Year 6 Blog - 'How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.' - ANNE FRANK

We have all been totally captivated by the moving and inspiring story of Anne Frank this week. From learning about the regime that the Jewish people had to live by, to the surrender of the Frank family to go into hiding and then the joy that Anne’s diary has brought to so many people world wide - we have all been totally involved in her story. The events that surround the ordeal that the Franks and other Jewish families were incredibly harrowing and so very hard to believe. We have also discussed how this segregation still affects people, communities and cultures today - we pray continuously that they find a place of safety and that they are loved for who they are.

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Year 6 Blog - "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

Collaboration is key - especially in Year 6! This week we have collaborated and shared in every lesson - this has helped us to learn from each other. We have collaborated to understand number in maths, making decimal numbers and then partitioning them. We have collaborated in geography, making graphs on Purple Mash to show the rainfall in two places in South America. We have collaborated in english, collecting words that are a root word and a prefix or a root word and a suffix. We have also been sharing who we find inspirational through our biographies. I hope you like our display that we have created this week.

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Year 6 - 'The joy of living is the gratitude of the moment.'

As I opened the gates on Tuesday morning, I think we all had a little apprehension about what school would now be like and how the children would settle back in again after time at home. By 9.05am, that apprehension had completely vanished and from that moment, Year 6 have been just wonderful. I have loved getting to know the children this week and to learn all about them and their thoughts about different things.

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Welcome to Year 6 - Today is the start of a new adventure, new challenges to face, new memories to make and new obstacles to overcome!

Welcome back to school! Way back in March, I did not think that it would be September that our school community would be reunited - I could not be happier to be welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday. And into Year 6! Over the past few days, our school staff have been busy bees getting the school ready and organised ready for when the children come back.

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The final post...

I took lots of photos last week whilst the children were in school and I do not want you to miss one moment of your child’s final week at Our Ladys. Please find photographs of your children using the new trim trail and a few videos from the talent show.

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'How lucky am I to have something so special, that makes saying goodbye so hard.' Winnie the Pooh

And here we are. This year has certainly been a roller coaster on emotions and events, which when we look back at them can only make us stronger. This week we have reflected on the past 17 weeks which each child telling me what they have learnt about themselves. I cannot tell you how humbling this experience was. The children have all learnt just how independent and resilient that they can actually be…they can definitely be the change they want to see in the world.

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Welcome Back to School

It feels like Christmas Eve - it is the same excitement. I am really happy that we will get our Year 6 family back together next week to celebrate and reflect on their primary school life. We know that this is not how we intended the year to be and that the children have missed out on some of the things that they were looking forward to. I am really hoping that we can make their final week in school full of smiles and laughter.

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