Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 18th September 2020

The children’s home learning books have been sent home containing this week’s maths sheet.


Read for at least 10 minutes every day.

Some children will also have brought home word reading sets to practise this week which can be found in their home learning folder. These will be used in the same way as they were in Year 1 - when the children can read them fluently, they will move onto the next set. Therefore, please ensure that your child has their word set with them in school every day. Thank you.

If your child doesn’t bring home a set but you feel a little recap would help, please find the word list in the ‘how to help your child’ section of the Year 2 page.


Complete the place value sheet.


Here are this week’s spellings to learn.

the to he she we me be my

I have attached a ‘Spelling Support’ sheet on the ‘how to help your child’ section of the Year 2 page. This gives some practical and creative ideas for practising spellings each week.

(You may recognise these spellings. They are the words sent home by Miss Lane last year for word recognition on the little laminated cards).

IXL English

E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4

IXL Maths

A.6 A.7 A.8

My family and me

A fabulous week at nursery full of fun and sunshine.

The children this week have been talking about their families at home. Everyone has drawn a group picture of all their family members. They have worked so hard! When we have displayed them I will post a picture for you all to look at and to see if you can spot your family! It would be lovely if you could send in or email a family photograph to accompany your child’s drawing. You can send it to: and I will pass it on to your child’s key person.

The children have also painted a self portrait. They looked very carefully at each of their facial features and then recreated their face using paint. We clearly have many budding artists. Once again I will post a photo when they have been displayed.

Next week we will be exploring how to stay healthy. This will include healthy foods, oral hygiene and exercise. We will look at the effects on our body and how important being physical is to our overall well being.

May I remind everyone to send in one piece of fruit or veg for each session your child attends. Please do not send in cheese or yoghurt as these will require refrigerating.

Also, not everyone has confirmed that they are willing for their child’s image to appear on our web page. It would be helpful if you could confirm either way.

Finally, I hope that the sunshine remains for the weekend and that you can all have some special family moments together.

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 16th September 2020

Last week’s homework was EXCEPTIONAL…well done everyone! Your Walt Disney homework was fantastic! Same again this week please.

Spelling - a selection of words that you learnt last year in Year 5

leisure, measurement, autocue, pilot, magically, cheekily, international, submarine, neighbour, freight, tremendous, glamorous, seriously, scent, science

English - Disney film review on Purple Mash

This week we have been starting to look at Walt Disney and who he was…his biography is fascinating. For homework, I would like you to watch a Walt Disney film and then write your own film review. I am looking for detail in this, not the minimal amount of words, the maximum! Enjoy and have fun doing it. I can’t wait to see which film you watched.

English IXL - K.1 Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words

We have been having a look at root words in english alongside our prefix and suffix work. Can you complete this IXL strand?

Maths - IXL A5 and A6

This week we have been ordering and comparing numbers up to 10,000,000. Can you complete both of these strands on these topics.

TikTok - Urgent update regarding the safety on the site

It has been brought to our attention that there has been some serious safe guarding incidents on TikTok during this past week. We are aware that a number of our pupils access the social media site and as a community, we need to ensure the safety of our pupils at all times. Tiktok has been trying to remove graphic and harmful videos that have been circulating the site. If these videos are seen, it would cause any viewer distress.

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Year 4 Blog: "Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you. Instead open your eyes and heart to a truly precious gift - today."

Well our second week in year four has been jam packed with exciting learning! This week we have become scientists and we have carried out experiments to find out exactly what a plant needs to grow well. We also looked closely at seeds and discovered what happens when a seed germinates. We looked at seedlings too and even dug them out of their pots to see what they looked like!

in other exciting news: After thinking about why we need to be able to read and write we identified lots of different text types - like persuasive letters, non-fiction, instructions and fairy tales. We have now begun studying and reading explanation texts and next week we will be learning one off by heart!

We have also been working SO hard in maths to master a new skill - rounding numbers. Children have really tried hard with this with lots of success.


This week we have read a story, “Be Grateful Gabriella Goat,’ where we learned what it truly means to be grateful. Children have made gratitude necklaces and brought them home - each part of it is something they are grateful for. They said some lovely things about being thankful for all you do for them! We now take part in the Examen at the end of each day- which allows children to look back and reflect on what they are thanful for that day and also what they may be sorry for. They talk to God and look forward to the next new day.

This week, we have also reflected on how to Recognise our feelings. We made up our own dance to reflect this in PE. Children learned that we can have different strengths of feelings and when we can identify them, they are easier to manage.

Another very powerful part of our week was making our ‘Becoming Me,’ books. These books were about aspiration - to be the person you want to be in Year 4. Children thought carefully about who they are and also what qualities they would like to have. They then found a powerful quote which would help them. One of our mottos is ‘I CAN DO HARD THINGS!’

Finally, today we thought about the amazing growing and developing power of our brain - and learned what Growth Mindset thinking is.

Let’s Celebrate!

Today the class voted on our class councillors who will lead our class council sessions. They are Jayden and India! What role models you will be.

Our PE champions were Jayden and Stephanie.

Again - I had to give out 4 certificates this week (I must rein myself in next week!)

Abi received a LIzzie Ladybird certificate for always listening to feedback and striving to improve.

Jess received a Bobby Bee certificate for brimming with enthusiasm

Asher received a Cooper Crab certificate for excellent focus and…

Isabella received a Sadie Spider certificate for always trying so hard and giving everything her best effort - she has met her reading target too!!

Year 4 received Star table at lunchtime too. I am very proud of you.


Please could children bring their own packet of tissues into school if they have a cold. They can keep them in their pencil case - they could also have a pack in their pocket for when outside.

I have sent an email out to fill in your child’s medical form online this year. Please do this at the earliest opportunity so I am aware of any issues.

Children are not allowed to bring in anything from home other than water bottles, lunch boxes and school reading books. Some children have been bringing in Plasticine to squeeze - this is against the rules for safety reasons.

I trust you have all received your children’s letters about Reconciliation and Holy Communion. I look forward to carrrying out the sessions in class with them this half term.

Have a lovely weekend - the weather forecast says SUN!

God bless, Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Miss Edmondson and Miss Forster.

Home Learning 11.9.20

Home Learning Books

The children have been given home learning books today. The children can decorate their home learning books with drawings/photos and (if possible) these should be backed with something durable, sticky back plastic is ideal! I would love the children to use these books as an opportunity to share what we have been learning at school, with their families at home.

Number Formation

I have challenged the children to practise their number formation, on the worksheets I have given out. Please could all home learning in books, be stuck in at home. Thank you!


Children have been set spellings with the ay and oy sound. They can practise these on paper this week.

Read, read, read!

The children now have lots of reading materials to grow their brains.

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.

Year 6 Blog - "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

Collaboration is key - especially in Year 6! This week we have collaborated and shared in every lesson - this has helped us to learn from each other. We have collaborated to understand number in maths, making decimal numbers and then partitioning them. We have collaborated in geography, making graphs on Purple Mash to show the rainfall in two places in South America. We have collaborated in english, collecting words that are a root word and a prefix or a root word and a suffix. We have also been sharing who we find inspirational through our biographies. I hope you like our display that we have created this week.

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