BEST time on our trip to Imagine That Science and Discovery Centre yesterday! The day was filled with so much happiness as the children explored, questioned, played and created whilst they moved through the different zones within the museum. They were such a pleasure to take out of school and they showed just how much they have grown and matured in the time they have been in Year 2 so far!

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"If one has faith, one has everything"

We’ve had another wonderful week here in Year 2! In English, the children have continued to really enjoy our Traditional Tale unit as we have delved even deeper into the fairytales that we all know and love. The children have been really busy unpicking the different features within traditional tales and have created a toolkit for what a good fairytale should include.

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"Enthusiasm moves the world"

What a great first week back we have had here in Year 2! It has been lovely to see those enthusiastic, smiley faces walking through the door each morning and the children have without a doubt thrown themselves straight back into their learning! It has also been a week filled with excitement, as on Thursday morning, the children came into a classroom filled with new chairs! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the children get their things ready for the day as quickly as they did yesterday morning - they were all so eager to test out their new seats! Overall, the chairs get a definite thumbs up from Year 2!

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