Year 5 Monday 4th May Learning From Home

Good Morning Year 5 I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Next weekend is special - on Friday 8th of May the country will be celebrating a Bank Holiday it will mark the 75th Anniversary of the end of the war in Europe in 1945 - we call it VE day (Victory in Europe). The war continued a little longer elsewhere- over in Japan and it was the bombing of Nagasaki that led to the end of the World War at that time. That’s the same bombing of Nagasaki that is mentioned in our book- the town where Kensuke’s family lived.

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Year 5 Tuesday 14th April Learning from home - WELCOME BACK!!!

Hi everyone welcome back to Year 5 ONLINE!!!

Task 1

We’ll get you warmed up this morning with our daily Maths Fluency!

Fluency 14th April.PNG

TASK 2 and 3 Maths and English

Now let’s jump into our first Fractions lesson- you will need a round cup to draw around and your ruler! Have fun!

Once you’ve completed you maths it is time to settle down to our new class novel. We are going to “close” read “Kensuke’s Kingdom” by Michael Morpurgo. You may have a copy at home or you may like to download it as an e-book. If not-you can follow a chapter at a time with me as I create PDF’s for you. Please watch the film today- once I have read the first two paragraphs and we have collected questions then you can go on and read it yourself or continue reading along with me on the film. Once you have read chapter 1 complete the downloadable questions and complete in your book. If you can print them out do so and then - using a double page glue them on one side and answer the questions on the other.

Task 4 - Geography

Know that our intrepid family have set off across the world in Peggy Sue. I would like you to choose one country you would like to visit. Now ind out as much as you can. Decide how you are going to present your findings:

Create a PowerPoint for Mrs Hotchkiss to place on our class blog

Create a factual books for one of your younger siblings

Present to the family

Make travel poster for the window of a Travel agents

Have fun!!

Please note:

If you have Nessy please complete just 15/20mins