“Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, God save our Queen”.

It’s been a wonderful first week back and a very exciting start to our final half term in Year 1!

On Wednesday, we had a fabulous day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and it was wonderful to be able to celebrate together as a whole school. Our playground was a magical sea of red, white and blue and the children thoroughly enjoyed being together. Our amazing kitchen team prepared fantastic jubilee lunches, the sun was shining and we were able to enjoy a special picnic together outside. In the classroom, we did lots of activities to mark this very special occasion.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have been exploring numbers from 20 to 100. We have been deepening our understanding of those numbers, the relationships between them and how they are made. When counting, we have begun by grouping the amounts into 10’s and counting on.

In English, we have begun our new unit, ‘How to train a train’. This week we have been discussing different animals and pets and the children have worked in teams to research and write about their findings.



Focused Cooper Crab: Lena!
Lena, you have been so focused and have done some fantastic independent writing this week. You have been thinking of ways to make your writing even better and have taken on challenges with a big smile and positive attitude. We are really proud of you Lena, well done!

Co-operative Roger Robin : Fletcher!
Fletcher, you are always thinking about how you can be a positive role model for others by setting a good example in everything you do. You always try to be a supportive learning partner and caring friend. Well done for being such a good role model for our class and our school.
 Well done Fletcher!  

Sports Day

We are very excited for our Year 1 sports day which will be on Tuesday 14th June 13:30 - 14:45.
Grown ups are welcome to come and watch and we look forward to sharing a fun afternoon with you!

Ready, Steady Go…!


  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team

Jubilee special!!!!

Welcome back everyone. It’s hard to believe it is the last few weeks of the year!! The children have been full of interesting things that they have been doing at home to celebrate the Queens 70th Jubilee. It sounds that you all had great fun!

Our favourite bit of the celebration was Paddington have tea at Winsor Castle with the Queen. If you didn’t manage to see it click here, it was truly magical.

As you know we had our Jubilee Afternoon Tea Party before the holidays. It was such good fun. We played lots of ‘Royal’ party games (including ‘pin the Tail on the Corgi1), danced to all our favourite songs, stood smartly for the National Anthem and ate lots of yummy food!!!!

Have a look at all our photos!

We were also lucky enough on Wednesday to receive and invitation from school to join in their Jubilee Picnic. We then had a chance to play with everyone in the whole school on the field! It was such great fun to play with big sister and brothers, cousins and friends. We even got to play on the big climbing equipment! It was lovely to all be back together again!

It has been another splendid week at Nursery, the children have come back full of energy and ready to learn. There have been some avid explorers spotted in Nursery garden who have been surveying the environment along with their backpacks and binoculars! There have been a few minibeasts spotted along the way!

The explorers are aware that there is so much to do, in our garden. As well as looking after all our plants and flowers we have some new additions to our Nursery family. Firstly, we have some tadpoles to care for. The children have helped to make them a new home and we will be examining them closely over the next few weeks to see if there are any changes….watch this space!

Naturally, not being satisfied with just the tadpoles, we went on a snail hunt and made them a new habitat with supplies of lettuce so we can observe those too. More??? Absolutely! The next mission was to build a wormery with layers of sand and soil so that we can observe the worms too! Last but by no means least Thursday saw the postman bring us a delivery of baby caterpillars so that we can watch their journey as well!

In addition to all this there has been some painting of minibeasts, music, practising for Sports Day and we have been introduced to the Numberblock Eight the amazing Octoblock! Click here to watch. 

 Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Barbara, Michelle, Colette, Justine, Frances and Stephanie.

You may have noticed a new name on our Key person blog. Stephanie has joined our happy band of learners at nursery! I’m sure you will have chance for a chat at the gate and to introduce yourself. Like the rest of the team I’m sure you would like to say a huge ‘welcome’.

It has been a full on week of learning and the children are starting to flag. Hopefully you will get some rest at the weekend?

It’s been good to see you all after the holidays, enjoy your weekend.


Year 3 Homework 10.6.22


1. jubilee

2. monarch

3. carriage

4. serve

5. royal

6. coronation

7. celebration

8. nation

9. national

10. position

The Queen’s Coronation:

From our learning this week I would like you to do a little more research about the carriage that took the Queen to Westminster Abbey during her Coronation. After this research please go onto Purple Mash and find your 2Do called, “2Do: 2Design and Make The Coronation carriage”. Using your mouse control and creativity I would like you to recreate the cart she travelled in. I know you will enjoy this task!


Can you explain to a family member the strategies that you would use to answer these questions:

87 + 5 = 53 - 6 = 80 + 50 = 120 - 40 =

Remember your bonds to ten - these can help with all of these sums.

Think, “What could I split one of these numbers into to help me find the answer?”

Record your answers in your homework book.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

We welcomed our wonderful class back on Monday after the half term. It was great to hear all about the amazing adventures that have been had during these two weeks! The tans, new hair cuts and beaming smiles set the week off on a great note!

The children have been super busy celebrating our incredible Queen, learning all about her Coronation, her life from being a child and her reign. We are in AWE of her dedication from such a young age. On Wednesday we shared this celebration with the rest of the school as we came together for a picnic lunch. Although we had a soggy start to the day, God answered our prayers and dried out the playground… meaning we could all enjoy the picnic outside together! It was just wonderful to see everybody together… these moments haven’t been shared in what feels like forever! Everybody was up dancing, ice lollies in hand, marking this very special moment!

However, our learning hasn’t been solely been about the Queen, we have continued to share our class novel and are itching to finish the final chapter on Monday! I wonder if any of our predictions will be right?!

We have also been busy practising for our Sports day next Wednesday. I for one cannot wait for the children to show you their hardwork! Not only are they super competitive, trying their upmost. They have also become such compassionate and supportive sportspeople. Will are going to have the best afternoon!

Our sporting events don’t stop there! Our first group of children ventured out to Ashton Gardens today to experience Crown Green Bowling. The children were brilliantly behaved and absolutely loved learning about this new sport. I know our next two groups are equally excited to take part in this exciting opportunity! Well done Year 3! The previous blog has all the information needed regarding which groups the children are in and what they need to remember on their day.

Let’s Celebrate

Layla: You have wowed us with your focus and enthusiasm! We were blown away during maths, when you whizzed through your work on hundreds numbers.. you have been such a Bobby bee! You are working so hard and we could not be more proud of you! A huge well done Layla, keep up the great work!

Michael: A huge well done Michael! You have really stood out to us this week for your fantastic focus! We have been really impressed when looking at your work and seeing just how much you have got through, you haven’t wasted a second! As always, you have also been a wonderful, kind and supportive learning partner! Thank you Michael, you make us so proud!


  • Please don’t forget that this coming Wednesday (15th June) we will be celebrating our Sports day. This will start promptly at 1:30 and should last for around 1 hour. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream. Thank you!

  • Crown Green Bowling: Each child will visit Ashton gardens over the coming weeks (one group have already done so) to take part in crown green bowling. Please see which group and day your child will be heading to Ashton Gardens. On their day they must wear their school PE kit, and suncream / coat - the British weather is SO unpredictable we are better off just covering all bases!

Change to PE days:

As from Monday 20th June our new PE days will be: Monday - Outdoor and Thursday - Indoor. Please make sure PE kits are worn on this day. Once again thank you!

Year 3 to go bowling!

A very exciting opportunity has come up for our class. We are off bowling in Ashton Gardens! Our school have been invited by Fylde Bowling Development Group and Fylde Council as they are keen to introduce more young people to the game of crown green bowling. This sport is ideal for all ages and abilities and the group are very keen to welcome the next generation of recreational bowlers.

Our Year 3 children will get to experience this in groups of 10 and therefore they will not all be taking part in bowling on the same day. The group will leave school in morning and be back in time for lunch.

Please find below the attached file to find out what date your child will be going.

Please make sure that on the Friday that your child will be walking to Ashton Gardens they:

  • Wear full PE kits

  • Come to school wearing sun cream

  • sunhats / coast (Weather dependent)

How exciting!

Miss Bassett

This week...

As we limp towards half term we have reflected on all the learning we have encountered sine Easter. It really is no wonder we are all exhausted!

The garden is blooming and we are now seeing lots of minibeasts are starting to visit the garden. The children are always on the lookout for anything that moves! This has made us think we should explore minibeasts as a learning thread next half term! Click on the button to have a look at our plans.

Key person blog

 What another busy week in Nursery! We have continued to celebrate our reply from Buckingham Palace by making our own crowns to wear for the Platinum Jubilee Party on Friday! Look out...there is a lot of ‘Bling.’ If that wasn’t enough, we decided we would create our own portraits of Her Majesty and have put them up on display.  We have also enjoyed listening and singing (very enthusiastically!) to the National Anthem. Click here

There has been a little bit of messy play in the garden (your washing machines may already know this!) The children have made their own mud kitchen and were making mud pies and potions that could turn humans in to lions. It was ferocious!!

To counteract the mud we did have lots of water play as the sunny weather appeared towards the end of the week...we have washed babies and  also our beautiful selection of sea shells.

We have been out on the school field practicing for our upcoming sports day and the children’s running and throwing skills are improving all the time.

We have been looking after some poorly patients in our animal hospital where our super vets have been caring for and looking after some of nursery’s teddy bears and animals.

Our outside house has been redecorated by some mini painters who have painted it with glitter water and it is now all beautiful and sparkly. This is a fab activity to do at home outside in the garden with your children , all you need is some water and a paintbrush. This activity really helps develop those important muscles needed for writing.

We have continued caring for all our plants in the nursery garden and have also now planted some courgettes and everything else continues to grow. We hope your sunflowers are growing at home, we have loved seeing the photos you have sent in.

We have been learning about the number 8 and watching the number blocks video. Click here to watch at home

We hope you all have a lovely half term holiday.

Barbara, Colette, Justine, Frances and Michelle.


This half term we have discussed at great length our relationship with others; our family at home, our family at nursery and school, our friendships and relationships and the wider community, the Church and God. The children expanded their vocabulary by applying names to different family/friend relationships, considered positive/negative behaviour in relationships and learn to look to Jesus as their role model for a good friend. We learnt to resolve conflict and the importance of asking for forgiveness: that when we hurt others, we also hurt Jesus – but that Jesus teaches us how to forgive ourselves and others.

We also have explored our religious understanding. We talked about why the Bible is so special to Christians.

This week in assembly Miss Hornby talked about how we should love each other and when we smile it shows our love for another person. Some of the older children thought of other ways to show our love, by giving hugs, helping each other and sharing. Our challenge for the holidays is to smile and show the people around you how you can be more like Jesus.

Theo and Henry received the Learning certificates this week; Theo for being a concentrate Cooper Crab and doing good listening at Carpet Kingdom time; and Henry for being a Cooperative Roger Robin. He always notices if anyone needs help and is the first to lend a helping hand. Well done Theo and Henry.

Finally, the nursery team would like to say a big thank you for all your wonderful support of nursery, we really do appreciate it. Try and have a rest over the next couple of weeks because the last half term is even busier!!!!

Hopefully the weather will be sunny, if not here is a rainy day activity sheet for you. I have also sent a few maths games home for you do (if you have time) ….sorry I just can’t help myself!

Stay safe and have fun and I will see you all on the 6th June bright eyed and bushy tailed.


Year 2 Weekly Blog 20.5.22 - 'Kindness is one thing you can't give away. It always comes back".

Well, I can’t believe we’ve reached another holiday here in Year 2, but my goodness, I definitely feel that this one is much needed and well deserved by everyone! The five weeks of this term seem to have flown by quicker than ever before and the children have continued to amaze me with their focus, determination and bundles of progress they are making.

Read more

"Together, we are one drop. But together we are the ocean." - 20.5.22

This week we have reached the end of our half term. We have continued our preparations for our sports day by spending time practising the remaining events. We have found that skipping is proving to be quite the challenge, but my, what perseverant children we have. They have wowed me with their enthusiasm and determination, organising themselves by spending their break times to practise this skill. I am so proud of them all and I know that you will be to when you watch them on Sports day next half term.

In English we have read chapter three of the Iron man and although this was a short chapter, wow did it pack a punch! We spent time exploring the new vocabulary along with the events that happened. We are desperate to read on! Roll on Tuesday when we return after the half term and we can find out what happens to the Iron man, Hogarth and the farmers!

We have continued our bridging in maths and once again the children’s confidence in crossing over and back the 100s and 10s boundary astounds me! As I reflect back over the week, I am sat remembering so many moments that made me smile as I watched the children work with their partner, helping each other with such kindness and compassion. Well done Year 3!

Let’s Celebrate!

Once again as we reach the end of our term, we ask the children to reflect and chose our certificates. I am always impressed when reading their comments about each other… they really do value such wonderful qualities in each other.

This half term the children would like to celebrate…

Niamh: “You are a Bobby bee! You are so focused in maths and are really good at it! You are also really kind and compassionate towards me and play with me at breaktimes.” … “for being so focused.” … “for being a really kind learning partner.”

Liam: “…because if somebody gets hurt when we are playing football you always make sure the game is stopped and check if the person is okay. You are very caring!” … “for being a really good co-operative Roger robin.” … “for being a really kind learning partner.”


  • Please remember that during the first week back we will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a whole school picnic outside (pray for sunshine). This will take place on Wednesday 8th June and the children are asked to wear red, white and/or blue to mark this very special occasion.

  • Sports day: Our sports day is on Wednesday 15th June at 1:30 and should last for 1 hour. On this day please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream.

We hope that you all manage to have a lovely two weeks break… I think this is something we are all very ready for! We cannot wait to welcome you all back on Monday the 6th June as we begin our final half term together. My goodness, the final half term… I am already getting emotional as I type that! Where has the year gone?

Also, please remember that the final half term is jam packed with different school events. Please keep looking at our class page and the schools calendar so that nothing passes you by.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco and Miss Russell

Year 3 Homework 20.5.22


1. describe

2. decide

3. strength

4. address

5. possible

6. library

7. complete

8. consider

9. suppose

10.. different

Maths: IXL:

Please complete the following strands.

G1: Add multiples of 10

H1: Subtract multiples of 10

R1: Place value models - tens and ones

R2: Place value models - up to hundreds


We have been practising for our sports day. Over the half term please keep pracisting your long jump, chest passes and in particular skipping with a rope. Many of us are finding the latter the most challenging and are least confident in this. Think of how much you could improve over the next two weeks whilst on half term!

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!

We will be celebrating this very special occasion during our first week back… learning all about the Queen and celebrating her her wonderful reign. Please take photos of any of your celebrations at home. We would love to use these as a discussion point in class and also to make a display in our classroom.