Year 3 4.02.22 'The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.'

What an exciting and different week we have had in Year 3 this week. Year 3 have had to had to be such Sadie Spiders, showing real resilience and a lot of patience while we have all got used to our new, but temporary, classroom and what great resilience and adaptability they have shown! Change is never easy at the best of times, but we have all took our new routines and surroundings in our stride and their learning has continued to rocket. Although we will have to admit it has been as Julia Donaldson wrote ‘a squash and a squeeze’ and we can’t wait to get back to the comfort of our own classroom. Well done parents for spotting your child waiting for you somewhere different, I don’t think we had any parents walking past and forgetting, which is impressive!

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Year 3 Home Learning 4.02.22


This weeks spelling strategy is: Jumble Words

Using plastic magnetic letter shapes, or individual letters written onto card or paper, first spell out the word, then scramble the letters into the pile and let your child assemble the word again. As they gain confidence, you can start with the word jumbled, and even have them assemble words from a letter pile.

This week we have focused on adding the suffix -ian

  1. music - musician

  2. magic - magician

  3. electric - electrician

  4. optic - optician

  5. politic - politician

  6. technic - technician


This week the children have worked so hard on their bridging when subtracting. They have been learning the following strategy in school and need that extra reinforcement at home. We started using counters so they could visually see the two parts being taken away, so if you feel they still need this help then please feel free to use these raisons, grapes or even chocolate (good incentive!) are good substitutes.

Here are some examples to help:

In your home learning books please use this strategy to calculate the following:

14 - 6 =

15 - 9 =

13 - 8 =

15 - 7 =

12 - 8 =


This week we have continued to learn all about reconciliation. We want you to spend some time this week discussing times when you have had to ask for forgiveness and when you have had to forgive: How did you feel? How did you feel after saying sorry? How did the other person feel? How did they feel afterwards? What lessons did you learn.

In your homework book we would like you to share one of these memories, including some of the questions above… What happened? How did you feel? How did you other person feel? How was the problem resolved? How did you and your friend feel after? What lessons have you learnt?

Remember, not to include names instead you could write ‘friend’.

All about magnets....

We have all been Curious Clara’s this week and have been finding out all about magnets. First, a discussion about what does a magnets do. The children said they stick to things…mmmmmm all things? Everyone thought magnets would pick up paper, wood and even Barbara’s knee!!

We had to find out more, we had to be curious and active. We had to investigate !!!

A big thank you everyone who has been working hard at home too. We have had lots of Purple Mash work and also the challenges which have been sent home during the week…you are all fabulous. The photos which I have received of the children working at home makes me so very proud. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Here’s a bit of fun for you all to do at home. It’s an action song about Zooming to the Moon! Click here and enjoy your trip!


Along with Freddy Teddy and Mollie the Cat, we thanked God for our wonderful bodies and discussed how we should look after them. This weeks story involved the children helping Freddy Teddy to make good, healthy lifestyle decisions, including about exercise, diet, sleep and personal hygiene. Click on the button below to read the story at home.

We have also be learning to sing and to sign the song ‘There is someone who knows me’. The children are getting very good. Why not ask them to sing it at home for you? Click here for the music.

Key Person blog

This week our learning has been truly ‘Magnetic’ at Nursery.

We have been exploring Magnets of all different shapes and sizes. The children experimented in lots of different places.  They have made of list of all the items that the magnets pull towards and as you can imagine the list is expanding each day with each new find. We even experimented with magnets in the water and sand.

We watched a short film about a top scientist nicknamed ‘Magnet Man’ with his special magnetic grippers he was able to climb up a tall tower made of steel. Click here to watch him climb…

We also enjoyed a short animation about how mice used fridge magnets to escape from a cat!!! You can click here to watch it.

We have also celebrated Chinese New Year, the year of the tiger, by performing our very own dragon dance, accompanied by our very own Chine drums. The children have made tigers and tasted noodles.

Colette, Michelle, Justine, Frances and Hannah

Next week we will be thinking about planet earth. How can we look after our planet and make sure all the creatures which live on it (including us) are safe? Michelle is also keen to do some upcycling of interesting recyclable boxes and materials. Please send in any items you require up cycling!!

I have also stolen a wonderful idea from Miss Lavelle our Reception teacher. If you have any unwanted picture of photo frames (without the glass and the back) could we please have them? It’s so exciting, when we use them I will share the photos…watch this space (no pun intended).

Please have a restful weekend, as next week will be just as busy as this week. Keep checking to see if your child’s key person has set any games or work ( I think it’s going to be a cold one). Keep safe and we will see you all on Monday!



Note for last week blog



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Year 3 Home Learning 28.01.22


Spelling strategy: CHUNK! Chunk each word into parts (not necessarily sounds) for example: act / ion… cele/ brat / ion

This week we re focusing on adding the suffix - ion.

  1. action

  2. celebration

  3. collection

  4. invention

  5. education

  6. hesitation

  7. concentration

  8. construction


Look careful at the examples below, where we are partitioning the second addend. This is one of the most efficient methods, that will help you greatly when we come to bridge over larger numbers. Then complete the calculations, setting each one out like the example below:

In your home learning books please use this strategy to calculate the following:

7 + 6 =

8 + 9 =

3 + 8 =

5 + 7 =

4 + 8 =


This week we have been learning about the human skeleton. Please have a go at the purple mash 2DO set by creating a fact sheet all about the different bones you can find in the human body.

“We didn’t realize we were making memories. We just knew we were having fun.” — Winnie the Pooh

Memories have certainly been made this week outside on the playground, as they are every week. The children have formed such strong friendships that I am sure many will go on to last a lifetime. The laughter that rings out, the smiling faces and rosy cheeks is testament to how much fun they have as they return to their classes.

We end this week with a touch of sadness, as a highly valued member of the lunchtime team leaves to follow pastures new. Thank you so much Mrs Moore, for all your hard work over the years. We have shared some wonderful times together full of laughter and fun. We hope that you are taking so me treasured memories with you. Please know that you will be missed so much, not only by the staff, but by the children too. We wish you the very best for the future.


 Let’s Celebrate!

Kitchen Team, Class Manners of the Week: Year 5

First Sitting

Class of the Week: Year 3

Role Model of the Week: Benjamin, Y3 and Hollie- Rose, Y5

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Erin, Y3 and Kai, Y5.


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Year 4

Role Model of the Week: Alana, Y1 and Edi, Y4

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Jackson, Y1 and Dominic, Y4


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Reception

Role Model of the Week: Dexter, Reception. Rory, Y2 and Emmanuel, Y6

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Sasha , Reception. Tommy, Y2 and Harry, Y6



Well done and thank you children for making lunchtimes such a lovely, fun filled time of the day!

We hope you have a lovely, restful weekend.

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team

'Whoever is happy will make others happy too' Anne Frank

This week the children have been real Sadie Spiders, showing great resilience in their learning, particularly in Maths where they have come across a new strategy to help them bridge over to the tens column when adding, in preparing for adding two digit numbers. In English, the children have been exploring descriptive language and how we can use adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs to describe snowy settings, like the ones found in the ‘Ice Cat’ novel. Some of their setting descriptions are truly beautiful and reflect just how much they have learnt from out book study over the last few weeks.

Towards the end of the week we have been immersed in our Science learning. The children have developed their co-operative skills by working in small groups to research and find out more about the bones in the human skeleton. The classroom has been buzzing with focus and enthusiasm, as new facts have been uncovered. On Friday our detective hats came on as we discovered a very large handprint. Many questions were asked and we became pretty certain that the handprint belonged to a giant! This led us towards an investigation…“Do taller people have longer handprints taller?”

Let’s Celebrate!

A Co-operative and Enthusiastic learner : Erin

What a bundle of joy you are Erin. Alongside your enthusiasm you are such a caring member of our class family. You work with others with such love and compassion, always supporting your partner and encouraging them to keep trying. Thank you Erin, for always being the kind and caring girl that you are. We appreciate this kindness every day and as we watch you and listen to your words of encouragement… our hearts are full of joy and love.

An Creative learner :Benjamin

Thank you for always taking such care and attention with your work Benjamin, you always put 100% effort and this never goes unnoticed. Every single day, in every discussion we have, you think so deeply and share your creative ideas, which we always love to hear! Thank you for your enthusiasm, your creativity and your focus, you are an absolute delight to teach. Keep reaching for the stars…. You are already shining so brightly.


  • Homework is given out on a Friday and due in again on a Thursday- there are a number of children who are not completing this, please could you encourage this at home, many thanks.