Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 17th November 2021

Spelling - Please practise these spellings for next week.

expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, impression, collision, revision, confession, progression

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths L12 - comparing and ordering fractions.

English - Disney Film Review

This week we have been looking at Walt Disney’s biography and getting a better understanding of his life and times. But, what is your favourite Disney film? For homework I would like you to either watch your favourite Disney film or watch a Disney film that you have not seen before. I have set you a film review on Purple Mash to complete based on the film.

Don’t forget to follow the ‘Think about’ box that will prompt you with what to include.

Send me a photo of you watching you film! I even give you permission to get a range of film snacks to enjoy.

Year 3 Home Learning 12.11.21


 This week’s strategy is Drawing around the word to show the shape.

Draw around the words making a clear distinction in size where there are ascenders and descenders. Children need to look carefully at the shape of the word and the letters in each box. Then try to write the word making sure that you get the same shape.  

This weeks spelling rule: Adding ‘im’ to root words beginning with m or p to make their opposites:

  1. polite

  2. impolite

  3. mobile

  4. immobile

  5. mature

  6. immature

  7. impatient

  8. impossible

I will be interested to find out how you found this strategy!

Maths IXL:

Please complete A.12 ‘counting forward’ and A.13 ‘counting patterns’


This week you decide on which homework you want to complete, choosing one (or more if you are really a Bobby Bee) of the following ideas from below. We would love to see what you have done, whether this is through a photograph sent by email, in your books or if you have carried your work out on a piece of paper (we could even display this). We can’t wait to see what you choose to do …

Year 3 blog 12.11.21 - '95% of what a child learns is through direct experience'

Wow what a week we have had in Year 3! We started the week in the woods, where we learnt so much about the Stone Age way of life, learning through play and experience, giving the children a broader approach to their History topic. We were all so impressed with the way they all worked together to build their shelters, communicating, planning and reflecting on how they can make their shelters strong enough. Just a few of our favourite pictures below …

Year 3 Learning this week …

We really don’t think we could have fit any more learning in to one week… the children have been so engaged and focused, that we have been able to fill our timetable of exciting learning! In History this week, we have been finishing off our History topic before we move on to our Geography topic of the Arctic. This week the children have studied evidence that was found at an Iron Age settlement in Danebury in Hampshire and have been detectives on a mission to find out and report who and why 52 bodies were found at an Iron Age Fort, Maiden Castle. The children worked in groups to study evidence carefully placed around the room, where they had to fill in a report and come up with their own theories…

In Maths this week we have been using representatives and models to make 1, 10 and 100 less or more than a three digit number. In English we have started looking at Non-fiction texts in preparation for our non-chronological report writing. The children have analysed texts, looking at their purpose, audience, language and structure. Year 3 are loving their music lessons with our music specialist Mrs Mallinson, last half term they were learning about how to hold a pulse and beat, take a look at the videos below to get a sneaky peak of what they have been learning in class …

Let’s Celebrate!

A reflective and focused learner Jacob :

You are such a beautifully behaved member of our class Jacob. Alongside this you are also so incredibly focused, and we are loving hearing you wonderful ideas more during our discussions. Keep focusing carefully and reflecting on your learning… you are going to continue to go from strength to strength. Well done Jacob!

A determined learner Ola :

A huge well done for always showing such determination and focus during your learning. You have been determined to master cursive handwriting, showing  such care towards the presentation of your work, your cursive handwriting in now beautiful!  Well done Ola, we are so proud of you!


  • WELLIES… we are trying to use our outdoor space more, which means that some playtimes we might be using the field. Could children please bring in a pair of wellies that they can keep in school? Could all wellies be clearly labelled with their names and in a plastic bag that is also labelled with their name, that they can hang on their pegs.

  • You may remember that a month or so ago, we placed a letter on the blog explaining all about our HRSE curriculum in school and stated that Year 3 will be starting the Kidsafe HRSE programme after the Christmas holidays. However, due to having such a great impact on the children in Year 5 who started it this term, we have decided as a school that each class will deliver the sessions in Autumn 2. Year 3 will be starting this next week, so please take time to read the information in the attached letter if you haven’t done so already, many thanks.

"If one has faith, one has everything"

We’ve had another wonderful week here in Year 2! In English, the children have continued to really enjoy our Traditional Tale unit as we have delved even deeper into the fairytales that we all know and love. The children have been really busy unpicking the different features within traditional tales and have created a toolkit for what a good fairytale should include.

Read more

Such a busy week!

Phew, this week has been really busy! We are all so tired!

We started the week by finding out why all the nursery ladies were wearing poppies. We watched a beautiful and evocative animation that sees war as experienced by animals in a WWI battlefield. We all found it very moving. This inspired us to look closely at the poppy flower and to paint our own version. The children created the most beautiful poppy pictures. Look out for them in your child’s book bag! If you would like to watch the video click here.

We have started to explore the number three. We watched the number 3 Numberblocks and then investigated our number 3 sack. Click here to watch Numberblocks. See if you can find three objects at home….Can you tell something that is the same about your objects? Can you tell something different about your objects?

Everyone has been practicing our m, a, s, d and t sounds. We have explored our sound bags and founds lots of resources in nursery starting with the corresponding sounds. Have you watched Geraldine the Giraffe yet?

Click here for m

Click here for a

Click here for s

Click here for d

Click here for t

Why don’t you see if you can find objects at home beginning with these sounds. Have fun!

On Thursday we had a BIG mixing colour day….it was FABULOUS! We his the paint under huge blobs of shaving foam then we started the magic mixing. First we mixed with our finger, then two fingers three fingers and then our whole hand!!! We found out that by mixing two or more colours together that we could make a new colour!!

Also on Thursday we made an orchestra. We got all the instruments out and played and sang. It’s the Albert Hall for us next!!


This week we are thanking God for his wonderful gift of animal life!

Together we made a list of how many animals we could name. The children real impressed the nurseries because they named 85 different animals, with only the minimum support from the nursery ladies!  How blessed are we to live in a world so full of interesting animals. You may want to make your own list at home as a family, I think you will be surprised just how many different animals you can count.

A group of friends drew animals to place into ‘Our friend Jesus book’, another group made a spectacular animal home for the small world animals in nursery and others drew animals outside with chalk.
Together we all thanked God for his gift of animals.

We watched a couple videos all about animals. Afterwards we named as many animals that we could think of… we named forty animals!!!!

Click here to watch the animal video. We also enjoyed the camouflage animal video. We have learnt a new word too! Click here

And now for you favourite part of the blog….the photos. We hope you enjoy them.

I’m sure you will agree, it’s been a very busy week in nursery! Try and have a good rest this weekend because next week we are starting to organise the Nativity!

Barbara, Clare, Colette and Hannah

Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Friday 18th November


A number of children have set off on our reading progress chart! All the children have an astronaut and they have to jump to the percentage stars to reach the moon 100%. Please ensure that your child reads every day.


I know a number of children are focused on getting through their decimal units on IXL - please complete.

Other children: make sure you are working through all of IXL unit D - multiplication fluency

If you have all these complete the logic reasoning IXL P3 and polish of F1

English - word work

This week in history we have explored how Greek language is everywhere in our everyday vocabulary. Please complete IXL ENGLISH U2 and U3 - Exploring Greek and Latin roots.

History - retrieval (show what you know)

In Purple Mash you will find a 2do for a Greek man. Please complete the mashcam. Imagine you are Herodotus (father of history). Inside the speech bubble - using accurate grammar and punctuation explain aspects of live in Athens. Use your research form last week.

This work is to be added to our display in school it needs to be really well thought out.

Have fun!

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 10th November 2021

Spelling - Please practise these spellings for next week.

direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, subtraction, politician, infection, international

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths L4 and L5 - Equivalent fractions

English - The Nowhere Emporium Book Review

Please can you complete the Purple Mash template on The Nowhere Emporium. I would like you to write a book review on The Nowhere Emporium. Look at the prompts that you have been given and use the details.

Our Stone Age Trip to Brockholes ...

Year 3 had a wonderful school trip yesterday, where we really experienced what life was like in Stone Age times. I think you can tell by all of the smiley faces what a fantastic day we all had! We worked as a team to build a shelter, made fires using flint and steel, tried out our hunting techniques using wooden stars and did our very own cave paintings on rocks.

Mrs Harrison’s group …

Miss Bassett’s group …

Miss Woodrow’s group …

Mrs Russell and Mrs Carr’s group …