Year 4 homework to be completed by Thursday 1st October

Online homework this week.


IXL: B1 B2 B4 B5 B7 - these are all things you have practised in class. Some are really easy!


We have been finding out about Plants all around the world. It has been helping us brush up on our knowledge of where countries and continents are.

I have set you two purple mash tasks to complete about countries in Europe and continents. Before you do them, have a look at an atlas, globe and/or Google Earth with an adult and locate the continents. Play a game where you name a country and try to locate it. Eg Thailand, Italy, USA


after  again  any anyone    beautiful   because      behind    both    bought    break some    every

If you know you need lots of practise with your spellings in general, there are lots and lots of games on purple mash, if you do a search on there for spellings.

Here are some more ideas to practise:


Please practise the first not you have learned on your recorder - B. ( Left hand. Index finger on first hole, thumb on back hole. Prop up with other thumb at back of recorder) Also, Mrs Maddocks wanted you to practise some rhythms of your name on your recorder. Eg Miss - is Ly - ons


Lets really go for these reading targets now. Have a big read at the weekend.

Nessy children - every night please.

Another wonderful week!

As promised, here are a couple of photos of our paintings of all our friends at nursery. Aren’t they fabulous?

The children are very proud of their work and so are we!

This week the children as well as learning about how to stay health have also been exploring their emotions. We have been reading the ‘Colour Monster’ story for everyone to be able to understand how some experiences make them feel a little different at times. Click on the link here if you would like to read the story at home with your child. I hope that you enjoy it as much as we do.

Everyone at nursery is so pleased how all the children have settled into nursery. They are so happy and are making lots of new friendships and ‘growing their brains’

We intend to continue exploring our emotions next week, we may even start a bit of yoga!

Luckily the weather continues to be kind to us as the children love playing outside in the garden. We have nonetheless made a fairy small world area inside, its all very magical. Some other friends made a farm in one of our cupboards!

It only remains for me to wish everyone a restful weekend, full of family fun!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 23rd September 2020

Another excellent week of homework Year 6…you have set the standard high.

Spelling - Suffixes

asking, jumped, fastest, hunter, shouted, neater, lightest, yawning, sprinting, floated, proudest, sweetest, rusting, fighting, dawning.

Maths - IXL

F4 - Place values in decimal numbers

English - Can you create a character description about your favourite Disney character?


Can you write a character description of your favourite Disney character? I have included a prompt sheet to help you and a WAGOLL (What a good one looks like) to help you. Think about your language and punctuation. Can you start sentences in different ways? Can you include an element of advanced punctuation? Your mission is to make your writing the same (if not better) than your writing in class.

Please type it up on the Purple Mash to do.

English - Who was William Shakespeare? - NEEDED FOR MONDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER PLEASE

Next week we will be starting our biography work on William Shakespeare…but who was he? Can you produce a 1 page brainstorm all about him? Think about information that includes: his early life, family life, early career, playwright days, final years and legacy.

We will be using this information in class next week.